The World Gone Crazy and Your Gold Stocks
Kenneth J. Gerbino
..Globally stocks were getting battered and central banks have been adding massive amounts of bail out money over the last three months (I lost track when it went over $400 billion) including $200 billion in "liquidity" in just the last two days. This is highly inflationary medium to long term but will cause stocks and gold to move higher in unison until inflation is rampant, then interest rates will rise dramatically and stocks will head down and gold will soar. Remember an OK economy and an OK stock market are not always bad for gold or gold stocks. In 1980 when gold roared to $850 the Dow Jones was up 13.7%. All this money being injected into the economy will be a "fix" and in the short term should make gold and the stock market more buoyant.
What is Next ?
Current gold buyers are most likely split between investors that believe a horrible deflation is coming and money will be wiped out so gold should be a good substitute and other investors who correctly understand that trillions of new dollars and foreign currencies are going to flood world economies to bail out the institutions and this will be very inflationary.
Both sides will have great conviction and this $90 move underlines those thoughts. Therefore, with the financial turmoil of this week gold and the quality mining stocks should move much higher with or without the stock market.
Moose pasture stocks will not recover, ever. Sell them, take your tax losses and buy companies with real resources and reserves.
The recent bailouts announced this week have turned Wall Street into Sweden. The large financial stocks are now backed by and socialized by Uncle Sam. This will create even more problems in the future. A list of the negatives on this is very long and would include such negatives as bureaucrats deciding on investment allocations, political favors used by politicians to get funding for pork barrel projects in their districts and red tape to choke a horse.
Socialism is a failure, but capitalism with a paper money system and a central bank manipulating interest rates, foreign exchange values and creating money and credit out of thin air is just as bad.
Gold will now go much higher because of all this but it is a sad commentary on the banking elite and government fools that are responsible for our present condition.