Nach dem neusten GEAB Nr. 19 geht mindestens eine US-Bank bis Februar 100%ig pleite -> J.P. Morgan mit ihren 240% Level3?
The triggering factors for a major financial institution to go bankrupt are now so powerful and warning clues so numerous that, according to our researchers, the probability that it happens within three month now reaches 100%. Probabilities are as high that the US authorities will try to introduce a reimbursement protection-net in order to avoid panic from spreading throughout the entire US financial system (2); but the size of the bankruptcy will immediately hit the most exposed financial institutions operating in the US and in the rest of the world.
No need to be visionary to conclude that these banks will experience between the end of this year and the beginning of next year a severe crisis capable of entailing losses that some of them will not be able to cope with. According to LEAP/E2020, all these clues are harbingers of a major banking crisis whose causes and consequences for investors and savers are retailed in the GEAB N°19.