Uranaktien: Minen, Explorer, Produzenten, Anwender

  • der nächste "Ban":

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - British Columbia
    shut the door on exploring for radioactive minerals on
    Thursday, saying companies cannot claim rights to them even if
    the discovery is by accident.

    The western Canadian province does not have uranium mines,
    but several companies have been doing exploration work and the
    mineral can be found when looking for other resources. The
    country's only active uranium mines are in the Prairie province
    of Saskatchewan.

    British Columbia said has revised its mining rules to
    prohibit companies from staking claims for uranium and thorium
    even when it is discovered as part of a broader project.

    The province has already prohibited the building of nuclear
    power plants.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Gegenüberstellung ( wieder ein mal ) zu alternativen Energielösungen.

    Mit einigen weiterführenden Links.

    Auch Betrachtungen zur Situation in den USA.



    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Khan Resources wie geplant aufgestockt. Der Markt scheint an die erfolgreiche Fusion nicht zu glauben, der Kurs fällt weiter. Das politische Risiko ist natürlich sehr hoch und die Mongolei hat bereits im März eine neue Minengesetzgebung auf den Weg gebracht, die einen 51%-Anteil an Projekten mit ausländischen Investoren beinhaltet.
    Die Mongolei besitzt bereits einen Anteil am Dornod-Uranium-Projekt durch Ihre 21%-Beteiligung an der Central Asian Uranium Company (CAUC), an der Khan mit 58% beteiligt ist. Khan hält insg. 69% an Dornod: Khan owns approximately 69 per cent of the Dornod uranium project through a combination of its 58-per-cent interest in Central Asian Uranium Company (CAUC), which holds a mining licence for the Main Dornod property, and its 100-per-cent ownership of exploration licence 9282X, in respect of the Additional Dornod property. http://www.khanresources.com/investors/news/071126.pdf

    Am 8. Juni finden in der Mongolei Wahlen statt, die aber wahrscheinlich keine nennenswerten Veränderungen bringen werden. MPRP seeks to keep majority http://www.angus-reid.com/tracker/view/30347/mongolia_2008 . Das Übernahmeangebot an Western läuft bis zum 20. Juni. Selbst wenn Khan nur 49% des Dornod-Uranium-Projekts verbleiben, halte ich sie für unterbewertet. Aktuelle MC 46 Mio. CAD bei 34,6 Mio. CAD Cash in der Kasse. Bei erfolgreicher Übernahme würde sich der Betrag auf 63,6 Mio. erhöhen.


  • Das ist eine Firma, da wirds nie langweilig ;). Habe sie immer noch (-59%). Mitlerweile 90%-Kursverlust vom Hoch bei 2,14 CAD. Kurzfristig kam richtig Fahrt in den Kurs. Vom 8. bis 12.05 gings von 0,175 auf 0,33 CAD. Aktuell wieder 0,215 CAD. Kann sein das man eher nun auf ihre Kohleprojekte schaut http://www.cashminerals.com/main/?divisionMountain . Kohle erlebt ja gerade seinen Uranhype. Unterdessen haben Basil Botha (CEO) und Peter Arendt ( Vice President) am 14.05. ihr Stühlchen geräumt. Dr. Geordie Mark (Chefgeologe) ist bereits im Januar gegangen.


  • Hallo zusammen - zurück aus dem spanischen Regen :wall: und PF auch immer noch im Regen :(

    Artikel aus einem Ami-Forum 8)

    Uranium speculation skyrockets

    Dolores County’s claims rise from 396 to 5,399 in one year

    May 14, 2008

    By Stephanie Paige Ogburn | Cortez Journal

    More than 6,500 new uranium claims were filed on Dolores district
    public lands last year as prospectors and corporations reacted to a
    sharp increase in the mineral's prices.

    The claims are located on U.S. Bureau of Land Management property
    administered by the Dolores Public Lands office, primarily in northwest
    Dolores and southwest San Miguel counties.

    In Dolores County, uranium claims rose from 396 in 2006 to 5,399 in
    2007, the latest year for which data is available. In San Miguel
    County, claims were at 1,119 in 2006 and 2,633 in 2007.

    Information for the number of claims filed in Montezuma County was not
    available earlier this week, but Dolores Public Lands Manager Steve
    Beverlin said he did not believe there were many.

    As for La Plata County, the figures are much easier to obtain: There are no uranium claims.

    "Where a mineral doesn't occur, you don't put a mine," said Bob Oswald,
    environmental protection specialist for the Colorado Division of
    Reclamation Mining and Safety in Durango. "The known trend of (uranium)
    deposits in the state doesn't include La Plata County."

    The price of uranium, which is tracked by private organizations because
    there is no formal commodity exchange for the substance, has rapidly
    increased over the last four years. From 1989 to 2004, uranium prices
    ranged from about $7 to $15 per pound, according to the Ux Consulting
    Co., the group that the industry relies on to track prices.

    By the end of 2004, though, the price was up to almost $20 per pound,
    and in early 2007, prices reached $130 per pound. The market has
    stabilized a bit now, with uranium's price per pound at $63.

    Most of the claims filed in 2007 are not active, Beverlin said. He knew
    of only a couple of claims that were being actively mined, likely those
    owned by Denison Mines Corp. Denison, the uranium mining company that
    owns the White Mesa Uranium Mill in Blanding, Utah, opened three mines
    in San Miguel County in 2007, said Ron Hochstein, president and chief
    operating officer of the company.

    "It's new activity," he said.

    In late April of this year, Denison began shipping material from the
    new mines, which are underground operations, to the White Mesa mill.
    This is the first time since 1999 the mill has processed conventional
    ore, Hochstein said.

    The mill processes 2,000 tons of ore a day, and Hochstein expects it to
    produce between 1.4 million and 1.7 million pounds of uranium in the
    form of yellowcake, or U3O8, this year. Last year, the mill produced
    about 100,000 pounds of uranium from sources known as alternate
    feedstocks, which are substances like mill tailings from other
    decommissioned mills and mining sites.

    The total amount of uranium produced in the United States last year was
    just more than 4 million pounds, Hochstein said. That uranium was
    produced mostly by in-situ uranium mines, which remove uranium directly
    from the ground, eliminating the ore-processing step that mills
    traditionally perform.

    The yellowcake that White Mesa mill produces makes up just the first
    step in a long conversion process that eventually transforms the
    uranium ore, mined out of the ground, into U235, which can be used in
    nuclear reactors, Hochstein said.

    Denison's mines are located in Big Gypsum Valley, and most of the
    mining claims are on Bureau of Land Management property in that valley
    and in the Lower Dolores River corridor around Slickrock, Beverlin said.

    Beverlin said the jump in claims recently when the San Juan Public
    Lands office put together a report on the number of leases for 2007.

    "We knew it was coming just because of the prices (of uranium)," he said.

    Global supply of uranium has dropped as old stocks are used up, while
    demand has steadily increased, Hochstein said. Denison, which operates
    the only operating uranium mill in the United States, sells its uranium
    to utility companies in Asia and Europe.

    Herald Staff Writer Ted Holteen contributed to this report.

    linar :)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Mal ein Langzeitvergleich mit Gold, Öl, S&P,TSX.

    Das tröstet nicht über die letzten Verluste hinweg.... X(

    Auch die kurzfristigen Aussichten noch etwas durchwachsen undurchsichtig:

    "...."We think the demand side will start to come through over the next 18 to 24 months and the market will start realising both of these items...,"



    Jo, welcome back.
    Also, sehr viel schlechter kanns kaum noch werden bei den U Aktien...


  • Yep, schlappe -44% steht mein Uran Portfolio im Keller..Wahnsinn wie der Uranpreis oben drauf gefallen ist. :wall:
    Hoffentlich dauerst nicht 2 Jahre bis zum Gleichstand...Falscher Sektor und Zeit zu investieren war das soweit.
    Das Geld koennte ich jetzt wo anders gebrauchen...was solls...
    ab in den Dachboden damit, zu frueh alles hinwerfen, es waere verkehrt bei den Preisen.

    Mal spaeter nachschaun...vielleicht erholt sich das ganze frueher als man glaubt.


  • :] Gut das du wieder da bist Linar, ich habe dich als vermisst gemeldet.

    Hola Eldo und Edel :)
    ;) ....liegst nicht so weit daneben - wir mussten ja auch fast nach Hause schwimmen, von wegen sonniges Spanien :wall:
    jetzt kann nur noch das sonnige Gold helfen 8):]

    linar :)

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    Yeah Baby ... make me atomic!

  • Cameco eyeing acquisitions following a drop in the uranium spot price

    The Canadian Press

    May 15, 2008 - 5:14 p.m.

    SASKATOON - Cameco Corp. (TSX:CCO) says it's ready to seek out
    potential acquisitions now that falling uranium spot prices have made
    the possibility of a purchase "more reasonable."

    The world's biggest uranium miner, based in Saskatoon, said it was
    "unfairly criticized" for not joining the merger and acquisition frenzy
    sweeping the industry last year.

    But "with the decline in the uranium spot price since June of 2007,
    the cost of potential acquisitions are coming into a much more
    reasonable range," Jerry Grandey, Cameco's president and CEO, told
    shareholders during the company's annual meeting.......
    ......"But even with production from new mines and development, such as ours
    at Cigar Lake and Inkai, the gap between production and consumption is
    not expected to close within the next 10-year period.".....
    full story:http://www.canadianbusiness.co…cle.jsp?content=b0515122A

    linar :) ...na ja - vielleicht kommen die Kleenen doch wieder mal in die Gänge :rolleyes:

  • hallo linar, das war hoffentlich nicht nur ein aufatmen, sondern der beginn einer längerfristigen wende. ich wußte die ganze zeit, das es passieren wird, denn bei dem ölpreis, bei den fundamentaldaten und bei den zerflückten kursen war das nur eine frage der zeit.
    mein depot strahlt überwiegend - ich auch.

    brd.v +8%, cxh.v +18% , dml.to +8%, iec.v 0% ?) , jnn.v +14%, kri.to +22%, pxp.v +3%, txm.v -4% :hae: , uec +3%,, ure.to +22%, wuc.v +3%


  • The Alternative Energy Bargain

    Sean Brodrick


    ..........And there's another factor to consider — the price of building nuclear
    power plants is soaring, because commodity prices are soaring. In the
    U.S., the projected cost is $5 billion to $12 billion a plant, double
    to quadruple earlier rough estimates.

    To speed
    construction, the federal government set aside $18.5 billion in loan
    guarantees for the industry. But just the two nuclear plants that
    Florida Power & Light is planning on building by 2020 will cost
    around $18 billion. We need at least 30 new nuclear plants within that
    timeframe just to keep the amount of electricity we generate from
    nuclear power the same.

    Plus, China, Russia, Korea, India and other nations — where labor costs are cheap,
    even if commodity costs are high — are building nuclear plants at a
    breakneck pace..........

    ..........How You Can Play This Move

    Bottom fishing in the uranium sector isn't for everybody. But if you're
    interested, the stocks in the Uranium Focused Energy Fund that I
    mentioned earlier are probably a good place to start. For example, I
    think Paladin looks cheap here. And Cameco is also pleasing investors.
    Cameco said its first-quarter net income more than doubled to C$133.4
    million as uranium sales rose.

    Just be aware that there is risk of more delays at Cigar Lake, and
    production this year at Cameco's Inkai mine in Kazakhstan may be as
    much as 50% less than the planned 1.2 million pounds due to a shortage
    of sulphuric acid used to leach uranium from the rock.

    You could also consider the Uranium Focused Energy Fund itself. It trades
    under the symbol UF-UN on the Toronto Stock Exchange and there is a
    pink sheet tracking stock for it in the U.S.: UFEFF. This way you have
    a stake in a bunch of stocks in the uranium sector, so you can ride the
    rally without worrying that one company will torpedo your position.

    full story: http://www.moneyandmarkets.com…ative-Energy-Bargain-1802

    linar :)

  • http://www.treehugger.com/file…/10/th_solves_globa_1.php

    Th Solves Global Energy Shortage?

    by Tim McGee, Helena, MT, USA on 10.12.06

    Science & Technology (alternative energy)

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://i.treehugger.com/files/Thorium%20Cooling%20Towers.jpg]

    Thorium that is. The element known as Th. According to a news release this past week Professor Egil Lillestolhas
    been trying to convince Norway that a nuclear reactor based on thorium
    would be a viable solution to the worlds growing energy demands without
    the environmental impact of coal, or the hazards of traditional nuclear
    energy. Is he onto something? Read on to see the gory details......

    ich kenne nur ---> THORIUM POWER LTD - Nasdaq National Market: THPW und diese Aktie hat sich eher mickerig entwickelt :(

    weiss jemand besser Bescheid ?)

    linar :)

  • http://www.explorationgis.com/AB_claims_detail.html

    Basin Area of Northern Saskatchewan

    As of January 8th, 2691 claims and 21 permits were
    held by 122 companies and individuals.

    15 additional claims are pending.

    Uranium, basemetals, gold, PGE, REE and diamonds exploration dispositions cover over 8,960,000 ha in
    northern Saskatchewan.

    We provide up-to-date mineral disposition monitoring and claim ownership maps.

    Click for a blowup of the Athabasca Basin Claim Map


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