Housing Slump May Force Fed to Pare Annual U.S. Growth Estimate
The U.S. may be saddled with more sluggish growth than the Federal Reserve expects as the economy struggles to shake off a lingering hangover from the housing bubble.
``We're in the midst of a classic boom-bust credit cycle in housing,'' says Andy Laperriere, managing director at International Strategy & Investment Group in Washington. ``And the bust is just beginning.''
The worst case: Distress already evident in the riskiest part of the mortgage-lending industry turns into a full-scale credit crunch that cripples the housing market and the economy.
More likely, say forecasters at ISI, UBS AG and Deutsche Bank AG, is an economy stuck at about a 2 percent growth rate in coming quarters, down from 3.4 percent in 2006, as housing demand remains in the doldrums.