immer noch aus...…2/09/ccprop109.xml&page=2
Also die Pflicht 20% der Assets in Cash zu halten ist natürlich ungenügend, wenn die Assets bereits 40% unter ihrer Wert sind.:-(
Changes to the rules governing the funds three years ago stripped out a requirement for the funds to carry at least 20 per cent cash, effectively allowing units in the funds to be invested in Isas.
In the listed market, shares in property companies such as British Land and Land Securities are trading at up to 40 per cent discounts to net asset value, a clear sign that investors think either that prices are going to fall or that they have already fallen and are not reflected in valuations.
Jede "Asset-Blase" darf inzwischen als "Liquiditätskrise" bezeichnet werden! Und, wie schon festgehalten, Liquiditätskrisen sind für Notenbanken nun wirklich keine Krisen;-)