Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Interesse an Gold wächst

    Experten erwarten für das Edelmetall eine nachhaltige Wertsteigerung

    Gold steht wieder im Fokus der Anleger. Angetrieben von steigender Nachfrage, legte der Goldpreis seit Wochen kräftig zu und notiert aktuell bei 435 Dollar. Das Bemerkenswerte: Der Goldpreis ließ sich in keiner Weise von der aktuellen Dollar-Stärke beeinflussen. Traditionell ist der Goldpreis stark an die US-Währung gekoppelt, weil Gold an den großen Finanzplätzen in Dollar gehandelt wird. Normalerweise setzt ein steigender Greenback Gold unter Druck, da das Edelmetall dann für Anleger mit Fremdwährungen teurer wird.

    Auch in Euro verbesserte sich Gold deutlich. So knackte Anfang vergangener Woche der Goldpreis die charttechnisch wichtige Marke von 350 Euro. Damit, so sind sich die Experten einig, steht einer weiteren Aufwärtsbewegung nichts im Wege. "Für Euro-Gold-Anleger wird es jetzt interessant", sagt Markus Stahl, Rohstoffexperte der Stuttgarter BW Bank. "Ich rechne mit einem steigenden Goldpreis auch in Euro." Er sieht bis Jahresende ein Potential von 25 Prozent. Aber auch in Dollar werde Gold weiter zulegen. "500 Dollar sind möglich", sagt Stahl.

    Noch euphorischer ist Robert Hartmann vom Münchener Goldhandelshaus Pro Aunum. "Diesen Sprung über die seit 16 Jahren schier unüberwindbare Marke von 350 Euro pro Feinunze halten wir für den Beginn der zweiten Hausse-Phase am Goldmarkt." Gold verzeichne auch gegen alle anderen Währungen einen Wertzuwachs, nachdem es seit den Tiefs im Jahr 2001 gegen den US-Dollar bereits mehr als 70 Prozent zulegen konnte. Zum Vergleich: Zum Euro hat Gold seit 2001 erst um knapp zehn Prozent gewonnen. "Das Potential ist groß. Der Weg ist nun frei für 400 Euro pro Feinunze", sagt Hartmann.

    Vor allem Privatkunden hätten auf die neue Entwicklung reagiert und fast ausnahmslos Kauforders abgegeben. "Die Anlageklasse Gold scheint wiederentdeckt zu werden", sagt Hartmann. Eine Rolle spielt dabei vor allem die steigende Nachfrage: Laut World Gold Council war die physikalische Nachfrage nach Gold im ersten Quartal 2005 um mehr als ein Viertel höher als im Vorjahreszeitraum. Die Ursachen dafür seien vor allem die Schmuckindustrie, starke Käufe von Münzen und Goldbarren sowie Investments von goldgedeckten Exchange Traded Funds. Aber auch die politische und wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit habe Investoren verstärkt zu Goldkäufen getrieben.

    Viele Anleger mißtrauen zunehmend der Stabilität der Papierwährungen. Gold dagegen gilt als wertbeständig. "Es ist für Anleger ein gutes Instrument zum Schutz vor Inflation", sagt BW-Rohstoffexperte Stahl. Gold habe historisch gesehen die Inflationsraten immer ausgeglichen. Dem gelben Metall kommt die Unentschlossenheit am Devisenmarkt entgegen, da immer mehr Kapital in Gold umgeschichtet würde. Die momentane Aufwärtsbewegung bei Gold rühre vom schwindenden Vertrauen in die Hauptwährungen her. "Gold ist nicht nur gegen Dollar und Euro fest, auch in anderen Währungen hat der Goldpreis zugelegt", sagt Goldhändler Hartmann. Heino Reents

    Artikel erschienen am 19. Juni 2005
    Welt am Sonntag

    Die Börse ist wie ein Paternoster. Es ist ungefährlich,
    durch den Keller zu fahren.

    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Schwabenpfeil ()

  • In the next twenty two months, each and every commodity will have varying periods of rises and falls though the commodity market will remain quite hot as big money will flow. Key persons will consider the commodity market as an easy place in which to make money. My recommendation is that you also remain in the same field but trade carefully and don't think that it is easy to make money.

    Around October 2005, major volatility will hit all market, prices will move rapidly fast on both side and many hot commodities will collapse for a few day down limit and this will create big problem for broking house as many big traders will fall or go bankrupt. I will watching this situation and shall be guiding before that period hit the market.

    Mars and Moon play a key role in volatile market and it so important that how you can save big loses? I see a only one clue DECISION POWER. Decision power is (Mar's) and rule by mind (Moon). Have the decision power to get out even if there are losses and never get hesitated in buying even if the price is at a high. Decision plays a key role in your success so keep the power of decision in your mind and act during next twenty two months. I AM JUST GUIDING YOU BUT ALL YOU ARE MAKING ALL THE DECISIONS.

    Twenty two months:

    Grains, Palladium, gold, silver, oil, unleaded gas, heating oil and natural gas will rise. The dollar will rise for a half period, after which it will have a problem.

    All major world stock markets, copper, steel, aluminium, coffee, cotton, bonds and the Euro will fall.

    Next seven months:

    Gold, copper, stock market and all major currencies will fall. The dollar, bonds, coffee, grains and oil will rise.

    Next thirty days moves:

    Gold could rise a maximum of another five percent. However this will not be for silver; a good period will come for silver after twenty days.

    Copper could hit another high though its journey will soon be at an end.

    Oil will move down quite fast and oil stocks will suffer very badly.

    For instance, Monday and Tuesday of this week will be most unstable and contradictory. You shall see a unique wave where a commodity will close up if it opens weak. On the other hand if something opens up, then it will close down during the same day. These forty eight hours always try to give a false picture, so avoid trading during these forty eight hours.

    I will try my best to give you an overall picture so that you can trade accordingly. I shall write on the next twenty months more but for now, let me end here. Following is this weeks newsletter:



    On Monday, gold will attempt a false upsurge but the move will not be sustained. Last week I recommended getting out from gold and silver on Thursday and Friday and I am sure that many of you must have done that. This week gold can reach $441.90 while the downside will be $428.20.

    Those who sold can wait and watch before taking new positions.

    Metal stocks (gold and silver) and basic material stocks (steel, nickel, copper and aluminium) will fall quite fast during this week.

    APPRECIATION: Since the last six months I have been writing a one important prediction "disconnection of gold and dollar". I thought that many gold bugs would appreciate my disconnection of gold and dollar prediction which nobody wanted to believe. In fact some were making fun out of it but it is happening and I am happy for my soul and nature theory.


    During this week silver will also try to fool everyone by having a false upward move. I don't recommend buying at this juncture, but we shall soon buy after a few weeks. During this week silver could touch $7.12 with the upside being $7.41.

    Silver stocks will fall quite fast.


    This metal could be very interesting buying at current levels and one can therefore slowly accumulate around this level of $190.


    Monday to Wednesday will be a very negative period for copper. It should therefore fall and then small rise again from Thursday. If it however moves up from Monday to Wednesday, then it will be a clear sign of a false rising and confirm 999% a great fall of copper within the next 7 days.


    Fall of platinum will come from Wednesday so stay away from it.


    I feel and see that the market may fall very aggressively starting this week. IT MAY SOON LEAVE FIVE DIGITS FOR A FEW YEARS. Well I don't want to write more concerning the market: This is one of my key long waited predictions and if it happens, then I know how serious a meltdown of the worlds economy and erosion of purchasing power will be. It will trigger the collapse of industrial powers and initiate a terrible cycle. I still hope that this dreadful period doesn't come; but can anyone oppose nature's power?

    Alternative energy stocks gained more than 20% in last two weeks. I am holding and may buy even at this level. I may add few new companies like ZOLT, ULBI and SLRE.


    This week, the bonds will trade within range but each time they will rise from days low. One can therefore buy when they are in the red more than nine points. I shall soon give a very strong buying signal for 30 years bond.


    Last week I recommended covering short in Euro and Pound, as well as recommended booking profit in the US dollar index. I am recommending buying again in the US Dollar Index from this week Tuesday. Enjoy the wave and its power. Sell the Australian dollar, Rand, Swiss Franc and the Yen. The Dollar will march ahead very strongly.
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :rolleyes:

    Herzlichen Gruß vom sonnigen München:

    Eldorado 8)

  • @Eldo,

    Gruß nach München.

    Das was Crystalball erzählt, wird Sinclair aber nicht gefallen.

    Blumberg Artikel: Europäische Zentralbanken haben ihr Pulver in diesem Jahr weitgehend verschossen, die geplanten Verkäufe für dieses Jahr sind großenteils getätigt, während Investor Nachfrage steigt.

    Gold May Rise on Speculation Central Banks Will Reduce Sales

    June 20 (Bloomberg) -- Gold may rise for a fifth straight week, the longest rally this year, on speculation European central banks will begin to slow annual bullion sales just as investor demand is growing, a Bloomberg survey showed.

    Thirty-nine, or 78 percent, of 50 traders and investors surveyed from Sydney to New York on June 16 and June 17 forecast a rise in gold, which gained $10.70 to $440 an ounce last week in New York. It was the most bullish consensus since the survey began April 2004. Nine respondents forecast a decline and two expect little change.

    European central banks, which agreed to limit gold sales to 500 tons a year through September, shed 346 tons as of April 1, or about 13 tons a week, London-based researcher GFMS Ltd. estimates. If that rate was maintained, central banks that accounted for most of a 23 percent rise in gold supply in the first quarter will reach their sales target this week.

    ``They cannot keep selling at this rate,'' said Ian MacDonald, managing director of precious metals trading in New York for International Assets Holding Corp. ``We should really be asking where the gold is going to come from to meet growing investor demand.''

    Gold for August delivery rose 2.5 percent last week, surprising the majority of analysts surveyed on June 9 and June 10, who predicted a decline. Bloomberg's survey has correctly forecast the direction of prices in 34 of 60 weeks, or 57 percent of the time.

    `Selling Less'

    ``The central bank issue is an important one for the next six months,'' said William O'Neill, a partner at Logic Advisors LLC, a commodity consulting company in New Jersey. Even if the sales target isn't met this week, the central banks ``will be selling less in coming weeks,'' he said.

    Olivier Radelet, a spokesman for the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, declined to comment.

    Central banks are the biggest holders of gold, with 31,822 tons, or 1 billion ounces, in their vaults at the end of 2003, according to the International Monetary Fund. Without restrictions, central bank selling helped to send gold prices to a 20-year low of $253.20 in July 1999.

    In September that year, 15 central banks in Europe pledged to restrict their sales and lending of bullion for five years. Last year in September, the limit was raised to 500 tons from 400 tons.

    Gold's rally has been part of renewed gains in commodities last week including crude oil, which reached a record; copper, which jumped to a 16-year high; and corn, which had its biggest weekly gain in 17 years.


    Gold's Dollar Link

    In the 12 months ending June 1, gold moved almost in lockstep with the euro's performance against the dollar at a correlation coefficient of 0.894. The maximum reading is 1. The coefficient measures the degree to which the two variables move in unison.

    Gold mostly stopped moving in the opposite direction of the dollar three weeks ago, after voters in France and the Netherlands rejected referendums for a European Union constitution. The vote has eroded confidence in the euro and helped add about $30 to the price of gold, Merrill Lynch & Co. in New York said in a June 14 report.

    ``The real bull market begins in gold when it rises against every fiat currency,'' said Dennis Eich, a trader at Chicago- based brokerage Peregrine Financial Group Inc.

    Inflation Concern

    Prices may touch $445 ``in the near future,'' buoyed by higher oil prices, said Prithviraj Kothari, director at Mumbai- based Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd. Rising energy costs may accelerate the pace of inflation and slow the economy.

    Crude oil, which reached a record $58.60 a barrel on June 17, is expected to rise this week as producers face growing demand from refiners, a separate Bloomberg survey showed.

    Higher oil prices may reduce consumer spending and ``seriously hurt the U.S. economy, the dollar and be yet another catalyst to buy gold,'' said John Licata, an independent analyst in New York.

    Hedge-fund managers and other large speculators increased their net-long position in Comex gold futures in the week ended June 14, according to U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission data.

    Speculative long positions, or bets prices will rise, outnumbered short positions by 56,861 contracts, up from 39,107 a week earlier, the government's Commitments of Traders Report on June 17 said. The net-long position was the highest since May 10.…8cFSKNc2ga0&refer=europe#

  • Hallo Ulfur

    Leider habe ich meinen Slepptop nicht dabei um Zugriff zu all den Favoriten darauf zu bekommen um zu vergleichen was die andern Gurus schreiben. Macht nichts, will ja abschalten im Urlaub.Ich habe aber ein wenig gemischte Gefuehle wie Gold in den wenigen Tagen gestiegen ist und bin ein wenig misstraurisch daß es so flott weiter geht. Der PPT oder the dark force X( hat bestimmt einen Plan zum Gegenangriff parat den sie bald aktivieren müssen wegen der Deriviate die tödlich sind bei dem jetzigen Goldpreis. Ich verhalte mich neutral und halte meine Positionen bis ich wieder in Kapstadt bin. Ich bin jedenfalls froh über meinen Kaufrausch vom 1-14 Juni, der hat sich gelohnt bis jetzt. Schaun wir mal wie es nun weiter geht, ich wünsche Euch jedenfalls ebenso Gewinne und Erfolg mit Euren Depot.

    ...So, jetzt ab in den Biergarten bei dem Königswetter, ich trinke ein Glas mehr für Euch mit. :))


    Eldo 8)

  • @eldo

    Wünsche noch einen schönen Urlaub. Goldpreisentwicklung läuft ja planmässig; Du Urlaub = Gold rauf. Witzig.. :P :P

    Noch einen Tip fürs "Biergartln"

    Seehaus = Viele hübsche Mädels zum anschauen
    Franziskaner = Ruhiges Ambiente Gute Essen zu vernünftigen Preisen
    "Barti" Wirt bei der Kreuzstr. = Die grössten Knödel + "Latschen-Mass" (aber Vorsicht, da drehts Dich weg nach 3 Mass)
    Biergarten St. Emmeram = Promischaulaufen


  • valueman

    Danke für die Tipps,ich schau mir diese Platzl mal an. ;)
    Jetzt fahr ich erstmal zur Tollwood.
    Dort spielt der Udo Lindenberg heute mit seinen Panik Band.
    Vorgestern Kunstpark Ost, hatte nichts mit Kunst zu tun, da liefen die letzten Hard Rock Apostel rum, dachte die sind vom Müll rausgeklettert.
    Die reflektierten auch den Zustand der Deutschen Wirtschaft und neuen EU.
    Der Udo Ist nicht mein Fall aber vielleicht fällt ihm heute der Hut und Sonnenbrille ab. :D
    OOPS , wir haben die erste Korrektur wie ich es vermutet habe.



  • Guten Morgen

    Ich habe es gerochen,ein Rückgang beim Gold/Silberpreis und deren Aktien ist nun im Gange. Es ist ja bald Vollmond am 22.Juni und diese Woche sieht es nicht gut aus. Mitte naechster Woche sollte sich das Rad jedoch wieder drehen und wer kaufen will kann es Ende diese Woche tun.IMHO Vermutung, ca. 27 Juni -18 Juli geht es wieder Aufwaerts.

    Irgend etwas ist dran, genau bestimmen ist schwer aber ein Indikator den man nicht belachen sollte.

    Siehe Thread vom 2.Mai 2005 (Mondphasen)…t=&hilightuser=0&page=241


    Eldorado 8)

    Siehe auch Crystalball:


    On Monday, gold will attempt a false upsurge but the move will not be sustained. Last week I recommended getting out from gold and silver on Thursday and Friday and I am sure that many of you must have done that. This week gold can reach $441.90 while the downside will be $428.20.
    Those who sold can wait and watch before taking new positions.

    Metal stocks (gold and silver) and basic material stocks (steel, nickel, copper and aluminium) will fall quite fast during this week.


    During this week silver will also try to fool everyone by having a false upward move. I don't recommend buying at this juncture, but we shall soon buy after a few weeks. During this week silver could touch $7.12 with the upside being $7.41.

    Silver stocks will fall quite fast.

  • Hallo Tambok

    Den Auftakt und die ersten zwei Songs dann war ich wieder draußen aus der Arena. Der Eintritt war frei für mich, einige der Fans sahen so aus wie der besoffene Udo selbst und ich lachte mir eines wie sie tanzten und die Texte wie in der Schule gelernt haben und mitgesungen haben. Ein Panoptikum war es eher als Euphorie. :D

    Wie weit Gold und die Aktien fallen sehen wir bis Ende der Woche, es war mir klar das bei über 440 USD eine Korrektur kommt.
    Es kann leicht unter 430 $ fallen und dann wieder drehen.
    Die Wochenprognose von Crystalball or Waveman wird wahrscheinlich eintreffen.
    Ist ja gut für die nicht eingekauft haben,man kann dann aufstocken am Freitag. Ich halte und mache gar nichts.

    Mal schaun wie schlimm diese Korrektur üeberhaupt ist. :rolleyes:

    Interessant ist das bei dem Goldpreis eigentlich die Aktien unterbewertet sind wenn man diese mit früher vergleicht.

    Have a nice day, anyway ;)


  • Hot from the press of crystalball :

    Dear Members,

    I see a MOST negative announcement is coming from CHINA so it is my duty to warn you. Watch carefully you trade because I see a major crash is coming in CRB INDEX (metals and oil) or in all hot running commodity.

    Don't buy even if they fall lot.

    Trade carefully.

  • Dear Members,

    Last week's warning of a crash in the commodity index is on the way and poised to occur in the next three weeks. Though copper remained in range, it is displaying signs of weakness. Meanwhile, coffee is trying to stabilize while the stock market gave signs of weakness. Gold remained strong while silver traded powerfully. Grains nicely settled down and oil surged as though the deposits will soon be depleted. All around, the commodity remained a clear winner. On the other side, the dollar was the dominant force in the currency market.

    Once again, I was wrong concerning oil in my short-term prediction. Indeed I am now scared by oil’s move for it looks as though it’s a rapid surge prior to an eventual collapse. On its part, gold wants to move ahead but silver remain stable and tugging it back.

    There are two important issues that I have been talking about since early this year. These are;

    A major false story will emanate from or concerning China and the USA will push China into a major internal crisis similar to the former USSR. The other issue is that
    OIL WITH TWO POSSIBILITIES: (a) A powerful and wealthy albeit concealed enemy of the USA will wage a highly coordinated war against it, using oil as the weapon. They will manipulate the cost of oil to such exorbitant levels that any major war will precipitate the collapse of the USA or indeed the world economy. This cabal of USA enemies will not employ the known methods of terror like suicide bomb attacks or any other terrorist strategies. They are going to attempt to hit the underbelly of the USA economy- oil. Once again, I would like to sound a warning to the USA authorities to be very vigilant and closely monitor the trade of oil, failure to which it may be too late to intervene (as oil could touch $100 or $150) and save their economy.
    (b) May few oil countries and powerful authority know that there is not much oil left because we have been exploring it and every thing has a limit. I was reviewing my own write up of the last five year on oil. If you have my last book "2004 World and financial prophecies", in that it is clearly written on page 100 in oil section "Oil is a very important resource in the running of world affairs and for our day to day business. It is used in generating energy and thousands of by-products are derived from it. Many Islamic countries have huge reserves of this product, and this is why I have said that they will thrive and prosper because of oil. Oil and gold ought to be the two key areas in which long term investors should focus on in this century. In 2004, I expect oil prices to reach US $50 per barrel and up to US $100 per barrel within the next 30 months. The following twelve and a half years will witness a continuous rise of oil prices because of planet Saturn. I have said before and still stand by my prediction that some kind of currency or bond related to oil will be released."
    A few months back, I stated that oil and grains are more important than gold. However, we can farm grains but never cultivate oil in farms and have to rely on those who have it and quantity earth has. Any way, we shall continue to watch this hidden wave and ascertain what shape it will finally assume.



    During this week, gold will remain stable though it will lose some ground. Therefore, my advice is that you can books profit in metal stocks. In addition, gold may move up to $448.10 while the downside will be $434.70. Whenever a commodity is running into a positive cycle, it means it will usually touch the upside price. In a negative phase, it will touch the downside price, so trade accordingly. For instance, last week I said that the upside could be $442 and the down side $429. In the worst case, it could therefore have gone down to $429 but as gold is running into a positive cycle, it will mostly touch the upside price target.

    This week Monday and Wednesday gold will remain weak but Tuesday and Thursday are positive days for gold.

    One can book profit again on Thursday and stay away for a few days.


    Silver will have a positive move early in the week but it won't be able to sustain at higher price. Don't buy any new silver above $7.30. During the week, silver could touch $7.04 and if it breaks $7.04, then it could go up to $6.93. After two weeks, silver will have a strong rise. You should therefore set some money aside for buying silver on each fall.

    Monday and Wednesday silver will move down.



    Copper and Platinum both look weak, but Palladium is trading in the buying range. The rise of Copper is very near its end and it should remain down for a few years. There will therefore be no need to take a risk for a few dollars worth of profit.

    Highly recommended - Sell copper, steel and base material stocks.


    A further seven week phase is positive for oil while the subsequent nine months will be weak, so plan accordingly. Oil has crossed the most important barrier of $57.90 and the next price target of $62.10 looks maximum level during this wave in the near future. After this, oil may then move downwards quite fast (more than 20% in few days, not week). However, this should not be construed to mean that I am recommending buying at this point. Maximum it can fall in few months to $48.80 before it reach to $100. On Wednesday of this week and oil could crash more than two dollars in the last hour of trading.


    Thursday and Friday market gave some negative signals and it should remain weak for this week. Soon, the DOW will bid farewell to five digits. Remain short in indexes. If this time all comes fully under the grip of nature, then it should tumble more than 800 points in the next twenty eight days.

    BUYING RECOMMENDATION - Only the alternative energy sector will perform well during this week. These stocks will boldly move ahead.


    Last week, it moved up quite strongly and I expect it to perform similarly this week also. Soon, the 30 Year bond will cross the 120 mark and you should therefore stay long in it. The Bond will remain strong for another 27 days.


    This week, all major currencies will remain very volatile. If the dollar starts on a positive day on Monday, then it will remain up till Wednesday and may cross the $90 mark. However, Thursday and Friday will be opposite. On the other hand, if Monday opens weak, then it should remain weak till Wednesday, while a strong rise will occur on Thursday and Friday. In both cases one thing is therefore evident, that the US dollar will cross $90.00. Don't short the dollar because it is in the full grip of nature’s wave and should rise continually.

    The Australian dollar and Yen could rapidly move down and one can therefore short them.

    This week’s trade should be:

    SELL - STOCK MARKET, YEN and the AUSSI Dollar.


    In the market, I continue to urge that you don't love or hate any commodity or currency.


    Eldorado 8)

  • Hallo Frr und Tambok

    Ich blicke da ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr durch was für ein Mango Bango unsere Crystalball da schreibt.Er schiebt auch oft die Torpfosten wenns nicht eintrifft und redet sich aus mit unsichtbaren Wellen und Natureinflüsse. Rumsfeld sagte heute das vielleicht in 12 Jahren :D mal Ruhe herrscht im Irak. Denke der hohe Oilpreis kommt und das wird die Rache von Alibaba gegen den Westen werden. Die Truppen da unten haben einen sehr langen aufenthalt und werden sicher bald fließend Arabisch sprechen.

    Auf alle Fälle verlängere ich nicht Crystalballs teures Abo und bis dort hin lege ich es gegen seinen Willen für Euch kostenlos rein egal wie wertvoll es im Endeffekt ist. Am Mittwoch gehts ab nach Viva Mexico und ich schreib Euch von dort ein wenig wenn ich an ein Internet rankomme. Ihr macht das alles ganz gut ohne mich und es freut mich hier von euch zu lesen. Haltet die Ohren und das andere wichtige steif,..... Adios Amigos !

    Vom 18 Juli bis 31 Juli bin ich dann in Thailand und hole alles nach was ich wo anders versäumt habe. ;)

    Vielleicht hat Tschonko eine Antwort für Euch der kennt sich besser aus mit Astro und kann die Aussagen von CB besser interpretieren.
    Bald kommt eine Merkurkonstellation wie er angedeutet hat und man sollte auf nummer sicher gehen und Profitmitnahmen machen.
    Ich mache jedenfalls nichts, mal schaun wie das ganze ausgeht bis Anfang August.

    Herzlichen Gruss und viel Glück
    Keep the faith !


  • Wer interessiert ist:

    Peter M. Kuhn auf Bloomberg-TV
    27.06.2005 Bullion River Gold Corp.

    27. Juni 2005. Peter M. Kuhn, President von Bullion River Gold, stand dem Finanzsender Bloomberg-TV in einem Interview Rede und Antwort. Das Interview wird heute, Montag, 27. Juni, um 16:35 Uhr, 19:35 Uhr und 21:35 Uhr auf Bloomberg-TV ausgestrahlt.

  • Artikel von Jay Taylor zur Zukunft von Rohstoffen, Gold, Relation gesetzt zur Vergangenheit.
    (In Englisch)…5deccd5e8af92633e41869215

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