Houston...we have a...lift-off!
Beiträge von simpel
Ein bemerkenswerter Tag
Vielleicht der point of no return, auch ohne große Feiern hier, sehr professionell. Simply big.
Grüße vom Simpel
Hallo zusammen,
nochmals aus aktuellem Anlaß
Posted On: Sunday, October 28, 2007, 8:26:00 PM ESTProtecting Your Financial Self
Author: Jim Sinclair
Dear CIGAs,
For your information, gold above $782 by 3% means $882 - $889 and then on to $1050.
It does not matter if it is next week or next month. It is coming as the price of gold makes its way to $1650.
I have no doubt that $1650 will come. My concern is not that it will not happen, but that I am much too conservative in my long-term price objective since 2000.
Last week’s story is becoming too common to ignore. Keep in mind that all this damage has occurred because of a small part of the gigantic mountain of over the counter derivative paper, which if official figures are correct is only 5% of the total. What do you think the financial landscape would look like if 1/3 of the OTC derivative mountain were to melt? It will.
If major international investment banks can be torn apart how can we have faith in the small local institutions that hold most of your ready cash? How about all those retirement plans that prevent you from securing ownership without the need to pay a penalty tax?
When I said “This is IT,” it is not something that I take lightly. Never in 49 years in finance have I seen a set of circumstances so challenging to the man in the street.
If there is a severe financial challenge to the man in the street, there is possible decimation on the top. Decimation may well be too conservative a statement because that means one out of ten. Right now it looks like 80% of major names have problems from their principle position in the issuance of over the counter derivatives. It should not be a shock because the financial capacity to perform on these instruments depends on the balance sheet of the loser in the transaction. Add to that no clearinghouse financial structure and performance is not improbable but impossible in a crunch.
What I am getting at is a simple question. Are you prepared?
You would be amazed how little space $1,000,000 in gold coins takes up. $100,000 looks like a small loaf of bread. Now you can see the actual transformation from the US dollar to gold as a currency of choice. It has happened.When gold is purchased as money there is no reason why you should play it as a speculative item trying to buy it cheaply as it may well leave you in the lurch.
It becomes more important now to take delivery of whatever investments you have in shares as paper certificates. Whenever a broker tells you it cannot be done it is either self-serving or rank stupidity. Once you do have them in your position DO NOT lose them.
The basic goal now is to eliminate intermediaries between your assets and yourself. What do you stand to lose by taking this action, a few percentage points interest, and a tax advantage? You gain the advantage of possession in the financial world that is separating people from billions, probably trillions of dollars. It cannot be contained among the Blue Blood International Investment firms. This is coming our way and you cannot simply weave and duck to avoid it. You need to be your own bank, your own broker and your own central bank.
If the once most respected international investment firms are teetering, if not already broke, how can you sit by without taking precautions? You have nothing to lose and your fortune to protect.If there is no need for the actions I am suggesting then simply put it back. No bank will refuse your money if you wish to deposit it. No broker will turn you away if you want to convert your paper certificate back to a transfer agent’s computer entry.
Quelle: http://www.jsmineset.com
Hervorhebungen von mirDaher nochmals meine Frage : wer hat aktuelle und konkrete Erfahrungen mit der phys. Auslieferung von Edelmetall-Aktien und kann etwas darüber berichten?
Simpel -
Original von Bembelpetzer
PatroneLupo ist auch bereits in anderen Foren unter anderen Namen unangenehm aufgefallen, mach Dir nichts draus, auch solche Leute gibt es.Nö, den Kakadu kenne ich schon seit den frühen (guten) WO-Zeiten... :tongue:, ich hatte ihn ja nicht gebeten auf meine "blöde" Frage zu antworten, vielleicht sollte er auch mal den Thread-Titel lesen. Zuviel Dom Perignon scheint halt aggressiv zu machen.
Simpelganz vergessen: Prost
Tolle Antwort...
Na ja, so kennt man ihn schon lange.
Moin DL
und die holst Du dann im worst case in OZ ab... ? Oder wanderst Du vorher schon aus?
Simpel -
Danke Euch schon mal für die Antworten!
Zitatist das Dein ernst???? Also ich sehe da überhaupt keinen Sinn drin.
Ich eigentlich auch nicht, aber im worst case...
Ich hatte halt folgendes bei JS gelesen:
[URL=http://www.jsmineset.com/ARhome.asp?VAfg=1&RQ=EDL,1&AR_T=1&GID=&linkid=5060&T_ARID=5117&sCID=204&sPID=2&cTID=0&cCat=&PRID=0&cSubCat=&archive=&highstr=&UArts=]Outcomes Of Your Internet Broker Going Broke[/URL]
[URL=http://www.jsmineset.com/ARhome.asp?VAfg=1&RQ=EDL,1&AR_T=1&GID=&linkid=5072&T_ARID=5130&sCID=204&sPID=2&cTID=0&cCat=&PRID=0&cSubCat=&archive=&highstr=&UArts=]How To Obtain Certificates For Precious Metals Shares[/URL]
Grüße vom Simpel
Hallo zusammen,
Sinclair empfiehlt ja seit neuestem die Goldminen- Aktien ausliefern zu lassen. Konkrete Frage: hat das jemand in D schon mal gemacht und wie waren die Erfahrungen bezüglich Machbarkeit, Kosten und Bearbeitungsdauer?
Grüße vom Simpel
jetzt könnte es kritisch werden für den Dollar...
1. Touchdown auf 80,50. Laut JS schon lange vorher getägtigter Aussage
ZitatThe shorts are frantic to cover in gold and gold shares as the dollar shows no rebound now on the 3rd strike at .8050. Either now or one more hit on that level of the USDX and .7200 comes into play. That puts gold on the road to $761, $887.50 and above $1000.
könnte es langsam interessant werden...
Simpel -
Wie immer, brillianter Artikel von Doug Casey. Genau so wird es kommen, simpel letztendlich...
“It’s the End of the World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine)”
ZitatYou are, therefore, left with a relatively simple choice. Do nothing and hope that all the world’s troubles just drift away—and risk personal financial disaster if they don’t. Or take action, if even with a modest share of your portfolio, and position yourself for extreme profits.
Grüße vom Simpel
edit: Zitat eingefügt
Sorry Saccard,
aber bei Mahendra und Konsorten drücke ich immer den "virtual ignore button", mit so einem Müll belaste ich mich nicht, ist mir zu simpel...
Gruß und allen ein schönes WE
Simpel -
Original von Eldorado
Ich habe Sinclair das Foto geschickt...und warum hast Du nur $1650 drangeschrieben? Kommafehler ?
Moin Memmen
habt ihr auch schon alle bei der Mr. Bull-Wahl bei JSmineset abgestimmt? Bitte nicht für das Magerferkel von Eldo voten.
Man kann auch seine Stimme abgeben, wenn man keine PM-Shares mehr besitzt...
Simpel -
auch Sinclair bemüht das Sprichwort:
ZitatIt is very important that you understand the event just experienced was that of the Keystone Cops raiding the Bawdy house. Not only were the ladies and their Johns arrested, but they also arrested the piano player. It has always been so and always will be for a very short period of time. Do not get the ideology stuck in your mind that many would like you to which is that you must have a bull equity market in order to have a bull gold market. That in itself is bull.
Mal schauen,
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.repubblica.it/2006/…96639223001073305_big.jpg][Blockierte Grafik: http://www.repubblica.it/2006/…96637493001073311_big.jpg]
Nicht zu fassen.
Simpel -
Hallo Osterhase,
habe heute nur dieses im GE-Forum gelesen:
ZitatNew Treasury Secretary Chair of Goldman Sachs
(goldenboy) May 30, 12:07
Well they are bringing in the big guns.
Guess until he is sworn in and therefore eleigible to sit at the head of the committee that has the authority to buy and sell gold all he can do is sell gold stocks short at his alma mater. Must be great to know before everyone else what is going to happen to exchange,gold,interest rates etc. and I am sure he is a perfect gentleman who will not let the firm know what is going to happen next.
Just unload me from the turnip truck![...]
goldenboy 12:07 Neah! You've got it all wrong, Goldenboy!
(tlaga) May 30, 12:58
The new Treasury Secretary from Goldman Sachs will be doing what the old Treasury Secretary froom Goldman Sachs was doing.Here is an excerpt from editorial posted in February 2002:
E.g., Goldman Sachs borrows gold from former employee, Robert Rubin, in his capacity of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, and wires him a collateral of US Treasury securities. Rubin puts these securities in "deep storage" to be released to Goldman Sachs when Goldman Sachs returns the borrowed gold. But instead of returning the borrowed gold, Goldman Sachs wires another load of US Treasury securities as collateral for another gold loan. In the end, during Mr Rubin's tenure as Secretary of the Treasury, Goldman Sachs and other gold bullion dealers borrowed much more gold than could be produced or reacquired on gold market within reasonable time. As a result, when Mr Rubin resigned as Secretary of the Treasury, he left behind what con men call... "a situation". Treasury may not call in the gold loans, because this would expose the fact that they are not repayable, which would force canceling collaterals and official disclosure of the loss of gold to Congress. (Unofficially the whole Congress knows about it, which is yet another reason to begin replacing it in the incoming elections.) In order to maintain a false pretense that national gold bullion reserves are intact, Secretary of the Treasury and the President himself not only deny the loss, but continue to give away the remaining gold reserves which could still be saved. When ultimately confronted about it, they will inevitably claim they had no choice, because their only alternative would be the worldwide economic collapse. (And this, of course, is the same kind of fallacy, as that the abolishing of fiat money would result in destruction of money supply and return to barter economy.)
---Tlaga bezieht sich auf dieses Editorial
Ich bin auch noch nicht schlau draus geworden...
Simpel -
Original von Saccard
Aber deswegen aufhören mit Rennen fahren?
S.Juckt´s schon wieder in den Fingern...?
Simpel -
Hallo zusammen,
ausgerechnet den CEO vom Goldman Sachs zum Finanzminister zu ernennen, erscheint mir doch etwas dreist...auf Deutsch nennt man es den Bock zum Gärtner machen...oder sind sie tatsächlich so verzweifelt?
Mal sehen,welche Auswirkungen es auf den POG hat. Der Dollar ist zumindest etwas nervös heute
Simpel -
einen habe ich noch, dieser Artikel entspricht exakt meiner Meinung. Jetzt aber wirklich Schluß mit Goldseiten lesen...
A Precious Metals Review: Where are We Now and Where are We Going?