AuRico Gold / AUQ (TSX, NYSE)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hab mal das --computergesteuerte-- System AmericanBulls angesteuert:

    GAM "Hold", Stand 9,14C$ = Börsen - SK

    Am 12.03.08 noch "BUY" bei 9,20 C$.…AM&MarketTicker=TSE&Typ=S

    Aber natürlich klar:
    Derartige Systeme können Marktpsychologie und Aussergewöhnliches NICHT einschätzen. ;)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Moin moin,

    ich habe mich mit Einzelheiten der Klagen nicht beschäftigt.

    Dennoch sehe ich Gammon Gold auf Grund der Assets positiv.
    Ein schlechtes Management kann ausgetauscht werden, Fehler belasten zwar, ändern aber aber nichts
    am Wert der Assets.

    cui bono - wem nützt es? <>

    Diese Frage hilft manchmal um die Ecke zu sehen.

    Konkret frage ich mich: Welcher "böse" Nachbar ist scharf auf Gammon und kauft Eure Aktien auch
    schon oberhalb von 8,- $, bevor er bei einer Übernahme viel mehr bezahlen muss?

    Vielleicht sind diese Gedanken abwegig. Wie seht Ihr diesen Ansatz?


  • TSX: GAM / AMEX: GRS / BSX: GL7 Gammon Reports Continued Strengthening of Key Financial Metrics over January with Cashflow from Operations increasing by 63% to $3.1M, Net Free Cashflow increasing by 56% to ($0.4M) and a $2.1M Pay Down of Its Debt Facility

    HALIFAX, March 11, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Gammon Gold Inc. ("Gammon") (TSX:GAM and AMEX:GRS) is pleased to provide its unaudited monthly status update to our shareholders.

    February Highlights

    - Significant increase in production with an 18.5% increase over January
    and a 21.4% improvement in average monthly production over Q4 and the
    best result since June 2007
    - Significant reduction in consolidated cash costs with a 5% improvement
    over January and an 18.6% improvement of over Q4's average cash costs
    the lowest cost since commercial production was declared at Ocampo in
    Q1 2007.
    - Improved positive operating cash flow was achieved in February as
    compared to January and represents a significant improvement over
    operating cash flows achieved throughout all of 2007.
    - Liquidity position was further strengthened due to ongoing operational
    improvements and stronger market prices for gold and silver which
    continues to underpin the Company's turnaround phase into the later
    part of 2008, at which point the Company's business model is scheduled
    to generate positive net cash flow.
    - Strong cash flow performance established closing cash reserves of
    $1.9 million and the Company also made an accelerated debt facility
    principal reduction payment of $2.1M.
    - There were no facility draw downs taken on the Company's $60 million
    revolving project debt in February or to date in March. The Company's
    net debt position decreased to $27.4 million in February.
    - The Company (inclusive of Gammon Gold's El Cubo mine) continues to
    remain on target to produce in the low to mid point of the targeted
    range of 56,000 to 62,000 gold equivalent ounces during Q1 at total
    cash costs that are lower than the previous guidance of between $580 to
    $600 per gold equivalent ounce.
    - Encouraging resource growth potential exploration results were reported
    at Guadalupe y Calvo which justifies aggressively advancing the present
    exploration program and will support an updating of the resource
    estimate, metallurgical test work and completing a scoping study for a
    potential open pit and underground operation.

  • irm

    HALIFAX, March 13, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Gammon Gold Inc. (TSX: GAM / AMEX: GRS) said Thursday that the Company has been named as a defendant in a statement of claim. The plaintiff is seeking, among other things, an order certifying the action as a class proceeding and $80 million in damages. The statement of claim has not yet been served on the Company.
    The plaintiff alleges that the Company's 2007 prospectus contained misstatements with respect to production run rates and the adequacy of the Company's internal controls. The plaintiff also alleges inappropriate option granting.
    Gammon Gold considers the allegations in the statement of claim to be without merit and intends to vigorously defend itself. The Company believes that it acted with appropriate care, diligence and skill at all times.
    "The claim relating to the production run rates is a copycat claim, on a class action basis, of a claim filed in New York courts last year," said Rene Marion, CEO of Gammon Gold. "The Company has brought a motion asking the court to dismiss that claim as groundless and lacking merit and is awaiting a hearing on that issue. The Company denies the plaintiff's allegations that it misled investors with respect to production run rates and considers the allegations in this claim to be without merit and intends to vigorously defend its position."
    Last year, the plaintiff's counsel wrote to the Company about potential concerns with stock options granted between 2001 and 2007. McInnes Cooper, a leading Nova Scotia law firm, was retained to steward an independent investigation into the Company's options granting process and independent consultants were retained to assist in the investigation.
    Following the investigation, McInnes Cooper reported to the Board that with respect to the options granted by the Board between April 25, 2001 and September 7, 2007, "there have been no violations of the Plan, or of the rules of the TSX or applicable securities laws in the granting, pricing or reporting by Gammon of the options granted pursuant to the Plan. Accordingly, no past or present directors, officers or other employees of Gammon could have profited from any improper exercise of options." At the time of this press release, the McInnes Cooper report had not been made available to the plaintiff's counsel.
    Gammon Gold remains focused on meeting its short term deliverables provided in the March 11, 2008 press release for the end of Q1.
    About Gammon Gold Inc.
    Gammon Gold Inc. is a Nova Scotia based mid-tier gold and silver producer with properties in Mexico. The Company's flagship Ocampo Project in Chihuahua State achieved commercial production in January 2007. Gammon Gold also operates its El Cubo operation in Guanajuato State and has the promising development Guadalupe y Calvo property in Chihuahua State. The Company remains 100% unhedged.

  • Kommentare aus einem anderem Forum

    gammon wird durch einen windigen anwalt und einem enttäuschten aktionär mit einer klage gedroht und schon kriegen die lemminge angst...gammon hat schon längst alle vorwürfe bestritten und mit beweisen belegen können, dass in den verkaufsfoldern alles richtig erläutert wurde...

    also, schön blöd, wenn man heute bei 5,70 geschmissen hat, denn jetzt zahlt man schon wieder 6,2 dafür und ich denke bis handelsschluss wird sich das minus nochmals reduzieren...selbst für kurzfristanleger gab es damit nochmals eine günstige möglichkeit einzusteigen...die langfristigen kommen erst noch (fonds) ;) der kurs wird seinen weg gehen und im sommer stehen wir bei 12-14 euro...

  • Liest sich alles nicht so dramatisch....ich bin da eher geneigt in die Richtung von Vatapiita zu denken......wem nützt es wenn GAM, gerade jetzt wo nach langer Zeit des zweifelns klar wird, dass Ocampo im wahrsten Sinne eine "Goldgrube" ist, wenn man das operative Geschäft von erfahrenen Leuten lenken lässt weiter im Kurs gedrückt bleibt?

    Ich bin nicht raus wo der Kurs runter ging sondern habe sukzessive nachgekauft (okay war nicht so dramatisch da ich schon sehr lange in GAM investiere) und werde bestimmt nicht gerade jetzt rausgehen.

  • Hier die Sammelklage

    Hier entsprechende Kommentare dazu

    magine my surprise when I heard that there are people stating that they have reviewed the statement of claim, and tell others to search the internet to see the filing. I took up the challenge and consider myself "capable" of finding things on the internet. Well, I never found the official filing, and so I reviewed the GAM press release. The first line (from GAM website) states this:

    "Gammon Gold Inc. (TSX: GAM / AMEX: GRS) said Thursday that the Company has been named as a defendant in a statement of claim.
    The plaintiff is seeking, among other things, an order certifying the action as a class proceeding and $80 million in damages. The statement of claim has not yet been served on the Company..."

    GAM did not yet even get the filing. So that led me to think, how can someone find it even if the company does not have it? Ontario law allows around 20 days from filing for the plaintiff to supply the info to the defendant.

    I searched internet and came upon the only source of info about this claim. I found it interesting that the people who say they have the statement of claim never mention who filed, and how they got it. Well here is the website I found:

    And I cut the part from their website for you to see:

    "In March 2008, Siskinds LLP filed a class action against Gammon Gold Inc. ("Gammon") and certain of its current and former officers and directors. The class action arises out of Gammon's April 2007 offering to the public of 10 million Gammon shares at a price of $20 per share. The offering was conducted pursuant to a prospectus issued by the defendants on April 19, 2007. Also named as defendants are the three underwriters who sold those shares to the public: BMO Nesbitt Burns, Inc., Scotia Capital Inc. and TD Securities Inc.
    In the plaintiff's Statement of Claim, it is alleged that the defendants made various misrepresentations in the Prospectus relating to the production of gold equivalent ounces at Gammon's principal mining property, Ocampo. It is also alleged that Gammon's stock options were manipulated in years prior to 2007 and that, in the Prospectus, the defendants misrepresented the amount of Gammon's stock option expense during certain of those years, and also misrepresented the adequacy of Gammon's internal controls.
    If you purchased Gammon shares under the Prospectus, please complete the online information form. Your information will be held in strict confidence. By completing the form, you are not retaining Siskinds, nor do you incur any obligations in connection with this lawsuit. "

    So this is from the lawyer who went fishing on Stockhouse some time ago looking for work.

    I have no doubt that the statement of claims looks good. They should since they have enough practice. However, that does NOT mean they are right. As a long time shareholder, I can recall voting to allow options to be granted. I will need to verify to see when options were granted without shareholders voting...

    One last thought, someone posted a defintion of fraud. I thought fraud was a criminal offense, and as such, SEC and OSC would investigate this (IMO). Interesting that no such info is available, making me wonder if this is sour grapes...

  • ...GAM erwirtschaftet grüne Zahlen im abgelaufenen März 2008 (1,9 Mio positiver Cash flow). Es zeichnet sich immer klarer ab, dass hier der turn around gelingt. Auch das erste Quartal 2008 zeigt i.m.O. dass GAM auf dem richtigen Weg ist. :thumbup:

    Zur vollständigen Meldung gehts hier:…d4c02fd1b87fd95029a49255b


  • Ja, sehr schön, macht Hoffnung auf mehr. Mal sehen wie die nächste Zeit sich die Aktie entwickelt. 8 C$ dürfte wir die längste Zeit gesehen haben. Die Shorties halten noch mächtig dagegen. Ein Zeitraum von 3 Jahren habe ich mir gegeben, alleine wegen der Abgeltungssteuer. :boese:

    Gruß Jürgen

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wetten, der Kurs fällt und endet heute tiefer? Werd' gleich nachschauen....

    Falsch, es ging mit rechtem Volumen höher... heisst wohl, dass das miese Sentiment vorüber ist und alles ausgekotzt, was Bauchweh gemacht hat.

  • Ja, GAM kommt in die Gänge. Die anvisierte Jahresproduktion von 135k-155k Goldäquivalent in 2008 erscheint in Anbetracht des Produktionsergebnisses für das 1. Q von knapp 58K eher konservativ....ich rechne hier mit deutlich mehr. Die Produktionskosten haben Sie jetzt offenbar auch im Griff, die liegen bei 491US$/oz Goldäquivalent. Zu diesen Kosten kann GAM offenbar profitabel arbeiten :rolleyes: Bis 2010 wollen sie die Produktion auf 355k-430K hochfahren, also deutlich mehr als verdoppeln. Wenn die Produktionskosten in der Zielzone von 480-515 US$/oz. Goldäqui. bleiben und der Gold/Silberpreis evtl. noch ansteigt, lautet meine Kursprognose auf Sicht von 2 Jahren 24US$ + x :thumbup:


  • Hier aus Stockhaus
    GAMMON GOLD is ready to RUN. New Management has everything under control now + may's results will continue on a positive production + profits improvement. GAM is completely UNDERVALUED + will be REVALUED by the ANALYSTS. GOLD Stocks profits are RISING finally + we are set for a lovely GOLD Stocks BULL RUN.…8865&l=0&r=0&s=GAM&t=list

    Er sieht die Aktie bei 24 Dollar. Total unterbewertet

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Kann den link nicht aufrufen :whistling: ....was sagen sie denn die stockhouser?


    Kurios:Mozilla tut es nicht, aber mein 2.PC mit SeaMonkey funzt:

    Hier die Anfangspassage:
    Royce & Associates in Position to take control of
    5/15/2008 10:13:57 AM | No Recommendation | 72 reads | Post #23130144
    They now have 14,397,169 shares , controlling 12.17% of Gammon shares

    This is an INCREASE of 4,453,400 shares. Apparently enough to gain control of Gammon but

    have reported that currently it is not their intention to initiate a take over. Following is reported in SEDAR , May 8th., 2008.

    Da scheint Jürgen schneller als diejenigen, die gerade 12,2 % der Aktien haben

    "Not their intention a take over"

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • So wie ich das lese erhöht GAM die Schlagzahl bei der Exploration...sind zwar nur kanpp 10% erhöhung zur ursprünglichen Planung, aber ocampo z.B. ist zu nur 20% exploriert, von el cubo ganz zu schweigen.....da wird noch einiges an Reserven und Resourcenerhöhungen zu erwarten sein. Darüber hinaus ein gutes zeichen, dass die Produktion nun flutscht und man das augenmerk auch wieder der exploration dieser erstklassigen gebiete zuwendet.

    GAM derzeit win:win Situation :thumbup:

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