Juniors aus Kanada

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Elefant mit tiefen Graden in hartem Gestein - wie wird die feasibility wohl aussehen?? Ist der Elefant schwer genug?


    Vielleicht sagt Bergmann etwas dazu?

  • Hallo Lucky,

    meiner Meinung nach wird die gut aussehen und Andina wird dann höchstwahrscheinlich geschluckt werden. Es gibt nicht viele solcher Elefanten in Mienenfreundlichen Gebieten. Die Wasserrechte haben sie bereits und die Energieversorung ist auch gesichert.
    Zudem wird Volcan weiter wachsen: "With the Dorado West deposit remaining open along strike to the north and to depth, combined with the identified outstanding exploration targets throughout the entire 9,400 hectare property, the potential for further resource growth is high."


  • Global gold exploration ‘staggeringly unsuccessful’

    – Ernst & Young

    By: Martin Creamer
    Published on 5th August 2008

    Global gold exploration was proving “staggeringly unsuccessful”, Ernst & Young global mining & metals director Dr Tim Williams said on Tuesday.

    Williams told Omega’s Mining in Africa Conference in Johannesburg that the world appeared to be “running out” of gold orebodies.

    “I think I might say that nearly half of the world’s exploration money is spent on looking for gold, and staggeringly unsuccessful it is, too,” Williams said.

    “It’s really the only metal that seems to be running out,” he added.

    Because of the global credit crunch, many mining juniors on the Alternative Investment Market (Aim) of the London Stock Exchange were “in trouble”.

    They were unable to raise cash by issuing shares because their share prices had behaved so badly.

    There were also believed to be some “fairly major sellers” on the Aim, but not many buyers.

    “The result of this is that there is going to have to be a lot of consolidation between those Aim juniors,” Williams said.

    He expected that the 191 Aim mining companies would be reduced to about 150 this time next year.

    He said that there had not been a single initial public offering (IPO) on the Aim in the first quarter of this year.

    However, junior mining companies that were already in production were in a different category and were successful with secondary capital raising beyond their IPOs.

    He flashed up a table on to an overhead screen that showed that Aim mining companies returning to the market for development capital after firming up their discoveries were continuing to be successful obtaining large amounts of capital and were currently also making lots of money.

    “It’s that end of the market which is so strong,” he said.

    Vast amounts of money were available in London to those who had moved beyond the exploration stage to the mining stage.

    “If you have the right project, you’ll still get the money,” he said.

  • Jeder Junkie wird mal rückfällig - wegen fallende Messer und so, hab' mich dann grad mal bei Silvercorp bedient, gab's für Zweifuffzich Teuronetten, ein Drittel vom Hoch, hoffentlich (!!!) ein Sonderangebotspreis, KGV müßte jetzt so um die 10 sein (bei den berichteten 41 Cents Gewinn pro Aktie kommen noch die ausbezahlten Dividenden dazu), Kohle in der Kasse und Profit Margin über 50%, da drückt auch ein rückgegangener Preis den Cashflow nicht gleich ins Minus.

    Von Explorern und chronisch defizitären Juniors weiterhin Finger weg!

    Buy late, live longer ^^ , betrachtet meinen Rückfall mal als gutes Zeichen, hab' ganz gerne die Wendepunkte getroffen ;)

    Jetzt wird einer mutig :thumbup:

    Gratuliere !


  • ...nur als Info - da ich eben durch den Thread stöberte ;)

    Silvercorp Metals Inc.: Power Supply Rationing
    Friday August 8, 4:35 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Aug 8, 2008 -- Silvercorp Metals Inc. ("Silvercorp" or the "Company") (Toronto:SVM.TO - News) provided an update on power supply issues in China.
    Due to inadequate power coal supply nation wide, and due
    to measures to insure power supply to the Beijing Olympic
    Games and to residential consumers during the Olympic Games,
    governmental rationing has been imposed for industrial usage.
    As a result, Silvercorp's mining operations in its Ying
    Mining Camp, in Luoyang City, Henan Province have experienced
    approximately 13.4% down time during the month of July.....

    linar :)

  • Milly

    Du wirst doch nicht Deinen Prinzipien untreu werden :D

    Vor ein paar Tagen wolltest Du noch warten:


    Bei Silvercorp wart' ich doch besser noch auf die 2 Euro , ok das könnte bis zum Herbst dauern, aber soviel Zeit muß sein. Buy late - die young - oder so

    Bei mir hat es gestern auch einiges ins Depot gespült...waren alles limitierte Käufe....eigentlich alles als Abstauberlimit gedacht....das dürfte es jetzt dann gewesen sein....ich denke das die 850 halten....


  • Mal wieder ausgraben den thread...

    Southwestern, zahlen Mr. Paterson ! :P

    Vancouver, BC -- Southwestern Resources Corp. (SWG-TSX) ("Southwestern"
    or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a
    settlement agreement to settle the class actions (the "Class Actions")
    commenced against the Company and others in British Columbia, Ontario
    and Quebec (the "Settlement").

    Under the terms of the Settlement, the Company, its former President
    and CEO John Paterson, his wife Margaret Joan Paterson and their
    affiliates will pay an aggregate amount of $15.5 million (the
    "Settlement Payment") to the plaintiffs in the Class Actions (the
    "Class Members"). Class Members who do not opt out of the Settlement
    will provide full and final releases to the Company and others.

    The Company currently estimates that its contribution to the Settlement
    Payment will be approximately $7.0 to $7.5 million.

    The Settlement is subject to customary conditions including, among
    others, obtaining all necessary court approvals of the Settlement; the
    lifting of the Mareva Injunctions obtained by the Company against each
    of Mr. and Mrs. Paterson; and the lifting of certain 'freeze orders'
    instituted by the British Columbia Securities Commission. The Company
    currently estimates that the process of obtaining all necessary court
    approval will take between three and six months.

    Timo Jauristo, the President and CEO of the Company stated that: "The
    settlement of the Class Actions puts us in the position to pursue our
    exploration strategy and to demonstrate the significant value of our
    exploration portfolio in Peru, including our other investments. After
    a very challenging period for our shareholders, employees and
    associates, we can now look forward and focus on the future. The Board
    of Directors and management of Southwestern would like to thank all
    those that have, and continue to support the Company."

    William McCartney, the Chairman of the Special Committee of the
    Company's Board of Directors, commented that: "It has been a very
    difficult year. The settlement of the Class Actions and the successful
    sale of Boka are important first steps towards rebuilding shareholder
    confidence. We now look forward to focusing our time and energy on
    opportunities for growth and enhancing value for our shareholders."

    David Black, Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors, further
    stated that: "Throughout this situation, the Board has endeavoured to
    demonstrate that it can respond effectively in a crisis, and it
    undertakes to maintain the highest standards of governance going

  • Ein neuer Trend? :huh:

    Goldcorp halts Pamour mining as gold prices slide
    Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:07pm EDT

    TORONTO, Sept 15 (Reuters) - Goldcorp (G.TO: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) has suspended mining at its Pamour open pit in Ontario due to falling gold prices, a company spokesman said on Monday.

    Production statistics were not immediately available for Pamour, but spokesman Jeff Wilhoit said the mine was "not material" to Goldcorp's overall results.

    Pamour is one of three mines that make up the company's Porcupine operation at Timmins, Ontario. Porcupine produced about 300,000 ounces in 2007.

    "It's not much in the grand scheme of things, but it's kind of consistent with a flexible approach that we use in being able to skinny up operations to reflect prevailing market conditions," Wilhoit said.

    Gold has tumbled 20 percent in the past month. The spot price was around $778 an ounce on Monday.

    Pamour has also struggled with soaring costs over the past few years and ore grades that have fallen short of projections.

    Wilhoit said Goldcorp would revisit the possibility of reopening the mine at a future date, adding he did not anticipate other closures.

    "I wouldn't expect any further kind of slowdown anywhere else, but that's at today's prices," he said... quelle

    VG heron

  • Hallo

    Ich bin auf der Suche nach Informationen über ein
    Bergbauunternehmen .Es handelt sich um Remington Gold Ltd. Das Unternehmen hat
    äußerst lukrative Claims in der kanadischen Provinz British Columbia erworben.
    Mitte 2009 will das Unternehmen über das Investmenthaus James & Clarke
    & Co. Ltd. an die Börse Die vorbörsliche Privatplatzierung über zehn
    Millionen Aktien soll zu einem Mindestausgabekurs von 2,50 Euro pro Anteil
    angestrebt werden. Außer auf deren Website konnte ich noch nichts über die
    Firma finden.

    Die Frage die sich für mich stellt:, ist der Preis günstig
    oder nicht’. Logisch ist das alles relativ aber vielleicht kann mir einer von euch
    Goldjungen mehr Licht ins dunkle bringen.

    Gruß Hardy

  • Heute ein paar geordert. Falls sie zurückfällt (wonach es nicht aussieht, im Moment) kommt nochmal etwa die selbe Menge.

    Ich halte die bei einem vorraussichtlichen Produktionspreis um 11 $ pro Unze Silber aktuell für unterbewertet, vor allem beim aktuellen Ölpreis - dürfte es evtl gar tiefer liegen.
    Ist zwar China, aber dazu wenigstens ein Substanzwert. ...
    Ich glaube deshalb, die sind bei der derzeitigen Erholung vorerst zurückgeblieben & haben im Gegensatz zu anderen Werten eher etwas Nachholbedarf.
    Sehn wir bald, obs stimmt. :)


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Hardy,

    PP's für's Volk sind nie günstig. Nur wenn du sehr viel Geld bringst (50 Mio +), dann kriegst du es zum halben Preis. Jetzt in pp's? Hast du zuviel Geld? Jetzt liebe ich dividendenzahlende Firmen in krisenfesten Geschäften
    (Pharma z.B.)



  • mehr als 72 Mio Oz Silberäquivalent!

    billiger kann man SIlber nirgends kaufen....

    Na ja, pro South American Silver (SAC) Aktie (derzeit rund 1,30 €) erwirbt man derzeit 4 im Boden befindliche Unzen Silber. Auch nicht gerade ein schlechter Deal. ;) ... dafür aber etwas stärker risikobehaftet (Bolivien).


  • .... auch wenn da an der Börse ein Mauerblümchendaein stattfindet - wenn die endeckt werden ist das der klassische Verfünffacher

    hab mir in letzter Zeit einfach mal ein paar ins Depot gelegt....

    aktuelle Boherergebnisse sind fantastisch - da lagern noch 3,5 Mio Unzen im Boden undum Teil extreme Bonanzagrade [smilie_blume]

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