Uranaktien: Minen, Explorer, Produzenten, Anwender

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    Atomic profit potential
    Commentary: Forget gold and silver; buy uranium
    By Sean Brodrick, Money and Markets
    Last Update: 10:53 AM ET Apr 3, 2006

    JUPITER, Fla. (M&M) -- The hottest metal isn't gold or silver -- it's uranium. Prices are up 80% in the past year and 13% just since the beginning of this year. Have you missed the big move? Not by a long shot.
    Uranium demand can't be turned off with the flick of a switch. Once a nuclear plant is fired up, it needs to be fed for a long time to come.
    For my money, there's a U.S. uranium explorer that you can pick up dirt cheap -- but first, why is uranium so white hot?
    Today there are 441 operational nuclear power reactors around the world. According to a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, 130 new nuclear power plants are either being built or are in the planning stages. Some put the number of planned reactors as high as 160!
    China currently has nine reactors in operation at three nuclear plants with total capacity of 6,600 megawatts. That provides just 2.3% of China's power consumption. China set an ambitious goal for 36,000 megawatts of nuclear capacity by 2020.
    To meet that goal, China plans to build two new 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactors each and every year -- 28 in all. And the World Nuclear Association forecasts that China's annual uranium needs would jump from 3 million pounds per year now to 10 million pounds per year by 2010 -- then 18 million pounds per year by 2020.
    India, meanwhile, generates about 3.7% of its electricity with nuclear power. India's total nuclear capacity is around 2,700 megawatts, with 14 commercial reactors in operation at six plants. India plans to have 10,000 megawatts of nuclear capacity by 2010 and 20,000 megawatts by 2020.
    India's uranium requirements should grow from around 1 million pounds per year currently to 2 million pounds per year by 2010 and more than 4 million pounds per year by 2020. India's own uranium production will likely be just 1 million pounds by 2010. That means India is going to be a huge net importer of uranium.
    China is about to sign a new deal to buy uranium from Australia. India can buy from Russia, but not for long. Last year, Russia's three uranium mines produced 3,657.5 tons -- just one-fifth of the 17,600 tons Russia consumes per year in its reactors, military, and export obligations. In fact, Russia had to draw on reserves (old warheads) to fill its demand for 2005.
    Just recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin said nuclear power's share of Russia's energy use would increase from 15% to 25% by 2030. To get from here to there, Russia needs to add 40 gigawatts of nuclear energy each and every year -- building 40 new nuclear reactors by 2030.
    And that means Russia, along with China and India, needs to find a lot more uranium -- quickly!
    Demand outstripping supply
    Total global uranium consumption is currently estimated at 176.3 million pounds. Of that, only 92.6 million pounds, or 47%, was supplied directly from mining (there are stockpiles, but they are dwindling). By 2015, demand will likely hit a whopping 212 million pounds per year.
    Add it all up, and we're looking at uranium shortages for at least the next decade. Select uranium miners will be on fire this year.
    The two best countries for uranium stocks are Australia and Canada. Canada even has a neat exchange-traded fund, Uranium Participation Corp. (CA:U: news, chart, profile) , that tracks the price of uranium the way the StreetTracks Gold Trust (GLD : streetTRACKS Gold
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    Last: 58.33-0.14-0.24%

    4:15pm 04/04/2006

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    GLD58.33, -0.14, -0.2%) tracks the price of gold. And as you can see, U has taken off like a rocket lately (Full disclosure, subscribers to my Red-Hot Canadian Small-Caps have U in their portfolio). It should have a ways to go. Uranium currently trades at $40.60 per pound, and my price target is $55 in the next year -- a 35% rally.
    But you can play the uranium rally in the U.S. stock market. That brings me to today's pick: Fronteer Development Group (FRG : fronteer dev group inc com
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    Last: 5.50+1.05+23.60%

    4:00pm 04/04/2006

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    FRG5.50, +1.05, +23.6%) . It's a gold and uranium prospector that is making all the right moves. For one thing, it focuses on exploring in Canada, Turkey and Mexico -- all stable countries that are exploration friendly.
    Did I mention gold? Yes, FRG is working on two large gold/silver deposits in western Turkey called Agi Dagi and Kirazli. The totals for the two projects:
    Indicated gold: 461,000 ounces
    Inferred gold: 1,606,000 ounces
    Indicated silver: 2.1 million ounces
    Inferred silver: 8.6 million ounces
    Have you seen the price of gold lately? How about the price of silver? I like these resources because it gives Fronteer a diversity of metals, all red-hot.
    Uranium's new frontier
    Fronteer recently acquired an 80% interest in a new copper-gold-uranium district in the Yukon called the Wernecke Breccias, and will start exploratory drilling there this summer. Its big uranium story, though, is the 50.2% equity interest it holds in its spin-off, Aurora Energy Resources (CA:AXU: news, chart, profile) . Fronteer spun off Aurora to develop its uranium project in Labrador, the Michelin Deposit -- 22 million pounds of uranium with additional inferred resources of 13.4 million pounds.
    In addition to Michelin, Aurora owns four other deposits that are ripe for exploiting.
    Sure, Fronteer loses money every quarter -- that's par for the course for an explorer. The important thing is Fronteer is debt-free, has plenty of cash, and has great projects. It has a market cap of a paltry $215 million -- its resources are valued at pennies on the dollar.
    Now, look at Fronteer's chart: Not only is it trending higher, it is breaking out to the upside! Buzz should continue to build around this stock. It recently traded around $4.50, and I think it's an easy double from current prices.


    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

  • Ich glaube der Server schläft mal wieder.
    Vielleicht kommt der Bericht ja jetzt nach oben.


    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Bist mir da zuvorgekommen. :]


    Ausser dem Text lediglich 2 schlichte Charts von U und FRG.
    Den goldcolony.com bekommst Du doch hoffentlich?


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • So, hab mein Research abgeschlossen und mich in folgenden Werten positioniert:

    - Energy Resources of Australia (ca. 50% der Anlagesumme)
    - Agincourt Resources Ltd. (ca. 30%)
    - Drake Resources (ca. 20%)

    Drake Resources ist sehr spekualtiv (erst seit März 2005 an der ASX, Ipo-Preis 0,20 AUD, MK 5,24 Mio. AUD), aber die Beteiligung an dem bevorstehenden Uran-Ipo von Aura Energy Ltd. reizt.


    Drake To Sell Uranium Assets

    Drake Resources Ltd has entered into a conditional agreement with Aura Energy Ltd to sell the company’s uranium tenements.

    Under the agreement, Drake Resources will gain a substantial shareholding in Aura, an unlisted public company dedicated to uranium exploration and development. Drake Resources has also negotiated a priority issue for Drake’s shareholders in the proposed IPO of Aura. The record date for Drake Resources shareholder entitlement has not been set.

    The sale of Drake’s uranium tenements under the agreement is subject to the approval of Drake’s shareholders.

    Managing director of Drake Resources, Dr Bob Beeson, said: “The agreement is part of a strategic decision to position Drake Resources within the market and maximise value for its shareholders”.

    “The agreement will enable Drake to capitalise on the value of its gold and silver assets while retaining a considerable interest in Aura’s uranium assets. Separating the company’s assets will result in two entities with distinct stories. Aura will seek to capitalise on the strong uranium market,” Dr Beeson said.

    The initial emphasis of Aura’s exploration programs will be the Altona Project and three recently acquired uranium tenements in the Yilgarn Province of Western Australia. However, Aura intends to actively pursue quality uranium projects to further develop its uranium tenement portfolio.

    Drake Resources will continue its current exploration programs at its Mt Carrington gold– silver-zinc project in New South Wales and at its other projects in Western Australia, while seeking to expand the portfolio though further strategic acquisitions.

    - 05 Apr 2006


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Wäre vielleicht mal wissenswert für uns,warum Du in Aussies reingehst.
    Oder ist mir was anderswo entgangen,sprich Kanadier zB.?
    Kann einer alles hier auch nicht mehr nachvollziehen. :D


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @Edel

    Ausgangspunkt meiner Investitionsentscheidung ist der am Montag abgeschlossene Grundsatz-Vertrag zur Uran-Lieferung von Australien an China. Da wird kräftig Geld investiert werden. ;) Kanadier hab ich natürlich auch.


    Montag, 3. April 2006
    Australien will Uran liefern
    China plant 50 AKW

    Australien und China haben einen Grundsatz-Vertrag zur Uran-Lieferung geschlossen, der den Betrieb chinesischer Atomkraftwerke langfristig sichern soll. Eine entsprechende Vereinbarung wurde am Montag in der australischen Hauptstadt Canberra im Beisein der Ministerpräsidenten beider Länder, John Howard und Wen Jiabao, unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung ist nach australischen Angaben aber nur ein erster Schritt. Zu nennenswerten Lieferungen werde es wohl erst nach 2010 kommen.

    Es wird erwartet, das China in den kommenden 20 Jahren bis zu 50 neue Atomkraftwerke baut. Für deren Betrieb benötigt das Land Uran. In Australien befinden sich etwa 40 Prozent der weltweit bekannten Uran-Vorkommen. Das Land liefert das Material aber nur an solche Länder, die dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag unterzeichnet haben. Zudem werden bilaterale Sicherheits-Vereinbarungen verlangt.

    China müsse nun zunächst mit den Uran-Produzenten in Australien einen Liefervertrag aushandeln, sagte Rohstoff-Minister Ian Macfarlane. Dann müssten voraussichtlich neue Uran-Minen erschlossen werden. Dafür wiederum wären neue Lizenzen der Regierung notwendig.

    Die USA als enger Verbündeter Australiens hatten die Bereitschaft des Landes zu den Uran-Lieferungen an China mit Skepsis gesehen. Die USA sehen offene Fragen bei den wirtschaftlichen und militärischen Ambitionen Chinas. Australien hat bereits mit 19 anderen Ländern bilaterale Nuklear-Vereinbarungen geschlossen, darunter mit den USA, Japan und Südkorea.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Danke.Das ist natürlich schlüssig.Australien ist schon bei Kohle usw.schon Hoflieferant für China.
    Werde zu meinen Kanadierinnen auch mal Australierinnen ausgucken. :)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @Edel

    Der Branchenprimus BHP Billiton schreitet bereits voran, die Chinesen haben schon Mal "Hallo" gesagt!

    BHP Billiton investiert 5 Mrd. USD in Kupfer und Uranmine

    05.04.06 Die australische BHP Billiton Ltd., der größte Minenbetreiber der Welt, gab heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen 5 Mrd. USD in den Ausbau seiner Mine Olympic Dam investieren werde. Damit soll die Kupferkapazität verdoppelt und die Urankapazität verdreifacht werden. Der Ausbau soll 2009 beginnen, 2013 wird mit der ausgeweiteten Förderung begonnen.

    05.04.06 China Development Bank governor to visit BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam

    SYDNEY (AFX) - A senior Chinese official has requested a visit to BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam copper/uranium mine in South Australia amid growing signs that the company will press ahead with a major expansion of the project, which contains about one-third the world's known uranium resources, The Australian newspaper reported without citing sources.

    It said Yuan Chen, the governor of the China Development Bank, Beijing's strategic lending bank, will on Friday visit Olympic Dam.

    The newspaper said Chen, who is visiting Australia, surprised BHP Billiton on Tuesday with a request to visit the mine, and the company's head of base metals in Australia, Roger Higgins, has been assigned to show him and his delegation the site.

    It said Chen is also looking over other Australian resources projects and may be looking to fund projects to supply China.

    The newspaper said the Chinese may also be interested in directly investing in Olympic Dam, if BHP permits it.

    The visit follows the agreement between the Australian government and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Monday on a nuclear safeguards treaty that clears the way for Australian uranium to be exported to China.

    China is shaping up as a major market for Olympic Dam, and a sales deal would go a long way towards underwriting BHP's proposed 5 bln aud expansion of the copper and uranium mine.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Vor vielen Monaten,am Anfang diese Threads,haben wir uns lang und breit hier genau über BHP unterhalten.
    Den Wert hatte ich schon vor vielen Jahren,leider vieeeel zu früh raus.

    Das ist ein Dauerbrenner erster Güte,hab die kürzliche Korrektur wirklich verpasst. X(
    Und schon wieder etwas heißgelaufen. +25% in paar Tagen.

    Ist die Nr. 1 überhaupt mE.bei den Rohstoffen,mit Rio Tinto.
    Der vorerwähnte Beitrag unterstreicht dies nachdrücklich.
    Hat eh die größten Uranvorkommen.
    Falls die nochmals konsolidiert--fraglich--zögere ich nicht.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Denkt auch einmal daran: das ganze Uran, egal wo es herkommt muß angereichert werden, sonst kann es im Reaktor nicht gespalten werden. Die Urananreicherung (= Erhöhung des Gehaltes an dem spaltbaren Isotop Uran-235) ist ein extrem komplizierter physikalisch-chemischer Prozeß. Es gibt weltweit nur eine einzige privat betriebene und börsennotierte Anreicherungsanlage. dies ist die amerikanische Firma USEC (USU). Es läßt sich an einer Hand abzählen, dass bei einem stark erhöhten Uranverbrauch die weltweiten Anreicherungskapazitäten niemals ausreichen werden. Die USEC ist gerade dabei, ihre Kapazität bis 2009 sehr stark auszuweiten. Sie hat daher einen riesigen zeitlichen und technologischen Vorsprung , den andere Anlagen, die vielleicht irgendwann einmal neu erstellt werden sollen, niemals aufholen können. USEC ist aber nichts für Daytrader, ich habe mir einige ins Depot gelegt und werde wohl ein paar Monate (oder Jahre?) warten müssen, bis die Aktie irgendwann einmal entdeckt wird.

    P.S. Umsatz in D findet kaum statt, deshalb am besten in den USA ordern.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Ist ein Gedanke! Hab mir also mal den Chart angeguckt.
    Der Wert macht gerade ne Seitwätsbewegung.
    Kann sich ja ändern.Sollte man mal im Auge behalten.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo cleverbub,

    Ist das zutleffend, machen das die Schinesen nicht selbel? Die welden doch nicht bei ihlem Elzfeind USA Ulan anleicheln lassen ?( ?(

    Aber für den Rest der Welt exklusive Russland und Frankreich, vielleicht doch auch Indien, dürfte es schon knapp werden. Man müsste das mal genauer recherchieren, aber die Idee mit USEC ist Spitze!


    PS: der selvel hat halt manchmal die Klätze! Bin vor einer halben Stunde auch angestanden. Heavy traffic, ist doch auch guut!

  • Hallo Miteinander,

    die Russen haben offensichtlich nicht genügend Kapazitäten. USEC verarbeitet nämlich gerade russisches Atombombenmaterial zu Brennstoff für Atomkraftwerke. Dies ist zwar keine Anreicherung, sondern eine "Abreicherung" der technische Prozess ist aber ähnlich.
    Nachzulesen auf der USEC-Homepage


    "Megatons to Megawatt-Programm".

    Einen schönen Tag wünscht Euch

    Das war doch ein bisschen zu schnell recherchiert. Ich habe gerade festgestellt, dass USEC zwar das ganze Projekt in den USA abwickelt., die eignetliche "Abreicherung" machen die Russen selbst.

    nochmals Grüße von Syllabub

  • Gute Bohrergebnisse:

    Denison Mines has announced that drilling in late 2005 on the Midwest project in Saskatchewan, Canada, has intersected 15.3% and 12.4% eU3O8 over 12.5 and 6.1 m in holes MW-691 and MW-692 respectively. These were the best results in the 2005 program. A zone of mineralization has been defined over a 100 m strike and remains open. Drilling is suspended due to melting ice conditions and is expected to resume in the summer.


  • Meiner einer hatt sich heute SLT.V gekauft, Uran , Silber, Gold zock .Was will man mehr? Ne die story stimmt für mich, ebenso der chart.

    Deren webseite ist auch oky, vorallem wieweit die einzelnen projekte grad sind sind man auf einen blick, lobenswert.

    Wer gern n filmchen gugt : http://www.smartstox.com/interviews/slt.php


    Summit Resources habe ich auch heute ins depot genommen.

    das dem ganzen uran in meinem depot ned langweilig wird habe ich auch noch n goldplay gekauft GLENEAGLE GOLD (G1G)

  • April 19, 2006, 12:29 pm

    TORONTO (CP) - While demand for uranium is soaring as more countries increase their use of nuclear power, Canadian production is constrained by bureaucracy, says the CEO of Denison Mines Inc. (DEN.TO).

    "What's happening now is you've got huge growth," Peter Farmer said after the Toronto company's annual meeting Wednesday.

    "Russia's going to go up nine per cent, to 25 per cent (nuclear), Japan wants to go up 12 per cent, so they'll be 41 per cent nuclear, India, China - all of them need power. We're going to have a deficiency," Farmer said.

    "The worst thing that could happen to the industry is you don't have the fuel. I don't think that's going to happen but we've got to really step up the process, the speed with which we can find and the speed with which we get license to operate," he said.

    Saskatchewan, where Denison has been producing uranium for seven years, has the world's richest uranium mines, Farmer said.

    "It's just a matter of the regulatory environment," he said. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, which came into force five years ago, "delays everything. And on top of it, the workload for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission climbs, climbs, climbs. . ."

    "It bogs down the process."

    Jim Mustard, an analyst with Haywood Securities, said it is probably fair to say that Canada's regulatory regime is excessive compared to many other jurisdictions in the world.

    "As time goes on, the whole permitting process for project development does take considerably more time than it would have five or 10 years ago," Mustard said.

    "Uranium is one of the most highly-regulated commodities in the world, including Canada, because of the safety and social issues," he added.

    "Plus, the regulatory agencies, both provincial and federal, are short of staff, as are most mining organizations - contractors, consultants, mining companies - there's just a severe shortage of talent throughout the whole sector," he said.

    Mustard suspects that talented government regulators are being lured into the private sector by higher salaries.

    "The biggest problem we have here in Canada, with the federal regulator, is they need more manpower," Farmer said. "They've got some great people. If we had more of those great people in there, the process would be faster."

    A lack of staff also appears to be constraining Denison, with employees being shifted from current projects in Saskatchewan to a new find.

    "The only negative to this Mae zone discovery is that the exploration at McClean's and Woolly suffered again, with manpower and equipment being diverted to the Mae zone," Farmer told investors.

    "We have recognized it is prudent to increase our uranium exploration efforts outside of Saskatchewan," Farmer said in an interview.

    The company has acquired an interest in Mongolia, and last month it launched a strategic alliance with Energy Metals Ltd. to create a beachhead in Australia.

    "I have no doubt that this strategic alliance will lead to the acquisition of more prospective uranium properties in Australia," Farmer told investors.

    Australia currently has a restrictive policy on new uranium mine development.

    "The federal government has been changing its viewpoint, but all of the various states still have policies that oppose new mine development," Mustard noted.

    In December, a request to conduct a second expansion at McClean Lake was submitted to Canadian regulatory authorities, Farmer said.

    "That expansion, when completed by 2009, will result in annual uranium production capacity estimated at 16 million pounds, with Denison's share being over two million pounds per year. McClean, that in 2005 was the sixth-largest producer, will be the second-or third-largest milling facility in the world and Denison will own 22.5 per cent of it."

    The quoted spot price for uranium jumped from $20.70 US a pound at the start of 2005 to $36.25 US at year-end. Farmer attributes that largely to the growing acceptance of nuclear power.

    He said Denison will realize a significantly higher price in 2006 than it did in 2005, with about two-thirds of its sales being above $30 a pound. While Denison sold only 1.3 million pounds in 2005, 17 per cent less than 2004, its production earnings were 2.8 times higher.

    One of the company's goals for 2005 was to conserve inventory.

    On Wednesday, shares of Denison, which went public in 2004, gained 11 cents to trade at $15.28 on the Toronto Stock Exchange


  • Ich habe nachfolgend ein paar Informationen zu einem Uran Junior zusammengestellt auf den ich in einer alten Ausgabe des Austria Börsebrief (März 2005) gestoßen bin.

    Leider fehlen mir die Kenntnisse eine exakte Einschätzung des Wertes durchzuführen, aber Management, Förderkosten und eigene Verarbeitungsanlage klingen vielversprechend.

    Falls jemand Interesse hat, eine Einschätzung zu dem Titel abzugeben, wäre ich auf jeden Fall dankbar.

    Uranium Power Corporation (ehemals Bell Coast Capital)
    Börsen: Frankfurt, Berlin, München und Stuttgart. Kurs am 24.04.2006 – Euro 0.56
    ISIN: CA9170211077

    Bell Coast Capital Corp. erwarb im November 2004 zusammen im 50:50 Joint-Venture mit U.S. Energy Corp. (USEG – Nasdaq – WKN 877487) das Sheep Mountain Uran Projekt im Crooks Gap Mining Distrikt in Süd-Zentral Freemont County im Bundesstaat Wyoming. Das Gebiet war früher im Besitze von Western Nuclear Inc, einer Tochtergesellschaft von Phelps Dodge Corp. Von 1969 bis 1980 wurden 17.4 Mio./lb Uran aus 14 Lagerstätten in Wyoming gefördert und verarbeitet. Gefördert wird dabei nicht das reine Uran, sondern ein gelbliches Uranoxid-Pulver, im Branchenjargon „yellow-cake“ = gelber Kuchen genannt. Bell Coast und U.S. Energy’s Uran Ressourcen betragen, - gemäß früheren Berechnungen von Western Nuclear – insgesamt 23,361 Mio./lb wovon 13,515 Mio. engl. Pfund (lb) als Reserven deklariert sind. BCP wird innerhalb der nächsten 18 Monate (Stand: März 2005, d.h. 4. Quartal 2006) mit der U3O8 Förderung starten. Die Verarbeitung des „yellow-cake“ wird entweder in der 20km entfernten Kennecott Mühle (z.Zt. nicht in Betrieb) oder in der U.S. Energy eigenen Shootering Mill in Utah verarbeitet. Bereits im 1. Jahr werden mindestens 1 Mio. Pfund ( = 453 Gramm) gefördert. Bei Totalkosten von US$ 17.00/lb und einem Uran Kontraktpreis von US$ 37.00 pro Pfund ergibt sich ein Nettogewinn von 20 Mio. US$ = 25 Mio. CAN-Dollar. Da nur 54,55 Mio. Aktien ausstehend sind, wäre bei einem Kurs von CAN$ 0.70 die Börsenkapitalisierung nur 38 Mio. CAN$. Demgegenüber würde ein Nettogewinn von 25
    Mio. CAN$ stehen, was wiederum einen Gewinn pro Aktie von CAN-Dollar 0.46 generieren würde.
    Mit einem KGV von 1,5x wäre BCP die am stärksten unterbewertete Uran-Aktie der Welt.
    Außerdem verfügt Bell Coast über ein 500'000 Hektar großes Explorationsgebiet in der Südwest Ecke der Wüste Gobi in der Mongolei. Nördlich und östlich an die Ivanhoe Mine angrenzend. Erste
    Oberflächenbohrungen wiesen auf mineralisierte Zonen mit 2.76 % Kupfer, 1,64 g/t Gold und 0.27 % Molybdän hin. BHP, Rio Tinto, Phelps Dodge und Newmont explorieren bereits aktiv in diesem

    Das Management Team:

    Rahoul Sharan, C.A.,
    President, CEO and Director

    Rahoul brings over 18 years of finance and accounting experience to Uranium Power Corp. He is responsible for managing all of Uranium Power's accounting and financial matters.
    Prior to joining Uranium Power, Rahoul was a partner of the S&P Group, which specializes in investment financing for venture capital projects, real estate development and construction. At S&P Group, Rahoul led the successful financing efforts for over 15 companies in several industries.
    Rahoul was also the President of KJN Management Ltd., which provides a broad range of administrative, management and financial services. He also worked in public accounting for six years with Coopers & Lybrand. At C&L, Rahoul worked in both the tax and audit groups for a wide variety of large and small clients.
    Rahoul holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia.

    Chris Healey

    Chris is a licensed professional geologist in Wyoming with over 36 years experience in the natural resources industry, specializing in uranium exploration and extraction. He has held senior positions with Cameco Corporation, the world's largest uranium producer, where he recently managed its US operations and was responsible for the acquisition of several major uranium properties that hosted in excess of 50 million pounds of resources. He was involved in the discovery of the world's two largest high grade deposits: Cigar Lake and McArthur River. Chris has broad and deep experience in all aspects of resource mining, especially in the uranium sector. He has also worked on uranium projects around the world, including Canada, the United States, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Australia and Malawi.
    Chris has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the University of Wales, Swansea. He also served as the national president of the Geological Society of Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. In addition to belonging to several key industry associations, he has also published several scientific papers on resource and reserve evaluations.

    Michael Waggett

    Mike was the Vice-President of Waggett Electric from 1973 to 1997. Since 1997, Mr. Waggett has been a Director of a number of publicly listed companies - United Compass, Curion Ventures, Copper Creek and Minera Capital. Currently, Mr. Waggett is a Director of Uranium Power Corp. and Strikezone Minerals (Canada) Ltd. (SZN - TSX Venture Exchange).
    Mike has been instrumental in corporate financing of publicly listed companies, evaluating and providing projects to publicly listed firms, and in public relations/investor relations activities for resource listed companies.

  • Gestern gekauft. Empfehlung von Doug Casey:

    BUY—When we first wrote up Triex, we noted that it has excellent management, promising projects (including a number in prime areas of the Athabasca Basin) and an extremely low market cap. Those observations still hold.
    In December 2005, the company upped its float somewhat by issuing 3.5 million new shares to raise C$7.7 million. This brings shares outstanding to 12.7 million for a market cap of just over C$30 million. This is cheap, considering the company holds the Mann Lake project in the southeast section of the Athabasca Basin — recognized as the most prospective area of the basin — as well as the West Carswell project, adjacent to UEX Corp in the western basin.
    Triex’s share price has been up and down over the past few months, when the company didn’t have a lot going on. Now it does: drilling is underway at West Carswell. We should see results in the next couple of months.
    We’ve also heard encouraging things about Mann Lake, specifically that Cameco has been doing a lot of work near the border of Triex’s property. Cameco doesn’t make an effort unless they seriously believe an area is prospective. Their activity so close to TXM’s land is thus a positive sign. Even if Triex doesn’t make a discovery, they still could benefit from their excellent land position. There have been rumblings that companies in the Athabasca Basin may start to consolidate. In fact, we saw the first buy in March, when Hathor Exploration acquired private Roughrider Uranium. Roughrider’s main projects are in the same general area as Mann Lake. This makes us wonder whether Triex might also become a target for a company looking to become a bigger player in the basin.
    With Triex’s share price coming off over the past few weeks, this is an excellent time to buy. Especially with drilling at West Carswell now underway, we believe the company will be receiving more attention over the next few months.


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