Endeavour Mining Corp./ EDV (TSX)

  • Nov 15, 2018
    M&I Resources increase by 40% · Discovery cost of $9/oz · Only 35% of the Kari target was tested


    • Kari Pump 1Moz maiden Indicated resource increases Houndé's M&I resources by 40%

      • Indicated resource of 11.3Mt at 2.71 g/t Au for 987koz; Inferred resource of 0.2Mt at 2.21g/t Au for 20koz
      • The mineralization covers an area 1.3km long by 0.8km wide and remains open in numerous directions
      • 98% of maiden resource has been classified to the Indicated category
      • Higher Indicated resource grade: 2.71g/t Au for Kari Pump compared to 2.05g/t for the Houndé mine
      • Amenable to open pit mining as mineralization starts at surface
      • ~45% of the Indicated resource is located within the oxide and transition zones, compared to most of the Houndé indicated resource being located in fresh zones
      • Low discovery cost of $9 per Indicated resource ounce
    • Kari Pump represents only 35% of the large Kari gold in soil anomaly

      • Kari Pump is one of three high-grade discoveries made in the large Kari gold in soil anomaly where more than 200,000m were drilled over the past 18 months
      • The Kari Center discovery extends 1.2km along strike and across a width of over 200m, while the Kari West discovery extends at least 1.0km along strike and across a width of 500m, with both mineralized systems remaining open
    • A second 200,000m drilling program will start before year-end, focused on extending the mineralization at Kari Pump, and delineating a maiden resource for Kari West and Kari Center



  • Die jüngste Fusion zwischen Barrick und Randgold hat Sawiris angeblich als Hochzeit von zwei Siebzigjährigen bezeichnet (so in einem Artikel der Financial Times). :D

    Der Ägypter ist selber auch in Afrika auf Safari ...
    La Mancha plans to expand its African footprint, buy Barrick gold mines

    Mit Chinesen wolle er in Afrika allerdings nicht zusammenarbeiten, weil diese sich abschotten.


  • Jan 24, 2019
    Beat upper-end of full-year production guidance and bottom-end of AISC guidance


    • Q4-2018 production up 25% over Q3-2018 to 174koz and AISC down 13% to ~$715/oz
    • FY-2018 production up 52% over the prior year to 612koz, beating the top end of the 555-590koz guidance
    • FY-2018 AISC down ~$30/oz over the prior year to ~$745/oz, well below the guidance range of $760 - 810/oz
    • FY-2019 production expected to increase to 615 - 695koz and AISC expected to remain low at $760 - 810/oz
    • Ity CIL construction progressing on-budget and ahead of schedule with the dry plant commissioning completed, and first gold pour expected in early Q2-2019
    • Following the strong success achieved in 2018, exploration will continue to be a strong focus in 2019 with a company-wide exploration program of $45-50m

    [...] weitere Details zu den einzelnen Minen


  • Endeavour Mining hat von Anfang Dezember 2018 (16,34 C$) bis Anfang Februar 2019 (23,47 C$) eine fulminante Rally hingelegt, die gerade stark korrigiert wird.

    Der Bereich 19,55 C$ - 19,90 C$ könnte heute Nachmittag/Abend das Ende der Korrektur darstellen, denn a=c würden 19,72 C$ entsprechen, das 50 % Retracement läge bei 19,90/91 C$ (gestern mit 19,90 C$ bereits erreicht) und bei 19,55 C$ liegt eine Horizontalunterstützung.

    Derzeit kann man über tradegate bereits den unteren Teil dieser Spanne bekommen, wer die 12,85 € abgestaubt hat, der hat bereits deutlich unter dieser Spanne gekauft.

    Silber heute besser als Gold und zudem ist auch noch Freitag.

    M.E. also eine gute Chance EDV um 13 € herum einzusammeln.

    Die Bewertung in der beigefügten Tabelle entspricht dem gestrigen Schlusskurs. Man könnte also noch 2 % Verbesserung mit einrechnen, wenn man die derzeitigen Kurse bei tradegate um 13,10 € herum zugrunde legen würde.

  • Der Rapport von 2018 ist nun da.
    Endeavour Reports Strong FY-2018 Results

    Q4 AND FY-2018 HIGHLIGHTS (for continuing operations)

    • Q4-2018 production up 25% over Q3-2018 to 174koz and AISC down 14% to $707/oz
    • FY-2018 production up 52% over the prior year to 612koz, beating the top end of the 555-590koz guidance
    • FY-2018 AISC down $25/oz over the prior year to $744/oz, well below the guidance range of $760-810/oz
    • All-in Margin up $17m in Q4 over Q3 to $40m; FY-2018 up 80% over 2017 to $184m
    • Operating Cash Flow before non-cash working capital of $53m or $0.49/share in Q4; FY-2018 up 64% over 2017 to $261m or 2.43/share
    • Adjusted Net Earnings up from $(1)m in Q3 to $16m in Q4 or $0.15/share, amounting to $0.49/share for FY-2018
    • Net Debt of $536m at year end, up from $232m at the end of 2017, due to the accelerated construction of Ity CIL project
    • Group M&I resources up 0.9Moz year-over-year to 14Moz; P&P reserves down 0.6Moz to 8Moz as 1Moz Kari Pump maiden Indicated resource is expected to be converted to reserves by mid-year

    2019 OUTLOOK

    • FY-2019 production expected to increase to 615-695koz and AISC expected to remain low at $760-810/oz
    • Ity CIL construction progressing on-budget and ahead of schedule with the first gold pour expected in early Q2-2019
    • Significant exploration investment of $45-50m, mainly focused on our Houndé and Ity flagship mines


    Die gesamte Meldung ist natürlich umfangreicher als die highlights, scheint zu laufen wie es soll.


  • Sehr ausführliche Präsentation:



    und Q4/18 bzw. FY18


    Allein die beiden "Flagship-Minen" sollen bald 500.000 oz. mit AISC in Höhe von durchschnittlich ca. 607 $ fördern.

    Daneben gibt es noch zwei weitere produzierende Minen und jede Menge Projekte mittels denen man in den nächsten 5 Jahren 10-15 Mio. Unzen* an neuen Resourcen entdecken möchte.

    Heute ist (war) EDV besonders günstig zu haben und daher also nochmals die Chance EDV um die genannten 13 € herum einzusammeln.

    M.E. also eine gute Chance EDV um 13 € herum einzusammeln.

    * Nachtrag:

    Im November 2016 hat man sich das Ziel 10-15 Moz. an neuen Resourcen in den nächsten 5 Jahren zu entdecken gesteckt.

    Bislang hat man 4,2 Mio. neue Unzen entdeckt. Bis Ende 2021 wären also noch mind. 5,8 Moz. für das Erreichen der Zielvorgabe offen. Man liegt also nach zwei von fünf Jahren voll im Plan.

  • [Blockierte Grafik: https://hugin.info/171882/I/2238986/134580.jpg][Blockierte Grafik: http://hugin.info/171882/R/2238986/882430.jpg]

    Mar 19, 2019 Endeavour Achieves First Gold Pour At Ity CIL Project 4 Months Ahead of Schedule


    • Over 8.5 million man-hours have been worked without a lost time injury
    • The first gold pour was achieved 4 months ahead of schedule, marking the successful completion of the Ity CIL project build in less than 18 months and under-budget
    • The plant is already running at its 4Mtpa nameplate capacity following a rapid ramp-up
    • De-bottleneck and optimization work are underway to increase the plant capacity by 1Mtpa to 5Mtpa, at a minimal cost of$10-15m
    • Commercial production is expected to be declared in early Q2 as performance trial testing will soon commence
    • Ity is expected to produce 160-200koz in 2019 at an AISC of$525-590/oz
    • An aggressive exploration program at the La Plaque target is underway with the aim of publishing an updated resource in Q2-2019


  • Die Afrikaner können liefern was sie wollen aber kommen über 10 Jahre nicht vom Fleck. Die in den sichersten Begbaugebieten liefern nix und sind auch nicht schlechter dran.Ich denke hier an die hochgelobten PVG,VIT,etc. Hier scheinen Kostenrahmen, Zeitvorgaben und Produktionsziele unerreichbar.

  • Die Afrikaner können liefern was sie wollen aber kommen über 10 Jahre nicht vom Fleck. Die in den sichersten Begbaugebieten liefern nix und sind auch nicht schlechter dran.Ich denke hier an die hochgelobten PVG,VIT,etc. Hier scheinen Kostenrahmen, Zeitvorgaben und Produktionsziele unerreichbar.

    Substanz setzt sich am Ende immer durch und wird sich früher oder später im Kurs widerspiegeln.
    Ich hab meine etwas zu sehr abgehobene Ramelius mal stark reduziert und in EDV umgeschichtet
    Habe zwar keine Ahnung von Charttechnik, interpretiere ihn trotzdem als große Bullenflagge, darf dann gern bald nach oben aufgelöst werden... die Fundamentaldaten geben's her... Eine Inverse Schulter Kopf Schulter über 10 Jahre ebenfalls denkbar. ;)

    Übrigens mal einen großen dank an Nebelparder: Klasse wie du deine research Arbeit immer wieder mit uns teilst und so übersichtlich darstellt. Hat vielen von uns schon eine Menge arbeit abgenommen!

  • Substanz setzt sich am Ende immer durch und wird sich früher oder später im Kurs widerspiegeln.

    Die Bewertung ist attraktiv.

    Endeavour Mining Corp has a fundamental score of 75 and has a relative valuation of UNDERVALUED. Endeavour Mining Corp is on the top left quadrant of the CapitalCube Value - Price Matrix. We classify this space a 'Value Play'. Here, Endeavour Mining Corp is potentially undervalued, since it trades below its CapitalCube Implied Price of 26.24. At the same time, Endeavour Mining Corp is also fundamentally strong with a score of 75. This is a classic value stock definition.

    Future Cash Flow Value 33,16 CAD, Kurs 20.3.: 19,75 CAD
    Anmeldung notwendig

    Der Cash Flow je Aktie steigt deutlich, EV/EBIDTA ist für ein Wachstumswert ok.

    Vielleicht wird das Gap noch geschlossen. Gestern habe ich die erste Position gekauft.

  • Kommerzielle Produktion beginnt

    Apr 08, 2019
    Endeavour Declares Commercial Production of Its Ity Cil Project at Full Nameplate Capacity


    The Ity CIL project began processing ore on February 20, 2019 and achieved its first gold pour on March 19, 2019. Its performance trial testing was recently successfully completed with all key metrics meeting prescribed targets: processing rate exceeding 11,100 tonnes per day, overall plant availability of 96%, and gold recovery rate of 94%.
    Ity is expected to produce 160-200koz in 2019 at an AISC of $525-590/oz, with the bottom-end of the production guidance corresponding to the 4Mtpa nameplate capacity while the top-end already factored in upsides such as an earlier start date, an expedited ramp-up and the plant producing above its nameplate.


  • Endeavour Increases Reserves at Houndé by 41%; Kari Pump High-Grade Discovery Adds 710Koz

    • Kari Pump maiden reserve of 7.3Mt at 3.01 g/t Au for 710koz lifts Houndé’s total reserves by 41%

      • High M&I resource to reserve conversion rate: 89% based on a gold price of $1,250/oz
      • Significantly higher grade: 53% higher than the Houndé mine reserve grade of 1.97g/t Au
      • Advantageous ore type: 53% oxide and transition ore compared to only 12% for the Houndé mine
      • Located only 7km directly west of the processing plant and in proximity to an existing haul road
      • Amenable to open pit mining as mineralization starts at surface
    • Significant exploration underway as Kari Pump represents only 35% of the large Kari gold-in-soil anomaly

      • Kari Pump is one of three discoveries made in the large Kari gold-in-soil anomaly where more than 270,000 meters have been drilled over the past two years
      • An additional aggressive 200,000 meter drilling campaign with a budget of $17 million is underway, mainly focused on the adjacent Kari West and Kari Center discoveries
      • Drill results for Kari West and Kari Center are expected to be published in early Q3-2019, with maiden resource and reserve estimates expected in Q4-2019

    Mehr Details, Tabellen usw unter dem Meldungslink.


  • Am 8. Juli meldete man:

    0.4Moz of Indicated resources added at >3 g/t Au · $15/oz discovery cost · 7 new targets defined


    • Le Plaque Indicated resource has increased from 85koz to 476koz and has the potential to continue to significantly increase

      • Continued low discovery cost of $15 per Indicated resource ounce, as over 85% of RC and DD holes drilled encountered at least one interval of mineralization of 0.5g/t Au with a minimum of more than 2m
      • Ity mine M&I resource up 11% with significantly higher grade added as Le Plaque’s grade is 3.20 g/t Au compared to 1.54 g/t Au for the Ity mine
      • Drilling encountered numerous very high-grade intercepts of 10 g/t Au over 5 to 10m, including a company-wide record intercept of 11.7m at 106 g/t Au (true width, hole: FL18-709)
      • The Le Plaque deposit is now composed of 3 zones (Le Plaque Main, Epsilon and Le Plaque South), all of which are open at depth and in multiple directions with mineralization confirmed by step-out drilling
      • Preliminary metallurgical tests indicate gold recovery rates of at least 90%
      • The Le Plaque drilling campaign is ongoing with at least 20,000m planned for H2-2019 with the aim of delineating further resources and reaching reserves status by year-end

    • 7 additional nearby targets were identified following an extensive reconnaissance drilling campaign

      • Since drilling began in Q1-2018, a strong focus has been placed on understanding the potential of the wider Le Plaque area; 413 holes were used for resource delineation out of the 1,361 holes drilled in the wider area
      • Reconnaissance drilling has outlined that Le Plaque only represents 20% of the large anomalic area located in the northern part of the Floleu license where at least 7 additional other targets were identified
      • Drilling is expected to continue in H2-2019 with a strong focus to delineate additional resources in 2020

    Mehr Details, Tabellen usw unter dem Meldungslink.


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