Das neue Südafrika

  • :D :D :D :D :D :D...Ach das tut gut ! :D... bald gehts ab ins Trainingslager. :D
    Hier gibts nix ! X(...alles Schrott im Vergleich.

    Pfirty Lupo, bin ja bald weg, komme nur wenn Sturm ist, damit ich Euch beistehe. :D..
    Ich meine von Euren Aktien trennen kann, die ich mir dann hole. :D

    Ausserdem ich bin doch kein Sextourist wie Gruber die Sau.

    Ps. Hast dir die ganzen Bilder bestimmt angeschaut. :D


  • The HIV-herpes link

    Belinda Beresford

    10 February 2006 09:47

    Researchers at Johannesburg’s Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital are homing in on the link between HIV and the genital herpes virus, which is thought to infect more than half of South Africa’s adults.

    A team from the hospital’s reproductive health and HIV research unit, led by Sinead Delany-Moretlwe, is running three research trials investigating whether giving daily prophylactic anti-herpes drugs to people infected with the human herpes simplex virus, HSV-2, will reduce HIV transmission.

    HSV-2 may be a factor in Southern Africa’s high HIV infection rate, as there is evidence that it triggers replication of HIV within the body and triples the chances of catching it.

    Two-thirds of adult women in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe are thought to carry HSV-2, most without knowing they are infected. This compares with 30% among adults in Europe and 22% in the United States.

    HIV-positive people who have herpes are more likely to develop Aids more rapidly, and to transmit both viruses.

    HSV-2 is a lifelong passenger, disappearing during asymptomatic latent phases but able to reactivate at any time to produce ulcers.

    Herpes carriers are most infectious when the disease is active, although they can transmit it at other times.

    Anti-viral drugs such as acyclovir, used for more than 20 years, can ease the symptoms but not eradicate the infection.

    Over the past 10 years South Africa has seen herpes go from being a relatively uncommon factor in genital ulcers to their leading cause. This is partly owing to success in treating other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, and partly to the escalating HIV epidemic, which exacerbates the severity and frequency of herpes outbreaks.

    The precise interaction between the two viruses is not fully understood. However, doctors know herpes sores breach the skin’s defences, providing an entrance into, and exit from, the body for HIV.

    Once inside, the virus finds a plentiful supply of its preferred infection targets in the massed CD4 cells mobilised by the immune system to fight herpes. There is growing evidence that HSV-2 releases a chemical signal that encourages HIV to replicate.

    Delany-Moretlwe says there is evidence that having HSV-2 increases the chances of becoming infected with HIV as much as threefold, especially in women, and that it also makes it easier to transmit HIV.

    One trial is investigating the effect on the number and severity of HSV-2 sores if people are given continuous acyclovir treatment, and whether it reduces their chances of becoming HIV-infected. The second is looking at the impact of daily acyclovir on the amount of HIV shed vaginally by women who have both HIV and HSV-2. The third looks at “serodiscordant” couples where one person has both HIV and HSV-2, checking whether daily acyclovir reduces the chances of the HIV-negative partner catching the virus.

  • China protests killing of citizens in South Africa

    Beijing, China

    07 February 2006 02:23

    China has made representations to Pretoria over a series of crimes and murders of Chinese citizens in South Africa and on Tuesday urged its nationals to step up their vigilance in the country.

    "Recently there are repeated cases where Chinese citizens were robbed or even injured or killed," said foreign ministry spokesperson Kong Quan.

    "We are closely following the repeated incidents in South Africa and we ask the South African side to step up investigations of these cases and seriously punish the criminals."

    China's embassy in South Africa has already raised diplomatic representations over the incident with the relevant authorities, Kong said.

    "Our citizens in South Africa or citizens going to South Africa should step up their vigilance and take necessary precautions so as to prevent such incidents from occuring," he added.

    The robbings and killings have made front page news in China over the past days.

    In the latest incidents, a Chinese man and woman who ran a small shop 45km from Johannesburg were killed in a robbery on Sunday night, Chinese newspapers reported.

    The killings occurred three days after armed robbers shot dead a 23-year-old man from eastern China's Shandong province on the outskirts of Johannesburg.

    And on January 10, a Hong Kong businessman was attacked at his home in Johannesburg and died the next day.

    There are more than 100 000 Chinese nationals doing businesses in South Africa, with more being targeted as they become wealthier, a Chinese embassy official told the China Daily. - Sapa

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Sehe gerade mal den Chart: der sieht bös aus.
    Gerade wird auch die 50 EMA durchschlagen.

    Warum sollte auch gerade HMY eine Ausnahme bei dem nervösen Umfeld machen.
    Allerdings kein Vergleich mit zB. GFI.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Oje, heute in der Tageszeitung war Headline :

    No more Land for Foreigners.

    Man will ein Gesetz durchboxen das es verbietet als Auslaender Land zu kaufen .

    Viele Rentner die hier vorher gekauft haben duerfen nun nur max. 6 monate pro Jahr mit zwei Einreisen und Visa fuer max drei Monate fuer EU Buerger bleiben und den Rest der Zeit nicht benutzen.

    Der Hammer war als zwei Deutsche, die immer jedes Jahr kommen auf Besuch fuer drei Monate bei der Abreise pro Nase R 1000 bezahlen mussten weil sie 6 Stunden ueber der Zeit waren.
    Die Lufthansa flog um 6 Uhr frueh, fast waere die weg gewesen.
    Bei nichtbezahlung droht Einreiseverbot fuer immer.

    Der Neger vom Zoll bei der Einreise sah das ticket und das Abreisedatum und hat einen Tag vorher das Visum auslaufen lassen aber die drei Monate genehmigt.

    Normal ist die Strafe R 2000 pro person aber nach langen hin und her gab sich der Kaffer mit R 1000 pro Person zufrieden.

    In Thailand z.B zahlt man 4 Euro pro Tag wenn man ueberzieht fuer max 7 Tage so weit ich weiss.

    Zimbabwe here we come, welcome to RSA.

    White is out and Black is in, we get you out very soon.

    Apartheid nun umgedreht.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Eldorado,

    Jahrzehntelang wären die (Schwarz-)Afrikaner bereit gewesen für eine einvernehmliche Lösung des Apartheid-Problems, denn es sind in aller Regel liebe, zuvorkommende und kluge Leute! Habe fünf Jahre mit Schwarzafrikanern dort zusammengearbeitet. Nun scheint es zu spät. Apartheid 'in reverse' war zu befürchten, sie ist nun da.

    Zu schade, ist die schwarze Elite zu einem wesentlichen Teil in Gefängnissen, Polizei-Interviews und bei Hausdurchsuchungen, auch Stammesfehden, Unfällen und Deportationen ums Leben gekommen, oder emigriert und nicht mehr zurückgekehrt. Nur ein Name für viele, viele andere: Steve Biko!! Weissen, die vorausschauend eine Einigung gesucht hatten, ging es gleich! Durchlöchert mit der MP ('The Eye of the Needle' wieder mal lesen).

    Wenn man das Land ein wenig kennt, könnten einem die Tränen kommen.

    mit traurigem Gruss,

  • Lucky, tut mir leid um Steve Biko der von der rassistischen (Buren) Polizei ermordet wurde.

    In Australien und Amerika hat man das Eingeborenen Problem anders geloest, man hat gleich alle erschossen.

    Mir tun auch die weissen Farmer leid die von schwarzen radikalen auf noch brutaler art und weise ebenfalls ermordet werden.
    Steve Biko, Free Nelson Mandela, seih mir nicht boese ich kanns nicht mehr hoeren.

    So wie ihr immer als Nazis bezeichnet werdet und jeder Auslaender damit Recht erhaelt, werden wir hier als Rassisten beschuldigt und man entschuldigt sich damit, kann alles damit ebenso begruenden und Euch die ewige Schuld geben.
    Was soll ich sonst noch sagen, ihr habt Schuld fuer immer und ewig, wir auch weil wir ja Weiss sind und ein Neger Steve Biko der durch seinen Tod ""bekannt"" wurde ins Tageslicht der Weltpresse kam. Ueber den Farmer redet aber keiner, 300 Menschen wurden ermordet alleine im letzten Jahr.

    Es gibt mittlerweile eine grosse schwarze Mittelschicht die scheissen (sorry) auf die armen Schwarzen die noch nichts abbekommen haben von den neuen Kuchen der durch Korruption unter denen verteilt wird.

    Die schicken ihre Kinder in die besten Privatschulen und fahren dicke Autos, denen kommt Steve Biko ganz recht mit seinen Tod, wie der Mercedes Stern auf der Kuehlerhaube ihres Fahrzeugs.

    Erinnert mich an LA wo die amerikanische Polizei einen frechen Neger totgeschlagen haben, gibt es ein Buch und Film ueber den ??

    Bestimmt nicht, es war ja in Amerika und nicht in Johannesburg oder Ausschwitz.

    Ich bin bestimmt nicht traurig weil es eben ""Afrika"" ist, ein Fass ohne Boden bleiben wird wo die Infrastruktur zusammenbricht wenn der letzte Weisse rausgeekelt ist. Danach back on the tree.

    Schaut Euch bitte den Film/Video an ""Hotel Rwanda"" dann wisst ihr bescheid wie die Weltpolitik sein kann. Eine wahre Geschichte !.


    Ihr werdet wahrscheinlich sagen es ist traurig,furchtbar und dann Abend essen.

    Well, the colour of the fat cat has just changed, they take even more and much faster than the white cat who did not want to see the black cat coming.

    De Klerk und seine korrupten weissen Politiker die seit dem alle im Ausland leben mit super Rente haben die Weissen auf einen silbernen Tablett den schwarzen ueberreicht ohne das sie es merkten.

    Es war eine ""Bedingungslose Kapitulation"" der Weissen in 1994.

    Schoen nach dem Fahrplan der Freimaurer in New York und London die erstmal die Schwarzen schalten und walten lassen bis sie zum zweiten mal befreit und gerettet werden.

    Danach gehts um die Kontrolle der Rohstoffe und strategische Lage auf die sie eigentlich scharf sind. Und Fiat Dollar hat man ja genug dafuer.

    For the time being the white people have to eat shit if they want to stay in the country, many can never leave,... that's it in a nutshell.

    Nur mehr ein Schwarzer hat hier eine Zukunft, es ist mehr oder weniger, aus und vorbei fuer die Weissen.

    Ich denke die Welt ist damit erstmal zufrieden.

    Gnight, von draussen sieht man alles anders als von drinnen.






    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Verstehe dich gut, Eldo. Zuviel ist zuviel. Ich kannte weisse Farmer in der Gegend, wo ich gearbeitet hatte, die nun nicht mehr leben. Die Buren waren unvergleichlich viel freundlicher mit den Schwarzen als etwa die Inder (in RSA). Die Inder in Indien dann gehörten zu denen in der UNO, die über Jahre am lautesten die Apartheid in RSA angeprangert hatten, und von ihrer eigenen Apartheid, die noch heute existiert und tagtäglich Millionen Niedrig-Kastige in Indien schändet und demütigt, weiss man auf der Welt eigentlich nichts! Man mache sich nur mal klug darüber, was ein Zemindar (Geldverleiher) in Indien ist!

    Good night!


  • Blackout: Save, or face more of the same


    After the big blackout, Cape residents and big business have been asked to save electricity drastically until Koeberg comes on-stream again. Cape Town - After an huge power failure on Sunday, an emergency appeal was made to Cape residents and large enterprises to consume a quarter less electricity (800MW) in the next three days - if not, the Western Cape will once again be without electricity.
    This drastic saving is necessary because Eskom needs time to repair Koeberg's second reactor, which was switched off on Saturday.

    The Koeberg nuclear plant has delivered no power since Saturday morning.

    The reactor under repair will be able to generate power again only by Wednesday night.

    To save power, a large number of traffic lights will not work on Monday.

    Also, unless consumers use less water, this may affect the pumps (which also need electricity) relaying water to higher-lying areas such as Durbanville and Atlantis.

    'The public must save power'

    Premier Ebrahim Rasool appealed urgently at a media conference on Sunday afternoon to Cape residents to save electricity.

    Rasool said the public must save power, for example by switching off geysers, swimming-pool pumps and heaters, air-conditioning as well as unnecessary lights.

    Meanwhile, the department of mineral and energy affairs will convene an urgent meeting with Eskom this week to discuss the country-wide power failures, reported Anesca Smith.

    Minister of Mineral and Energy Affairs Lindiwe Hendricks as well as Public Eenterprises Minister Alec Erwin and Rasool had a telephone conference with Eskom early on Sunday morning.

    Eskom spokesperson Fani Zulu said an emergency was declared at 02:46 on Sunday after various power stations, including Koeberg, fell like dominoes when powerlines became overloaded.

    Eskom's entire executive was called to the head office in Germiston to monitor the situation until the power supply was largely restored by 11:50.

    As an emergency measure, an urgent appeal was made to large power users in the Western Cape - such as the Chevron refinery in Table View and Saldanha Steel on the West Coast - to conserve power in the crisis period until 21:00 on Monday night.

    The same applies to local authorities.

    Chevron stated that the refinery had to be switched off on Sunday morning because of the loss of 2MW of external power.

    Investigating Koeberg problems

    The refinery also generates its own power to drive the steam turbines.

    As the refinery is the sole supplier of fuel in the region, it was switched on again by 15:00. It will be able to reach full capacity only by the end of the week.

    Eskom's western region distribution general manager, Ayanda Noah, said the cause of Saturday's problems at Koeberg still were being investigated. :D

    The widespread power failures also caused inconvenience in Johannesburg and Pretoria at the weekend, but power in Gauteng was restored within a few hours.


  • Hörte man gestern auch hier in den news.

    Aber zu major-gruber.....das ist doch kein Sextouri.....der ist Profi.

    Bei den Bimbimiezen würde ich bestimmte Sexualpraktiken nur im "2mm dicken Goodyear Ganzkörperkondom " ausführen.Da fallen dir ja beim Oralsex schon die Zähne aus.

    Als nächstes Ziel für major wäre Senegal nicht übel......leckere Dinger.

    Nutzt eigentlich SA die Kernenergie uach nur friedlich.....ich kann mich noch so an was erinnern unter de Klerk...hahahahaha....ein Bimbo mit der Bombe.

    cu DL.....not really amused

  • Die A-Bomben wurden unter Aufsicht zerlegt und nach Israel abtransportiert.
    Die duerfen ja welche haben, die brauchen solchen Schutz wenn die Muslims mit ihren Camels kommen.
    Man muss nur Freund der Amis sein und man darf fast alles.

    Ohne Strom muesste der Rand noch staerker werden :D:

    Cape power cuts to continue


    Cape Town - Power cuts will continue in parts of the Western Cape on Monday as Eskom conducts controlled "load shedding" to prevent another blackout in the region.
    "Basically we will manage the available capacity, by switching off towns and communities in certain areas. If we don't do that we will sit with a blackout situation," said Eone de Villiers of Eskom.

    Ein wahres Wirtschaftwunder wie es hier weiter geht.
    Lustig wird es wenn der Winter kommt, dieses Jahr wird bestimmt wenig geheizt.

    Einen Major Gruber kann so was Wurst sein.

    50 Hz Gruss mit keinen Ampere in der Dose


  • Jetzt gehts wieder ganz kurz. :)

    Nigerian's V&A penthouse seized


    Cape Town - The asset forfeiture unit attached the luxury Cape Town flat of a former Nigerian governor facing money-laundering charges.

    Steven Powell, director of forensics at Sonnenberg, Hoffman and Galombik said on Monday: "The state will attempt to liquidate the property worth about R10.5m and repatriate the funds in an attempt at foreign co-operation."

    Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, former executive governor of Nigeria's Bayelsa state, faces 39 counts of money laundering in his country.

    He is in custody, awaiting trial.

    British police arrested him at London's Heathrow Airport in September 2005. Dressed as a woman, he was trying to flee the country. :D

    Alamieyeseigha allegedly bought properties across the globe, predominantly in the United Kingdom.

    Attempts were now underway to repatriate the proceeds of his crime to Nigeria, said Powell.

    Judge Dennis Davis of the Cape High Court signed the order shortly after lunch on Monday to attach the V&A Waterfront marina penthouse.

  • Eskom 'hiding something :rolleyes:


    Cape Town - The City of Cape Town attacked Eskom openly and stated that the energy utility was silent about the truth of the power dilemma confronting the Western Cape now.

    It also came to light that an "unusual incident" took place at Koeberg at the weekend, placing it in a state of emergency.

    City council public lighting manager Charles Kadalie :D told Die Burger on Monday Eskom was arrogant and "hiding something".

    He said Eskom did as it pleased because the power utility had the monopoly on power in South Africa.

    "In the past few days, Eskom has lost its credibility as a power supplier. We can't believe Eskom any more.

    "They change their plans every five minutes. :D

    "After a meeting, the city council said on Monday that Eskom now demanded an electricity saving of 35% or 500MW. :D

    "Saving the 500MW means that an unspecified number of suburbs will now be without any power for as long as five hours." 8o

    Thwarted Cape Town's plans

    Kadalie added that because of Eskom's inability and indecisiveness, the city council could no longer announce lists of times and suburbs that would be affected by the power interruptions.

    "On Monday, Eskom thwarted all the city council's plans.

    "Now, we'll have to manage the power interruptions as they happen. This situation puts the whole Western Cape in a very poor position.

    "It is detrimental to the province's economy and, on the eve of the municipal elections, it could have far-reaching consequences for the provincial government," he said.

    He added that Eskom had just informed them that Koeberg would be fully operational again only after five days.

    'Far more behind the blackouts'

    "Eskom is hiding something. The power giant is very selective with its answers.

    "There is far more behind these power interruptions than they admit to," said Kadalie.

    An informed source close to Eskom in Johannesburg told Die Burger on Monday that Koeberg had been in grave danger at the weekend because of faults on the national power network. For many hours, Koeberg had received its power from diesel generators and, in this time, the station went into a "state of emergency".

    Protective mechanisms kicked in

    Eskom spokesperson Tony Stott said Unit 2 had tripped out at the weekend because of faults on the national overhead powerlines.

    "Unit 2's protective mechanisms kicked in and switched off the unit.

    "For safety's sake, Koeberg got power from diesel generators because the Akasia station's power supply was too unstable," he said.

    He added that Koeberg's safety-control centre came into effect at the weekend because an "unusual incident" had taken place at Koeberg.

    Stott said Unit 2 would now, after the interruptions, probably be switched off completely for general maintenance.

    "But, Eskom has still not taken a definite decision."

    Mist and damp cause short-circuits

    Cape Town electrical engineer Hein Swart said pollution and mist could cause short-circuits on the overhead powerlines.

    "Dust and soot collect on the insulators along these powerlines. The mist and damp cause short-circuits that trip out the power," he said.

    Energy engineer Andrew Kenny said the country's power supply would not improve. 8o

    "I've got bad news: it's only going to get worse," he said. :(

    Kenny said the latest power failures in the Western Cape were due to a severe shortage of maintenance on the country's overhead powerlines.

    "Eskom ought to have known the recent veld fires on the Highveld would leave dust and soot deposits on the insulators.

    Full power by Wednesday ?(

    "They should have been hosed clean with high-pressure water immediately," said Kenny.

    By late on Monday, Stott had not yet commented on this.

    Eskom chief executive Thulani Gcabashe gave the assurance on Monday that the power supply would be fully restored by Wednesday.

    He and top officials of mineral and energy affairs and public enterprises held a meeting ;( in Pretoria until late on Monday afternoon. .

    (Glug glug ! :D... where is the Scotch, brother.)

    News24/Die Burger

  • Hallo

    Ich habe z.Zt nur mehr fuer ein paar Stunden Strom.

    Unruhen brechen langsam aus wegen der Politik des ANC der den Armen nichts geben will und ihre Politiker sich nur die eigene Tasche fuellen.


    A house in Khutsong was petrol bombed and another five people arrested as demarcation protests continued overnight at Carletonville's Khutsong, police said on Tuesday.
    "Five people were arrested for stone throwing and tyre burning and a house was petrol bombed," Senior Superintendent Mary Martins-Engelbrecht said.

    The protesters oppose the transfer of the Merafong local authority from Gauteng to North West and have added the threat of a boycott of the March 1 local government elections to have the decision reversed.

    Martins-Engelbrecht said a heavy police presence would be maintained while 28 people appeared in court on Tuesday following their arrest on Sunday.

    They had been protesting outside a stadium where defence minister and African National Congress chairperson Mosiuoa Lekota was speaking on Sunday.

    The SA Council of Churches were also travelling to the area to meet religious and community leaders to see how they could help resolve the problem.

    "We will meet the local churches to bring a different strategy to restore peace in that community," said Rev Gift Moerane.

    This would include seeing how they could help the Independent Electoral Commission run an election there.

    'The whole community is paralysed

    "At the moment the whole community is paralysed," said Moerane. "The concern of the church is for the voiceless people on the ground."

    On Monday about 800 school pupils stoned the Khutsong police station, injuring three police officers and breaking several windows.

    President Thabo Mbeki spoke out on the protests on Monday saying, "If people are unhappy about the demarcation they have the right to protest, but they can not intimidate people who have a different point of view." :D

    Addressing people on the campaign trail in Soshanguve, north of Pretoria he continued, "Certainly we can't allow people to go around burning other people's houses, and stoning people and so on. That is a criminal act. We can't allow criminal acts to be perpetrated like that. So the police have to act." :D....( diesmal ganz demokratisch !)


  • Demokratie ?

    Der ANC die eine Xhosa Partei ist , haelt mit allen Mitteln die 5 millionen Zulu's die Inkatha angehoeren so in Schach. Die Zulus leben in der Provinz Natal und sind Erzfeinde seit hunderten von Jahren.
    Sie werden es auch immer bleiben und wenn es noch wilder wird in RSA dann ist eines Tages ein Buergerkrieg nicht auszuschliessen.
    Hoffentlich nicht in dem Stil wie damals in Rwanda mit den Hutus und Tutsis.

    South Africa

    IFP supporters killed


    Durban - Five Inkatha Freedom Party supporters have been killed in Empangeni in KwaZulu-Natal in the past month, the party said on Tuesday.
    "We in the IFP are outraged. We have no doubt the violence in the area has political connotations.

    "It is part of some dirty game in the run-up to the local government elections," said IFP safety and security spokesperson Velaphi Ndlovu.

    The last supporter was killed on Friday.

    He said the five people were employees of a bus company owned by Ziba Jiyane, who broke away from the IFP last year to form the National Democratic Convention.

    "We find it interesting that Dr Jiyane who has been campaigning in the area on the revival of family values, has not shown the slightest bit of interest in the murders in his own company," said Ndlovu.


  • Cape Town firms in darkness 8)

    Cape power cuts enter 4th day


    Johannesburg - Commercial and industrial electricity users in Cape Town will face power cuts on Wednesday, the city's Regional Electricity Distributor said on Tuesday.
    The outages would occur between 6.30 and 9.30 and from 15:00 to 18:00, Regional Electricity Distributor chief executive officer Saleem Mowzer said.

    "We apologise to all residents, commerce and industry. This is unavoidable as Eskom, the bulk supplier of electricity, has advised that the city will have to do without 500 Megawatt of its normal weekday consumption of 2 600 Megawatt.

    "Up until now, domestic users have had to bear the brunt of power cuts. Given the extent of the saving needed because of insufficient supply, electricity supply to commercial and industrial areas will have to be curtailed.

    "We are also finalising a schedule for cuts in residential areas and will release this during the course of tomorrow (Wedneday)," Mowzer said.

    The current situation, according to information from Eskom, was bound to continue until the weekend. ?(

    The supply situation would only start to normalise once Koeberg's number 2 unit, currently out of commission, could supply a full load again.

  • Zuma in financial dire straits


    Johannesburg - Jacob Zuma is in such deep financial trouble that his legal team had to ask for postponement because he couldn't pay them in time. :D

    Beeld learnt from a reliable source that Zuma's inability to pay his attorney and three advocates was one of the reasons why his rape hearing was postponed for nearly three weeks at the request of his defence team.

    Officially the case was postponed because of new documents, which the State had handed over to the defence.

    However, Beeld revealed that Zuma's financial problems were instrumental in the court's decision.

    Should Zuma be unable to pay his legal team by March 6 when the case resumes, he might have to apply for legal aid, which could delay the trial for months.

    Beeld's sources said the defence mentioned the problem in talks with the State last week, and they were given "sufficient" time to get their house in order.

    Michael Hulley, Zuma's attorney, ";categorically" denied on Tuesday that he had problems getting money from Zuma.

    "Nothing can be further removed from the truth," said the attorney.

    Beeld's information, however, indicates that Zuma's financial troubles were instrumental in the rape case being postponed.

    Legal eagles said on Tuesday the rape hearing could easily cost Zuma R1.5m. Two senior advocates and a junior advocate appeared along with Hulley.

    An informed source in the justice department said, with reference to the Zuma case, that a lack of money is one of the biggest and most common reasons for the postponement of cases.

    "That's usually what it's about. Other reasons are usually secondary.

    "It is quite possible that Zuma's legal team would have withdrawn last week Tuesday if the case had not been not postponed," said the source.


    The source also said it made sense for the State to agree to postponement.

    "Should Zuma's legal team withdraw, it would take months for the next team to be appointed and get ready."

    Meanwhile, the Friends of Jacob Zuma Trust is not contributing a cent toward the rape case. The trust is only collecting money for the corruption case that started in Durban last year.

    Barnabas Xulu, administrator of the Zuma Trust, said on Tuesday that their aim is to collect R12m for the corruption hearing.

    They haven't paid anything towards the rape case and have only attended court to "morally" support Zuma.

    Xulu said Hulley forwards his invoices for work done on the corruption case to them for payment.

    "As we have it, Zuma is responsible for the rape case. He is responsible for costs," said a spokesperson for the trust.

    Zuma's financial troubles came to light during the Schabir Shaik trial. A forensic auditor testified that his monthly debits exceeded his salary.

    Zuma lost his annual income of R870 000 when he was fired as deputy president. The ANC later announced that it was working on a package for Zuma, but so far it has not been revealed what the deputy leader is being paid.

  • Sustainability of economic growth is a major theme to have emerged from policymakers' comments ;( this month, including Finance Minister Trevor Manuel last week.
    In the past, boom has often turned to bust. This time has to be different.

    There seems to be a strong awareness within government circles that SA's upswing is to a large extent dependent on highly favourable international conditions which may not last forever.

    These include the commodities price boom and the fact that interest rate increases in the US have been moderate. In SA, care must be taken not to squander the fruits of the boom.

    The question is whether anything could happen to change the favourable international environment.
    Is there cause for concern that the global economy will turn against SA, or will the good times simply continue to roll? ?(

  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado
    Cape Town firms in darkness 8)

    Cape power cuts enter 4th day

    Saach ma, watt iss denn da los? Gibts bei Euch nicht genug billige Arbeitskräfte, die man an die Fahrradgeneratoren setzen könnte.

    Viele Grüße

    KR :D

    Zeit ist der Freund von wunderbaren Unternehmen und der Feind von mittelmäßigen Unternehmen. Warren Buffett

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