@ Ulfur
Wie hat sich denn nun der Mahendra entschieden? 30%, 50% oder 80%?
15. Dezember 2024, 08:32
@ Ulfur
Wie hat sich denn nun der Mahendra entschieden? 30%, 50% oder 80%?
[Blockierte Grafik: http://english.aljazeera.net/english/Images/hdr_logo.gif]
Attacks hit Iraq oil export
Wednesday 16 June 2004, 11:29 Makka Time, 8:29 GMT
[Blockierte Grafik: http://english.aljazeera.net/N…543ADA90A1083C27D12B2.jpg]
It was the fourth attack on Iraq's oil pipelines in nine days
Attacks on an oil pipeline have shut down oil exports from southern Iraq.
"There were two sabotage cases," Oil Minister Thamir Ghadban said on Tuesday, confirming attacks on a pipeline feeding storage tanks in the southern city of Basra on the Gulf.
Local shipping agents said deliveries to Basra were cut off. One said the targeted line had been "seriously damaged." A second trunk line, though intact, was also closed, apparently
for security checks.
Industry sources in Iraq said repairs could take seven to 10 days, costing Baghdad nearly $60 million a day at current market prices if no deliveries are resumed during that period.
"After the sabotage attack, oil workers tried to use an alternate pipeline, but it could not support the pressure because it was an old installation dating back to the 1970s," said Captain Muwayad Hashim.
"After that, exports stopped from Basra oil terminal and Khor al-Amaya."
Gehe von 20% aus. Hoffe, bald kommen Infos.
OPEC ist nicht in der Lage, die Ölproduktion zu erhöhen! Sie fordert Nichtmitglieder auf, deren Produktion zu steigern.
OPEC unable to increase production
Wednesday 16 June 2004, 8:26 Makka Time, 5:26 GMT
OPEC is to urge producers outside the cartel to increase global oil production and cool high prices in response to attacks on Iraq's oil facilities.
President Purnomo Yugiantoro said he would send letters to Russia, Angola, Mexico and Oman to request they pump more crude oil.
"They have spare capacity to increase production," Purnomo, who is also Indonesian oil minister, told reporters. He did not give any details or timeframe.
Oil prices were shot up higher again on Tuesday after saboteurs attacked two oil pipelines in Iraq, bringing the country's crude exports to a virtual halt.
US crude touched $38.40 a barrel after news of the Iraqi blasts.
Iraq production figures
Iraq had been exporting an average 1.6 million to 1.7 million barrels a day (bpd) from the southern oil terminal Basra and about 200,000 bpd from the northern Kirkuk oilfields.
Fears that saboteurs would strike at oil facilities in the Middle East have helped stoke prices higher this year.
Robust economic growth and strong oil demand, especially in the United States and China, have left little room in the supply chain for any disruption in a major producer.
The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed earlier this month to increase formal supply limits by two million bpd.
The move is designed to stop a run-up in oil prices to the highest levels in 21 years above $42 a barrel.
Ist Thai tatsächlich schon weg ?
Gibt es unter den Goldseiten-Mitgliedern jemanden, der uns weiter mit den GATA-Berichten versorgen könnte?
Oder müssen wir nun ein paar Monate im Dunklen leben [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.gifs-paradies.de/smilies132/00000563.gif]
Das hat gerade noch gefehlt,welcher Börsenbrief wars,der Aktionär??
Börse Stuttgart-News: EUWAX Trends am Morgen
EUWAX Trends am Morgen vom Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2004
Ruhig startete an diesem Morgen der Deutsche Aktienindex in den neuen Handelstag. Dabei mangelte es bislang ein wenig an Impulsen, da die Vorgaben aus den USA und aus Asien heute uneinheitlich waren. Das kann sich jedoch bis zum Nachmittag ändern, denn dann werden die Erstanträge auf Arbeitslosenhilfe sowie die US-Frühindikatoren verkündet. Vor diesem Hintergrund steigt der Dax im frühen Vormittagshandel zunächst um gut 10 Punkte auf 4013 Zähler. Ähnlich ruhig wie im Dax gestaltet sich vorerst auch der Handel an der Euwax. Da sich der Dax bislang auch kaum bewegt hat, hat sich an der Euwax bislang noch kein Anlagetrend herausgebildet.
Wegen einer Empfehlung in einem Börsen-Newsletter sind heute Knock-out-Calls auf Silber stark gefragt. Die Redakteure sehen vor allem charttechnische Gründe für einen Einstieg ins Silber, nachdem das Metall nach einer Korrektur von 8,5 Dollar auf seinen mittelfristigen Aufwärtstrend bei 5,50 Dollar aufgesetzt hatte. Nun sei kurzfristig ein Anstieg des Silber auf bis zu 6,30 Dollar wahrscheinlich, so die Redakteure. Charttechnisch ebenfalls sehr viel besser dürfte nun der Ölkonzern Royal Dutch Shell aussehen. Die Aktie, die in den vergangenen drei Tagen gut fünf Prozent an Wert gestiegen ist notiert nun auf dem höchsten Stand seit Anfang 2003. Der Grund für den jüngsten Kursanstieg liegt in der Ankündigung des Unternehmens durch die Einführung neuer Corporate-Governance-Richtlinien verloren gegangenes Anlegervertrauen zurück zu erobern. Entsprechend sind heute Knock-out-Calls auf den Öl-Multi gefragt.
Quelle: boerse-stuttgart AG / Bitte beachten Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen (http://www.boerse-stuttgart.de/AGB.htm) der boerse-stuttgart AG.
Für den Inhalt der Kolumne ist allein boerse-stuttgart AG verantwortlich. Die Beiträge sind keine Aufforderung zum Kauf und Verkauf von Wertpapieren oder anderen Vermögenswerten.
Kleiner Tipp an alle!
Kolumne von M.Faber bei asia-economy,auf der Hauptseite unter Kolumne
Kaum ist Thai im Urlaub, schon geht Silber ab wie ein Zäpfchen!!!!!!!!!!!
hoffentlich löst es sich auch nicht auf wie ein Zäpfchen
YOYO du sollst Silber auch nicht einführen,
sondern besser im Keller bunkern!!
18.06.2004 13:20:41 Silver fix higher, Europe gold firms
* Silver fixed higher at 595.00 cents an ounce from
previous fixing at 575.50 cents. Spot market moves up with gold
to $5.97/6.00 by 1110 GMT from $5.91/5.94 quoted in New York
late on Thursday.
* Silver forward rates on Reuters page indicated at
1.178, 1.200, 1.220 and 1.260 for one, three, six and 12 months
* Gold rises to $391.90/392.65 per troy ounce by
1110 GMT, from $388.75/389.50 last quoted in New York.
* Bullion higher as pressure from a buoyant dollar is
offset by investor worries about inflation and by safe-haven
buying after Thursday's deadly car bombing in Iraq.
Platinum up on further Asian-led consumer buying to
$800.00/805.00 from $791.00/796.00 last quoted in New York.
* Palladium at $223.00/228.00, up from
$222.00/227.00 previously.
((For related news and prices, click on the codes in
Spot Platinum/
gold/silver palladium
Gold lease Comex gold <0#GC:>
rates futures
Precious metals [GOL] All metals news [MTL]
....da wird doch heute nicht die 6Dollar-rule beim Gold fallen wollen?!
Schön wärs ja
Aber im Ernst,jetzt ,als Thai,seinen Urlaub angetreten hat,und die Zinsspirale in den USA sich anfängt nach oben zu drehen,wie solls jetzt hier weitergehen?
Vielleicht sollten wir uns hier zunächst mit LINKS,über gute Foren,über Gold und Silber über Wasser halten.Dazu könnte man auch eine Linksammlung verfassen,da die meisten der postings von Thai,ja auch mit LINKS versehen sind,was meint ihr dazu.Vielleicht auch ab und zu mal ein tolles Bild,hier eingestellt,durch unsern USER goch.
By Kenneth J. Gerbino Printer Friendly Version
June 18, 2004
In the last five months $213 billion new dollars have been added to the U.S money supply (M2). Amazingly, no one in the mainstream financial community questions this.
Looking over some past Federal Reserve archives one finds that $213 billion was all the money in circulation in 1962. Currently it is $6.2 trillion. All the material items of wealth in this country (buildings, roads, cars, aircraft carriers, toasters, TV sets etc.) were created in the 173 years leading up to 1962 with that $213 billion circulating. Have we come close to that real wealth creation in the last five months? This is a huge wake up call that something is not right. This excessive money creation, as history attests, will bring along an enduring inflation created by the same people pledged to control it.
The Fed has never been able to stop inflation. Higher interest rates do not stop inflation. This is a false economic theory. There are no statistics to prove higher rates stop inflation. Stopping inflation means if you have a 3% increase in consumer prices, you will have a 3% decrease soon thereafter. That is stopping inflation. If you have a fever at 103, well above the normal 98.6 and you go to your doctor to stop the fever, you expect him to get you back to 98.6. In the world of economics we have accepted prices to go up and if the prices just stay steady at that new price level we are suppose to be happy. That is the same thing as your doctor telling you, no problem you are steady at 103 have a nice day. Inflation builds on itself month after month year after year. It is like the economy has built up a 150 degrees temperature.
Also, in past inflationary periods the Fed has raised interest rates for years and all during those years the CPI continued to go higher and higher. Higher interest rates not only cannot reverse (stop) inflation they cannot hold it in check. Prices are rising from money that has been in the system and has been churning around from years before. Wall Street professionals who do not understand this concept will be vulnerable to the future changes that will occur as inflation distorts our economy and markets once again and for all the same reasons.
The Fed’s purpose is two-fold, to create money and be the lender of last resort to the government when those multi-billion dollar deficits show up and to be the protector of the U.S. banking system. No one will argue that if the banks go under we are all in a lot of trouble, so the Fed over the decades has enjoyed a reputation that has led the country and the politicians to believe one can print a lot of money forever with manageable consequences. This is true for small-scale stuff, but when you are talking about trillions of dollars it is obvious to some of us that we are now past the point of no return.
The Fed also controls interest rates. In a country that espouses free market economics, this aspect of their daily activities is hard to comprehend. There is nothing more important in a free market economy than to allow money and the cost of money - interest rates - to be left alone and to allow the daily interaction of millions of people and tens of thousands of institutions and millions of transactions to function without interventions and manipulations. The fact that any institution is intervening in any marketplace to the tune of tens of billions of dollars, sometimes on a daily basis, is something to fear.
These activities by the Fed will be the eventual driving force behind excessive inflation, a depreciating currency and a much higher price of gold. The Fed and other foreign central banks are following policies that are contrary to basic economic truths, classical economic thought and just plain common sense.
My late friend, Nobel laureate (economics), F.A. Hayek told me years ago when I visited him in Germany that decades before he had a discussion with the renowned economist John Maynard Keynes, where Keynes told him that he (Keynes) had made a terrible mistake and was prepared to write an important piece to disavow deficit spending and hence paper money creation. But two weeks later Keynes died. World governments have all embraced Keynes’ mixed up theories because it gave them a convenient solution to cover up their economic mismanagement. Because of this, huge debts and huge piles of paper money have been fostered on populations creating what is now an economic tidal wave that is now on the horizon.
As inflation is always the result of excessive expansions of money in a society, we should simply do the math. Huge money increases equal huge producer and consumer price increases eventually. There is no doubt about the money supply increases, so there should be no doubt about a strong and prolonged inflation that has obviously started. This is all bullish for gold. For other articles on gold and the economy please visit the commentary section of our website at http://www.kengerbino.com
Kenneth J. Gerbino
Kenneth J. Gerbino & Company
Investment Management
9595 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 303
Beverly Hills, California 90212
Telephone (310) 550-6304
Fax (310) 550-0814
E-Mail: kjgco@att.net
Website: http://www.kengerbino.com
ftd.de, Fr, 18.6.2004, 16:25
US-Handelsbilanzdefizit erklimmt Rekordhoch
Das Loch in der US-Außenhandelsbilanz wird immer größer. Das neue Rekordhoch im ersten Quartal nährte die Befürchtungen vor den wirtschaftlichen Folgen und belastete den Dollarkurs.
Der Fehlbetrag sei auf rund 144,9 Mrd. $ von revidiert 127,0 Mrd. $ im Schlussquartal 2003 gestiegen, teilte das US-Handelsministerium am Freitag in Washington mit. Die Einfuhren legten dabei deutlich stärker zu als die Ausfuhren. Analysten hatten für das erste Quartal im Schnitt mit einem geringeren Defizit gerechnet. Die Leistungsbilanz umfasst alle Handelstätigkeiten der USA mit dem Ausland.
Der Dollar reagierte auf die Daten mit Kursverlusten zum Euro. Die Gemeinschaftswährung kletterte im New Yorker Handel auf ein Tageshoch von knapp unter 1,21 $. "Die Zahlen haben den Anlegern wieder die Augen dafür geöffnet, wie bedenklich die Defizitsituation in den USA ist", sagte ein Händler. "Das nährt natürlich die Sorge vor den wirtschaftlichen Folgen, denn ein Ende des Defizitwachstums ist ja nicht in Sicht."
Dollar-Abwertung droht
Das hohe US-Leistungsbilanzdefizit gilt als einer der Hauptgründe für die Dollar-Schwäche der vergangenen Monate, da die USA zur Finanzierung des wachsenden Fehlbetrags immer mehr ausländisches Kapital benötigen. Bleibt dieses aus, droht eine massive Abwertung der US-Währung.
Ein Großteil dieses ausländischen Kapitals stammt von asiatischen Notenbanken, die im Rahmen von Interventionen zur Schwächung ihrer jeweiligen Landeswährungen Dollar-Anlagen kaufen. Sie wollen damit ihre Exportwirtschaft unterstützen. Das Volumen derartiger offizieller Käufe stieg im ersten Vierteljahr nach Angaben des Handelsministeriums auf 125,2 Mrd. $ nach 83,7 Mrd. $ im Vorquartal.
was meinst Du mit der Linksammlung?
Etwas verspätet... aber eher habe ich keine Zeit gehabt...
Die COT Zahlen für Silber vom 14.06.2004
Ja himmelherrgott sacklzement.......seid ihr zu unbedarft um ohne Guru den gata -Käse zu finden.
Also gold-eagle .com und mienweb und minesite und so fort führen dahin.
Sogar hier auf goldseiten .de ist eine Linksammlung.
Nur Lemetropole ist glaube ich kostenplichtig.
Kauft gute Minen ,welche Dividenden zahlen und freut euch des Lebens.
Die neuen Zahlen sind da....
Der COT GOLD REPORT vom 18.06.2004
...und gleich noch die silbernen .....
Die COT Zahlen für Silber vom 18.06.2004
Printer Friendly Version Email this Article
Gold Leaving The Station & Specs/Investors Falling Behind
Bill Murphy
June 18 - Gold $394.90 up $6.20 – Silver $5.97 up 7 cents
Two qualities are indispensable: first, an intellect that, even in the darkest hour, retains some glimmerings of the inner light which leads to truth; and second, the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may lead. ..Carl von Clausewitz
(Prussian military philosopher 1780-1831)
It is a rare day lately when the MIDAS gold market commentary cannot be written after the first hour of Comex trading. Rarely does anything change for the gold good in this managed market. The highs are almost always made within the first hour. Gold is then either held at those highs, any new highs are modest at best, or it is sold off.
OOPS, that was my exact opening commentary in yesterday’s MIDAS. Oh well, as is normally the case on almost all gold up days, it fits perfectly for today too. I can’t stand the buggers that keep capping the price. The Deputy Chairman of the Russian central bank, Oleg Mozhayskov, can see the gold market is rigged and said so in front of those in the gold industry who attended the LBMA conference in Moscow in early June. He even had the audacity to mention GATA in public company and say we were right. We are talking about a G-8 central banker here! That is astounding and monumental for GATA's credibility!! What is the matter with the morons in the mainstream western gold industry? What a bunch of powder puff patsies!
Gold rose $6 and change (virtually limit up as far as the $6 Rule is concerned) in the first minutes of trading and did so with euro DOWN 30. Gold went completely on its own, which is a WONDERFUL development. The euro only rallied when the US current account number was reported at 8:30 EDT and it was worse than expected. The euro then took off, eventually closing .76 higher at 121.21, while the dollar fell .52 to 89.43. The effect on gold? Zip. Gold actually SOLD OFF slightly by day’s end even as the euro rose an entire point.
The fact that gold rallied so strongly without outside market support is marvelous news. It tells me there is a VERY strong hand buyer out there who wants gold come hell or high water. I have heard a couple of extraneous comments about gold that might fit together. The first is from one of the most highly regarded gold traders on the floor. He told my source that he smells somebody dumping a large hoard of dollars to buy gold. Perhaps it is the Arabs. My STALKER source says STALKER number 2 is active and he believes the business is coming out of Asia, perhaps even Malaysia, in preparation for the Dinar's inauguration later this year. This is all speculation, however, it makes sense.
What we do know is somebody went after physical gold with a vengeance this morning, sending gold soaring until the crooks showed up like they always do.
What is also exciting is gold is on the move with many specs and investors on the sideline. The Café Sentiment Indicator is a 3 or 4 and the Comex open interest is at its lowest levels in about a year or so at 223,015. It only went up 2759 contracts yesterday. In years gone by we would get a 77,000 spec open interest increase over a period of many weeks and gold would only rise $10.
Even The Gold Cartel and other commercials are exiting the scene. The COT revealed they got out of 3,522 longs and 7,190 shorts, which is why the open interest has contracted.
Reg Howe, Bob Landis and I were to speak in front of a group of money managers in Boston next week. Collectively, they manage over $100 billion in funds. A month ago the room was packed to hear about the dollar from Dave Lewis. Our meeting was cancelled on Wednesday due to lack of interest. Either that, or the attendees were to scared to be in a room with a few people who are not afraid of confronting the establishment.
Anyway, gold is close to popping through its 200-day moving average and taking out $400. We are only a hop, skip and a jump away.
On a positive note, gold has closed on the firm side two days in a row, on its highs yesterday and not far off today.
One fine looking gold chart:
Silver had trouble holding $6, however, like gold, it was firm all day long, selling off modestly on the close. Like gold, the silver open interest is very low. Yesterday on its surge, the open interest only rose 138 contracts to 86,922.
Still room for 88,000 spec longs to take gold through $430 and 36,000 spec longs to take silver back above $8.50.
Oil closed up 19 cents to $39 per barrel.
The John Brimelow Report
Gifts from the Middle East?
Friday, June 18, 2004
Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $3.03, PM $0.11, with world gold at $387.90 and $392.20. Below, and well below, legal import level. India reacted with more that the usual unenthusiasm to abrupt jumps in the world gold price ($9 up this afternoon on the previous morning.) The rupee exacerbated the response by falling to a 5 1/2 month low against the dollar, with Indian sentiment damaged by noises the new Government is making about higher taxation. The discreet qualities of gold are likely to be increasingly valued by affluent Indians in the future, a reverse of what was generally expected before the election.
Prices on the Shanghai Gold Exchange have slipped to a narrow (10-20c) discount this morning.
TOCOM responded to finding world gold $4 higher on the opening with no excitement. Volume did rise 21% but only to equal a wretched 14,911 Comex lots, while open interest was static (+89 Comex lots). The active contract was up 5 yen, but world gold slipped $1.65 from the NY close. There appears to be no Japanese initiative in gold at present. (NY traded yesterday 41,981 contracts; open interest rose 2,759 lots.)
Obviously, however, someone is supplying initiative, with the perennially bearish Barclays commentator complaining of yesterday:
"Aggressive buying catapulted the prices for gold, silver and platinum higher yesterday…gold is now softening…However the market will be wary of selling the market aggressively with the potential for another burst of buying this afternoon. In the event, after a $2 lull in the Asian morning, powerful buying started quite early in the European day. TheBulliondesk had noticed a big surge in traffic by 8am NY time, by which point the price was already up $3.70 at $392. And of course it has continued since, with estimated Comex volume standing at 52,000 by 1pm, far ahead of yesterday.
This looks like a conscious effort by a large capital pool to overcome the defence offered so freely below the key technical levels in the mid $390s. The timing and apparent preference for the physical market suggest the possibility on Middle Eastern orientation. Assuming the leaders of this effort are reasonably well informed, this fight will presumably resume next week.
In the meantime, as weekend reading, I commend the latest essay by The eXile correspondent War Nerd concerning the last but one outbreak of terrorism in Saudi Arabia:
"But it doesn't look to me like these Saudi terrorists were looking to die… It reads to me more like terrorist collusion with the local cops -- either that or the cops and soldiers of the Saudi government are so totally intimidated they're not a factor any more.
And that means Saudi Arabia probably isn't going to last much longer. When the government troops won't leave their barracks, when the cops run every time the rebels fire a shot...well, church is about out. Think Tehran when the Shah fell, or Cambodia in '75… this didn't happen overnight. It's been building up as long as I can remember. And it's going to have to get worse before it improves. I'm going to be writing a lot of columns with "Arabia" in the title this year.
The US stock market continues to meander. The DOW finished up 38.89 at 10,416, while the DOG gained 3 to 1987.
June 18 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. current account deficit widened to a record $144.9 billion in the first quarter as Americans bought more foreign-made goods, a government report showed.
The deficit, the broadest measure of trade because it includes investments, follows a $127 billion gap in the previous three months, the Commerce Department said in Washington. The gap is equivalent to 5.1 percent of the nation's $11.5 trillion economy, matching the record reached a year earlier. –END-
GATA’s Mike Bolser:
Hi Bill:
The Federal Reserve today added $7 Billion in temporary repurchase agreements, an action that moved the repo pool up to $38.88 Billion and kept the pool's ma rising in a linear mode. The DOW's 30-day ma has clearly turned upward and in my opinion will regain a strong upward trajectory as the Fed announces its rates decision next week. Greenspan's purposeful ambiguity has fully obfuscated the picture of how large the rise will be at this point. No one knows for sure so the "market" may be "surprised".
Gold is rising nicely, almost as if a giant hand had been removed form it, while the dollar is falling in concert. The $6 rule or more precisely, the never exceed the first standard deviation rule is always in effect. The viscous counter attack started Monday was needed by the Fed since they were "surprised" by the huge PPI numbers and had to sequester them...again. With such a hard attack on gold we can guess that the PPI numbers were equally as bad because the Fed was forced to change their careful gold retreat plan. Expect more brainless Wall Street and CNBC propaganda attempting to convince us that bad is good.
During any retreat the enemy can deliver sever damage if they set careful ambushes. We are just exiting one of those ambushes but we must always be wary of another trap.