Egon von Greyertz / Matterhorn Asset Management bringt es auf den Punkt, hier immer wieder diskutiert : "Während der Westen keine Ahnung hat von der strategischen Bedeutung des physischem Goldes, geht des Ostens Akkumulation des gelben Metalls unvermindert weiter."
Gute Übersichten der Goldbewegungen insbes. Chindiens, sh. Anhang, aber auch die (angeblichen) Zentralbank Bestände und die Schweizer Goldimporte; letzteren müßten die gewaltigen Exporte nach der Affinierung des Goldes entgegen stehen .
"Since 2008 just China and India have accumulated 26,000 tonnes of gold. That is a remarkable figure and virtually the total mine production for that period. There are many other Eastern countries which also continue to buy major quantities of gold such as Russia, Turkey, Iran and Thailand.
For decades most Western central banks have been reducing their holdings either by official selling, leasing or covertly disposing of their gold. The top 20 central bank holders of gold have officially a total of 29,000 tonnes. But it is doubtful that they even hold as much as 50% of that in physical form in their possession...."
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