Karora Resources / KRR (TSX)

  • Starke Bohrergebnisse von Karora.

    Karora Resources Intersects 29.8 G/T Gold Over 19.0 Metres And 27.3 G/T Gold Over 15.0 Metres From Initial Drilling At Spargos Project


    • Initial drill results1 within 100 metres of the surface have intersected new high grade gold intercepts at the Spargos Project. These include:

      • SPRC0026: 29.8 g/t over 19.0 metres, including 99.5 g/t over 5.0 metres
      • SPRC0012: 27.3 g/t over 15.0 metres, including 168.0 g/t over 1.3 metres
      • SPRC0019: 8.0 g/t over 19.0 metres, including 20.6 g/t over 2.0 metres
      • SPRC0028: 29.8 g/t over 3.0 metres
      • SPRC0032: 8.7g/t over 16.0 metres
        1. Downhole intervals. Estimated true widths are approximately 70% of the downhole interval.
    • Two RC drill rigs now actively drilling at Spargos
    • A new Spargos Mineral Resource is expected to be included in the upcoming fourth quarter mineral resource and reserve update

    Hatte letzte Woche aufgrund des vielversprechenden Bohrprogramms die Aktie gekauft.
    Leider werden derzeit selbst solche Ergebnisse zum abverkauft genutzt.
    Naja, gut für alle die noch eine Position aufbauen möchten.

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    Würden die Menschen das Geldsystem verstehen, hätten wir eine Revolution noch vor morgen früh - Henry Ford

  • Zitat von Peter Arendas

    Karora Resources is my no.1 for 2021. This Canadian mining company is focused on its West Australian gold assets. My followers are probably already familiar with Karora. But to sum it up, Karora, formerly known as RNC Minerals, was a tiny company on the verge of bankruptcy, when it discovered an ultra-high-grade Father's Day vein (picture below) at its Beta Hunt mine. From a very small area, around 30,000 toz gold were extracted. This occurred in September 2018. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy and it was considering the sale of the Beta Hunt mine, but the coarse gold discovery changed everything (an article can be found here). Several months later, the company changed its management team and acquired the Higginsville mill along with some old open-pit mines and a large land package. This helped Karora to expand production significantly and reduce production costs. This all, along with growing gold prices, enabled Karora to keep on drilling and discovering more resources, as well as to reduce royalties on its properties (an article can be found here) and acquire another project, Spargos Reward.

    More than two years have passed since the Father's Day vein discovery and Karora has transformed itself into a completely new company. Its gold production has grown to approximately 100,000 toz per year, and the AISC was reduced to the $1,000-1,050/toz area, with an aim to push it below $1,000/toz. Also the production volumes should increase, several options including ore sorter and mill expansion are being considered. Given Karora's growing cash pile, even an acquisition of another mill cannot be excluded completely.

    But Karora's potential is much larger than only growing production from 100,000 to 125,000 or 150,000 toz gold. Its land package is large and it includes numerous gold deposits and exploration targets. Karora keeps on drilling and the results are really impressive. Only two weeks ago, a new resource and reserve estimate was released. Karora's consolidated proven and probable reserves increased by 334% to 1.33 million toz gold. The consolidated measured and indicated resources increased by 167% to 2.52 million toz gold. And there are also inferred resources of 847,000 toz gold. Beta Hunt was originally a nickel mine, and the gold mineralization was discovered in its lower parts. And although Karora is interested especially in gold production, it prepared a new resource estimate also for the nickel deposit. It contains measured and indicated resources of 35.5 million lb nickel, and inferred resources of 19.1 million lb nickel.
    It is also important to note that another new resource estimate is expected in H1 2021. It will focus on the newly acquired Spargos Reward project, where Karora discovered high-grade gold mineralization. Hole SPRC0026 intersected 29.8 g/t gold over 19 meters, and SPRC0012 intersected 27.3 g/t gold over 15 meters...


  • Mal wieder news: https://www.goldseiten.de/arti…eating-2020-Guidance.html


    Karora achieves record gold production of 99,249 ounces and gold sales of 98,646 ounces in 2020
    Year-end consolidated cash balance of C$79.5 million, an 18% increase vs. the third quarter, net of a $2 million early debt repayment during the fourth quarter.

    Consolidated 2021 Guidance:

    • Production of 105,000-115,000 ounces, an increase of over 20% when compared to 2020 production guidance.
    • All-in-sustaining-cost (AISC)1 of US$985-$1,085 per ounce, an 8% reduction compared to 2020 cost guidance (at mid-point) following a robust year of significant cost reductions across Karora's Australian operations and corporate offices.

    [*]A 25% increase in drilling and exploration expenditures for 2021:

    • Drilling and exploration budget of A$20 million to be allocated across HGO, Beta Hunt and Spargos.
  • [Blockierte Grafik: https://prnewswire2-a.akamaihd…200/version/100011/type/1]

    Karora Intersects 11.6% Nickel Over 4.6 Metres in a New High-Grade Discovery - "Gamma Zone - 50C" and Extends Gold Mineralized Strike Length by 400 Metres to Over 3.5 Kilometres at Beta Hunt


    ...gut für Maverix Metals (MMX) hat 1.5% NSR Nickel ( Beta Hunt)

  • Interessant dass sie jetzt Nickel finden wo sie den Fokus doch auf Gold geschwenkt hatten ?)

    Geld stinkt nicht, die gestiegenen Preise bei Nickel machen auch diese Vorkommen wieder interessant, so ist man im Mainstream sichtbarer, meiner Meinung nach eine gute Taktik.
    Ob sie sich umbenennen in "Royal Gold and Nickel"? :p

  • Seit Freitag übermäßig hoher Abgabedruck. Während sich am Freitag zumindest viele Minen behaupteten ist Karora weiter gefallen? Generell schauen die Minen im Verhältnis zum POG wieder sehr schwach aus heute. Was kommt da wohl in den nächsten Tagen auf uns zu?


  • https://seekingalpha.com/amp/a…tion-organic-growth-story

  • Wieder neue Bohrergebnisse, diesmal vom Lake Cowan:


    • Early stage RC and diamond drilling at Monsoon returned very strong gold results supporting delineation of a 5 kilometre mineralized trend between Monsoon and Baloo. Significant intersections include:

      • KPBR0104: 21.1 g/t over 3 metres including 54.9 g/t over 1.0 metre located 1 kilometre south along strike from previously announced aircore result of 1.35 g/t over 50 metres.
      • KPBD0364: 9.0 g/t over 0.75 metres


  • https://www.goldseiten.de/arti…reffer-auf-Beta-Hunt.html

    Zitat von Hannes Huster

    Karora Resources Inc.: Starke Nickel-Treffer auf Beta Hunt...


    Ein Nickelfund in einer bestehenden Mine mit aller Infrastruktur ist ein unglaublicher Zugewinn für einen Goldproduzenten. Bei einem Abbau würden die Erlöse dieses Zusatzproduktes die AISC im Gold deutlich senken und Karora wird sicherlich keine eigene Aufbereitungsanlage bauen müssen, da BHP das Erz mit Kusshand nehmen würde.

  • [Blockierte Grafik: https://mma.prnewswire.com/med…d_Production_of.jpg?w=200]

    Karora Announces Record Gold Production of 30,365 ounces and Gold Sales of 28,935 ounces for the Third Quarter


    Production for the first three quarters of 2021 is a total of 84,889 ounces, in line with consolidated 2021 production guidance of 105,000 – 115,000 ounces. Karora's consolidated cash balance as at September 30, 2021 was $86.7 million, an increase of $4.5 million compared to June 30, 2021, after deployment of capital this past quarter into new mining operations at Higginsville and Spargos and into our aggressive drilling program.
    Paul Andre Huet, Chairman & CEO, commented: "Record third quarter gold production of over 30,000 ounces continues to track well with our increasing gold production profile as we move through 2021 and places us on solid footing to achieve our full year 2021 guidance range.

  • Zitat von Taylor Dart


    • Karora Resources is one of the best-performing gold producers this year, up 2% year-to-date vs. a 25% decline in the Gold Juniors Index.
    • The company just came off a solid Q3 report with production of ~30,400 ounces at $967/oz, and despite headwinds, is on track to beat its production guidance midpoint.
    • Notably, the company continues to have exploration success across its portfolio, giving investors a rare combination of margin expansion, resource growth, and production growth looking out to 2024.
    • Given the team's operational excellence under Paul Huet combined with its attractive organic growth profile, I would view pullbacks below US$2.94 as low-risk buying opportunities.


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