Jinshan Gold Mines / JIN (TSX)

  • Jinshan Gold Mines Inc.

    source: http://www.jinshanmines.com/i/pdf/2009FebCSHUpdate.pdf

    February 27, 2009


    VANCOUVER, CANADA – Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. (TSX: JIN) is pleased to provide an update on operations at its CSH gold mine in Inner Mongolia, China. Construction efforts for the 30,000 tonne per day, three stage crushing facility continue to meet the timeline for target completion in Q3 2009 with initial testing of the crushers scheduled to begin in July. Gold production from the CSH mine totaled 57,510 ounces in 2008 with 18,078 produced in Q3 and 15,593 in Q4. Since commercial production began in July, 2008 the company has sold 35,841 ounces at an average price of US $819 per ounce.
    For the mixed and sulfide ore at CSH, three stage crushing is required to allow more efficient heap leach recovery of gold. More than half of the new crushers have now arrived at site and the remainder are expected to arrive on site by early April, 2009. Completed portions of the crusher installation include: all earth work and foundations; over 30,000 cubic meters of concrete poured; and over 2,500 tonnes of steel structures completed. Domestic equipment supply contracts are signed, including conveyor belts, dust collectors, boilers and electric equipment such as transformers and motors. Construction of the required leach pad extension is scheduled to begin in May 2009. The Company is currently negotiating project financing with banks in China to fund the completion of crusher and leach pad construction.
    Jinshan’s Run of Mine operations have encountered lower than estimated quantities of available oxidized ore and a resultant greater than estimated quantity of mixed and sulfide ore in the pit. Jinshan has determined that this factor is the largest contributor to gold production underperforming the 9,000 ounce per month design expectations. Monthly commercial gold production for the months of July, 2008 to January, 2009 is shown below.

    Ounces Produced
    July, 2008
    August, 2008
    September, 2008
    October, 2008
    November, 2008
    December, 2008
    January, 2009

    China National Gold Group (“CNG”) has been instrumental in realizing numerous cost saving initiatives at CSH and providing significant ongoing technical support. In addition to reductions in the prices of some of the consumable and supply contracts, the mining contract with China National Railway Group has been renegotiated and the average mining price has been decreased effective in December 2008. An additional train of seven CIC tanks were added to the process plant in
    anticipation of the increased production rate, with the help of CNG this work was completed well ahead of schedule and cost approximately 55% of the budgeted US $1.6 million. In addition, CNG has provided a guarantee for the 130 million RMB loan with ICBC and assisted in negotiating the project financing with banks in China to fund the completion of crusher and leach pad construction. CNG has also provided to Jinshan an RMB 50 million advance against gold sales under Jinshan’s Refining Agreement with CNG.
    Company management including a technical team from CNG continues to review CSH mine operations to improve the metallurgical testing and process control. In addition, experts from KD Engineering, Geosystems International and Nilsson Mine Services are recommending and helping to initiate an ore testing and analysis program to support possible improvements to the current run of mine operation and to verify and refine estimates and procedures for the anticipated production from crushed ore operation scheduled to begin Q3 2009.
    About Jinshan
    Jinshan is focused on gold production and acquisitions in China. The company began producing gold at the CSH Gold Mine in July 2007 and is actively advancing its portfolio of gold exploration properties in China. Jinshan’s shares are listed on the Toronto stock exchange under the symbol JIN. China National Gold Corporation, a Chinese state-owned enterprise and the largest gold producer in China owns approximately 42% of Jinshan’s shares.

    Investors: Deanna Kress, +1.604.609.0598
    Email: info@jinshanmines.com
    Please visit our website at: http://www.jinshanmines.com

    Forward-Looking Statements: Statements in this release that are forward-looking statements, including the progress of crusher installation and related facilities at the CSH Gold Project and the results of the testing and analysis program on gold production at the CSH Gold Project are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed under the heading “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in the company’s MD&A, financial statements and other periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Of particular consideration in respect of the timing and success of crusher installation and related facilities is the requirement to complete project financing on a timely basis to support the ongoing capital costs of the expansion. Given the current global financial conditions there can be no assurance that project financing will be available. Such information contained herein represents management’s best judgment as of the date hereof based on information currently available. The company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

  • Nachdem Infos zu JIN etwas dünn gesät sind, ein Auszug aus International Speculator:


    International Speculator says hold Jinshan for new-owner action

    2009-02-17 18:17 ET - In the News

    The International Speculator in its Jan. 28, 2009, issue, says hold Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. (53 cents). The newsletter said buy the China gold miner on March 1, 2006, at $1.04, and again on Oct. 2, 2006, at $1.26. It then said sell some -- half, perhaps -- on Jan. 2, 2007, at $1.53. Assuming an investment of $1,000 in each of the two buys, the half sell yielded a profit of $274. It then said sell again -- the other half perhaps -- in April 2, 2007, at $2.49. Again, assuming an investment of $1,000 in each of the two buys, this half sell yielded a profit of $1,109. The Speculator then said buy three more times between June 1, 2007, and July 3, 2008, at prices ranging from $1.98 and $2.74. A $1,000 investment for each of the three most recent buys is worth a minuscule $661. The writer goes over the press releases and declares Jinshan remains unchanged. This, he says, is disappointing. He also alludes to new controlling shareholder, China National Gold, saying he hopes new management will light a fire under these shares. That still makes sense to him, but clearly, there is a lack of action from the communist-run outfit. "The next set of financial results should be very telling," he adds. Until then, Jinshan is a "hold.

    Momentan ist noch unklar wie sich der Managmentwechsel auf die Strategie auswirken wird. Welchen Einfluss CNG gelten machen wird und welches Ziel CNG mit JIN verfolgt. Es gibt Gerüchte über mögliche Übernahmen ausländ Minen seitens JIN für CNG. Auf Gerüchte sollte man nicht viel geben, trotzdem der dazu gehörige Artikel:


    Asked whether China might invest in Canada, Robson suggested it could be a buyer for assets expected to be sold by Teck Cominco (TCKb.TO: Quote), and pointed to a company called Jinshan Gold Mines (JIN.TO: Quote), which is listed in Toronto, but is 42 percent owned by China.

    JIN ist aber nicht nur aus hochspekulativer Sicht interessant. Das Unternehmen liegt bei der Erweiterung der Chang Shan Hao Gold Mine im Zeitplan (crusher), bzw produziert bereits seit Sommer 2008.

  • JIN hält brav gegen die aktuelle Korrektur des POG und steigt - und wie sie steigt :thumbup:
    Könnte an der baldigen Inbetriebnahme der crusher und der temperaturbedingten höheren Ausbeute liegen.
    Hier mal eine alternative Bewertung.
    Und ein (ziemlich alter) Bericht: Ivanhoe hat seinen Anteil mittlerweile an CNG verkauft.

  • Das lange Warten beginnt sich zu lohnen: marketwire

    SP hat die sehnlichst erwartete Meldung auch schon belohnt :thumbup:

  • Zitat

    Das Unternehmen hat sich einen Kredit in Höhe von 42 Mio. $ von der Agricultural Bank of China gesichert. Die Laufzeit beträgt fünf Jahre. Die Gelder werden für das Expansionsprojekt der CSH Goldmine in der Mongolei verwendet und ersetzen das vorherigen Darlehen, das im Juni von der China National Gold Corporation gewährt wurde.

    In der vergangenen Woche berichtete Jinshan die Installation eines Brechers auf CSH. Die Anlage wird seit Mitte August getestet und hochgefahren. Im vierten Quartal 2009 sollte die Zerkleinerungsanlage die geplante Durchsatzkapazität von 30.000 t/Tag erreichen. Danach sei eine "erhebliche" Steigerung der Goldproduktion zu erwarten. Im August produzierte die CSH Mine 8.525 oz Gold, in den ersten acht Monaten dieses Jahres rund 43.200 oz.

    Der größte Anteilseigner an Jinshan ist das Staatsunternehmen und der zugleich größte chinesische Goldproduzent China National Gold Corporation. Das Unternehmen kaufte im vergangenen Jahr 42% der Anteile an Ivanhoe Mines.


  • Greg McCoach in CommodityOnline:


    TGR: Jinshan Gold Mines (TSX:JIN) has also been on your top ten. Can you give us an update on them?

    GM: I like China. There are plenty of great opportunities in China, but you have to be very careful. I've been over to China many times looking at a lot of different projects, and the company I like the most is Jinshan. It's a gold project; it's in production. They've had some bugaboos to work through on the production side. As they were ramping this up, they had some problems with the crushers and they had to get some crushers that could grind the material up a little finer so they'd get better metallurgical recovery on their gold. So they've gotten that squared away now, so I anticipate that for 2010 this is a company that's going to be producing a lot of ounces, upwards to 70, 80, 90, 100,000 ounces next year. So I'm very encouraged by that. It's at a good price.

    This is another stock that I've done well on in the past. It's back at a low price. I like recommending it here again. The Chinese now control Jinshan and it's in the right jurisdiction in China. When you're investing in China mining stocks, it's all about the Chinese partner and province you're doing business in. Some provinces will work with Western mining companies. In this case, it used to be that a Canadian company controlled Jinshan. Now the Chinese control Jinshan, so there are no problems with that at all. They've got some great exploration targets that, once we get the profits going, they can put that money in the ground and make a further discovery. So I really like Jinshan for the longer term, especially if you believe in higher gold prices, which I do. It's one of the few China plays that I like.

  • quelle

  • Oct 19, 2009 08:30 ET

    Jinshan Achieves Another Record for Gold Production at Its CSH Gold Mine in China

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 19, 2009) - Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. (TSX:JIN) is pleased to provide an update on the operations at its CSH Gold Mine in Inner Mongolia, China.
    For the month of September 2009, Jinshan poured 11,388 ounces of gold, which is a record high since the company commenced production in July 2007. This exceeds the previous production record of 8,525 ounces achieved in August 2009, and exceeds the design expectations of 9,000 ounces per month. Gold production has been steadily increasing this year from approximately 6,900 ounces in April 2009. The record gold production has been achieved with increased mining output, better control on the ROM ore grade, reduced ROM ore particle size placed on leach pad exposing more surface area to leaching and increased leach solution irrigation flow rate.
    Jinshan has also completed installation of a 30,000 tonne per day crushing facility and has been test running such facility since mid-August 2009. The throughput is gradually ramping up and Jinshan expects the crushing plant to reach the designed capacity in the first quarter of 2010, which is expected to substantially increase the gold production from current levels.
    A total of 60,063 ounces of gold were poured in the first nine months of 2009, compared to approximately 42,160 ounces for the same period in 2008.
    About Jinshan
    Jinshan is a mining company whose principal asset is the CSH gold mine located in Inner Mongolia, China. Jinshan's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol JIN. China National Gold Corporation, the largest gold producer in China, owns approximately 41% of Jinshan's shares.
    Forward-Looking Statements: Statements in this release that are forward-looking statements, including the statement regarding the amount and timing of an increase in production capacity of the crusher to design capacity and the corresponding increase in gold production, are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the company's MD&A, financial statements and other periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof based on information currently available. The company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except to the extent required under applicable securities laws.
    For more information, please contact
    Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. - Investors
    Jerry Xie

  • Ich bei JIN seit Anfang Oktober dabei, nicht so günstig wie Du sondern zu 1,60CAD....hatte den ganzen Sommer über die Füsse still gehalten mit Käufen und nur die Entwicklung des Depots genüsslich verfolgt.......hatte also viel Zeit zum überlegen wo ich zuerst mal wieder den Fuss in die Tür stelle......meine erste Wahl war JIN......das neue Equipment macht sich bezahlt......die letzten Quartale wurdedie Produktion ein ums andere mal übertroffen...hier stimmt derzeit alles.......eine gute Wahl...


  • seit einstieg bei ~1,40 CAD fast verdoppelt....
    heute mit news:


    Dec 03, 2009 09:30 ET
    Jinshan Agrees to US$40 Million Loan From China National Gold Group Corporation to Redeem Outstanding Promissory Notes

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 3, 2009) - Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. (TSX:JIN) announces that it has agreed to a loan facility in the amount of US$40 million from China National Gold Group Corporation, its largest shareholder. The loan is non-revolving, will bear interest at a rate of 6% per annum, and is unsecured, with accrued interest payable quarterly. Subject to prior repayment, the outstanding balance of the loan will become due and payable in December, 2011.
    The proceeds of the loan will be used by Jinshan to redeem (i) CDN$30 million of 12% promissory notes that were originally issued in December, 2006, and are set to mature on December 14, 2009, and (ii) CDN$12.5 million of 12% promissory notes that were originally issued in June, 2007, and are set to mature on June 26, 2010.
    The loan facility remains subject to approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).
    About Jinshan
    Jinshan is a mining company whose principal property is the CSH Gold Mine. Jinshan began producing gold at the CSH Gold Mine in July 2007 and is actively advancing its portfolio of gold exploration properties in China. Jinshan's shares are listed on the TSX under the symbol "JIN". China National Gold Corporation, a Chinese state-owned enterprise and the largest gold producer in China owns approximately 41% of Jinshan's shares.
    Forward-Looking Statements: Statements in this release that are forward-looking statements, are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the company's MD&A, financial statements and other periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof based on information currently available. Jinshan does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.
    For more information, please contact
    Jinshan Gold Mines Inc.
    Frank Lagiglia
    Investor Relations

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wer zu spät kommt, der muß --- traden. =)

    Bin relativ spät in JIN herein im Nov.2009 mit 2,11 C$, danach 3 sehr profitable Trades mit jetzt 1,29 C$ Schnitt.

    Der große Rest bleibt hoffentlich noch lange erhalten...


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Der große Rest bleibt hoffentlich noch lange erhalten...

    Schau dir den chart auf Mehrjahressicht an. Ich bin zwar kein Profi aber es erinnert mich stark an cup und vielleicht auch handle. Wenn das eintrifft wirst noch viel Freude haben. [smilie_blume]
    Bin nun auf der Suche nach Minen mit ähnlichem Verlauf. Mit etwas Glück könnte auch die coalcorp auf Jahressicht sich ähnlich entwickeln - immer ein Auge drauf :whistling:

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