Passend hierzu hat Don Durrett am 10.12.18 auf seekingalpha eine positive Einschätzung der Aussichten von VIT abgegeben:
Very good risk/reward profile.
Large open pit mine with significant exploration potential.
Low cash costs and high leverage to higher gold prices.
Great location in the Yukon.
Stock Name | Symbol (US) | Type | Risk | Share Price (US) | FD Shares | FD Mkt Cap (12/8/2018) |
Victoria Gold | VITFF | Gold | Moderate | $0.29 | 877M | $258M |
This stock's current market cap is a bit higher than I normally like. My sweet spot is around $100 to $150 million. Victoria Gold (OTCPK:VITFF) has an FD market cap of $258 million, so the upside is somewhat constrained. However, I want to own gold producers and especially Canadian gold producers.
Why gold producers? Because gold is trading at $1,250. If the gold price doubles to $2,500, then the producers are going to be the best game in town. They will explode in value.
Owning physical gold is a good hedge against a market crash, but owning gold producers is a better hedge. If gold doubles in value, many of the producers will go up five times. Moreover, as an investment, if gold just rises $200, the gold producers will have excellent returns.
Project Information
Victoria Gold is building a large open pit project. Their Eagle Gold project looks excellent. It is a 5 million oz. resource (.6 gpt) in Canada (Yukon). It only has a 70% recovery rate, so they plan to mine about 3.5 million oz., which is still very large. Construction is about 60% completed, with production in the second half of 2019. They will begin producing 200,000 oz. annually.
What is special about this project are several things. First, it is large, which provides a long life mine. This is likely a 20+ year mine. Second, it has low cash costs around $550 to $650 per oz., which makes it economic at low gold prices. Third, the location is ideal. Fourth, it is likely to expand in size.
Their property is on 150,000 acres, with significant exploration potential. They have been drilling and are having success expanding their resources. They have already found two other nearby discoveries (Olive and Shamrock). I expect them to find more gold and become at a 250,000 oz. producer. The $285 million capex was financed using $175 million of debt and by diluting shares using equity financing. They now have 877 million FD shares. All-in costs are projected to be under $1,000 per oz., with a pre-tax IRR of 29% at $1,250 gold.
(Dies und weiteres auf:…rm-producer-canada?page=2)
Zur Wahrheit gehört allerdings auch, dass VIT zwischenzeitlich von seekingalpha-Autoren auch sehr kritisch und hoch risikobehaftet eingestuft wurde:
Bei einem Explorations-/Konstruktionsprojekt dieser (auch zeitlichen) Ausmaße gehören solche (kritischen) Erwägungen aber wohl auch zu einer ausgewogenen Gesamtbetrachtung.
Ohnehin scheint in der aktuellen Situation (POG an wichtigem Widerstand um 1288 USD) alles möglich, insbesondere bei Projekten, die - wenn sie zum Laufen gebracht werden sollten - langfristig hohen Cashflow erzeugen würden. VIT fällt ganz sicher in diese Kategorie.