OK, also nichts worüber ich mir Sorgen machen müsste, dann kann ich die laufen lassen....
Danke für die Inputs.
Chalice Mining / CXN, CHN (TSX, ASX)
- Chalice Mining Ltd.
- vatapitta
Exceptional high-grade extensional results at Julimar
Step-out drilling continues to extend high-grade zones outside the Gonneville
Resource while initial results at Hartog reveal a prospective intrusive sequencWide-spaced step-out drilling is continuing at Gonneville, focused on expanding the high-
grade, in-pit, indicated and inferred Resource (74Mt @ 1.8g/t 3E1, 0.22% Ni, 0.21% Cu, 0.021%
Co (~1.0% NiEq2)3 into an underground category, as well as potentially increasing the size of
the Resource pit shell.
« New high-grade (>0.6% NiEq) extensional results, up to ~260m beyond the limit of the current
Gonneville Resource pit shell, to be included in the upcoming Resource update in June:
« 3m @ 10.9g/t 3E, 1.0% Ni, 1.0% Cu, 0.06% Co (5.6% NiEq) from 653m (JD220W2);
« 16.4m @ 5.4g/t 3E, 0.5% Ni, 1.3% Cu, 0.03% Co (3.4% NiEq) from 667.9m (JD220W1) incl:
« 6.1m @ 11.5g/t 3E, 1.0% Ni, 0.4% Cu, 0.06% Co (5.4% NiEq) from 667.9m; and
« 3.8m @ 2.9g/t 3E, 0.5% Ni, 4.7% Cu, 0.04% Co (4.7% NiEq) from 677m;
« 3.4m @ 5.3g/t 3E, 1.0% Ni, 0.4% Cu, 0.07% Co (3.3% NiEq) from 661.7m (JD220W1) incl:
« 2.2m @ 7.8g/t 3E, 1.6% Ni, 0.6% Cu, 0.10% Co (4.8% NiEq) from 661.7m;
« 9.1m @ 4.4g/t 3E, 0.7% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.04% Co (2.6% NiEq) from 631.9m (JD220W2) incl:
« 5.1m @ 7.1g/t 3E, 1.2% Ni, 0.4% Cu, 0.07% Co (4.3% NiEq) from 631.9m;
« 12m @ 4.1g/t 3E, 0.5% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.03% Co (2.2% NiEq) from 633m (JD220W1);
« 4m @ 5.6g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.01% Co (1.9% NiEq) from 552m (JD258);
« 7.6m @ 3.6g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.5% NiEq) from 382.4m (JD250);
« 14m @ 3.2g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.01% Co (1.3% NiEq) from 567m (JD258);
« 26.9m @ 2.2g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.2% NiEq) from 430.1m (JD258).
« Step-out drilling is underway within the ~500m gap between holes JD258 and JD220W2
highlighted above and all zones intersected remain open down-dip.
« Exceptional intersection at the northern base of Gonneville Resource pit-shell highlights the
potential to deepen the pit-shell – 16m @ 10.2g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.4% Cu, 0.02% Co (4.1% NiEq)
from 330m (JD250).
« Several narrow intervals of ortho-magmatic nickel-copper sulphides intersected in mafic-
ultramafic rocks at the Hartog target – a highly encouraging indication of prospectivity:
« Eight of 70+ planned sites have been drilled at Hartog to date, all targeting lower priority
targets while access is restricted to existing tracks only.
1 3E = Palladium (Pd) + Platinum (Pt) + Gold (Au), with an average in-situ ratio of ~4:1:0.04 (Pd:Pt:Au)
2 NiEq (Nickel Equivalent %) = Ni (%) + 0.37xPd (g/t) + 0.24xPt (g/t) + 0.25xAu (g/t) + 0.65xCu (%) + 3.24xCo (%)
3 Refer to full 9-Nov-21 Mineral Resource Statement in Appendix B...
bg bh
Julimar exploration access update
All approvals now received for further low-impact exploration drilling
at the large-scale Hartog-Dampier targets north of Gonneville -
Chalice Mining Limited (ASX:CHN) – Trading Halt
Gonneville Resource increased to 11Moz Pd+Pt+Au (3E), 560kt
Ni, 360kt Cu and 54kt Co (~2Mt NiEq or 20Moz PdEq)
Further resource growth and upgrade into the higher confidence Indicated
category provides strong foundation for world-class Julimar ‘green metals’ Project
« Updated Indicated and Inferred, open-pit and underground mineral resource estimate
(Resource) completed for the Gonneville PGE-Ni-Cu-Co-Au deposit (Deposit), located on
Chalice-owned farmland within the 100%-owned Julimar Project, ~70km NE of Perth, WA:
« 350Mt @ 0.96g/t 3E1, 0.16% Ni, 0.10% Cu, 0.015% Co (~0.58% NiEq2 or ~1.8g/t PdEq3);
« Containing 11Moz 3E, 560kt Ni, 360kt Cu, 54kt Co (~2.0Mt NiEq or ~20Moz PdEq);
« Significant increase in geological confidence with ~70% of the Resource now in the
Indicated category (up from ~45%) following extensive infill drilling;
« ~90% of the Resource above a depth of 250m is now classified as Indicated.
« The higher-grade sulphide component of the Resource (>0.6% NiEq cut-off in-pit plus
underground) has also increased to:
« 82Mt @ 1.7g/t 3E, 0.21% Ni, 0.20% Cu, 0.020% Co (~1.0% NiEq or ~2.9g/t PdEq);
« Containing 4.5Moz 3E, 180kt Ni, 170kt Cu, 16kt Co (~790kt NiEq or ~7.7Moz PdEq);
« Resources are defined from a depth of ~30m to ~700m and remain open down-dip;
« This higher-grade component affords the project significant optionality in development and
could potentially materially enhance project economics in the initial years of operations.
« The Resource remains open to the north along strike and at depth, with the potential for further
material growth:
« Two rigs are continuing step-out drilling down-plunge at Gonneville, where >800m of
potential high-grade plunge extent on farmland is yet to be fully tested;
« Four rigs are currently drilling along strike to the north of the Resource at the Hartog-Dampier
targets – the Gonneville Resource covers just ~7% of the Julimar Complex;
« Recent sulphide intersections at the Dampier Target highlight the potential for additional Ni-
Cu-PGE discoveries along the >30km long Julimar Complex.
« Gonneville Scoping Study for an initial stage of mine development at the Project is progressing
well and expected to be completed in Q3 2022.https://chalicemining.com/site…nnouncements/61098901.pdf
und erste treffer im staatsforst
New mineralised zone intersected at Dampier Targetbg bh
Ich fürchte, dass ein grosser Produzent bald zugreift und die Kleinaktionäre, wie zB bei Kirkland, gekniffen sind. Fraglich, ob vorher die gesehenen Höchstkurse erreicht werden.
Ich fürchte, dass ein grosser Produzent bald zugreift und die Kleinaktionäre, wie zB bei Kirkland, gekniffen sind. Fraglich, ob vorher die gesehenen Höchstkurse erreicht werden.
Befürchte ich auch...
Dazu Hannes Huster im Goldreport:
Es ist ein Fund, den es so nur alle paar Jahrzehnte einmal gibt, doch der markante Unterschied zu den ganz großen Funden dieser Art in der Vergangenheit ist, dass sich das Projekt nur 70-100 Kilometer von Perth entfernt befindet.
Direkter Zugang zu Strom, Energie, Strassen und den besten Bergbauleuten der Welt machen einen bedeutenden Unterschied.
Mit 20 Millionen Unzen Palladium-Äquivalent hat CHALICE ein Projekt entdeckt, das eigentlich in die Hände der großen PGE-Produzenten gehört.
Die Intraday-Bewegungen gestern und heute waren „komisch“. Mit sehr hohem Volumen wurden die anfänglichen Gewinne im Laufe des Handels immer dezimiert. Zulezt waren rund 11,4 Millionen Aktien leerverkauft, dies könnte damit zusammenhängen. -
6 September 2022
Seismic identifies potential 1.6km extension of Gonneville
2D seismic indicates the Gonneville Intrusion could extend down plunge to the
north-west for ~1.6km and beyond, highlighting significant growth potentialSignificant results received from recent 2D seismic at the Julimar Ni-Cu-PGE Project in WA, which
highlights the growth potential immediately north of the current Gonneville Resource.
« 2D seismic over the Hartog area has highlighted the potential plunge extension of the Gonneville
Intrusion ~1.6km north-west of the Resource and ~500m below surface:
« Interpreted position is to the west and below Hartog drilling to date;
« Given sulphide-rich nature of the Gonneville Intrusion, this extension could significantly
expand the deposit to this point and potentially beyond (open to the north);
« Step-out drilling to validate the seismic interpretation will commence shortly.
« Drilling at the Dampier Target has confirmed encouraging evidence of widespread sulphide
mineralisation, indicating a fertile mineral system ~10km north of Gonneville:
« 9.6m @ 0.2g/t 3E1, 0.4% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.03% Co (~0.7% NiEq2) from 203m (HD013) incl:
« 4.2m @ 0.3g/t 3E, 0.6% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.05% Co (~1.1% NiEq) from 208.4m (HD013)
« 41.6m @ 0.5g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.01% Co (~0.4% NiEq) from 63m (HD013), incl:
« 4m @ 1.7g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni (~0.6% NiEq) from 64m.
« Initial reconnaissance diamond drilling 6-10km north of Gonneville, has expanded a wide
‘Gonneville-type’ ultramafic horizon over ~5.5km of strike length, providing a large-scale target
horizon for further exploration drilling.
« 27 planned sites are yet to be drilled across the ~10km Hartog-Dampier strike length, with testing
of the north-west Gonneville extension and Hann-Hooley area prioritised – seven drill rigs are
currently operating.
« The Gonneville Scoping Study is evaluating a smaller ‘starter mine’ concept as well as a larger
bulk mine concept, ensuring that a broad range of options are appropriately evaluated – the
study is now expected to be completed in late 2022.bg bh
Ich rufe mal Perth an...mal hören was Mr. Cores Tell zu sagen hat.
cu DL....das sind die Insider der Kalgoorlie Gang...alte Säcke
Ich rufe mal Perth an...mal hören was Mr. Cores Tell zu sagen hat.
und ???
absolut stark!
19 October 2022
Major northern extension of Gonneville Intrusion confirmedDrilling has confirmed the interpreted extension of the Gonneville Intrusion at the Julimar Ni-Cu-
PGE Project in WA, validating the results of the recent 2D seismic survey:
« Several zones of sulphide mineralisation intersected in a ~950m deep drill hole, interpreted
to be continuations of the high-grade G zones ~850m down-plunge of the Resource – all
assays pending.
« Several strong off-hole EM targets (up to 10,000S) detected – drilling underway to test.
« Seismic confirmed as a powerful new targeting tool for imaging and modelling of the sub-
surface geometry of the >30km long Julimar Complex.
« Northern extension of the Gonneville Intrusion (and Julimar Complex) confirmed to be offset
~650m west-north-west by a fault, consistent with the seismic interpretation:
« Several zones of sulphide mineralisation intersected up to ~1.2km north of the current
Resource – all assays pending and all zones remain wide-open.
« Offset explains the disappointing results at Hartog to date and indicates that the Gonneville
Resource is trending beneath the Julimar State Forest at depth.
« Drilling along northern seismic line, ~1.6km north of the current Resource, awaiting approvals.
« Extensional drilling at the Gonneville Resource has extended the mineralised zones up to ~600m
beyond the current Resource, with several exceptional new high-grade results, including:
« 70m @ 2.4g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.2% NiEq) from 638m (JD220W3), incl:
« 16.9m @ 7.9g/t 3E, 0.4% Ni, 0.6% Cu, 0.03% Co (3.5% NiEq) from 638m (G2);
« 14m @ 5.8g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.01% Co (2.2% NiEq) from 689m (JD344, G4);
« 3.4m @ 4.3g/t 3E, 0.7% Ni, 0.9% Cu, 0.04% Co (2.9% NiEq) from 718.5m (JD332W1, G2);
« 7m @ 5.0g/t 3E, 0.3% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.02% Co (2.2% NiEq) from 570m (JD337, G11);
« 5.3m @ 5.5g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.6% Cu, 0.02% Co (2.3% NiEq) from 898m (JD018W1, G4).
« Consistent PGE-Ni-Cu-Co sulphide mineralisation intersected in all 10 holes assayed to date into
the Hooley-Dampier prospects, located 5-10km north of the Gonneville Resource – three rigs are
continuing to test this trend and seismic/EM will be used to vector towards high-grade zones.
« Strategic interest in the large nickel sulphide endowment at the Project has increased significantly
following the passing of the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) bill.
« Chalice is considering securing a strategic minority joint venture partner (or partners) to assist in
developing a potential mine at Gonneville.komlettes release im anhang
bg bh
Outstanding wide high-grade intersections north of Gonneville
Drilling demonstrates potential for material resource growth at Julimar, with several
outstanding new intersections up to ~650m beyond the current ResourceDrilling has extended the high-grade sulphide zones at the northern end of the Gonneville
deposit, located on Chalice-owned farmland at the Julimar Ni-Cu-PGE Project in WA.
« Several outstanding broad zones of sulphide mineralisation intersected up to ~650m beyond the
current Resource (8 July 2022) in wide-spaced holes, including:
« 157.5m @ 1.7g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.02% Co (0.8% NiEq) from 328m (JD356), incl:
« 48m @ 4.0g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.7% NiEq) from 391m.
« 121.8m @ 1.5g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.02% Co (0.8% NiEq) from 396.4m (JD362), incl:
« 28m @ 2.2g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.0% NiEq) from 467m.
« 93.8m @ 1.2g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.02% Co (0.7% NiEq) from 617.2m (JD328), incl:
« 7m @ 2.1g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.0% NiEq) from 637m (JD328), and;
« 8m @ 1.2g/t 3E, 0.3% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.0% NiEq) from 669m (JD328), and;
« 8m @ 4.8g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.01% Co (1.8% NiEq) from 683m (JD328).
« 62.4m @ 1.1g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.02% Co (0.6% NiEq) from 853m (JD363), incl:
« 13m @ 1.5g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.02% Co (0.8% NiEq) from 859m, and;
« 10m @ 1.5g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.02% Co (0.8% NiEq) from 899m.
« 10.6m @ 2.0g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.5% Cu, 0.01% Co (1.2% NiEq) from 399.5m (HD033).
« Results highlight the significant near-term growth potential in the high-grade portion of the
current Resource and a potential deepening of the Resource pit shell at the northern end.
« All zones intersected remain open down-plunge and two rigs are continuing step-out drilling
on an 80-160m spacing in this northern area.
« Zones have a gentle north-west plunge, trending beneath the Julimar State Forest.
« Three initial reconnaissance holes drilled into the Hartog Intrusion, ~500m north of the current
Resource, intersected Gonneville-style magmatic sulphides, confirming it is a continuation of the
prospective Julimar Complex to the north-west.
« Further step-out drilling at Hartog will commence in the coming weeks. -
Andrew Forrest eyes Tim Goyder’s Chalice stake; Jarden in tow
Iron ore billionaire Andrew Forrest likes the look of nickel developer Chalice Mining and is trying to get his hands on a sizeable chunk.
Street Talk can reveal Forrest has bid for Chalice shares owned by its former chairman Tim Goyder. Sources said Jarden was the broker behind Forrest’s approach.
That would be 8.8 per cent of the company, a nice toehold stake should Forrest choose to push for more. At $5.71 per Chalice share, Goyder’s shareholding is worth $189 million.
Goyder last chipped off his stake August, when he trimmed his holding by nearly two per cent to the 8.8 per cent it is currently at.
https://www.afr.com/street-tal…en-in-tow-20221202-p5c350 -
Chalice commences EM surveys to delineate Nickel-Copper-PGE targets
for drilling at Venture’s South West Project
https://chalicemining.com/site…nnouncements/61127149.pdf2. Promising new sulphide mineralisation at the Hooley Prospect
New intersections from reconnaissance drilling ~5km north of the Gonneville
Resource highlight the prospectivity of the >30km long Julimar Complex
Significant PGE-dominant sulphide mineralisation intersected in initial drilling at the greenfield
Hooley Prospect, ~5km north of the current Gonneville Resource at the 100%-owned Julimar Ni-
Cu-PGE Project in WA.
« Sulphide mineralisation intersected in all five reconnaissance holes from three drill sites over
~1.8km of strike length, with significant assay results including1:
« 69m @ 0.9g/t 3E2, 0.1% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.01% Co (0.6% NiEq) from 312m (HD050), incl:
« 3.4m @ 11.5g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.01% Co (4.0% NiEq) from 370.6m; and
« 4.4m @ 0.5g/t 3E, 0.3% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.03% Co (0.7% NiEq) from 317m.
« 40m @ 1.6g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.02% Co (0.9% NiEq) from 142m (HD055), incl:
« 28m @ 2.1g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.3% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.1% NiEq) from 151m.
« 14m @ 1.2g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.01% Co (0.6% NiEq) from 224m (HD055), incl:
« 5.3m @ 1.9g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.02% Co (1.0% NiEq) from 225m.
« 12m @ 1.2g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.01% Co (0.6% NiEq) from 283m (HD050), incl:
« 6m @ 1.8g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.01% Co (0.9% NiEq) from 283m (HD050).
« 5.7m @ 1.1g/t 3E, 0.1% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.01% Co (0.7% NiEq) from 255.3m (HD047), incl:
« 3.7m @ 1.3g/t 3E, 0.2% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.01% Co (0.8% NiEq) from 255.3m -
Latest Reported Shorts (Aggregate)
Date Reported Short Issued Shares % Short Daily Rank
2 December 2022 20,885,455 376,297,194 5.5503% 24th 5 Ich rufe mal Perth an...mal hören was Mr. Cores Tell zu sagen hat.
cu DL....das sind die Insider der Kalgoorlie Gang...alte Säcke
und ????
Julimar flowsheet development and scoping update
https://chalicemining.com/site…nnouncements/61128057.pdfJulimar Project – flowsheet development and scoping update
Investor Webinar
https://www.bigmarker.com/read…-ASX-CHN-Investor-Webinar -
hat es in sich...
New wide high-grade zones in ~900m step-out drill hole
Exceptional new zones of high-grade sulphide mineralisation intersected in step-
out drilling at the Gonneville Ni-Cu-PGE Deposit
https://chalicemining.com/wp-c…oads/2023/07/61161155.pdf -
wie man am kursverlauf gut sehen kann, kam die scoping studie nicht gut an.
metallpreise erheblich zu hoch angesetzt.
neuer 604 release - tim goyder hat seit 08/22 bis anfang 09/23 seinen anteil an chn von 8,8% auf 10,43% erhöht.
Blackrock zwischen 12/22 bis 09/22 von 5,28% auf 6,37%
ein Versuch,das Kursziel und Zeitpunkt zu ermitteln :
(mit einer simplen Methode)
Ergebnis : 14.11.23 und 1,55 AUD (passt wunderbar auch zur zykl. Herangehensweise )