.....Fragen wir uns in letzter Zeit hin und wiederholt.
Der mit wirklich allen Wassern gewaschene Sinclair,--hat er doch lange im Wolfsrudel gesessen,--- ist da relativ sicher:
"The action in the marketplace speaks to bankruptcies among hedge funds that are not evident to the general public or to even those professional traders that I know.
There is a contradiction staring you right in the face in the marketplace and that is the six month sideways chop of the US dollar which is happening with bankruptcy signs flashing all over the place.
I firmly believe that the “forces that be” who have conspired to keep the financial landscape pleasant - primarily in the equities sector - until the mid-term elections are over, never expected to bust wide open the hedge funds whose black boxes were screaming “opportunity” in the commodities markets..."
"....There is much more to what has occurred here in the past few weeks than what is commonly understood. ?(You are seeing bankruptcy markets being shielded from our view while they are being liquidated. It is much more than simply one hedge fund. That you can take to the bank (ruptcy)...."
Edel Man