Insider-selling STILL accelerating
While legions of U.S. market-pumpers insist that all that lies ahead for U.S. markets is an “economic recovery”, and a continuation of this absurd rally, they deliberately ignore one of the most ominous indicators of the future direction of markets: insider selling.
For the entire duration of this hype-fueled rally, insider selling has been steadily increasing. As we enter what has historically been the two, worst months for U.S. markets, a CNN article had this to say:
Corporate officers and directors have been selling shares at a pace last seen just before the onset of the subprime malaise two years ago.
Let me repeat this. U.S. insiders are dumping stock with the same intensity last seen just before the worst market crash since the Great Depression. For those who can recall that period, this was when “Helicopter” Ben Bernanke had finally stopped insisting the U.S. had a “Goldilocks economy” where markets would never turn lower. He had just begun to push his new propaganda slogan: the “soft landing”. This was where the U.S. housing sector would experience a mild correction – which was supposed to have zero spill-over in the broader economy...
Insider-Selling STILL Beschleunigung
...Wie wir geben, was traditionell die beiden schlimmsten Monat für den US-Märkten, einem CNN-Artikel hatte folgendes zu sagen:
Corporate Officers und Direktoren wurden Verkauf von Anteilen in einem Tempo, zuletzt kurz vor dem Ausbruch der Subprime-Misere vor zwei Jahren gesehen.
Lassen Sie mich wiederholen Sie diesen. US-Insidern sind Dumping hat mit der gleichen Intensität zuletzt kurz vor den schlimmsten Crash seit der Weltwirtschaftskrise gesehen...