...Armstrong !
Eine zumindest sehr bedenkenswerte Aussage , weil bis zu einem gewissen Grad nachvollziehbar. Das wuchernde Bürokratiemonster , die Staatskraken sind wirklich 'die Krankheit des 21. Jahrhunderts'. Monströse Gebilde wie die 'vereinigten Staaten von €uropa' sind parasitäre Monster , die unsere Gesellschaft aussaugen, blutarm machen und sie ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit berauben. Da tickt die Bombe und die Frage ist, wann und ob ( ? )sie zur Detonation gebracht werden kann. Armstrong hat das in früheren Essays 'als shift vom öffentlichen Sektor (Staatspräsenz) zum privaten Sektor bezeichnet. Ob er da inzwischen 'aufgegeben' hat ? Das ganze als hoffnungslos ansieht ? Wenn er eine bargeldlose Gesellschaft protegiert und Gold 'verteufelt' , zumindest dessen zukünftigen Wert in Frage stellt, scheint es beinahe so.
Trotzdem: die Aussage oben hat was. Zumindest 'food for thought'.
Alles anzeigen
Wenn er eine bargeldlose Gesellschaft protegiert und Gold 'verteufelt' ......
Da muss ich Dir total widersprechen, er protegiert in keinster Weise die bargeldlose Gesellschaft - ganz im Gegenteil, kann man in einigen seiner Artikel nachlesen:
Germany Replacing Bank Cards and Eliminating Cash Withdrawals
Little by little, these people are destroying everything that held the
world economy together. Their hunt for spare change for tax purposes is
undermining every aspect of civilization. This will NEVER END NICELY for
they can only think about their immediate needs with no comprehension
of the future they are creating. Indeed, somebody better pray for us,
for those in charge truly do not know what they are doing.
Posted on July 20, 2015 by Martin Armstrong
How Much Cash Should One Have Outside of the Banks?
Posted on July 9, 2015 by Martin Armstrong
.....Also, keep in mind that cash could come in handy in a computer
failure, whereas you cannot access a bank, exchange, etc. just to
survive for there could be a scenario where not even plastic credit
cards or debt cards would offer any help.
Our corporate clients have increased their cash positions
tremendously in preparation for 2015.75. They learned their lesson from
2007.15 and do not want to get caught in a liquidity crisis. Hence, they
have increased their cash position albeit in banks.
Cashless Society Coming to Germany
Posted on July 5, 2015 by Martin Armstrong
.....We are headed into a cashless society all because the people in
government can never collect enough taxes. We must pay for their fiscal
mismanagement on a global scale. Governments create debt year after
year, with no intention of ever paying, yet are bound to pay interest
forever reducing the national wealth. A two-year-old can figure out that
the current world monetary system and government debt structure is
unsustainable. Cyprus and Greece were the first casualties. The
contagion has begun.
Cashless Society – Tracking Gold – the Hunt for Loose Change
Posted on June 12, 2015 by Martin Armstrong
.....I personally remain skeptical that such a cashless society will work,
for unless the entire world moved in that direction simultaneously.
Human nature dictates that there will of course emerge some form of a
black market to allow capital to escape even if they impose capital
controls. This is why they are hunting gold at this stage for that would
be the obvious escape value. In Spain they have been shutting down
retail gold sales to the public. This is obviously one step all
governments could take and make it simply illegal to buy or sell gold.
Don’t forget, Roosevelt did that in 1934. The only exception was
collectible coins so at the very least use older common date gold coins
rather than bullion in bar form.....
.....The movement in the USA is clearly for tax purposes. They also use
terrorism as the excuse, but it is all about money. Yes, these
harbingers of total Economic Totalitarianism are quick to sell all our
freedoms out for a theory they come up with sitting in their office.
They argue this will stop crime.....
....Keep in mind, however, that this could be the very fundamental behind the potential Phase Transition in the U.S. equity market. This will have nothing to do with earnings; it will have more to do with capital preservation.
At the end of such a move, there will be calls for a global currency
summit and revision probably in the post-2017 era. If the US moved to
electronic money, that would so disrupt the world economy that such a
move alone might provoke world war.
...was die Verteufelung von Gold betrifft - er hält sich allein an die Computer Berechnungen (die er ja für seine sämtlichen ökonomischen Voraussagungen benutzt), bis jetzt lag er in vielem (leider) richtig - ich lese ihn erst seit einiger Zeit mit sehr viel Skepsis, aber eben....wir werden ja sehen wie/ob der Big Bank kommt.