Osisko Gold Royalities / OR (TSX)

  • [Blockierte Grafik: https://ml.globenewswire.com/m…/20180109-ogr-200-jpg.jpg]

    Osisko Enters into Agreement to Acquire a Cash-Flowing Silver Stream on the High-Grade CSA Mine


    Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (the “[b]Corporation” or “Osisko”) (OR: TSX & NYSE) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Osisko Bermuda Limited (“OBL”), has entered into a binding agreement with Metals Acquisition Corp. (“MAC”) (MTAL: NYSE) with respect to a US$90 million silver stream (the “Silver Stream”) to facilitate MAC’s acquisition of the producing CSA mine in New South Wales, Australia (“CSA” or the “Mine”). MAC announced today that it has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares of the owner of CSA from a subsidiary of Glencore plc (the “Acquisition Transaction”). OBL has also provided MAC with an option to draw up to an additional US$100 million in upfront proceeds through the sale of a copper stream, subject to the parties finalizing definitive terms and conditions
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://ml.globenewswire.com/R…-99fd-7e0b083189e6?size=3]

  • Hat sich jemand die Bedingungen für die Kapitalerhöhung durchgelesen?

    "OR is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Eight Capital and RBC Capital Markets on behalf of the syndicate of underwriters (the "Underwriters"), pursuant to which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase, on a bought deal basis, an aggregate of 18,600,000 common shares of Osisko ("Common Shares") at an offering price of US$13.45 per Common Share (the "Offering Price") for total gross proceeds to the Company of US$250,170,000 (the "Offering"). Amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted.

    The Company has granted the Underwriters an over-allotment option, exercisable at any time up to 30 days from and including the date of closing of the Offering, to purchase up to 2,790,000 Common Shares, at the Offering Price (the "Over-Allotment Option")."

    Die Kapitalerhöhung wurde am Jahreshoch mit minimalem Abschlag an den Markt gebracht. Gutes Timing verringert die Verwässerung. - Nur, was soll die Mehrzuteilungsoption, die 30 Tage ausgeübt werden kann?

    Im Prinzip wirkt so etwas wie eine Kursbremse, wenn eine Gruppe Investoren Aktien über die Kapitalerhöhung billiger als am Markt kaufen kann.

    Ich bin gespannt, ob OR vor Ablauf der 30 Tage über den Kurs von 13,45 US$ geht. Nur dann werden die Zeichner ihre Option ausüben.

    LG Vatapitta

  • Nur, was soll die Mehrzuteilungsoption, die 30 Tage ausgeübt werden kann?

    So eine Option ist doch allgemein üblich. Die Käufer wollen die Aktien ja nicht behalten, sondern an ihre Kundschaft weiterverkaufen. Da braucht man einen Puffer, falls mehr nachgefragt wird als erwartet.

    In Deutschland gäbe es ein Bezugsrecht. Das halte ich für die bessere Lösung.

    Gruß! Fritz

    Pressefreiheit ist die Freiheit von zweihundert reichen Leuten, ihre Meinung zu verbreiten.“ — Paul Sethe. Leserbrief SPIEGEL, 5. Mai 1965.

  • Osisko Gold Royalties: Where Growth And Value Intersect



    • Osisko Gold Royalties released its Q4 and FY2021 results last month, reporting record annual attributable production of ~80,000 gold-equivalent ounces.
    • This translated to a more than 21% growth rate and helped the company to report record revenue and record operating cash flow of ~US$122 million.
    • However, the real story is the company's growth, with multiple new deals announced last year and several key positive developments in the portfolio, with one being Kirkland Lake Camp synergies.
    • Given Osisko Gold Royalties' attractive valuation and near unparalleled organic growth profile among its peers, I see this pullback as a buying opportunity.
    • [Blockierte Grafik: https://static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/2022/3/22/45984866-1647975594180384.png]
  • Osisko Gold Royalties: Buy The Dips



    • Osisko Gold Royalties released its preliminary Q1 results this week, reporting ~18,300 gold-equivalent ounces earned, an 8% decline from the year-ago period.
    • While this decline might be disappointing to some investors, Osisko Gold's soft results were largely expected due to the low seasonal contribution from the Eagle Gold Mine in Q1.
    • However, on a full-year basis, Osisko Gold Royalties is expected to see meaningful growth to ~95,000+ GEOs this year as new assets contribute and growth projects ramp up.
    • Given the company's industry-leading growth profile and attractive valuation, I see this recent underperformance in OR stock as a buying opportunity.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/2022/4/13/45984866-16498772401011157_origin.png]

  • [Blockierte Grafik: https://ml.globenewswire.com/m…/20180109-ogr-200-jpg.jpg]

    Osisko Publishes Inaugural Asset Handbook and 2021 ESG Report
    2022 Asset Handbook

    Osisko has built a deep portfolio of high-quality royalty and streaming assets, in favourable jurisdictions, operated by reputable mining partners. The portfolio provides exposure to over 165 royalties and streams, including 20 producing assets which underpin Osisko’s 2022 guidance of 90,000 to 95,000 gold equivalent ounces (“GEOs”) at a 93% cash margin1. To this solid foundation, significant internal growth is expected over the coming years, demonstrated by the recently announced five-year outlook which reaches 130,000 to 140,000 GEOs in 2026.

    Osisko’s mining partners continue to add value through exploration, with an average of over 1 million meters drilled each of the past five years on shared assets, unlocking significant upside through new discoveries, reserve and resource additions and mine extensions and expansions. Over the course of 2021, Osisko’s estimate of Attributable GEOs2 (net of depletion) grew across all categories, experiencing an increase of 6% in Proven and Probable reserves, 12% in Measured and Indicated resources and 4% in Inferred resources.
    Sandeep Singh, President and CEO of Osisko commented: “The 2022 Asset Handbook provides a comprehensive review of our unique asset base and the significant upcoming catalysts supporting both near-term and long-term growth. In our view, long-term value is only preserved and created for as long as Osisko and its partners operate in a responsible manner. Through our second edition of Growing Responsibly, we seek to provide a holistic summary of our ESG footprint, our continued ambition to improve, and our achievements against that ambition throughout the year. The company is going through a transformational phase, and we trust that these reports will assist stakeholders in understanding the fundamental value, and sustainable nature, of our business.”

    The 2022 Asset Handbook and the 2021 ESG Report, Growing Responsibly, can be found on Osisko’s website at

  • Osisko Reports Q1 2022 Results
    Q1 2022 Financial Highlights

    • 18,251 GEOs1 earned (Q1 2021 – 19,960 GEOs);
    • Consolidated revenues of $59.4 million ($66.9 million in Q1 2021);

      • Revenues from the royalties and streams segment2 of $50.7 million ($66.9 million in Q1 2021, including $17.9 million from offtakes);
      • Revenues from the mining exploration and development segment3 (i.e. Osisko Development Corp.) of $8.7 million (net of intersegment transactions);

    • Consolidated cash flows from operating activities of $23.6 million (Q1 2021 – $21.3 million);

      • Operating cash flows from the royalties and streams segment of $40.5 million (Q1 2021 – $36.7 million);

      • Operating cash flows from the mining exploration and development segment of ($16.9) million (Q1 2021 – ($15.4) million);

    • Cash margin4 of 94% from royalties and streams (Q1 2021 – 94%);
    • Consolidated net earnings attributable to Osisko’s shareholders of $0.3 million, or $0.00 per share (Q1 2021 – $10.6 million or $0.06 per basic share);
    • Consolidated adjusted earnings4 of $2.2 million, or $0.01 per basic share (Q1 2021 – $17.9 million, $0.11 per basic share);

      • Adjusted earnings from the royalty and stream segment of $24.8 million, or $0.15 per basic share (Q1 2021 – $23.4 million, or $0.14 per basic share); and
      • Adjusted loss from the mining exploration and development segment of $22.7 million, or $0.14 per basic share (Q1 2021 – $5.5 million, or $0.03 per basic share).

    Osisko Declares Second Quarter 2022 Dividend
    MONTREAL, May 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (the “Company” or “Osisko”) (OR: TSX & NYSE) is pleased to announce a second quarter 2022 dividend of C$0.055 per common share. The dividend will be paid on July 15, 2022 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on June 30, 2022. This dividend is an "eligible dividend" as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada).

  • Osisko Signs Binding Agreement With Respect to the Previously Announced Metals Stream on the Trixie Mine in Utah’s Historic Tintic Mining District

    • Upfront Deposit: OBL will make an upfront cash payment to TCM totaling US$20 million, with the proceeds to be used to fund the development of the Trixie Mine and Tintic Property.

    • Streamed Metal: OBL will purchase 2.5% of all metals produced from the Tintic Property until 27,150 ounces of refined gold have been delivered. Thereafter, OBL will purchase 2.0% of all metals produced from the Tintic Property for the remaining life of mine.

    • Production Payments: OBL will make ongoing payments for refined metal delivered to the Stream equal to 25% of the spot prices on the day prior to the date of delivery.

    • Security: The Stream shall be a senior secured, first ranking obligation of ODV, inclusive of guarantees.

    • Area of Interest: The Stream shall be referenced to production from the entire Tintic Property, including the Trixie Mine.

    • Closing: The Stream is expected to close on or before July 31, 2022, subject to certain conditions precedent to closing, including, but not limited to, execution of all definitive agreements with respect to the Stream. The economic effective date of the transaction is May 29, 2022.


    ODV’s near term plan is to initiate underground and at surface drilling while it continues exploration development and processing of the mineralized material at the Trixie Mine. Drilling is targeting support for preparation of an initial resource statement pursuant to National Instrument 43-101 over the next twelve months. Concurrently, ODV will complete advanced technical studies on the Tintic Property to generate additional surface and underground targets, conduct metallurgical testing, geotechnical work and environmental studies to justify further development as well as increase production through a low-capital expenditure expansion.

  • Bisher konnten Anleger bei den beiden Akteuren (Osisko Development bzw. Osisko Gold Royalities) kaum profitieren. Im Gegenteil, seit Jahren eine Underperformance. Wer sich bei den Kapitalerhöhungen, Finanzflüssen, Streamingvereinbarungen wohl immer die Taschen voll macht? Beim Aktionör bleibt nix übrig.


  • Osisko Signs Binding Agreement With Respect to the Previously Announced Metals Stream on the Trixie Mine in Utah’s Historic Tintic Mining District

    "Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (the “Corporation” or “Osisko”) (OR: TSX & NYSE) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Osisko Bermuda Limited (“OBL”) has entered into a binding agreement with Tintic Consolidated Metals LLC (“TCM”), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Osisko Development Corp. (“ODV”)"
    (Quelle wie bei Sorgenfrei, Hervorhebung von mir)

    Das ist ja ein reines In-sich-Geschäft. OR lässt seine rechte Tasche mit der linken handeln. Dabei wird man wohl nicht reich. Immerhin können wir hoffen, dass es bei Tintic vorangeht.

    Beim Aktionör bleibt nix übrig.

    Bei OR habe ich schon einiges an Dividende bekommen.

    Gruß! Fritz

    Pressefreiheit ist die Freiheit von zweihundert reichen Leuten, ihre Meinung zu verbreiten.“ — Paul Sethe. Leserbrief SPIEGEL, 5. Mai 1965.

  • ...... Wer sich bei den Kapitalerhöhungen, Finanzflüssen, Streamingvereinbarungen wohl immer die Taschen voll macht? Beim Aktionör bleibt nix übrig.


    Das ist eine spezielle und erwünschte Krankheit bei Minenwerten.
    Daher gibt es ja genügend Schmierblaetter die laut die Werbetrommel schwingen und dabei auch noch kräftig absahnen :boese:
    Rattenfänger von Hameln oder so ähnlich

  • Osisko Gold Royalties: Too Cheap To Ignore


    • Osisko Gold Royalties is down 33% since March and 36% from its all-time highs despite a business that continues to report industry-leading margins, immune from the rise in energy prices.
    • This superior business model should command a premium multiple, yet this decline has left it at a producer-like valuation.
    • This sell-off has left the stock trading at less than 0.80x P/NAV, a producer-like valuation, despite the company having 90% plus margins and an inflation-resistant business model.
    • I see this correction in the stock as a gift and have continued to accumulate the stock on weakness, with what looks to be 100% long-term upside if its mining partners can execute successfully.


  • [Blockierte Grafik: https://ml.globenewswire.com/m…/20180109-ogr-200-jpg.jpg]

    Osisko Announces Record Preliminary Q2 2022 Deliveries, Revenues and Cash Margin


    MONTRÉAL, July 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (the “Corporation” or “Osisko”) (OR: TSX & NYSE) is pleased to provide an update on its second quarter 2022 deliveries, revenues, cash margins and recent asset advancements for its royalty and stream segment.
    Osisko earned approximately 22,240 attributable gold equivalent ounces1 (“GEOs”) in the second quarter of 2022, record deliveries for the Corporation since inception in 2014.
    Osisko had record preliminary revenues from royalties and streams of C$51.5 million during the second quarter and preliminary cost of sales (excluding depletion) of C$3.7 million, resulting in a record quarterly cash margin2 of approximately C$47.8 million or approximately 93%.
    Osisko will provide full production and financial details with the release of its second quarter 2022 results after market close on Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 followed by a conference call on Wednesday, August 10th at 10am ET. More details are provided at the end of this release.
    Sandeep Singh, President and CEO of Osisko commented: “Our royalty and streaming portfolio delivered records on a number of fronts in Q2 including GEO deliveries and absolute cash margins. We continue to expect further increases in deliveries in the second half of the year as ramp-ups at Mantos and Eagle progress towards nameplate capacity. In a period of heightened volatility in the mining sector, and rising costs across all facets of the economy, our inflation protected business model continues to thrive.”

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