vor kurzem hat hier einer geschrieben
beim Rohölpreis dachte man auch dass der Preis pro Barrel nicht über 30 US-Dollar gehen kann
jedoch ging der Rohölpreis dann auf ca. 130 US-Dollar pro Barrel
By: Chris Mack |
Mon, Sep 27, 2010
Silver per ounce in US-Dollar
Current SGS inflation adjusted high 2015 with 6% inflation... $ 594
Current SGS inflation adjusted high.............................. $ 447
1980 Dow to silver ratio of 25 to 1............................... $ 434
80% dollar devaluation and return to 1/16 gold..................$ 410
Adjusted by growth in money supply/gold supply................$ 276
Silver 1975-1980.................................................... $ 200
Current CPI adjusted high 2015 with 6% inflation............... $ 184
Current CPI adjusted high....................................... $ 139
Nasdaq 1995-2000, 6.66 factor................................... $ 136
80% dollar devaluation.............................................. $ 102
Nikkei 5yr 1985-1990, 3.63 factor............................... .. $ 74
Average,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... $ 272.36
While most of these statistics use the 1980 highs in gold and silver as a
proxy, there is much more potential for a greater move in precious metals now
because currency and economic imbalances are not confined to the U.S. but are
global. If the US dollar is devalued, it is likely that the Euro, Yen and other
currencies would also be devalued.While the 1970's bull market in gold and
silver was largely driven by U.S. buyers, a panic to buy precious metals within
the next 5 years will be driven globally.