"Rigged Gold Price Distorts Perception of Economic Reality"
Das ist sehr zurückhaltend ausgedrückt von den Autoren Paul Craig Roberts und Dave Kranzler, etwas deutlicher:
"The Federal Reserve and its bullion bank agents (JP Morgan, Scotia, and HSBC) have been using naked short-selling to drive down the price of gold since September 2011.“
„Die Fed und ihe Goldbankenagenturen haben UNGEDECKTE Leerverkäufe benutzt, um seit September 2011 den Goldpreis herunterzudrücken“.
Dies ist eindeutig illegal, sprich kriminnell, weil Insiderhandel und damit hat die USA Regierung unter Führung von Obama, wie an anderer Stelle berichtet, ihre kriminelle Energie wiederum überdeutlich in Szene gesetzt, um die Welt zu täuschen, zu übervorteilen und von ihrer verhängnisvollen Finanzpolitik abzulenken; Gold ist nun mal Synonym für Wert und Stabilität.-
Wer über letzteres anders denkt, und davon gibt es genügend auch im Forum, sollte nachdenken, warum die einstmal starke Nation jetzt mit der Moral des Niedergangs, die immer mehr zu kriminellen Machenschaften, Lug und Betrug greift, dies tut !!
„...The US economy and financial system are in worse condition than the Fed and Treasury claim and the financial media reports. Both public and private debt burdens are high....
In the 21st century, US debt and money creation has not been matched by an increase in real goods and services. The implication of this mismatch is inflation. Without the price-rigging by the bullion banks, gold and silver would be reflecting these inflation expectations.
The dollar is also in trouble because its role as world reserve currency is threatened by the abuse of this role in order to gain financial hegemony over others and to punish with sanctions those countries that do not comply with the goals of US foreign policy....
China is considering a gold-backed yuan, which would make the Chinese currency highly desirable as a reserve asset. It is possible that the Fed’s attack on gold is also aimed at making Chinese and Russian gold accumulation less supportive of their currencies....
When that day arrives, US living standards, already endangered, will plummet. American power will have been destroyed by corporate greed and the Fed’s policy of sacrificing the US economy in order to save four or five mega-banks, whose former executives control the Fed, the US Treasury, and the federal financial regulatory agencies.“