ZitatQuote Minos: Tatsächlich werden meines Erachtens plötzliche Fluchtbewegungen aus Währungen letztlich das System sprengen, heftige Fugationen eben, und jetzt hoffe ich mit dieser Wortschöpfung in die Geschichte einzugehen.
Da möchte ich mithalten und melde postwendend an: Stagflagfugation. Zugegeben, es gibt elegantere Wortschöpfungen, aber die der Krise vorausgehenden und die folgenden Wortmonster sehen auch nicht besser aus.
Keine erbauende Sonntagslektüre, aber wohl korrekt in der Diagnose:
Towards an Inflationary Depression
A macroeconomic review
by Bob Chapman
This deflationary contraction in the supply of money and credit due to the exposed loan, mortgage and derivative fraud is a strong undertow to our economy which threatens to drag it out to sea until it runs out of air and drowns. The Fed must therefore inflate and swim for shore, or die. And inflate they will. We can absolutely guarantee it. Obama will go down in history as the King of Stagflation, as he joins forces with the inimitable Gordon Brown, the King of Fire-Sale Gold.
We now have the Fed increasing total money and credit (M3) at a rate of 18% while our GDP is contracting at a rate of minus 6%. That is a 24% differential, and that means that the amount of goods and services being produced has an ever-growing supply of money chasing after it, money and credit that is growing at a pace that is 24% more than the pace at which goods and services are growing. Based on all the foregoing, we'll give you three guesses as to what the outcome will be somewhere down the road when the Fed's ever-burgeoning money blob starts chasing after a shrinking supply of goods and services.