John Embry, fast legendärer Chefstratege von Sprott Asset Management mit Verantwortung über 10 Mrd $ Anlagen im Interview mit KWN sehr optimistisch:
„Wir erreichen jetzt das Stadium, in dem Physisches bergeweise gekauft wird, weil die Menschen begreifen, daß der Papierpreis betrügerisch ist...
Goldpreisanstieg in dieser Bewegung bis zur Verdreifachung ..“
"..“I’ve been of the mind for a considerable period of time that the gold price really wouldn’t accelerate to the upside until such time as the physical market finally overwhelmed the paper market. But I think we’re reaching the stage now where there is mounting buying of physical because people are starting to realize the paper price is fraudulent.”
We’re very close now to that important moment where the physical market actually does overwhelm the paper market, and as this takes place you will see massive moves in the price of gold. ..."…dPrices+%28Gold+Prices%29