Uranaktien: Minen, Explorer, Produzenten, Anwender

  • Paladin hab' ich wieder geschmissen, 6% Reingewinn nach Gebühren in 2 Tagen ist ja ganz ok.

    Dafür sitze ich beim Explorer-Zertifikat DWS0G8 auf hohen Verlusten :(

    Irgendwie gibt's im ganzen Markt bloß technische Gegenreaktionen auf überzogene Abwertungen (konnte ich schon 2x mit Paladin und 1x Denison abfischen mit schnellen Tradinggewinnen), aber die mittelfristige Trendwende ist noch außer Reichweite. So lange laß ich dann mal meine Zerti-Verluste laufen ;) nach dem bewährten Börsenmotto "Gewinne mitnehmen, Verluste laufen lassen" :D

  • Ok, der Spot ist wieder um 10$ runter auf 110$ / lbs .. who cares?
    Warum hat sich denn Uran verbilligt, richtig weil keine Käufe zustande kamen die letzten Wochen. Aber was glaubt ihr denn wie lange sich die Buyers zurückhalten können ? Sobald der erste grössere Deal wieder gemacht wird, dreht sich der Spot und zwar zack zack.

    Abverkauf war/ist schmerzhaft kein Thema, aber wer glaubt Uranbull ist vorbei, der irrt gewaltig. Wer langfristig investieren will in Rohstoffe, der kommt am Thema Energie nicht vorbei. Und Energie ist Öl, Kohle und URAN .. basta! Solar, Wasser und der restliche grüne Energiekosmos sind Nischen sonst nichts .. man muss auch mal realistisch bleiben.

    Übrigens hatte ich schon vor Monaten geschrieben, dass man zukünftig selektieren muss bei den Uranern und dass Producer und Near-terms zu bevorzugen sind und dabei bleibe ich.

    Freuen sollten sich jetzt alle die, die bisher einen Einstieg suchten und den Kursen hinterherschauten ... jetzt ist die Zeit sich zu positionieren!

    Ich bin weiterhin auf der Käuferseite .. chill on

  • STM hat seine Canada und Peru Aktivitäten in eine eigene Explorationsgesellschaft ausgegliedert. Für 3 STM Aktien gabs eine Fission Energy (WKN A0MW3M) Gratisaktie. Wobei Gratis releativ ist wenn ich mir den Kursverlauf von STM die letzten Wochen anschaue.


  • Ich sehe den Spin Off positiv. Fokus ist jetzt voll auf USA (grosse Nachfrage, kaum Produktion) und immernoch 180 Mio lbs in Ground.

    Für mich ist ja STM das ideale nächste Ziel von SXR auf ihrem Weg zum Megaproducer .. wir werden sehen. Bin jedenfalls noch voll in STM investiert und hatte erst letzten Donnerstag nochmals nachgeladen ... leider 2 Tage zu früh :)

  • silverchiller

    Fokussiert....hmmmmmm.....bislang hatte ich mit Spin offs Glück....denke da an WLF mit Premier Gold.....das war ein Win win für mich.
    Hoffentlich jetzt auch, STM ist mit Denison meine letzte Uran Position und jetzt noch zusätzlich Fission Energy.

    Hoffentlich fragt mich niemand auf der Wien'n (dem Oktoberfest) nach der 5ten Mass Bier wie der Spin off von STM heist :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
    Dann müsste ich Antworten: Fischen Enertschie....ob das dann jemand versteht :D :D :D

  • Energy Fuels indicates 475,000 lb U3O8 at Energy Queen

    2007-08-08 09:00 ET - News Release

    Mr. George Glasier reports


    Energy Fuels Inc. has received a technical report, prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -- standards of disclosure for mineral projects, on its 702-acre Energy Queen uranium property located in San Juan county, Utah, from FGM Consulting Group Inc. of Golden, Colo. Concurrent with this release, the report will be filed on SEDAR.

    Landy A. Stinnett is the qualified person, as defined by NI 43-101, responsible for the technical information contained in this release. Mr. Stinnett is independent of the company as defined by NI 43-101. The technical and scientific information contained in this release is based upon historical assay and hole-survey data that have not been verified due to the unavailability of the core samples, the geologic down-hole logs and down-hole radiometric logs. It is believed that such information may be obtained from former claimholders and the company is in the process of attempting to obtain such information. Mr. Stinnett has accepted the historical data for the purposes of calculating the current resource estimate presented below.

    The report details a total resource at Energy Queen of 766,000 pounds of U3O8 and three million pounds of V2O5. Indicated resources are 110,000 tons of material at a grade, diluted to mining thickness, of 0.216 per cent U3O8 and 0.82 per cent V2O5 for a total contained metal of 475,000 pounds U3O8 and 1.8 million pounds V2O5. Dilution is based on waste material at a zero grade. It is conservative to use waste at zero grade for the dilution, since there is often lower grade material adjacent to the target mineralized zones. Additionally, projections for inferred resources on a diluted basis are 68,000 tons grading 0.214 per cent U3O8 and 0.91 per cent V2O5, for a total contained metal of 291,000 pounds of U3O8 and 1.2 million pounds of V2O5.

    The resource calculation was performed using the polygonal method based on 59 drill holes at a nominal spacing of 200 feet. Many polygons enclose an area of influence of approximately 10,000 square feet of area (100 by 100). Some drill holes showed intercepts at a grade of less than 0.05 per cent U3O8 and no resource pounds were included for the area of influence of those drill holes. Vanadium assay information was available for some of the drill holes. Where no vanadium data existed, the respective intercept was assigned a vanadium value based on the historical average V2O5: U3O8 ratio for the Energy Queen property, which is 4.25:1 based on assays of core.

    The 43-101 report recommends undertaking a drilling program on the property and states that the potential, unidentified resource on this property is believed to be significant. Also, nearby properties contain considerable resources based on historic drill maps. To confirm the potential unidentified Energy Queen resource, Energy Fuels will drill between 15 and 20 holes in the fall of 2007 on the Energy Queen property. A project of similar scale is planned for 2008. Once production has commenced, continuing exploration will be concurrent with mining through long-hole drilling at the production face. These drill holes will allow miners to visually follow the mineralization in the river-channel deposit. The Energy Queen mine was initially joint ventured by Hecla and Umetco (Union Carbide), and was operated briefly before low uranium prices forced closure in the early 1980s. The mine property is in very good condition with well-developed infrastructure on site. A head frame, hoist, mine air compressor, and a combination shop-warehouse-office and miner's shower facility are all in place, and there is an electric power line running to the site. Energy Fuels is currently conducting groundwater baseline studies and expects to submit a groundwater discharge permit application to the Utah Division of Water Quality in the third quarter of 2007. Current plans call for production at Energy Queen in 2008.

    Energy Fuels' president and chief executive officer, George Glasier, commented: "We are very pleased to have completed our second of several planned technical reports on our property portfolio in 2007. While this 43-101 compliant resource is somewhat limited in scope, we are confident that more mineralized material will be developed for mining through routine underground exploration as mining operations proceed. We continue to grow our uranium/vanadium portfolio through a $2.5-million drilling program this year, and have recently made several strategic acquisitions in our geographic area of expertise. In addition, we are actively exploring and rehabilitating several formerly producing mines on the Uravan mineral belt consistent with our strategy of becoming a fully integrated uranium/vanadium producer."

    Stephen P. Antony, PE, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the content of this press release.

    We seek Safe Harbor.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von silverchiller

    Ok, der Spot ist wieder um 10$ runter auf 110$ / lbs .. who cares?

    I do care. Ein solcher Fahnenstangen-Spike braucht eine Korrektur, und die ist wahrscheinlich noch nicht fertig.

    Es braucht nur ein bisschen Rezession und dann ist der vergangene Hype Geschichte und man beginnt sich auf 50 USD zu besinnen, wo Sprott eine Untergrenze sieht, weil darunter viele marginale Explorer/hoffnungsvolle Produzenten ihre Bürostühle in die Auktion geben können.

    Bin auf der Beobachterseite....Und es ist anzunehmen, dass in einer solchen story wie dem Uran seit gut 2005 sehr, sehr viel 'hot money' drin steckt, welches die Eigenschaft hat, sehr, sehr schnell wieder woanders zu sein.

    Da könnten von der Situation her die Preis- Manipulationen viel ärger sein als bei den EM Gold und Silber, weil da zum vornherein Regierungen und Behörden rabiat herumfummeln! Oder kann man etwa am Bankschalter ein Pfund Uranoxid kaufen?


  • Nur weil sich momentan am Spot keine Käufer finden heisst das nicht, dass der hype vorbei ist oder kein Uran mehr gebraucht wird. Im Gegenteil bald werden sie sich darum streiten. Viel wichtiger aber ist der Preis der Longterm Contracts, zwischen Produzenten und Facilities. Hier spielt sich der wahre Demand ab und zeigt sich das wahre Defizit. Deshalb meine Aussage "Who cares about the Spot?"

    So sehe ich das, ob es stimmt steht in meiner Sig ;)

  • Hi Leute!

    Kennt vielleicht irgendjemand von euch diese Company? Die Meldung ist zwar schon zwei Wochen alt, aber das liest sich doch ausgesprochen vielversprechend an.

    Wollen eine ihrer properties für 83 Mio CAD verkaufen, bei einer derzeitigen MK von fully dilluted 108,878 Mio CAD (bei einem Aktienkurs von derzeit 2,02 CAD).

    Von diesen 83 Mio CAD wollen sie 85 % als einmalige Dividende ausschütten. Wenn man annimmt, dass die Dividende nur an die "issued and outstanding" Aktien ausbezahlt wird, dann würde das bei ca. 45 Mio Aktien 1,50 CAD pro Aktie bedeuten.

    Ist mir absolut unerklärlich, warum der Kurs nicht viel stärker gestiegen ist.

    Angenommen es werden pro Aktie "nur" 1 CAD ausbezahlt, wären das immer noch 50 % des derzeitigen Kurs.

    Da muss doch was faul sein, sonst könnte man hier ohne nachzudenken und ohne Risiko mal 50 % mitnehmen.

    July 27, 2007

    East Asia Minerals Signs Agreement With CFMM (A Subsidiary Of Areva NC) To Sell Mongolia Ooshiin Govi Uranium Property For CAD$83Million


    For Immediate release, July 27, 2007 TSXV: EAS

    VANCOUVER, B.C. -- Friday, July 27, 2007 -- East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSXV-EAS) is pleased to announce it has signed an agreement to sell the Ooshiin Govi uranium property to Compagnie Française de Mines et Metaux ("CFMM", a subsidiary of Areva NC) for a cash payment of CAD$83 million. This will be facilitated through the sale of its wholly owned Mongolia subsidiary, EAM Energy LLC (EAME). The transaction, which is subject to shareholder approval, will also include the Bayan Uul, Elgenii, Ikh Khet and Airag-1 uranium tenements (together with Ooshiin Govi forming the "Assets"). Details of the properties can be found on the East Asia web site at http://www.EAminerals.com and in previous news releases. In connection with the offer, certain shareholders including directors and officers of East Asia have entered into irrevocable lockup agreements with CFMM pursuant to which they have agreed to vote all of their East Asia shares in favour of the offer, representing approximately 43.8 per cent of the issued and outstanding East Asia shares, subject to certain exceptions.

    The proposed transaction with CFMM has the full support of the Company's board of directors and management team, who recommend that the East Asia Mineral's shareholders vote in favor of the assets sale. Should shareholder approval be forthcoming, it is the Company's intention to dividend out at least 85% of the after-tax proceeds of sale to registered shareholders of East Asia. The final calculated dividend will be subject to the extent to which presently outstanding dilutives are exercised, net corporate tax considerations and the Board of Directors' determination of the Company's future capital requirements. A shareholders meeting to vote on this transaction is scheduled for September 5, 2007.

    "The Company views CFMM's proposed purchase of the Ooshiin Govi tenements, for more than the current market capitalization of East Asia Minerals Corporation, as absolute validation of East Asia's ability to capture opportunities and maximize shareholder value" stated Michael Hawkins, East Asia Minerals' President. "The preliminary nature of Ooshiin Govi, coupled with results from recent drilling, more appropriately suits the time horizon, risk tolerance and resources of a senior producer, such as Areva. We believe that the proposed transaction provides an optimal return of value to the shareholders, and the opportunity to continue receiving value through a strong acquisition and exploration strategy. We also believe that a purchase of this magnitude, by one of the world's leading uranium companies, supports the Company's positive assessment of its remaining uranium portfolio, which includes the Ingiin-Nars, Ulaan Nuur, and Enger properties. The first two of these properties possess historical resources, and Enger returned very strong drill results from our exploration program last year. Hence we consider them to be exceptionally strong assets with which to continue the Company's uranium strategy."

    Haywood Securities Inc. is acting as financial adviser to East Asia and Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP is its legal adviser. The financial adviser to CFMM is RBC Capital Markets Inc. and legal advisor is Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP.

    Retained Mongolian Uranium Assets

    The Mongolia uranium assets retained by East Asia will be drilled later this summer, commencing at the Company's 100% owned Ingiin-Nars property (July 3, 2007 news release). The Ingiin-Nars Deposit lies south of and continues northeast into the East Asia property, and contains a Soviet-era, P1 category drilled resource of approximately 1,000 tonnes (2.2 million pounds) of contained uranium. The grade averages 0.042% U, at a cut off grade of 0.02% U, representing a deposit of approximately 2.4 million tonnes. The average grade of non-category drill intercepts is 0.052% U. The Ingiin-Nars Deposit continues northeast into the East Asia property where it remains open along strike. East Asia drilling will be designed to quantify the portion of the Deposit that lies within the Company's property, and to determine the full extent of the strike distance. Additionally, the mineralization remains open to the immediate northeast of the drilled resources where Soviet-era data suggests the presence of another mineralized body that may be as large, or larger, than the drilled Ingiin-Nars Deposit.

    East Asia owns 100% of the Ulaan Nuur property (May 3, 2007 news release), a partially defined, potentially significant deposit of stratiform sandstone-hosted uranium mineralization. Limited drilling during the Soviet era outlined mineralization ranging in thickness from 0.1 to 3.5 metres and grading between 0.03% and 0.184% U. The mineralization was not fully defined nor closed off. The Soviets calculated a projected resource (P2 category) of 10,000 tonnes (22 million pounds) of contained uranium for the Ulaan Nuur deposit. This data indicates an average grade of 0.049% U, representing a deposit of approximately 20 million tonnes. The historic data also provides evidence that the Project contains a potential ISL (in situ leach) environment.

    The Company's 100% owned Enger property (June 26 and July 6, 2006 news releases) includes a number of uranium mineralized zones that were identified from Soviet information and range in thickness from 1.7 to 6 metres, and grade from 0.056% to 0.19% U3O8 (high of 0.65m of 0.549% U3O8). Results from the 2006 East Asia drill program significantly improved on grades and widths of the mineralization reported by the Soviets. Intercepts included 2.5 metres of 0.410% U3O8 metres in hole ENDD003, 2.5 metres of 0.232% U3O8 in hole ENDD002, 1.0 metre of 0.086 U3O8 in hole ENDD004, and 13.5 metres of 0.108% U3O8 in hole ENDD005. The mineralization was not closed off. As part of the proposed transaction Areva has been granted the metal marketing rights of both the Enger and Ulaan Nuur projects.

    Indonesian Exploration Update

    In Indonesia, the company continues to move ahead with the exploration of its highly prospective copper-gold portfolio. Drilling will commence later this summer at the Sangihe property where historic work resulted in several significant drill intercepts including 91.3 metres starting at 29 metres with 2.45g/t gold, 0.42% copper and 12.0g/t silver, and trench results of up to 34.8g/t gold over 14 metres (July 17, 2007 news release).

    Lionel Martin, P.Geo, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101, has reviewed and approves the content of this release. EAS has not verified the classification of the historic resource references and is not treating them as NI 43-101 defined resources verified by a QP. Although the historical references of resource potential are relevant to recognizing the potential of the Ingiin-Nars and Ulaan Nuur Properties, they should not be relied upon.

    About East Asia Minerals Corporation
    East Asia Minerals is an Asian-based, Canadian mineral exploration company with uranium, gold and copper assets in Mongolia and Indonesia. The Company owns seven uranium properties, highlighted by the Ooshiin Govi tenements, and a 75% interest in the Khok Adar copper oxide discovery, in Mongolia. In Indonesia, it has a 70 to 85% interest in five advanced gold and gold-copper projects located in Aceh Province in Sumatra and North Sulawesi. East Asia currently has 43,661,912 shares outstanding. Its shares are listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "EAS".

    Forward Looking Statements - This News Release contains forward looking information within the meaning of the Ontario Securities Act and the Alberta Securities Act, which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results and the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits, the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with our expectations, metal recoveries, accidents, equipment breakdowns, title matters and surface access, labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties with or interruptions in production, the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of new or updated feasibility studies, the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, commodity price fluctuations (including uranium, fuel, steel and construction items), currency fluctuations, failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and other risks and uncertainties. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The words anticipate, believe, estimate and expect and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management, are intended to identify forward looking statements relating to the business and affairs of the Company. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, we undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

    To receive or stop receiving EAS news via email, please email Info@EAminerals.com and state your preference in the subject line.
    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, visit the Company's website at http://www.EAminerals.com, or contact:

    Michael Hawkins, President
    T: +1-778-997-2183
    E: Hawkins@EAminerals.com

    Nick Kohlmann, Corporate Communications
    T: +1-416-792-8734
    E: Kohlmann@EAminerals.com

  • Vielleicht wartet man auch das shareholder meeting am 5. September ab?

    Hier noch ein paar Kommentare diesbezüglich aus dem EAS-Thread bei smartinvestment.ca von coach247 der hier schon seit etlichen Jahren investiert ist.

    Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:20 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

    EAS has been a sleeper for several years but I think that episode is now officially over. This news is fantastic for shareholders. The deal to sell just one property has generated more cash than the entire company is worth at the current market price. I expect once the stock resumes trading on Monday, that will change very quickly. In fact, I think anyone that hits a market buy order on Monday at the open will do very well based on the closing price next week. That is about as close to a buy recco as I will ever issue on this site. And for personal disclosure, I own 17,000 shares of EAS and I am going to sell just 2000 shares @ $2.49 to clear up some margin availability and I will let the rest ride.

    The deal was closed with a private uranium company, Areva. I used to work with one of their subsidiaries, Cogema, in Saskatchewan. It is great to have a partnership with a legitmate senior uranium player like Areva, and the terms of the transaction require that any uranium production from the other projects controlled by EAS will be offerred to the market through Areva first. Think about that... It means that Areva is very confident that these other projects will some day be producers. I will not be surprised to see Cogema become a player in this arrangement sometime in the future.

    Also, the transaction of $83 million for a property that has no documented compliant uranium resource should put some kind of value on the other projects that EAS controls. I suspect that the intrinsic value of the suite of properties will go up pretty quick now.

    The deal has put a huge dividend on the table for shareholders. I thinkthe dividend is only payable to issued and outstanding shares, and that maybe amounts to 45 million shares in total. If 85% of $83 million is approved for payout, that would work out to around $70 million, and about $1.50 per share. Anyone want to guess where the price of EAS stock is going when it resumes trading?

    After the dividend payout, EAS will still be one of the better capitalized juniors on the Venture, with about $15 million in the treasury to fund aggressive exploration work on the other projects. So there will be some upside built into the equation just on the news flow that we can look forward to in the months ahead. Keep in mind that several of the copper prospects have enourmous intervals of high grade copper that have already been documented and remain open for further expansion.

    I am excited as hell about this. What a great way to finish off a shitty week on the markets. I cant wait for Monday.



    Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:38 am Post subject: Reply with quote

    I am disgusted by the market reaction to the news today, as I expected much more. The problem is that one house is dumping a huge amount of paper into the market through Anonomous, now a net seller of more than 200,000 shares on the day. Haywood was the broker involved in the financing a couple years ago, and they pulled off a cross of more than 120,000 shares earlier in the day as well. I think we are going to see more than 1 million shares change hands, but it appears that the overhang of institutional paper is going to keep this one locked down.

    I noticed earlier in the month that big blocks of shares were showing up to hold the stock down. I have no explanation to offer why a house would dump so much paper to keep a stock from rising. Some may suggest they are just selling on the news, but then why not sell your paper in small lots at higher prices to realize a bigger gain? This is being done with a purpose, and perhaps some of the houses that are doing the most buying are also selling under Anonomous to cap it in a cheap range.

    What will have to happen to get the market excited is a NR that states: Hey YOU MORONS! We are giving you a dividend that is worth more than the entire market cap of the company!

    Absolutely mind boggling that we can get news like this transaction and not see the stock make significant gains.



    PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:50 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

    I see another 15,000 shares dumped by Anonomous in just the last 20 minutes of trading, but EAS is now back above $2 so maybe the light is going on.

    And I am not sure that insiders will cash in long term options to grab a quick dividend payout, but for sure some of that cheap paper will come into the equation. Also, the net tax issue will take some of the total available for the dividend payout off the table. Valid points to consider. Nonetheless, the value of the dividend will certainly justify a big mark-up to the current trading range, and therefore I do think EAS is a buy here. I may just grab a few more myself. It will probably take a clear NR from the company to declare the total dividend and issue date in order for this stock to make the big move. We went through this before with CS last year...



  • STM gestern mit schönem Rebound von über +11%....das dürfte erstmal das Ende der Talfahrt resultierend aus Marksschwäche und spinn off bedeuten.....Fission Energy - der Spin off - kann gestern um knapp + 6% zulegen.

  • Zitat

    erstmal das Ende der Talfahrt

    Das hoffen wir!

    Übrigens mit die besten Rebounds gestern RSC, EFR, STM, URZ, CCJ . Da sieht man, dass hauptsächlich Qualität gesucht war.

    Eher entäuschend SXR und PDN ..

    Vor Freitag wage ich jedenfalls keine Aussage über Bodenbildung ... it still sucks big time.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Diejenigen, die auch Explorer im Depot haben, sollten ausharren IMO.

    Das Vertrauen eines / des erschütterten Marktes baut sich nach alten Regeln auf

    ---Zuerst die Schwergewichte, Produzenten
    ---Es folgen die Juniors
    ---Schließlich die Explorer, "Hoffnung ist wieder da." :)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • ...es sind (Gott sei Dank) auch andere von STM überzeugt ;)

    Jump to STM Forum
    SUBJECT: Bogi - great article Posted By: AfterGlow
    Post Time: 8/10/2007 02:29

    Bringing it back to Strathmore -

    Regardless of how mispriced current holders of STM believe it is (my self included) , a need to raise capital by investors can (and did) distort a fair pricing of the stock. It's impossible to predict a bottom on STM when segments of the investment community could find themselves in a position where they have to sell at any price.

    The only way I am letting go of my shares at these levels is if I die and someone pries them out of my cold, dead fingers.

    der Artikel (den er anspricht - ist nicht STM bezogen) ---> http://www.traderview.com/econ…itsEconomicCommentary.asp

    linar :)

  • Zitat

    Original von linar
    ...es sind (Gott sei Dank) auch andere von STM überzeugt ;)

    linar :)

    Rechne mich ruhig dazu ... STM = 190 Mio/lbs (x 50$ x 10%) = Soll MC von 950 Mio US$

    Ist MC = 165 Mio US$ !

    Oder anders rum, laut aktuellem MC ist jedes Pfund Uran von STM mit 0.87 Cent bewertet.

    chill on

Schriftgröße:  A A A A A