Der indische Finanzminister Chidambaram hat einen inständigen Apell an seine Landsleute gerichtet, sie möchten sich doch bitte endlich von ihrer "unkonrollierten Leidenschaft für Gold" lossagen und lieber in die diversen "financial instruments" investieren, die Indien sonst noch zu bieten habe. Er schägt dem Wahlvolk stattdessen infla
Goldimporte im Umfang von zuletzt jährlich USD 50 Milliarden die Handelsbilanz extrem belasten:
"Have faith in our financial sector. Unfortunately, we have difficulty shedding our old habits and put our money in gold ..."
"The uncontrolled passion for gold must be contained," Chidambaram said and reeled out data to show how increasing gold imports are hurting the Current Account Deficit (CAD). People should rather switch to financial products to funnel their savings, the Minister said and added the soon to be launched inflation indexed bonds is a very lucrative option.…m-to-countrymen/1120501/0
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hihi..... das liest sich ja großartig..... bald werden sie gold auf den drogenindex setzen. macht die armen inder offensichtlich abhängig und schädigt die volkswirtschaft.... :-))))
aber hier ein artikel von armstrong..........
obwohl ich trotzdem der meinung bin, dass z.zt. auch mit dem gelben metall "gespielt" wird.
anyway, ist eine wirklich gute und lesenswerte analyse. kann man froh sein, dass man so etwas zum lesen bekommt. bei dem vielen schwachsinn, der im internet publiziert wird...... ich denke da gerade mal wieder an die echsenfraktion und was es sonst noch alles gibt.…gold-the-real-conspiracy/
ich zitiere hier doch mal zwei der pointiertesten Absätze:
"...............Secondly, the real issue is taxes and the hunt for money. The various governments are trying very hard to close down ALL cash avenues forcing people into the new electronic world. As of January 1st, 2014, the USA will be reporting all accounts in the US held by Europeans to Europe. They are trying to close down the last escape route any investors have outside of the banking system. An American cannot store precious metals in Europe any more. Americans have been thrown out of banks in Europe and in Asia HSBC refuses to accept any account from an American.
This is the DEFLATION I have been warning about! Forget HYPERINFLATION for that presumes that government will try to honor their obligations. They will destroy the world economy before that ever takes place. This is not some conspiracy that merely targets gold. This is a full-blown assault on the free markets and anything that can be used as an escape hatch from taxation. This is why real estate is starting to rise – it is outside the banking system. So what will they do next? Confiscate all real property and go full Marxist? If you do not open your eyes and continue down this path of assuming it is a conspiracy to lower gold prices for some strange reason, you will lose your shirt, pants, house, and maybe even your family. Governments use to sell captives into slavery as the spoils of war. ....."
jetzt muss ich doch den schlußartikel noch hier anfügen. er liest sich wie ein AUFSCHREI!!!!!!
".....It is a shame that all the conspiracy theories are pointing in directions away from the only thing that repeats throughout history – confrontation. The majority MUST be wrong in all things for that is what causes the collapse or the blowout rally. It is the extreme volatility that forces political change. ALWAYS!!!! THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! This is not about suppressing gold. This is about FREEDOM!....."