Homestake Res.(ehem.Bravo Gold) / HSR (CVE)

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    Bravo drills 4.0 m of 2.7 g/t Au at Homestake Ridge

    2010-09-23 20:12 ET - News Release

    Mr. Joseph Kizis Jr. reports

    Bravo Gold Corp. has made a potentially new discovery at the Fox Reef
    exploration target based on assays at its 100-per-cent-owned Homestake
    Ridge project, located in northwestern British Columbia. In addition,
    drilling continues to expand the Homestake silver deposit. Data from
    other exploration drill targets are also being evaluated for possible
    follow-up drilling. Bravo is conducting an aggressive $6.5-million-plus
    drilling program and anticipates completing over 15,000 metres of
    drilling in up to 50 drill holes before the end of the 2010 season.
    Thirty-six drill holes, for a total of 13,141 metres, have been
    completed to date. Complete assays have been received for 16 drill
    holes. One hole was abandoned prior to intersecting the target.

    Fox Reef exploration target

    To date, Bravo has completed 18 drill holes in five exploration targets
    on the property, including several areas identified using airborne
    geophysics in 2009. Drilling at the Fox Reef exploration target has
    intersected potentially economic mineralization at relatively shallow

    Highlights from Fox Reef include (reported as a downhole thickness):

    • 4.0 metres averaging 2.7 grams per tonne gold and 2.2 g/t silver in hole HR10-184;
    • 3.0 metres averaging 3.4 g/t gold and 0.9 g/t silver, including 1.0 metre
      averaging 8.0 g/t gold and 1.7 g/t silver in hole HR10-189.

    Mineralization at Fox Reef has been drilled in two separate areas
    approximately 400 metres apart, which are located 700 metres to the
    southwest of the Homestake silver zone. Identification of more than one
    g/t gold in relatively shallow drill holes is comparable with initial
    drilling on each of the Main Homestake and Homestake silver deposits,
    both of which now contain 43-101-compliant mineral resources. Robust
    base metal values were returned from several intervals, including a
    1.2-metre (downhole) interval, which averaged 0.4 g/t gold, 1.1 per cent
    copper, 2.54 per cent lead and 8.39 per cent zinc in HR10-183. Assays
    are pending from four holes, and one drill rig is currently drilling
    additional holes to further delineate mineralization.

    Homestake silver deposit

    In the 2010 exploration program, Bravo has completed 18 holes, for a
    total of 8,260 metres, in the Homestake silver deposit and the northwest
    toward the Main Homestake deposit. Assays have been received from eight
    holes, which represent 70-metre to 100-metre-plus step-outs from 2009
    drilling. One rig is continuing to delineate mineralization between the
    Homestake silver and Main Homestake deposits.

    Highlights from the 2010 holes include (all values are reported as estimated true thickness):

    • 24.1 metres averaging 2.3 g/t gold and 3.6 g/t silver, including 7.1 metres
      averaging 4.4 g/t gold and 6.7 g/t silver from hole HR10-170;
    • 15.4 metres averaging 2.2 g/t gold and 2.6 g/t silver, including 3.1 metres
      averaging 3.7 g/t gold and 2.1 g/t silver from hole HR10-175;
    • 4.9 metres averaging 2.4 g/t gold and 174 g/t silver, including 0.8 metre
      averaging five g/t gold and 1,000.3 g/t silver from hole HR10-185.

    Intervals of anomalous gold and silver occur in multiple drill holes and
    establish the lateral continuity of individual mineralized horizons
    within the deposit and continue to extend the boundaries of Homestake
    silver deposit, particularly to the northwest toward the Main Homestake
    deposit. As with previous results, mineralization located near the top
    of the main host volcanic sequence is enriched in silver while
    mineralization deeper in the volcanic stratigraphy is enriched in gold.

    Only partial results are available from drill holes HR10-185 and
    HR10-188, with assays still pending from the lower parts of these holes.
    Alteration is present in all holes, and one drill rig is offsetting
    those holes to delineate more fully mineralization.

  • Diese Bude ist eher ein Spezialist in der Verwässerung des Kapitals als in der Entdeckung von Gold.

    Bei der gerade abgeschlossenen PP haben sie Warrants ausgegeben mit einem Ausübungspreis von 0,25 auf Sicht von 24 Monaten. Sehr optimistisch ist das nicht. Andererseits hätten sie mit einem deutlich höheren Ausübungspreis die PP vielleicht nicht hinbekommen.

    Fundamental sieht das für mich ziemlich trostlos aus.

    Aber vielleicht hilft ja die Charttechnik. Bei solchen Werten ist alles möglich... :whistling:

  • Leicht ist gut, ich hatte Bravissimo schon aufgegeben.

    OT: Ich hatte heute einen einstündigen, +20%igen Fremdgang: A0XYL5 , komisch ist das Ding geht weiter. Sachen gibts....

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