Polymetal International / POLY (LSS)

  • Polymetall war die letzten Tage schon schwach.
    Aktuell schon wieder 4,5 % im Minus.

    Hat jemand Infos ?

    Gestern gab es zwei Meldungen.

    Einmal ein Insiderverkauf, siehe hier: https://www.polymetalinternati…ss-releases/17-09-2020-a/
    Waren aber nur 11700 Aktien.

    Und dann kam noch die erste Reservenschätzung vom Prognoz-Silberprojekt:

    Resourcen-Schätzung aus 2018: 237 Moz @ 731 g/t
    Erwartete Produktion von 20 Moz proJahr

    Reserven: 142 Moz @ 560 g/t
    Resourcen: 100 Moz @ 552 g/t
    Erwartete Produktion von 13,5 Moz pro Jahr zu 8-9$ AISC.

    Vielleicht eine Enttäuschung über die geringeren Grade und die damit zusammenhängende niedrigere Jahresproduktion?

  • 22 October 2020
    Polymetal reports strong production results for the third quarter of 2020.
    “In Q3 the Group continued to exceed production budget and generated massive cash flows on the back of a seasonal release of working capital”, said Vitaly Nesis, Group CEO of Polymetal. “We remain vigilant and focused to protect our employees, contractors, and local communities as the COVID-19 pandemic remains a crucial risk for Polymetal”.

    • There were no fatal accidents during the first nine months of 2020 either at Polymetal or at the Company’s contractors. LTIFR among the Group’s employees for the period stood at 0.10, a decrease of 47% year-on-year (y-o-y). There were 8 minor incidents in total in comparison with 15 incidents during 9M 2019.
    • The Company’s Q3 gold equivalent (“GE”) production increased by 7% y-o-y to 477 Koz of GE driven by strong contributions from Omolon, Varvara, and Kyzyl. GE output for 9M 2020 months reached 1,200 Koz, an increase of 5% y-o-y.
    • Q3 revenue jumped by 35% y-o-y to reach US$ 884 million on the back of higher gold and silver prices as well as increased sales volumes. 9M revenue amounted to US$ 2,019 million, up 26% y-o-y. The lag between gold production and sales, mainly at Varvara and Kyzyl, is expected to close in Q4 2020.
    • Polymetal generated record quarterly free cash flow in Q3. Net debt was down by US$ 80 million to US$ 1.61 billion, even as the Company paid US$ 189 million of interim dividends (US$ 0.40 per share, a two-fold increase year-on-year).
    • Construction and development activities at Nezhda and POX-2 progressed on schedule. COVID-related restrictions, precautionary measures and cases of the disease on site have not slowed down project execution.
    • The Company is on track to meet its full-year 2020 production guidance of 1,500 Koz GE with COVID-related risks remaining the key source of uncertainty. TCC and AISC guidance of US$ 650-700/GE oz and US$ 850-900/GE oz respectively is also maintained.
    • Production guidance for 2021 and 2022 of 1,500 Koz and 1,600 Koz GE respectively is reiterated.

    Sehr starke Quartalszahlen von Polymetal!
    Q3 mit 7% höhererer Produktion zum Vorjahr. Das Gesamtjahr liegt bisher 5% über dem Vorjahr - trotz Corona!
    Rekord-FCF, Schulden getilgt, Rekord-Dividende, alle Projekte im Zeitplan. Das kann sich sehen lassen. :thumbup:

  • Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?
    Seit 17 Pfund bin ich jetzt auch mit einer ersten Position hier dabei.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.zonebourse.com/zbcache/charts/ObjectChart.aspx?Name=9303852&Type=Custom&Intraday=1&Width=800&Height=360&Cycle=DAY1&Duration=9&Render=Candle&ShowCopyright=2&ShowName=1&Company=4Traders_us]


  • https://www.polymetalinternati…h=&q=&year=2020&current=1


    Polymetal announces an initial investment of US$ 0.5 million in exchange for a 35% stake in a joint venture with a junior holding an exploration license for the Pekinskaya area, Taimyr Peninsula, Russia (Pekinskaya JV), which adjoins the existing Taimyr JV.

    “Through this new joint venture Polymetal has expanded its footprint in the highly prospective Taimyr region with the potential to discover a significant copper-gold porphyry mineralisation”, said Vitaly Nesis, Group CEO of Polymetal. “We continue to be committed to further development of our exploration portfolio through partnerships with juniors in the regions of our presence”.

    • Polymetal may acquire up to a 70% interest in the Pekinskaya JV by funding RUB 173 million in cash (approximately US$ 2.3 million) of exploration expenditures in three stages aligned with the relevant field seasons:

      • Stage 1 (completed) – an initial acquisition of 35% stake in the JV through a RUB 40 million (approx. US$ 0.5 million) cash investment in newly issued share capital.
      • Stage 2 – increase stake up to 63% ownership for further investment of RUB 85 million (approx. US$ 1.1 million) in newly issued share capital by March 2021 following the first field season results assessment.
      • Stage 3 – increase stake up to 70% ownership for further investment of RUB 48 million (approx. US$ 0.6 million) in newly issued share capital by March 2022 following the second field season results assessment.
    • Polymetal may also provide loans to the JV to fund extra exploration costs at stages 2 and 3, and finance three additional field seasons post 2022.
    • Polymetal has been granted a call option exercisable in 2023-2026 to acquire the remaining interest in the JV following JORC-compliant Mineral Resource estimate.
    • Pekinskaya exploration license covers an area of 97 sq. km. Together with the contiguous Taimyr JV they represent an area of 359 sq. km.

    Polymetal krallt sich für kleines Geld einen Kupfer-Explorer. :)
    Das ist denke ich zur aktuellen Zeit eine strategisch gute Entscheidung.

    Überhaupt gefällt mir die vorausschauende strategische Handlung von POLY. Die haben sich z.B. auch das riesige Silbervorkommen in Prognoz 2018 zum Schleuderpreis gesichert, wo sich niemand für Silber interessiert hat.

    Langfristig wird POLY neben Gold und Silber auch Kupfer und PGM produzieren. Ein interessanter Mix, den man so nirgendwo anders findet.

  • Polymetal krallt sich für kleines Geld einen Kupfer-Explorer. [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.goldseiten-forum.c…/images/smilies/smile.png]

    Und noch einer ... Chesterfield Resources (CHF.L) suchen in Zypern nach Kupfer.
    (Ehemalige von Rio Tinto, Lundin Mining, First Quantum Minerals sind bei Chesterfield)
    Polymetal hat eine Beteiligung von 22,94% gemeldet.


  • 29 January 2021

    Polymetal reports strong production results for the fourth quarter and twelve months ended December 31, 2020.



    • The Company’s FY2020 gold equivalent (“GE”) output amounted to 1,559 Koz, a 4% increase y-o-y and 4% above the original production guidance of 1.5 Moz. Strong contribution from Kyzyl, Varvara and Albazino offset planned grade declines at Svetloye and Voro. Q4 GE production was roughly stable y-o-y and stood at 358 Koz.
    • Revenue in 2020 jumped by 28% to reach US$ 2.9 billion while Q4 revenue was up 31% y-o-y to US$ 0.8 billion on the back of higher gold sales and higher metal prices. The lag between gold production and sales has been closed.
    • The Company expects full-year Total Cash Costs (“TCC”) to be below the original guidance of US$ 650-700/GE oz. Sharp devaluation of domestic currencies (RUR and KZT) outweighed additional COVID-related costs and price-driven increase in royalties. All-in Sustaining Cash Costs (“AISC”) are expected to be within the guidance range of US$ 850-900/GE oz as the Company has accelerated pre-stripping and mine fleet renewals against the backdrop of higher commodity prices.
    • Polymetal generated strong quarterly free cash flow resulting in Net Debt reduction to US$ 1.35 billion as at the end of 2020, Net Debt/EBITDA is expected to be below 1x. For the full year, Net Debt decreased by US$ 128 million and the Company paid US$ 480 million of dividends implying record annual FCF
  • Ich habe diese schöne Aktie nochmal massiv aufgestockt. Bei der Dividende und den Ergebnissen brauch man nicht lange überlegen. Als größter Silberproduzent Russlands bin ich zudem sehr positiv gestimmt. :thumbup:

    Ich habe heute morgen ebenfalls noch nachgelegt zu one six six six pence (the number of the beast). ;)

    Info zur aktuellen Dividendenpolitik:

    Dividend Policy
    On 25 August 2020, with a view to increasing transparency in dividend decision making process, adding predictability into capital allocation approach while aiming to maintain an above sector-average dividend yield, the Board has approved an amendment to the Company’s dividend policy, which replaces special dividend with a modified policy for final dividend payment. As a result, the revised dividend policy is as follows:

    • Minimum final dividend of 50% of Underlying Net Income for 2H (subject to absolute Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA ceiling of 2.5x).
    • In addition, the Board will now have discretion to increase the final dividend amount to a maximum annual payout of 100% of Free Cash Flow (provided that it is greater than 50% of Underlying Net Income). In making this decision, the Board will consider, among other factors, the macroeconomic outlook, debt position and future investment requirements of the Group.
    • Interim dividend will remain at 50% of Underlying Net Income for 1H (subject to absolute Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA ceiling of 2.5x).
    • It may take some time from the date of payment to receive a dividend by shareholder. Please contact your broker for more information.

    With this amendment, starting from 2021, Polymetal will pay dividends twice a year on a semi-annual basis, which means that final dividend for 2020 will be already determined by the new policy.


  • “Polymetal is delighted and proud to successfully complete the largest development project in the company’s history ahead of time and below budget”, said Vitaly Nesis, Group CEO of Polymetal. “Significant cash flow and net income contributions from Kyzyl should start in Q4 2018.”

    26.07. Kommen Produktionszahlen Q2 18

    Habe heute eine mittlere Position draus gemacht.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.tradingview.com/x/rXi8DYHj/]

    Mein Liebling.

    Seit meinem ersten Kauf Anfang 2018 haben sie strategisch gute Entscheidungen getroffen, Top Zahlen geliefert(80% Umsatz ist Gold) und gute Zukäufe getätigt, ein Unternehmen wie ich es mir wünsche. HGM musste ich ziehen lassen, POLY steht dem aber nichts nach.

    KGV <10, Dividende >7,
    Perfekt aufgestellt für eine Goldhausse. Geographisch, finanziell, politisch, unbeachtet.

    Phase 2 nach wyckoff
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://i0.wp.com/tradingcoach.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/WyckoffLogic-FEAUTERED.jpg?resize=1213%2C887]

    mir fehlt nicco [smilie_blume]

  • 1 March 2021

    Polymetal announces its Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources as at 1 January 2021 in accordance with the JORC Code (2012) and exploration update for the year ended 31 December 2020.

    2020 HIGLIGHTS

    • In 2020, Group Ore Reserves increased by 10% year-on-year to 27.9 Moz1 of gold equivalent (GE) driven by initial Ore Reserve estimates at East Bakyrchik (Kyzyl), Prognoz, and Pesherny (Voro hub). This has more than compensated for depletion and ownership dilution at Veduga. GE Ore Reserves per share grew by the same 10%.
    • Share of Ore Reserves for open-pit mining stood at 53%, up by 2 percentage points (p.p.) year-on-year, while share of refractory reserves amounted to 72%, declining by 2 p.p. Both of these developments are attributable to Prognoz reserve initial estimate.
    • Share of silver in Ore Reserves increased by 5 p.p. to 11% also on the back of the significant contribution from Prognoz.
    • Mineral Resources (additional to Ore Reserves) declined by 14% year-on-year to 21.8 Moz of GE primarily due to resource-to-reserve conversion. This conversion was partially offset by new Mineral Resource estimates at Albazino (Talgiy) and Veduga. Mineral Resources inclusive of Ore Reserves were essentially stable at 49.7 Moz of GE.
    • The average grade in Ore Reserves was marginally up year-on-year and stood at 3.8 g/t of GE. Average GE grade in additional Mineral Resources was down 10% year-on-year. Polymetal GE grades continue to be one of the highest within the sector globally.
    • Polymetal maintained conservative price assumptions for both Ore Reserve and Mineral Resource estimates at US$ 1,200/oz for gold and US$ 15/oz for silver. Short-term price assumptions used for tactical mine planning and sequencing are US$ 1,500/oz and US$ 20/oz respectively.
  • 3 March 2021

    Polymetal is pleased to announce the Group’s preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2020.

    • In 2020, revenue increased by 28%, totalling US$ 2,865 million (2019: US$ 2,241 million). Average realised gold and silver prices tracked market dynamics and increased by 27% for both metals. Gold sales were 1,392 Koz, up 2% year-on-year, while silver sales were down 13% to 19.3 Moz, largely in line with production volume trends.
    • Group Total Cash Costs (“TCC”)1 for the full year were US$ 638/GE oz, down 3% year-on-year, and 2% below the lower end of the Company’s full year guidance of US$ 650-700/GE oz mostly due to a weakness in the Russian Rouble and the Kazakh Tenge which outweighed additional COVID-related costs and a price-driven increase in royalties.
    • All-in Sustaining Cash Costs (“AISC”)1 remained broadly unchanged from 2019 at US$ 874/GE oz, up 1% year-on-year and within the Company’s full year guidance of US$ 850-900/GE oz, as the Company has accelerated pre-stripping and mine fleet renewals against a backdrop of higher commodity prices.
    • Adjusted EBITDA1 was US$ 1,686 million, a 57% increase over 2019, driven by higher production volumes, higher commodity prices, and lower cash costs. Adjusted EBITDA margin increased by 11 p.p. and reached an all-time high of 59% (2019: 48%).
    • Net earnings2 were a record US$ 1,086 million (2019: US$ 483 million), with a basic EPS of US$ 2.30 per share (2019: US$ 1.02 per share), reflecting the increase in operating profit. Underlying net earnings1 increased by 82% to US$ 1,072 million (2019: US$ 586 million).
    • usw...


    3 March 2021

    Polymetal is pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of the Company has recommended the payment of a final dividend of US$ 0.89 per share for the year ended 31 December 2020.

    The Board proposed a final dividend of US$ 0.89 per share (approx. US$ 419 million), which comprises US$ 0.74 per share representing 50% of underlying net earnings for the 2H 2020 and a discretionary part of US$ 0.15 per share to make the total dividend for 2020 equal 100% of the full-year free cash flow, in accordance with the updated dividend policy. This will bring the total dividend declared for the FY 2020 to the historical record level of US$ 1.29 per share (an increase of 57% versus US$ 0.82 for 2019) or US$ 608 million in total (2019: US$ 385 million). Based on the average share price for 2020, dividend yield for the year stays at 6.3% and 5-year average dividend yield at 5%, which remain one of the highest levels in the industry.


  • vorläufige Zahlen für 2020

    • Umsatz 2,87 Mrd. $ (+28% zum VJ)
    • Gewinn 1,09 Mrd. $ ("net earnings" +125%)

      • EPS 2,30$
    • Gewinnmarge 37,9%
    • "adj." Gewinn 1,07 Mrd. $ ("Underlying net earnings" +83%)

      • adj. EPS 2,28$
    • AISC 874$/oz (+1%)
    • durchschnittlich realisierter GP 1797$/oz (+27%)
    • deklarierte Dividende pro Aktie 1,02$ / vorgeschlagene Div. pro Aktie 1,29$

    "Based on the average share price for 2020, dividend yield for the year stays at 6.3%"


  • die Zahlen sind gar nicht schlecht, besser als ich erwartet hätte.
    Aber warum sitzen die immer noch auf so hohen Schulden???
    "Gute" Unternehmen haben sich in der letzten Zeit bei recht hohem Spot komplett entschuldet und sitzen auf Cash (prominentestes Beispiel Barrick, vor ein paar Jahren noch wg Überschuldung fast totgesagt).

  • die Zahlen sind gar nicht schlecht, besser als ich erwartet hätte.
    Aber warum sitzen die immer noch auf so hohen Schulden???
    "Gute" Unternehmen haben sich in der letzten Zeit bei recht hohem Spot komplett entschuldet und sitzen auf Cash (prominentestes Beispiel Barrick, vor ein paar Jahren noch wg Überschuldung fast totgesagt).

    Schau dir mal die Dividendenrendite an, dann wird es schnell klar. ;)
    Schuldenfreiheit ist nicht per Se das Beste, ein gewisser Kredithebel kann auch sinnvoll sein.
    Poly hat ein selbstgesetztes Leverage-Ziel von 1,5 (Debt/EBITDA), da liegen sie aktuell deutlich darunter.

    Und trotz aller Dividenden und Investitionen: Die Schulden sinken dennoch!

  • ok, die Div-Rendite ist natürlich wirklich ausgesprochen hoch, und ich habe auch nix gegen Ausschüttungen (was sie mir geben, können sie später nicht fehlinvestieren oder veruntreuen! 8) ), aber ich finde, es gibt wichtigeres als hohe Dividende. Schuldenabbau z.B.! :D

    Ich denke da vielleicht zu konservativ, aber: Ohne Schulden ist man flexibler und wenn die Bilanz gut ausschaut (ohne nennenswerte Verbindlichkeiten), bekommt man im Bedarfsfall ja auch jederzeit preiswert Geld, wenn man es denn braucht. SSR hat das z.B. sehr gut im Griff. Man investiert ordentlich (Übernahme Alacer, Entwicklung Pitarilla), ist trotzdem schuldenfrei, und fängt halt jetzt an, wo die Kohle über ist, Dividende auszuschütten. Geholfen hat es deren Kurs allerdings in keinster Weise... ?(

    Wobei ich bei russischen Werten seit Highland Gold eh immer noch verhalten bin... vielleicht verheilen die Wunden ja irgendwann...

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