Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Bullshit and Brainwash !

    News that al-Zarqawi was killed by a U.S. air raid in Iraq on Wednesday boosted the dollar and removed some safe-haven bids for gold.

    Another key pressure on gold's safe-haven status in the past few days has been easing tensions over Iran's nuclear ambitions.

    Again on Thursday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tehran was ready to discuss "common concerns" ?( about its nuclear program, according to the .....................................BBC ????.

    The comments come several days after Tehran said a package of incentives aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear research contained positive steps. ?( :D

    A stronger greenback lowers the value of dollar-denominated commodities, such as gold, as it takes less of the currency to buy the same amount of gold. :D :D

    "The [Zarqawi] headline accelerated the dollar rally vs. the European currencies, especially the Swiss franc, which usually strengthens in times of geopolitical uncertainty," writes Ashraf Laidi, currency strategist at MG Financial. 8o...............

    MVD ;)...its just more hawkisch talk after Ben Bernanke, that's all ! IMO.…cm_cat=FREE&cm_ite=NA

    Wurde der Tod von seiner eigenen Organisation bestaetigt ?
    Auf alle Faelle mit mehr Mujahindin Bomber !
    Wusste gar nicht das er den Amis oder der Regierung seine Fingerabdruecke vorher schon gegeben hat. :D
    Die kannte auch noch alle seine Narben. :rolleyes:
    Nachdem er von 2 Bomben mit 250kg Bomben getroffen wurde ?

    Egal,auch wenn es stimmen sollte, es kommen dann 100 neue Kandidaten und der Hass wird nun noch groesser als er schon ist.
    Tony Blair sagte: We will stay there and fight until we win the War..4 (OIL)
    Solana ist seit zwei Tagen in Teheran, man hoert da gar nichts,ausser don't worry we sort them out with McDonalds. :D

    Ich glaube die meisten sind auf Coke was jetzt passiert.

    Frieden im nahen Osten ? :D :D :D :D :D

    Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki on Thursday announced the killing of al Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi. Al-Maliki said al-Zarqawi had been killed late Wednesday during an American airstrike north of Baghdad.

    According to him, al-Zarqawi was killed along with seven aides.

    His identity was confirmed by fingerprints and a look at his face :rolleyes:

    “What happened ... is the result of collaboration from people who facilitated the operation conducted by Iraqi police and multinational forces,” Maliki told reporters.

    “This is a message to those who choose the path of violence to change their direction before it is too late. I thank our forces, our police and the multinational forces for what they are doing in pursuing the terrorists.” ;(

    General George W. Casey Jr, head of US-led forces in Iraq, told the press conference that Zarqawi and one of his key lieutenants, spiritual advisor Shaikh Abdel Rahman were killed at 6:15 pm (1415 GMT) Wednesday in an air strike on an isolated safe house. “Tips and intelligence from Iraqi senior leaders from his network led forces to al-Zarqawi and some of his associates, who were conducting a meeting approximately eight kilometers (five miles) north of Baquba, when the air strike was launched.”

    Iraqi police were first on the scene after the air strike[/U], and elements of Multinational Division North, arrived shortly thereafter.Coalition Forces were able to identify al-Zarqawi by fingerprint verification, facial recognition and known scars.”

    A Jordanian official said Jordan also provided the U.S. military with information that helped in tracking al-Zarqawi down. The official, according to the AP, said some of the information came from Jordan's sources inside Iraq and led the U.S. military to the area of Baquba.

    At the White House, President Bush hailed the killing as "a severe blow to al-Qaeda and it is a significant victory in the war on terror." But he cautioned: "We have tough days ahead of us in Iraq that will require the continuing patience of the American people."

    In London, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said al-Zarqawi's death "was very good news because a blow against al-Qaeda in Iraq was a blow against al-Qaida everywhere."

    The Jordanian-born man became Iraq's most wanted militant. The United States had put a $25 million bounty on al-Zarqawi, the same as Osama bin Laden.

    In late 2004, Iraq's Deputy Interior Ministry Maj. Gen. Hussein Kamal said Iraqi security forces caught al-Zarqawi near Fallujah but then released him because they didn't realize who he was. :D

    Das schaut mir eher ein Painting aus als ein Foto, mensch-meier die haben alte cameras. :D

  • nein eldorado, er ist nicht tot!
    Hassan ibn al-Sabbah wird neue Freunde vom Sohn der Witwe Bush ausschicken bis auch der letzte "Goldbug" zurück zum Busen der Hure Babylon kommt und wieder dem "grünen Kalb" huldigt und das Depot von unheiligen Götzendienern wie dir und deinen Freunden in den Staub zertreten wird, denn du huldigst unreinen und unkeuschen Gelüsten und versündigst dich mit der Gier nach dem Gold, dass doch nur uns und den unsrigen zusteht, seit anbeginn der zeit.
    Verflucht seist du, dreimal verflucht!!!
    jubelo, jubela, jubelum

    knight kadosh
    primus illuminatus
    georgie "temporary" buba bush e.h.
    (papa, condy und "big time" haben gesagt heute darf ich es allen zeigen, und so richtig reinsagen weil heute ein guter Tag für uns war)
    nicht böse sein, war rein geschäftlich!!!
    :P :P :P
    P.S.: und die jungs von der FED haben gesagt, du sollst uns nicht als freimaurer beschimpfen!!!
    pöser pube du!

  • Wo haben sie dich ausgegraben ? :D
    Trink ein Glas Milch und leg dich wieder hin !.
    pöse mö !,... das haettest du wohl gerne. :D
    Frag die Jungs vom Feeeeeeeed, aber bitte nicht mich.
    Ein Busen ist leicht zum finden, aber bei Gold schauts da schlechter aus.

    .....jubelo, jubela, jubelum :]

    ....nicht böse sein, war rein geschäftlich ;)

  • It’s a “worldwide sell-off” says the International Herald Tribune, triggered by “disappearing liquidity.”

    And now, the papers are blaming poor Ben Bernanke. The new man on the job at the Fed let it be known that inflation was “unwelcome.” This is widely described as “tough talk,” though to us, it seems rather gentlemanly. It is also, of course, a bald-faced lie. What would really be unwelcome is the absence of the inflation...the lack of increases in consumer prices...the sudden stiffening of the usually pliant U.S. dollar.

    The Japanese lived through such an era for the last 10 years, with Ben Bernanke watching. Fed chiefs would sooner poke their own eyes out than have to watch it here in the United States. For they know as well as anyone, the Japanese could afford it; Americans cannot. Americans are too deep in debt. They need inflation. It keeps the cash coming to pay interest, while lightening the debt load, little by little, over time.

    No, there’s no real danger of Ben Bernanke suddenly becoming Paul Volcker. Even with lifts in his shoes, he lacks the stature. And he’s 30 years too late. Volcker could turn off the money taps in the late ‘70s, because America was still a healthy economy back then. It could take a little dry weather. Three decades later, his successor, plucked from Princeton’s towers like a sprig of ivy, will wilt quickly.

    That is why the “worldwide sell-off” is likely to have very different results for the bond, the dollar and stocks on the one hand, and commodities, selected emerging markets and gold on the other.

    As Jim Rogers puts it in Barron’s, “[Ben Bernanke] is an amateur with no knowledge of markets whose academic work revolved around how nations could avoid depressions by printing more money."

    Put the new man under a little pressure and the lifts in his shoes will disappear overnight. Rather than imitate the straight-talking giant, Volcker, he will hunch over and mumble. Yes, dear reader, Alan “Bubbles” Greenspan will be back. But, alas, without the old magic. For now all that liquidity that the maestro pumped into the world market is leaking into consumer prices (which is why central bankers are so eager to mop it up). And adding more liquidity now just makes the situation worse or better, depending on how you look at it. If you are invested in Dow stocks and the dollar, you will suffer. If you are invested in commodities, gold, oil, and maybe even a few carefully selected emerging will rejoice.

    This bull market in commodities is likely to be far bigger than the last one, claims Jim Rogers:

    "Add to that [American consumption] 1.3 billion Chinese and 1.1 Indians - all walled off from the global economy during the last commodities boom - joining the global scrum for natural's delusional to deny that competition for commodities will continue to heat up as a result of China's pell-mell rush from a peasant economy to economic giant."

    We have a feeling that China, not looking where it is going, is going to fall on its face. But we don’t dispute his main point: there are a lot more people bidding for copper, cotton and gold than there were when Paul Volcker ruled the Fed. And we also agree that a lot of those people are not particularly keen to protect the dollar, nor the U.S. economy.

    This news item came across our desk yesterday:

    “President Vladimir Putin, a frequent critic of U.S. dollar hegemony, has ordered the Russian central bank to raise the gold share of foreign reserves from 5 per cent to 10 per cent.

    “Russia's reserves have surged to $US237 billion, the world's fourth biggest, after rising 61 per cent in 2004 and 40 per cent in 2005. With a current account surplus of 10 per cent of GDP, it must buy a big chunk of the world's gold output just to stop its bullion share of reserves from falling.”

    We recall also last week’s report that China’s top economic advisor urged the Reds to move more of their money out of the dollar and into gold, oil and other useful commodities.

    Bad news for the dollar, U.S. bonds, U.S. housing...and the Dow...and....primus illuminatus.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    lies mal! (kommt bei mir am abend dran)

    Selten spendiert der Meister etwas so wie hier!


  • @Lucky...noch habe ich Zeit.

    Thanx,ich habs mir angeschaut,klar 5300 - 5400 ist Kapitulationsgrenze/Chaos beim Dax.
    Was den PoG angeht meint er erstmal auf die 660-685 dann aber runter auf 540-575.
    Was soll da wieder passieren das es von 660 wieder auf 550 faellt frage ich mich. ?(....

    ...Oil bei 50 USD, Bin L gefangen und die ganze Welt wedelt mit der Ami Flagge ? :D
    Ich glaube da zaehlt oder sieht er eine Welle zu viel.

    500 Millionen Dollar hat es gekostet um Zarqawi zu toeten.
    Eine teure Werbung fuer Bush und Blair.

    Soweit ich sehe haben die nun genug abgeschossen,der Markt liegt in Truemmern.
    Da habe ich mir gleich bei 11.12 USD die letzte Tranche von Silbercalls vom Schrottplatz geholt.

    Have a nice day, wenn Costa Rica heute gewinnt dann geht es noch weiter runter mit den Aktien und Gold.

    Fast unwahrscheinlich, ich denke mir es geht nun BERGAUF ! ;)
    Wenn auf CNBC heute einige sagen jetzt ist eine gute Zeit zu kaufen sind die Chancen noch hoeher.
    Die meisten Zipfelklatscher hoeren ja auf das Bla-Bla von denen. :D


    GO GOLD GO !!!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Eldorado
    Soweit ich sehe haben die nun genug abgeschossen,der Markt liegt in Truemmern.
    Da habe ich mir gleich bei 11.12 USD die letzte Tranche von Silbercalls vom Schrottplatz geholt!!

    GO GOLD GO !!!


    Das wollte ich schon gestern,habe aber vorhin zugekauft.
    Und zwar mit Laufzeit 2008,der wird noch was!!

    Und wenn das gutgeht,kommen noch welche drauf!! :D :D

    GO SILVER GO!! :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Und damit auch ein paar Bären hier ihren Spaß
    haben,gleich einige Goldcalls draufgelegt.

    Aber natürlich überhaupt nicht deshalb.

    Schöne an -und aufregende Zeiten. :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Iran 'open to nuclear talks


    Tehran - Iran's president said his regime is ready for talks over its nuclear capabilities, but he sent mixed signals on how much is open for negotiation and suggested Tehran has the upper hand in its showdown with the West. :rolleyes:

    On Thursday, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeated Iran's position that uranium enrichment is an untouchable national right, a clear jab at the West two days after Iran received a package of economic and technological incentives to suspend the programme.

    But he also offered some signs of flexibility without specifically mentioning the proposal. In a speech at an industrial city, he said Iran would hold dialogue on "mutual concerns" with foreign powers - including the United States - if they took place "free from threats".

    Slowdown in enrichment

    A report to the UN nuclear agency's board, meanwhile, said Iran slowed enrichment over the past month but picked up the pace on Tuesday, the day the proposal for talks was delivered. There was no indication in the report, obtained by The Associated Press, that the two events were linked.

    While the slowdown in enrichment could reflect a decision by Iran to send a positive signal before talks, a senior UN official said it also could be the result of technical difficulties. The official agreed to discuss the confidential report only if not quoted by name.

    Ahmadinejad portrayed Iran as having forced Washington and its allies to accept the Islamic regime's "greatness and dignity" and increasingly bend to its will.

    'Mutual concerns'

    The shifting messages are seen as part of Iranian posturing before possible talks, which could include the United States after a nearly 27-year diplomatic freeze. Western nations, led by the US, worry Iran's uranium enrichment technology could become the backbone for a nuclear arms programme. Iran insists it only seeks electricity-producing reactors.

    "The nation will never hold negotiations about its definite rights with anybody, but we are for talks about mutual concerns to resolve misunderstandings in the international arena," Ahmadinejad told thousands of people in Qazvin, about 100km northwest of Tehran.


    In a major policy shift, the United States agreed last week to join France, Britain and Germany in talks with Iran, provided Tehran suspends all suspect nuclear activities. Tehran has welcomed direct talks with Washington, but rejected any preconditions.

    Ahmadinejad did not say whether Iran would accept the Western package of incentives, which were presented Tuesday by the European Union's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana.

    Its contents have not been made public, but diplomats have said the package includes economic rewards and a provision for some US nuclear technology if Iran halts enriching uranium - a major concession by Washington. :D

    The offer, however, also contains the implicit threat of UN sanctions if Iran remains defiant.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    (wenn er wieder mal das verfaulende Lemmingfleisch aus den Zahnzwischenräumen herausgekratzt hat):

    Mal wieder Geld vom Tisch nehmen!

    Was ich mit dem vorangehenden, obigen posting (free update) sagen wollte:
    Wir wissen alle, dass die EM-Märkte sehr volatil sind. Klar, die Fundamentaldaten sind grundlegend wichtig und obsiegen langfristig. Wer nur langfristig (10-20 Jahre gemeint) investiert (d.h. wegen jugendlichem Alter so investieren kann oder das halt so will), braucht sich um die Vola nicht gross zu kümmern.

    Alle andern müssen (sollten) die extreme Vola (die wir momentan grad wieder bestaunen können) irgendwie in den Griff kriegen, jede(r) halt auf seine/ihre Weise!

    Elliott-Analyse hat einen gewichtigen Nachteil: es braucht sehr viel Erfahrung, damit umzugehen. Wenige Leute haben die. Stümperhafte Zählungen gibt es, und die bringen die Methode in Misskredit. Denn dass Börsenkurse fraktale Verläufe zeigen (sogenannte 'Manipulation' annulliert diese nicht!!) ist völlig unbestritten (früher Autor: Mandelbrot). An gewissen Punkten im Kursverlauf ist die Prognosequalität von EW-Analyse meines Erachtens (als nicht-EW-Experte) aber ganz einmalig hoch. Hätte ich nach Elli's öffentlichem posting vor vielen Monaten 'volle Kanne long' mit ein paar DAX-Futures a la longue spekuliert, könnte ich heute privatisieren. Hätte ich ein Elli-Abo kürzlich gehabt (und den Mut, die Prognosen umzusetzen), hätte ich wiederum enorm profitieren können. Ich hatte beim EM-Hoch (aus Instinkt, weil es sehr topig aussah) zwar etwas vom Tisch genommen, aber bei weitem nicht so viel, wie ich eigentlich hätte nehmen können. Nun ja, 'you live and learn'!

    Gute Geschäfte wünscht:
    Lucky Friday

  • Mixed Stories ... :D

    The US military says:

    Baghdad - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi could barely speak, but he struggled and tried to get away from American soldiers as he lay dying on a stretcher in the ruins of his hideout.

    The US forces recognised his face, and knew they had the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

    Initially, the US military had said al-Zarqawi was killed outright.

    But Friday ""new details"" emerged of his final moments.

    On Wednesday, the US military tracked him to a house 225KG bombs.

    Al-Zarqawi somehow managed to survive the impact of the bombs, weapons so powerful they tore a huge crater in the date palm forest where the house was nestled just outside the town of Baqouba.

    Iraqi police reached the scene first, and found the 39-year-old al-Zarqawi alive.

    "He mumbled something, X( X(" :D but.. it was indistinguishable and it was very short," ( F..Y !) ?(.......
    Major-General William Caldwell, spokesperson for US-led forces in Iraq, said Friday of the Jordanian-born terrorist's last words.

    Medical treatment

    Iraqi police pulled him from the flattened home and placed him on a makeshift stretcher.

    US troops arrived, saw that al-Zarqawi was conscious, and tried to provide medical treatment, the spokesperson said.

    "He obviously had some kind of visual recognition of who they were because he attempted to roll off the stretcher, as I am told, and get away, realising it was the US military," :D.. Caldwell told Pentagon reporters via videoconference from Baghdad.

    Al-Zarqawi "attempted to, sort of, turn away off the stretcher", he said.

    "Everybody re-secured him back onto the stretcher, but he died almost immediately thereafter from the wounds he'd received from this airstrike."

    So much blood covered al-Zarqawi's body that US forces cleaned him up before taking photographs.

    "Despite the fact that this person actually had no regard for human life, we were not going to treat him in the same manner," Caldwell said.


    The airstrike killed two other men and three women who were in the house, but only al-Zarqawi and his spiritual adviser have been positively identified, he said.

    Caldwell also said experts told him it is not unheard of for people to survive a blast of that magnitude. :D

    "There are cases when people, in fact, can survive even an attack like that on a building structure. 8o

    Obviously, the other five in the building did not, but he did for some reason," Caldwell said.

    He said he did not know if al-Zarqawi was inside or outside the house when the bombs struck. :D


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The History of the Cost of Money, Action of the US Dollar, Inflation and Precious Metals: 1968 to 1980 First Quarter

    Wer dies durchgeackert hat,zweifelt nicht mehr an der Zukunft des Goldes.

    Grosse Schaubilder,die weitere Einsichten vermitteln.


    This Is Reality

    What you see here is fact. There are no mitigating factors today that can skew what you have reviewed. The historical view you have just seen will repeat now and into 2011.

    What you reviewed makes me feel I am being too conservative on my expectations for gold.

    Now post this on every web site and chat board you can find. ;) No need to give any credit for where it came from, just post it everywhere on the planet. Maybe a picture will penetrate their thick heads. :D Maybe they will then realize we have just experienced our first market charade of major proportions by the US fed in concert with other central banks in a stealth attempt break inflationary expectations.

    You cannot break inflationary psychology unless you introduce policies that have that ability historically validated.
    The cost of money now compared to the size of the Bernanke Helicopter Drop of international liquidity means that rates will have to exceed the level of 1980 in order to have any impact. That is a long time ahead, a much greater increase in the price of gold and many adventures from now.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eldo,ganz sicher.

    Das ewige Tricksen und Täuschen auch mit Hilfe der Medien ist bald over. :D

    Wir erleben noch goldige Zeiten wie noch nie,absolut sicher.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Zitat

    Original von Edel Man
    Wir erleben noch goldige Zeiten wie noch nie,absolut sicher.

    Logisch werden wir das. Auf die Politiker ist schließlich Verlass! Es muss halt reifen. Wie guter Wein. Geht alles nicht so schnell. Aber trotz Korrektur bin ich ja, absolut gesehen, im Plus. Und Ihr vermutlich auch. Und wenn die Korrektur vorbei ist, dann bin ich durch gute Nachkäufe noch mehr im Plus. Und Ihr vermutlich auch. :D

    1 schönes WE


    der KR

    Zeit ist der Freund von wunderbaren Unternehmen und der Feind von mittelmäßigen Unternehmen. Warren Buffett

  • Danke für die Milch, guter Tipp!

    Hab super geschlafen.

    aber jetzt gehts gaaaanz sicher bald los!!!
    calls, calls, calls

    Papa sagt du bist eine ganz harte fodder unit und er liebt deine durchhalteparoli

    Big time meint dein Donquijoterie hat schon bald was liebenswertes

    Nur Condi zischelt was von du seist ein ziemlicher Machoarsch und wir sollen dich noch ein bisschen bluten lassen. (tss, weiber was wissen die schon, nada, niente; nicht??)

    Klein-Ben schlägt vor du solltestdir das noch ein bis zweimal durchlesen, hast nicht alles verstanden:…004/200403022/default.htm

    Trotzdem gaaanz tollen Urlaub, komm doch mal vorbei nach Texas (wenn du es dir noch leisten kann, wenn nicht schick ich dir ein paar dollar elektronisch (zwinker, zwinker)

    dein Buba

  • kerouac

    Eigentlich darf man keine Trolls fuettern, aber ich bin gerade in der Stimmung.

    Ich lese nur diese paar Zeilen von deinen Link und denke mir meinen Teil.

    The gold standard was suspended during World War I, however, because of disruptions to trade and international capital flows and because countries needed more financial flexibility to finance their(oil) war efforts.

    This ""leadership"" helped the system adjust to imbalances and strains; for example, a ""consortium"" of central banks might lend gold to one of their number that was experiencing a shortage of reserves. ...Goldman Sachs and JPM...z.B

    The finding that leaving the gold standard was the key to recovery from the Great Depression was certainly confirmed by the U.S. experience..... :rolleyes:.


    The system was based on the faith the public had in the gold receipts, with all issuers not being equal. The Federal Reserve Bank was therefore created to regulate the system and stand ready to bail out any bank that could not meet its obligations.
    Fractional banking was allowed to continue subject to additional regulation and scrutiny, but the system is still based purely on the faith and confidence that people have in pieces of paper. :rolleyes:

    Well, Helicopter Ben soll mal weiter drucken, es kommt alles wieder als Inflation zurueck frueher oder spaeter.
    Einige Banken oder eine LTMC,Enron Type collapse demnaechst.
    Als erstes der housing market, die US Wirtschaft geht runter,keiner will mehr den USD Dollar oder US Goods, nur wenn er keine andere Wahl hat.
    Ein zweites Vietnam im nahen Osten, das US Imperium beginnt jetzt schon zu zerfallen, China wird die neue Weltmacht, fly now, pay later.

    America is losing its grip on the world ,that for sure.
    Just ask 300.000 American's who immigrated to Canada lately why they went. Who wants to live or travel to Texas? , no thanks !

    I prefer to fly to VC in Canada. :]

    That's the country with a better future...... the US is doomed in the long run, you'll see Kerouac.

    Btw, how is your breast today ???

    Cheers, you cheeky Illuminati.
    Say hi to your friends from Goldman Sachs, Gold will kill them all !
    And to ""Condi"" ...FY2 ! :D

    By End of 2006 Gold will be between 750-800 USD, mark my words !


  • Gaza City - Hamas ended an 18-month ceasefire on Saturday, firing 11 rockets at Israel just hours before Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas was due to announce a controversial referendum........

    Tehran - Foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki said on Saturday that Iran had started to study the West's incentives to resolve the nuclear crisis and might reply with its own package, :D Iranian media reported.
    "We have opened the package, and we are studying it, and afterwards we will officially reply to the Europeans," Mottaki was quoted as saying after a meeting with Palestinian foreign minister Mahmud al-Zahar.
    "We hope ... a shuttle diplomacy will be started for the Islamic republic's proposals in the form of amendments or counter-proposals to be studied seriously by the Europeans," he added.........

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has ordered a five-hour midday ban on all vehicle traffic in Baghdad and Baqouba, state TV reported Friday, in a bid to prevent reprisal attacks by suicide car bombers following the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

    Al-Qaeda's No. 2 hailed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in a videotape broadcast Friday. Ayman al-Zawahri focused on political developments in the Palestinian territories, Sudan and Egypt in the tape aired by the Al-Jazeera network. It mentions a national referendum proposed on May 25 by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

    An Al-Jazeera anchorman said the tape was made before al-Zarqawi's death was announced Thursday because al-Zawahri praised his efforts to confront U.S.-led forces in Iraq. "God bless the prophet of Islam in Iraq, the persistent hero of Islam, the Holy Warrior Abu Musab al-Zarqawi," al-Zawahri said.

    He also sent greetings to the Shura Council of Mujahedeen in Iraq and fighters, "who are confronting crusaders and their apostate aides and the merchants of religion."

  • Condie und die jungs sind jetzt wirklich böse!
    die "eulogia-hegel-jungs" finden jetzt dich ziemlich cheeky und thü:gtu:a-.
    Da läßt man euch mal auch ein wenig leben nach den jahren der dürre
    und was ist, ihr glaubt wir sind im "Endspiel" und ihr die ganz großen Checker.
    zur Strafe gibts montag die 5xx
    zum sinnieren:

    Papier (These und Fakt)
    Gooold , Silber (Antithese und Eldos teocuitlatl)
    Synthese (????????) (ich sag nix, sonst bumm)
    spielen wir schon sollange

    Buba trollt sich
    god bless america
    (sind wir nicht alle ein bisschen amerika)

    Bleib gut drauf Eldo, bin ja auch einer von euch

Schriftgröße:  A A A A A