Bin nach Unterbrechung seit kurzem wieder im Yukon mit ATAC, leider den letzten starken Anstieg etwas verpaßt, aber das wird noch weiter gehen.... Angehängt der bewegte 3 Jahreschart, schöner Richtungswechsel (denke ich....)
PR vom 15.05.:…ws_en&mid=1594&sid=137606
Homesite :
"..ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: ATC) ("ATAC") is pleased to announce that it has begun phase one of a two phase exploration and drilling program at its 100% owned, 1,600 sq/km Rackla Gold Project, which hosts Canada's only Carlin-Type gold discoveries.
Diamond drilling has commenced with one drill on the Isis East Zone, ramping up to three drills there within the month. Drilling at Isis East will continue testing a 450 metre gold in soil geochemical anomaly where initial drilling last year intersected strong Carlin-type gold mineralization of 3.33 g/t gold over 38.10 m (OS-11-040) and 3.13 g/t gold over 51.82 m (OS-11-073)...“