Chalice Mining / CXN, CHN (TSX, ASX)

  • interresanter ist da noch der board wechsel, den ich noch nicht verlinkt hatte…nnouncements/61053644.pdf

    Founder and Chair Tim Goyder to retire at the upcoming AGM; Highly-regarded
    company director Derek La Ferla appointed as Independent Non-Executive
    Director and will succeed Mr Goyder as Chairman following his retirement

    la ferla kommt u.a. von sandfire(asx sfr)

    bg bh

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  • news zum demerger falcon metals

    If the demerger is approved by shareholders, Chalice will transfer the Spin-Out Projects to Falcon Metals and distribute the Falcon Metals shares held by Chalice to Chalice Shareholders by way of a pro rata in-specie distribution, on the basis of 1 Falcon Metals share for approximately every 3.017 Chalice Shares held on the In-specie Record Date of 7 December 2021. Chalice shareholders will also retain their existing Chalice shares.
    In connection with the demerger, Falcon Metals intends to undertake an initial public offering (IPO) of Falcon Metals shares and lodge a prospectus under section 710 of the Corporations Act for the issue of a minimum of 30,000,000 and a maximum of 60,000,000 Falcon Metals Shares at a price of $0.50 per Falcon Metals Share to raise a minimum of $15,000,000 and a maximum of $30,000,000 (before costs) (IPO). It is intended that the IPO will comprise:

    bg bh

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  • die maiden resource ist da

    9 November 2021

    Tier-1 scale maiden Mineral Resource for Gonneville –
    10Moz Pd+Pt+Au (3E), 530kt Ni, 330kt Cu and 53kt Co
    Largest nickel sulphide discovery in over 20 years and largest PGE discovery in
    Australian history establishes foundation for world-class ‘green metals’ project


    «Maiden Indicated and Inferred, pit constrained, mineral resource estimate (Resource) defined
    for the Gonneville PGE-Ni-Cu-Co-Au deposit (Deposit), located on Chalice-owned farmland
    within the 100%-owned Julimar Project, ~70km NE of Perth, WA:
    « 330Mt @ 0.94g/t 3E1, 0.16% Ni, 0.10% Cu, 0.016% Co (~0.58% NiEq2 or ~1.6g/t PdEq3);
    « Containing 10Moz 3E, 530kt Ni, 330kt Cu, 53kt Co (~1.9Mt NiEq or ~17Moz PdEq);
    « ~150Mt (45%) is within the Indicated category (55% within the Inferred category);
    « Resource is constrained within a pit shell and reported above a 0.4% NiEq cut-off grade
    (sulphide) and 0.9g/t Pd cut-off grade (oxide).
    « The pit-constrained Resource includes a significant higher-grade sulphide component above a
    0.6% NiEq cut-off grade, starting from a depth of ~30m:

    « 74Mt @ 1.8g/t 3E, 0.22% Ni, 0.21% Cu, 0.021% Co (~1.0% NiEq or ~2.8g/t PdEq);
    « Containing 4.2Moz 3E, 160kt Ni, 150kt Cu, 15kt Co (~760kt NiEq or ~6.6Moz PdEq);
    « This higher-grade component affords the project significant optionality in development and
    could potentially materially enhance project economics in the initial years of operations.
    « Gonneville is already the largest nickel sulphide discovery worldwide since 20004 (>20 years),
    and the largest PGE discovery in Australian history.
    « The Deposit remains open to the north and at depth, demonstrating the potential for material
    growth with ongoing drilling.
    « High-grade mineralisation begins at surface and has already been intersected ~60m below
    the limit of the Resource pit;
    « Wide-spaced extensional drilling is continuing down-plunge, with >1,000m of potential
    plunge extent yet to be fully tested on Chalice-owned farmland.
    « The maiden Resource, which is interpreted to cover just ~7% of the 26km long Julimar Complex,
    confirms the world-class nature of the Julimar Project, and demonstrates the potential for the
    project to become a strategic, long-life ‘green metals’ asset

    bg bh

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Blue Horseshoe ()

  • Mineral Resource - Investor Webinar and Presentation vom 09.11…nnouncements/61061682.pdf

    bg bh

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  • https://cdn-api.markitdigital.…35c2d45a094df02a206a39ff4

    New mineralised intrusion discovered at Julimar
    New zone of shallow high-grade mineralisation intersected directly south of the
    ~6.5km long Hartog airborne EM anomaly, outside of the Gonneville Intrusion

    New shallow high-grade PGE-Ni-Cu-Co sulphide discovery made on Chalice-owned farmland
    within the 100%-owned Julimar Project, ~70km NE of Perth, WA:
    « High-grade (>0.6% NiEq) sulphide mineralisation intersected in a newly identified ultramafic
    intrusive unit to the west of Gonneville (separated by ~70m of metasediments):

    « 3m @ 2.0g/t Pd, 0.3g/t Pt, 0.6% Ni, 0.5% Cu, 0.05% Co (~1.7% NiEq1) from 68m (JRC392);
    « 2m @ 1.8g/t Pd, 0.2g/t Pt, 0.6% Ni, 0.5% Cu, 0.06% Co (~1.9% NiEq) from 139.2m (JD211);
    « New zone has no EM response but is located immediately south of the ~6.5km long Hartog
    Airborne EM (AEM) anomaly – further upgrading the prospectivity of that target and again
    highlighting the potential for further ‘blind’ discoveries.
    « New zone already visually identified in holes drilled down-dip and along strike to the south
    (assays pending).
    « Ongoing step-out drilling outside the Gonneville Resource has extended multiple high-grade
    (>0.6% NiEq) zones, including:
    « 23.3m @ 2.8g/t Pd, 0.7g/t Pt, 1.0g/t Au, 0.2% Ni, 1.5% Cu, 0.02% Co (~2.7% NiEq) from 582m
    « 7.1m @ 2.3g/t Pd, 0.9g/t Pt, 0.3% Ni, 0.9% Cu, 0.02% Co (~2.0% NiEq) from 513m (JD157);
    « 4.4m @ 4.5g/t Pd, 2.2g/t Pt, 0.6% Ni, 0.2% Cu, 0.03% Co (~3.0% NiEq) from 523m (JD157);
    « 8.2m @ 2.2g/t Pd, 1.1g/t Pt, 1.1g/t Au, 0.1% Ni, 0.1% Cu, 0.01% Co (~1.6% NiEq) from 455m
    (JD162); and,
    « 5.0m @ 3.3g/t Pd, 0.8g/t Pt, 0.2g/t Au, 0.3% Ni, 0.7% Cu, 0.02% Co (~2.2% NiEq) from 157m
    « Step-out drilling is continuing on farmland, focused on extending the high-grade Resource.
    « 40m spaced infill drilling within the shallow (<250m deep) Inferred part of the Gonneville Resource
    continues to deliver results in line with the Resource model (refer to Appendix).
    « Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for initial drilling at the Hartog-Baudin targets is finalised
    and under consideration by the WA State Government – approval expected shortly.
    « The Scoping Study for an initial mine development at Gonneville is progressing on schedule.

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    Chalice Mining completes first stage of JV
    at Venture’s “Julimar Lookalike” Target

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  • demerger complete, falcon traded seit einigen tagen unter bezugspreis.

    heute erfolgte die genehmigung für den staatsforst…nnouncements/61070924.pdf

    Significant access approval received at Julimar
    Conservation Management Plan approval received from the WA State Govt for initial
    low-impact drilling at the Hartog-Baudin Targets
    « The WA State Government has approved the Stage 2 Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for
    initial low-impact drilling at the Julimar Project Hartog-Baudin targets.
    « The CMP is based on a comprehensive and detailed environmental assessment process and is
    designed to minimise disturbance and environmental impact.
    « Strict environmental requirements include no mechanised clearing of vegetation and a
    maximum operational footprint of 4.4ha across the ~2,000ha Hartog-Baudin target area.

    bg bh

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  • habt ihr von dem Spin-out schon Stücke eingebucht bekommen?

    alles eingebucht. demerger shares sowie die shares(zuteilung) aus der ke

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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  • Chalice Mining EM survey returns multiple new targets
    at Venture’s “Julimar Lookalike” Nickel-Copper-PGE Project

    Chalice Mining (ASX: CHN) has generated an additional 7 (“seven”) new Electromagnetic
    (“EM”) targets (refer Figure 1) from the recently completed ground EM program at Venture’s South
    West Nickel-Copper-PGE Project. This brings the total number of new targets to 11 from the
    Chalice ground EM program as part of the first stage of the JV earn-in focused on Thor -
    Venture’s “Julimar lookalike” (refer to Figures 1,3 & 4 and VMS & CHN ASX announcements 21 July 2020);
    Chalice’s exploration team have received the final data and are currently completing their
    interpretation of the resultant 11 bedrock conductors (EM anomalies), work will include soil
    geochemistry to assist in prioritising the targets in preparation for drill testing in the coming
    months. Chalice will need to spend $1.2 million by 29th July 2022 (including monies already
    spent to date of ~$400k) to earn 51% and a further $2.5 million to earn 70% in Venture’s South
    West Nickel-Copper-PGE Project (for full JV earn-in terms refer to VMS and CHN ASX announcements 21 July
    The 7 new EM anomalies defined by Chalice’s recent work are again of similar strength
    conductors to those that yielded wide and significant palladium intervals during the early
    drilling phase of the Julimar Ni-Cu-PGE discovery. One of the 7 new EM anomalies also
    coincides with the 2.4 metres of Massive Sulfide intersected in previously drilled TOR05, which
    averaged 0.5% Copper, 0.05% Nickel, 0.04% Cobalt and contained anomalous gold & palladium
    (refer Figures 2 & 3 and, ASX announcements 21 February 2019 & 30 June 2021);
    The South West Nickel-Copper-PGE Project is located ~240km south of Perth in the Balingup
    Metamorphic Belt, within the highly prospective West Yilgarn Ni-Cu-PGE Province discovered
    by Chalice (refer Figure 4). The Project hosts the Thor Target, a 20km long, “Julimar lookalike” (as
    defined by Chalice) magnetic anomaly containing multiple EM targets (refer to Figures 3 & 4 and, VMS
    & CHN ASX announcements 21 July 2020).


    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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  • da gibt es viele grüne.

    unter obig genannten mit sicherheit auch die indexaufnahme in den asx und damit die verbundenen shareflows(alle index produkte inkl etf).

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

    Alle Mitteilungen in diesem Forum sind als
    reine private Meinungsäußerung zu sehen und keinesfalls als
    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
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  • Gewinnmitnahmen?
    Wer länger dabei war, ist mehrere 1000% im plus und die wollen ja auch mal realisiert werden, wenigstens teilweise.

    Bin auch etwas verunsichert. Wobei ich glaube aus funny-mentaler Sicht kann man drin bleiben. Was meint die Fundi- Fraktion ? @Blue Horseshoe ? Jetzt müsste mal wieder ‘was kommen‘ sonst gerät der Aufwärtstrend in Gefahr. :whistling:

    Übrigens: Die Parole Alles gegen Deutschland! ist straffrei.

    …und die Parole : ’ Deutschland verrecke’…auch.

  • hallo woernie,
    ich sehe das wie oben geschrieben,
    gewisse gewinnmitnahmen und vor allem auch die index etf. es ist halt nicht immer nur von vorteil in einen index aufgenommen zu werden. auf alle fälle sorgte dies zum damaligem zeitpunkt auch für verstärkte nachfrage.
    nicht umsonst heisst das ja "the index effect"

    ich warte jetzt gespannt auf harthog... und die preisentwicklung der rohstoffe/pge

    heute gab es eine neue presentation für die riu explorers conference 22…ers%20Conference%20VF.pdf

    wenn euch das thema index effect interresiert, ich lade mal zwei pdf dazu hier hoch:


    bg bh

    ps. chn ist bei mir ein freiläufer :)

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Blue Horseshoe ()

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