Wall Street Playing ‘Chicken’ With U.S. Government
Most readers are familiar with recent revelations concerning the epidemic of U.S. foreclosure-fraud, perpetrated almost entirely by the “too big to fail” Wall Street fraud-factories. All of the big banks which actually “service” these mortgages were caught attempting to ram-through 100’s of thousands of fraudulent foreclosures.
The ramifications are gigantic. Even if we accept the euphemism used by the mainstream media that these mortgages (and foreclosures) were merely “defective”, this alone creates the legal mandate that the Wall Street banks who “securitized” these mortgages must buy back $100’s of billions in these fraud-ridden securities – and perhaps as much as $2 trillion.
So what were Wall Street banks also busy doing in the 3rd quarter? They slashed their “loan-loss reserves” to their lowest level since before the assassination of Lehman Brothers, the collapse of the U.S. financial sector, and the $15 trillion (or so) in U.S. government hand-outs, guarantees, 0% “loans” (i.e. more hand-outs), and tax-breaks (i.e. even more hand-outs).
Like the true “deadbeats” that they are, Wall Street banks have made their strategy for dealing with the exposure of their mortgage/foreclosure fraud very clear. When the holders of this $2 trillion in mortgage-securitization feces assert their contractual rights – and demand that Wall Street take back their scam-products – these “leaders” of the U.S. financial sector will go running to their government sugar-daddies and whine that “we don’t have any money”...
full commentary: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…:us-commentary&Itemid=132