Ian Gordon, Gründer und Chairman von Longwave Analytics and Longwave Strategies und angesehener Wirtschaftsprognostiker im Interview mit The Gold Report
Er erläutert ausführlich den Kontratieffzyklus, in dessen Winter wir uns befinden. Sehr pessimistische Ausblicke für den Dow, vice versa für Gold UND Goldaktien, die weit besser performen werden als Standardaktien:
„..Gordon proposes that physical gold and certain gold stocks will be investors' best hedge and overall solution to the worst financial crisis the world has seen. ...
So, we think the decline is going to take us to something like a quarter to one (0.25:1), which is
$4,000/oz. gold and a Dow of 1,000....
So, once that bear market begins in earnest and once the Federal Reserve loses control of the stock market, we believe that the gold stocks will begin to mirror the actual price of gold, for which our forecast is $4,000/oz. And, that may be conservative because we believe that when the whole debt bubble continues to unravel that you won't be able to obtain gold at any price. But at $4,000/oz., the gold stocks will perform exceptionally well....“