ich denke auch er zieht nach tansania, hier die empfehlung auf eine Anfrage, selbst von ihm gepostet:
ZitatAlles anzeigenDear CIGA Anonymous,
My recommendations to you are as follows:
If possible, by a cheap hobby farm on credit.
Regarding a 2nd passport, that is a personal decision I cannot opine on.
If you transfer your strong metal position to a place like Singapore, do you really think the Chinese will not take it?
It is advisable to hold a standing travel visa with an English speaking Asian country, or Australia.
For me and mine, plus my extended family, East Africa is still the safest place on Earth.
und an anderer Stelle:
ZitatOn multiple occasions I have broadcast my message to you by my action of buying gold. All these changes are not for fun or wall paper. They are tools that are presently or going to be used in the future.
I have told you for years that if you did not have privacy do not try and create it as Big Brother watches everything, especially bank wires via the Swift system. Privacy is DEAD everywhere in the Western world.
Somebody in the family must protect the family, and make way for the extended family. Many times I have broadcast a message by example. Recall I stood ready to buy back every gold coin you bought at $400. Did you do anything? Recall the wager on the price of gold at $1650. Did you do anything?
You will recall the auction of my Sunnyfield Farm in 2015-2017. Will you have done anything?
Probably not.