Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eldo, denk daran, die Tageskurse werden sehr wenig von den Fundamentals gemacht, aber sehr viel von der Psychologie. Aber das weisst du und Sitzleder hast auch. Good luck!


  • Na dann schreib ich mal auch was zur aktuellen Lage.

    Mein Börsenbrief-Schreiber-Heini meint, dass bei einem Bruch der 850 der POG durch Stopp-Loss-Selling bis auf 700 USD rauschen kann, Silber nebenher auf unter 12 USD.

    Aber der hat eigentlich auch nie recht.

    Trotzdem wart ich glaub ich noch ein paar Tage bzw. bis sich der Nebel lichtet mit physischen Zukäufen.

    Vielleicht lässt sich ja tatsächlich noch ein Schnäppchen machen. Wobei am Freitag dachte ich noch, die Schnäppchen sind schon da.

    Aber nochmal 20 % runter? Ich weiss nicht.


    der DAU

  • Zitat

    Mein Börsenbrief-Schreiber-Heini meint

    ja ja.. nächstes tief bei 1147, dann1076, dann554 ( in Ag natürlich) - die Tieststände im Chart ablesen kann meine kleine Tochter auch.
    Aber wenn ein neuer Tiefschlag (Bank oder Firma geht pleite) kommt, das sagen sie nicht vorher, obwohl das viel wahrscheinlicher ist.
    Und LuckyFriday die Psychologie würde ich auch nicht mächtiger einschätzen als das PPT. Wenn das so wäre, wären wir im Hoch weitermarschiert- sind wir aber nicht ( noch nicht)

  • Der Dollar auf 1,28 Euro, das war nur eine witzige Reaktion auf die Prognose Gold 730.

    Der Dollar geht maximal auf 1,45, dann gibt einen Rebound und Gold, mit etwas Glück sehen wir keine "7" mehr vorne ! :P :P :P

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Na dann schreib ich mal auch was zur aktuellen Lage.

    Mein Börsenbrief-Schreiber-Heini meint, dass bei einem Bruch der 850 der POG durch Stopp-Loss-Selling bis auf 700 USD rauschen kann, Silber nebenher auf unter 12 USD.

    Aber der hat eigentlich auch nie recht.

    Jau, denn wenn der mit seinem Senf öfter Recht hätte, brauchte er keinen Börsenbrief mit Abos. :D
    Jetzt hat er die Chance, einige Puts, und er ist reich.
    Aber eher bankott....



    Der Dollar auf 1,28 Euro, das war nur eine witzige Reaktion auf die Prognose Gold 730....

    Jo, natürlich; was hier son Unfug verbreitet wird....

    Nur nicht das Ziel aus den Augen verlieren: Gold am JE 1200, mind.1000$ ^^


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Lucky, die dicke vom Sitzleder bestimmt eigentlich die Kreditabteilung meiner Bank.
    Ich hoffe man gibt mir Schonzeit erstmal bis ich wieder in Kapstadt bin zumindest mal bis zum 25 August.
    Ich wuerde sagen wenn die 888 wieder da sind ist der Horror bestimmt zu Ende. Es beginnt danach der Horror fuer die Pessimisten die hier Zahlen prognostizieren die nun wirklich lachhaft sind.
    In wenigen Stunden eroeffnet Japan und die ganze Woche wird sich noch einiges zeigen ob bei diesen Preisen interessierte Kaeufer da sind die einen Zementboden bilden fuer die Edelmetalle und beim HUI.
    Jedenfalls so schnell wie die Medien und FED sagt erholt sich keine Wirtschaft, Kreditkrise, Housing-Banking, Automobil Industrie, Waehrung, Inflation, etc.
    Hier wurde nichts anders als kiloweise Schminke aufgetragen in den letzten Wochen damit diese Falten ueberdeckt erstmal werden bis zur Wahl oder dem naechsten FED Meeting.

    Ich wuensche jedenfalls den Optimisten und wahren Gold und Silberbugs hier alles Gute , moege die Realitaet diese Shorties bald schwer bestrafen denn eigentlich sind die nun wieder dran.



  • Angesichts Knappheit, laufendem Krieg und immer wahrscheinlicherem 3. Weltkrieg, ist wohl in nächster Zeit Stahl ein gutes Investment. In welcher Form sollte man den bestellen? Feder-stahl? Platten? Träger? Klumpen? :wacko:

    Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl in nächster Zeit Crasht der Teuro. Es gab hier Werbung von Deutschen Banken für Optionen auf einen Seitwärtstrend bei EUR/ CHF (Totalverlust bei 1.59). :thumbup:

  • ist eigentlich schon mal jemandem aufgefallen, dass wir meist Trendfolgen diskutieren. Als die EM hoch waren, konnten sie noch viel höher steigen, heute "weiß" jeder , dass sie noch viel tiefer fallen, eine Begründung gibt’s dann gratis.
    Für mich werden diese Argumente immer bedeutungsloser, können nur als Contraindikator herhalten.
    Ich bin sicher, es geht wieder bergauf - vielleicht schon ab morgen.

    Also, sich bloß nicht verrückt machen lassen. ( irgendwann decken die "Shortis" auch wieder ein)

    Das kommt noch dazu, weswegen ich grundsätzlich nur aufgrund von fundamentalen Daten kaufe oder verkaufe. Und auch nur mit Eigenmitteln.

    Kaufen, wenn es gute nachvollziehbare Gründe dafür gibt.

    Solange halten, bis absehbar ist, daß es bessere Gründe gibt, andere Dinge zu kaufen.

    Und dann irgendwann verkaufen.

    Dazwischen können beim Edelmetall viele Jahre liegen.

    Alles andere kann man vergessen, was Edelmetalle angeht.

  • The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History

    Bob Moriarty
    August 10, 2008

    I’ve made it clear for a year that I believe we have entered what will be the most serious depression in history. It also will involve the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

    There are two basic classes of assets. There are paper assets and real assets. An ounce of gold is a real asset. A copper mine is a real asset. A house is a real asset. An oil field is a real asset.

    Over the counter derivatives now total over $596 trillion dollars, ten times the size of the world economy.
    Those are paper assets, their value is derived from some other asset. That derivative size is what is going to destroy the world’s financial system, it’s all fraud.

    A mortgage is a paper asset. A T-Bill or T-Bond is a paper asset. A $100 bill is a paper asset. It’s pretty easy to see that a $500,000 mortgage on a house now worth $250,000 isn’t worth very much. Latest figures show 9.6 million homes in the US have negative equity. How many of those loans are going to be paid back?

    According to an ex-Fed Director, both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are bankrupt. They were leveraged 65-1. For those comforted by the thought of the FDIC bailing you out should the banking system fail entirely, you need to realize the FDIC is leveraged at 130-1. We are told that the collapse of Washington Mutual alone could bankrupt the FDIC.

    In a depression, no real assets appear or disappear. Paper assets, on the other hand, turn to vapor.

    But the ownership of real assets will change as the real assets move from weak hands into strong hands....... ;)

    Nur ein Idiot verkauft sein physisches Gold und Silber in diesen Moment !

  • Dear Senator Obama.

    The US economy is in the worst economic crisis in decades, arguably since the great depression. Housing is collapsing, state budgets are in shambles, unemployment is soaring, and the US dollar is sinking.

    Things are going to get even worse when the commercial real estate bust picks up steam. We have seen six bank failures already this year. There are 90 more banks on the problem list. Many of them will fail.

    Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Paulson and President Bush are both stressing "The U.S. economy is fundamentally strong, diverse and resilient." Indeed, Paulson speaks of the "strong dollar policy" at every opportunity.

    The vast majority of citizens in the United States know that the above statements by President Bush and Paulson are lies.

    What we really need is for politicians to face the public and state the truth.

    The Truth Is Easy To See

    The US can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.

    Congress has been spending beyond its means.

    Deficit spending is cheapening the US dollar.

    Cutbacks and sacrifices have to be made.

    Interest On The National Debt Is $377 Billion

    The national debt as of July 17, 2008 is $9.5 Trillion dollars. Interest for the first nine months of Fiscal Year 2008 as noted in Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding is $377 billion!

    Paulson talks about the "strong fundamentals" of the US dollar. :D
    Our entire "Strong Dollar Policy" consists of nothing more than Paulson yapping about the strong dollar. It is an international disgrace. It is sad the Treasury Secretary does not understand that the two biggest factors affecting the US dollar are interest rates differentials and deficit financing.

    Our Feds Fund Rate is 2.00% in comparison to 5.00% in the UK and 4.25% in the EU. In regards to the budget deficit, China and Japan have been financing our out of control spending.

    Some fundamentals! If Paulson believes what he says, he is not qualified to be Treasury Secretary.

    US Banking System Is Unsound

    Senator Obama our banking system is unsound. I presented the case in You Know The Banking System Is Unsound When....

    I ask you to take the time to read that post. In it, I presented 25 reasons our system is unsound. Here is reason number 25.
    25. Of the $6.84 Trillion in bank deposits, the total cash on hand at banks is a mere $273.7 Billion. Where is the rest of the loot? The answer is in off balance sheet SIVs, imploding commercial real estate deals, Alt-A liar loans, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds, toggle bonds where debt is amazingly paid back with more debt, and all sorts of other silly (and arguably fraudulent) financial wizardry schemes that have bank and brokerage firms leveraged at 30-1 or more. Those loans cannot be paid back.

    What cannot be paid back will be defaulted on. If you did not know it before, you do now. The entire US banking system is insolvent. :D
    The problem is not bank regulation or lack thereof. The problem is fractional reserve lending accompanied by runaway spending in Congress.

    Congress Must Be Held Accountable

    Congress must be held accountable for deficit spending. Clearly the Republican plan of reducing taxes, foolishly wasting hundreds of billions in Iraq, and praying for an economic miracle did not work.

    Phil Gramm, senator McCain's economic advisor, said we were in a "mental recession". You rightfully blasted him for it, stating "He didn't say this but I guess what he meant was that it's a figment of your imagination, these high gas prices."

    Economically, you are calling for another $50 billion dollar spending stimulus. If that fails (which it will) do you want another one, and another one after that? Where does it stop? I am all in favor of returning $50 billion to the taxpayers. I just want to know how we are going to pay for it.

    Senator Obama how do you propose we pay for that? :D


  • .....The 100 Year's War

    Senator Obama, the entire nation knows we went to war under false pretenses, if not blatant lies. Yet Senator McCain is willing to keep us in Iraq for a hundred more years if necessary. Unfortunately, you have not found the courage to commit to a timetable to pull all of our troops out of Iraq. Senator, the nation is sick of this war. ALL of our troops need to come home. Every one of them.

    It is time for someone to stand up and say "This war was a mistake. We are pulling out. And here is the time table in which we are going to do it."

    Since that person is not going to be McCain, it better be you.

    Everyone I speak to is now unsure of your commitment to get us out of Iraq. Leaving 1/2 or 1/3 of our troops in Iraq is a miserable compromise. Iraq belongs to the Iraqis. Those who fear moral consequences of an exit should look at the moral and economic consequences of keeping our troops in harm's way for another 100 years.

    The biggest mistake we can now make in Iraq is prolonging the big mistake we already made.

    Horrendous Ethanol Policies

    Senator Obama, you support ethanol tariffs and subsidies. These policies are nothing short of an economic disaster. Congress passed a 54 cent tariff on ethanol imports. That tariff is increasing the price of gasoline at the pump.

    Is that tariff creating any jobs here? Of course not. Government mandated solutions never work. The US Ethanol Industry Is In Distress. There are "16 Ethanol Plants Filing For Bankruptcy. Many More Will Come." If that is not bad enough, the corn subsidy is uneconomically diverting corn production to ethanol production. This in turn is causing food prices to rise.

    So much for government mandated "solutions".

    Why We Are In This Mess

    Senator Obama, the root cause of this mess is uncontrolled Congressional spending, government sponsorship of GSEs and rating agencies, fractional reserve lending, and the Fed.

    The Fed attempting to stave off the last recession slashed interest rates to 1% to bail out their banking buddies in deep trouble over dotcom loans as well as loans to emerging markets. Congress compounded the problem by spending like complete fools. And the Bush Administration with help from Congress was willing to waste billions of dollars we did not have in that hellhole called Iraq.

    Finally, SEC sponsorship of the rating agencies led to insane AAA ratings on all sorts of subprime and Alt-A mortgage debt that Wall Street could package and sell to unsuspecting suckers like state pension plans.

    Biggest Party Wall Street Ever Had

    Paulson called this "The strongest global economy he has ever seen". The reality is throwing money around created "The biggest party Wall Street has ever had". This was an unfounded boom based on low interest rates and cheap credit. Millions of people, sucked in the vortex of this artificial boom, are now being foreclosed on.

    And instead of fixing the fundamental problem (The Fed, runaway Congressional spending, governments sponsorship of the GSEs, and government sponsorship of the big 3 rating agencies), you along with most of congress are looking towards more regulation as the solution.

    Senator Obama, The Fed IS the problem. Congress IS the problem. Bernanke IS the problem. Fractional Reserve Lending IS the problem. If you do not see the light, YOU are the problem.

    The Problem Cannot Be The Solution

    If runaway government spending is part of the problem (and it is clear that it is), then it should be equally clear that runaway government spending is NOT the solution. If government sponsorship of the GSE was part of the problem (and it was) then even bigger government sponsorship of the GSEs is not the solution.

    The plain fact of the matter is that home prices are still too high. They need to come down. Artificial attempts to force home prices up will drag this economic mess out for a decade longer, just as happened in Japan.

    It was a sad day last week when Bernanke said "It's important for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds and stocks to rise so they can keep raising capital and aid the mortgage market."

    With that we lost every semblance of the free market we had left. We now have government sponsorship if not outright nationalization of GSEs.

    Senator Obama, do you even remember the Mission Statement of Fannie Mae?

    We are a shareholder-owned company with a public mission. We exist to expand affordable housing and bring global capital to local communities in order to serve the U.S. housing market.

    Fannie Mae exists to expand affordable housing. Clearly Fannie Mae has failed its core mission. All government sponsored corporations fail their mission. The very nature of promoting housing makes prices go up, until the final blowoff top which we are now on the backside of, having reached Peak Credit.

    The US has partied too long and too hard at the federal level, the state level, the corporate level, and the personal level. The cure for a hangover is most emphatically not more booze. The cure for a credit crisis is not more "free money", from either Congress or the Fed.

    The Fed Uncertainty Principle

    Sadly, we are moving in the wrong direction as predicted by the Fed Uncertainty Principle.

    Uncertainty Principle Corollary Number One: The Fed has no idea where interest rates should be. Only a free market does. The Fed will be disingenuous about what it knows (nothing of use) and doesn't know (much more than it wants to admit), particularly in times of economic stress.

    Uncertainty Principle Corollary Number Two: The government/quasi-government body most responsible for creating this mess (the Fed), will attempt a big power grab, purportedly to fix whatever problems it creates. The bigger the mess it creates, the more power it will attempt to grab. Over time this leads to dangerously concentrated power into the hands of those who have already proven they do not know what they are doing.

    Uncertainty Principle Corollary Number Three: Don't expect the Fed to learn from past mistakes. Instead, expect the Fed to repeat them with bigger and bigger doses of exactly what created the initial problem.

    Uncertainty Principle Corollary Number Four: The Fed simply does not care whether its actions are illegal or not. The Fed is operating under the principle that it's easier to get forgiveness than permission. And forgiveness is just another means to the desired power grab it is seeking.

    The Cure

    The only cure for an artificial boom is time and price, in conjunction with sound economic policies.

    Senator Obama, you have a chance to make history. Assuming you are elected, you will have the opportunity to do something no President has done for decades: Stand before the American people and tell the plain hard truth.

    The US can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.

    Congress has been spending beyond its means.

    Deficit spending is cheapening the US dollar.

    Cutbacks and sacrifices have to be made.

    People will understand as long as they are being leveled with.

    A New Economic Advisor

    Before you can lead the way, you need a new economic advisor, preferably one as Vice President.

    One thing is certain: Giving away $50 billion dollars on top of the $150 billion in stimulus Congress already gave away is not going to solve any problems.

    If printing money and handing it out solved economic problems, Zimbabwe would be the most economically powerful nation in the world.

    Why is it the same solution "free money" is tried over and over and over, when it never works?

    The Nation Needs Healing

    This war torn, economically tortured country needs heeling. To meet that goal we can no longer afford the same bitter partisanship in Congress that we have seen for what seems like forever.

    McCain is unable and unwilling to heal the nation. His willingness to spend another 10 years in Iraq, wasting trillions more dollars at a time the nation is sick of this war, is proof enough.

    Senator Obama, you are clearly able to heal the nation, but are you willing? If you can just see fit to have the courage to reach across the aisle you can electrify the nation, re-energize the country based on sound economic free market principles, and minimize the partisan bickering in Congress.

    Senator Obama, I ask you to nominate Ron Paul as your Vice President, :thumbup: embrace sound economic policies, and return this country to greatness. If you have the courage to do so, the upcoming election will be the biggest surprise blowout in history. On the other hand, if you stick to policies of giving away "free money" this nation will be in ruins four years from now.

    Senator Obama I ask you, "What's it gonna be?" :hae:

    Mike "Mish" Shedlock


  • Paulson says won't stay at Treasury past January

    August 10, 2008

    WASHINGTON (Reuters)

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in an interview aired on Sunday he had no interest in staying in his post beyond January when a new administration takes office.
    "I look forward to doing other things next year," Paulson said on NBC television's "Meet the Press" program. The interview was taped on Saturday in China.
    "I'm going to run right up until the end," he said. "I'm focused on getting everything done I can get done between now and January 19th."

    In March, Paulson proposed overhauling the U.S. financial regulatory system and giving more powers to the Federal Reserve in the wake of the financial market upheaval that exposed gaping holes in oversight.
    Last month, he took heat from fellow Republicans in Congress who said his plan to backstop mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae <FNM.N> and Freddie Mac <FRE.N> was akin to socialism because shareholders reaped the profits in good times but the government was on the hook for losses when things went bad.
    Paulson offered a richer credit line to the two government-sponsored entities and pledged to buy their shares if needed to bolster investor confidence, although he has said it was unlikely the companies would need to use the lifelines.
    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac finance nearly half of all mortgages in the United States and have been hurt as the housing crisis drove up delinquencies and foreclosures.
    On Friday, Fannie Mae posted a $2.3 billion loss and cut its dividend. Paulson said that loss was not surprising given the state of the housing market and did not change his view that the companies would probably not need government cash.
    "We have no plans to insert money in either of those institutions," he said in the NBC interview. "It was very important that we get these temporary backup facilities because Fannie and Freddie are very important to our capital markets."
    Paulson said it would be well beyond the end of 2008 before the housing problems were resolved. Until that happened, the financial markets and the economy would remain strained, he said.
    He dismissed the idea that the U.S. economy needed another round of economic stimulus after a $152 billion package passed earlier this year gave tax rebates to millions of households and incentives to businesses.
    "Let's see how this program works in the third quarter," Paulson said, noting that the stimulus package succeeded in supporting growth in the second quarter, which ended in June.
    (Reporting by Emily Kaiser and Andy Sullivan; Editing by John O'Callaghan)

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