Sehr interessantes Gespräch im „Business Times Singapore Investment Roundtable“ zwischen hochrangigen Finanz und Wirtschaftsexperten.
Im Original einige Auszüge von, Ernest Kepper (President, Asia Strategic Investment Associates, Japan), der u.a.auf den US $,„Petrodollar“ und Gold eingeht :
„..The US dollar will weaken significantly in 2013 as it is abandoned as the required currency to buy oil and as the world’s leading reserve currency.....
The best currencies to invest in for 2013 come from Asia, South America, Australia – but not the US....
There is no such thing as a crash-resistant portfolio that doesn’t have gold in it and most investors aren’t holding enough gold. It’s all of a sudden a different financial world – with different rules for making money than at any point in history. The only sure investment in these times is in a non-dollar, non-euro currency....
I expect precious metal prices to rise significantly over the next decade due to QE and other money printing programmes. I expect a lot of conversion out of paper money into hard assets, including gold, gold companies, and silver. I recommend physical bullion and gold and silver coins. Gold will go through US$2,000/oz next year and upwards to US$3,000 and US$5,000 by 2015....“