Uran -- Märkte und Informationen

  • unter anderem hatte ich auch diese grafik gepostet,
    war insgesamt schon etwas mehr, wie wäre es du liest einfach mal den faden?

    Uran -- Märkte und Informationen
    Uran -- Märkte und Informationen
    Uran -- Märkte und Informationen
    Uran -- Märkte und Informationen

    was ich wirklich nur auf die schnelle gefunden habe.

    kurzzusammenfassung zu china(das steht alles schonmal hier im faden!!!!),
    1GW(e) reaktor verbraucht ca 450.000 lbs/jahr - aber nicht vergessen, die initial load ist die 2-3 fache menge!
    also ca 1,35 millionen lbs.
    150 reaktoren mit 1GW(e) leistung initial load ca 202 millonen lbs bis 2035.
    nach der initial load des letzten reaktors der bis 2035 in betrieb geht, ca 68 millionen lbs/jahr gesamtverbrauch für die akw flotte des 10 jahres plans.

    wenn du lust hast kannst du es ja stufenweise über die jahre, je nach aktueller bautätigkeit und fertigstellung, mit modellieren(ich habs für mich als excel sheet angelegt)

    bg bh

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    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Blue Horseshoe ()

  • https://www.euractiv.fr/sectio…s-a-lassemblee-nationale/

    During an exchange with French parliamentarians this week, the EU Commission vice-president in charge of the Green Deal, Frans Timmermans, said Brussels “will support, sustain and assist those member states that make this choice” of using nuclear power. EURACTIV France reports.
    Timmermans, who was speaking on Wednesday (8 December) to the National Assembly’s committees on European Affairs and Sustainable Development, promised an inclusive and ambitious ecological transition that leaves no one behind.
    They discussed the work of the European Commission on various issues related to the ecological transition, ranging from the carbon market to hydrogen, the evolution of the automotive sector, nuclear power in the green taxonomy and the timetable for the Fit for 55 package.
    “We know that there will be a lot of negotiating to do [by the European Commission],” said Laurence Maillard Méhaignerie, chair of the French parliament’s Committee on Sustainable Development and Regional Planning.
    “It is also a work of conviction, because, in the end, it is the economic models and value chains that need to be reviewed, the lifestyles and jobs that are also profoundly transformed” by the ecological transition.
    This ecological transition and the measures that come with it would not only make individuals and companies feel excluded or suffer from the transition, but, as Renew Europe MEP Pascal Canfin warned a few months ago, could also create a new movement like the Gilets jaunes.
    But according to Timmermans, “no one will be left behind, abandoned in this transition”.
    “We must show through concrete steps (…) that we are concerned about social issues. The transition will be social or it will not be!” he added.

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  • The Netherlands' new coalition government has placed nuclear power at the heart of its climate and energy policy. Some EUR500 million (USD564 million) has been earmarked to support new nuclear build in the period to 2025.

    "We want to make every effort to keep our country and our planet liveable and habitable," wrote the VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie parties. Today they released the coalition's plans for the period to 2025 as the result of negotiations that began after the general election in March.
    "Nuclear energy can complement solar, wind and geothermal energy in the energy mix and can be used to produce hydrogen," the document said. "It also makes us less dependent on gas imports."
    "That is why the nuclear power plant in Borssele will remain open longer, with due regard for safety," said the government. The 482 MWe single-unit plant has operated since 1973 and meets around 3% of the country's electricity needs.
    "This government is also taking the necessary steps to build two new nuclear power stations," the policy continued. "This means, among other things, that we will facilitate market parties in their explorations, support innovations, invite tenders, review the government's contribution (financial and otherwise), and put legislation and regulations in order where necessary."
    Accordingly, the government said it would provide financial support to the goal of building new nuclear power plants. It outlined EUR50 million (USD56 million) for this in 2023, EUR200 million in 2024 and EUR250 million in 2025.
    It anticipated that cumulative support for new nuclear would reach EUR5 billion by 2030, while not assuming the power plants would be online by that time.
    This nuclear investment will support higher ambition on climate. "In order to be climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest, we are raising the 2030 target in the Climate Act to at least 55% CO2 reduction," the policy said. "In order to meet this target, we have agreed to focus our policy on a higher target, which is around 60% in 2030." Subsequent goals are a 70% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2035 and 80% by 2040.
    Elsewhere in the energy sector, the government will support wind deployment while focusing solar deployment on rooftops rather than open land. Gas production will be phased out in Groningen and the government will not issue new licences for production in the Wadden Sea, close to the coast. Gas production in the North Sea will be supported because it reduces imports. The use of woody biomass will be restricted to fuels sourced within the EU so that its sustainability can be closely monitored.
    ziel ist es wohl bis 2030 drei neue reaktoren zu errichten. - entscheidungshilfe :

    hier noch ein aktueller artikel auf den indischen ausbau, auf den ich hier im faden bereits eingegangen bin

    bg bh

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  • schau mer mal, vielleicht wird bereits in diesem Jan. eine temporäre Verlängerung des Betriebs um 2 Monate verkündet. Der Ausstieg vom Ausstieg sozusagen.Ich glaubs zwar nicht aber angeblich sei nichts unmöglich.

    Tretminen reissen ein Bein ab, Wasserminen versenken Schiffe, Goldminen vernichten viele Anleger. :!:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Nein...ein von ungeugsamen Germanen bevölkertes fleckchen Erde.....

    Eine heftige Beleidigung unserer Vorfahren, die mit Leib und Leben für Freiheiten, gegen Unterjochung und fremde Eindringlinge kämpften.

    Die hatten noch kernige Stammesfürsten gegenüber heutigen Comic Figuren...


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

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  • foratom:

    Importance of long-term operation of the existing EU nuclear fleet



    An increasing number of experts recognise that decarbonising the power sector cannot be achieved with re-
    newables alone - nuclear must play a role if the world is to reach its carbon neutrality goal by 2050. This paper
    aims to outline the opportunities provided by the long-term operation (LTO) of the existing fleet of nuclear reac-
    tors. Furthermore, it gives an overview of some of the challenges which will need to be tackled and provides a
    series of EU policy recommendations.
    In a nutshell:
    • The revised intermediate decarbonisation targets in the transition towards a 2050 carbon neutral eco -
    nomy are more ambitious than before and cannot be achieved without the LTO of existing nuclear power
    plants (NPPs).
    • The costs of electricity produced by nuclear power plants performing LTO are unarguably lower than the
    cost of electricity coming from the other sources (RES, gas, etc.). This is because LTO of the existing nuclear
    fleet has clear economic advantages: it requires a much lower capital investment cost, it is a mature solu-
    tion which leads to low investment risks for investors and capital markets, and it triggers lower and more
    stable customer costs.
    • From a technical point of view, the LTO of nuclear reactors provides a great advantage thanks to the “...
    timely implementation of reasonably practicable safety improvements to existing nuclear installations”
    which brings older generation reactors to a level of safety which complies with the amended Nuclear
    Safety Directive.
    • Nuclear operations can improve during LTO. This can be explained by
    I. plant enhancements implemented by operators during LTO refurbishments
    II. growing operational capabilities
    III. governing frameworks that enable best practice sharing and
    IV. maintaining workforce skills across the nuclear value chain / ecosystem.
    • LTO will reduce the EU’s energy import dependency – mainly fossil fuels – and will also provide reliability
    and security to the grid and contain electricity prices.
    • Low-carbon nuclear generation provides firm capacity to the electricity system and supports the integra-
    tion of higher shares of variable renewables (VRE) at a lower cost.

    kann es nur empfehlen einen blick zu riskieren!

    bg bh

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    Kleiner Hinweis zur "CO2-Ehrlichkeit":

    Die gewaltigen Erdbewegungen, Betonmassen, Mengen an Spezial- und Armierungsstahl/eisen nebst unzähligen anderen Materialien sowie der Aufbau einer Verteilungsinfrastruktur für die Elektrizität hinterlassen selbstverständlich einen deutlichen CO2-Abdruck.

    Vor wenigen Jahrzehnten, als ich selbst der Atomenergie kritischer gegenüberstand als heute, gab es sogar eine Meinung, dass der Beweis, dass ein AKW in seiner nützlichen Lebensdauer MEHR Energie produziere als für Bau und Rückbau aufgewendet werden müsse, nicht erbracht sei...ausgehend von einer nicht veränderbaren Lebensdauer von maximal etwa 40 Jahren.

    Wie es heute aussieht, weiss ich nicht.


  • gab es sogar eine Meinung, dass der Beweis, dass ein AKW in seiner nützlichen Lebensdauer MEHR Energie produziere als für Bau und Rückbau aufgewendet werden müsse, nicht erbracht sei

    sei mir nicht böse, aber mehr als eine meinung und obendrein grundfalsch ist das nicht. ansich ist mir das thema co2 egal, da es aber zum politikum gemacht wurde, darf es mir nicht egal sein.

    bg bh

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  • so, der erste pbr ist in china in betrieb(am netz).


    technik die mitunter aus deutschen forschungsarbeiten(rudolf schulten - avr reaktor) besteht, von uns aufgegeben an südafrika verkauft und weiter an die chinesen(htr-10).

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  • Ich hab von dem Ding keine Ahnung, muss aber grad lesen, dass die auch wieder mit Graphit Ummantelung rummachen.
    Graphit war das brennbare "Dämm-Material", so dass Tschernobyl erst richtig rausrotzen konnte, in Form von verseuchter Asche. Hoffe hier kann das nicht passieren?

  • Hoffe hier kann das nicht passieren?

    robert fang, robert murris, fu li - veröffentlicht 09-11-2017

    Safety Features of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor

    Most of current operating nuclear power plants (NPPs) are light-water reactors (LWR). LWR features, as ceramic fuel, metallic fuel cladding, and core structure, use water as coolant and moderator. The safety of NPPs relies on three basic methodologies: reactivity control, residual heat removal, radioactive retention. For NPP, high safety is achieved by proper design, good quality components, different types of safety systems, and engineering safety features, such as reactor trip, emergency core cooling system, safety injection, decay heat removal system, and containment. In the case of LWR, all accidents, even the design extension condition with core melt (before being named as severe accident), can be controlled and mitigated. For this purpose, reliable cooling of the core and removal of residual decay heat are crucial to preventing core melt, and additional measures must be provided to mitigate the consequences of core melt. In this case, containment plays very important roles. Containment provide many functions, such as radiation shielding, physical protection, radioactive retention, maintaining of coolant inventory (which is crucial to cooling the core and removing the decay heat).
    High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) provides another solution. HTGR uses TRISO coated particle fuel, full ceramic core structure, and helium as coolant. The fuel, core structure, and coolant in HTGR can all withstand high temperature. Therefore HTGR can provide high temperature output for high efficiency electricity generation and wide range of process heat applications, including hydrogen production. Furthermore, modular HTGR can provide inherent safety features.
    Although it is based on the same safety function requirements, such as reactivity control, residual heat removal, and radioactive retention, modular HTGR achieved the safety in different way.
    The reactivity control is very simple for HTGR. Although reactor trip with control rod drop is equipped, the trip of helium circulator is enough for trip reactor, because the negative temperature feedback provides enough reactivity compensation even for large reactivity insertion accident, taking into account the following fact of residual decay removal mechanism.
    For the residual heat removal in modular HTGR, after accident, no forced cooling for the core is required; residual heat is removed from core through the core, reflector, and core barrel and then out of pressure vessel, by means of heat conductivity, radiation, and convection, along the temperature gradient. In this case, availability of coolant is not necessary and external power is not required. Of course, the core will be heated up to some degree to provide the temperature gradient for heat transfer and provide the negative temperature feedback for automatic reactor trip for reactivity control. The maximum core temperature after accident is limited by the accumulation of residual heat, which is proportional to the power density during normal operation and to the temperature limit that the integrity of TRISO fuel is ensured to retain all fission products in all accident conditions, with enough margin. Therefore it is a very simple solution. Neither massive fuel degradation nor core melt will be possible. Therefore it provides a very good foundation for radioactive retention.
    For radioactive retention, it is also very straightforward for modular HTGR. Because the possibility of massive fuel degradation is physically eliminated, almost all the fission products are retained inside the coating of TRISO particle in normal operation and accident condition. The failure rate of TRISO particle is very low for all accident conditions. Then the maximum plausible radioactive release into environment for all accidents is limited to the extent that no off-site emergency action is needed. The goal of catastrophe-free can be achieved by modular HTGR. For modular HTGR, the most important barrier to radioactive retention is TRISO particle, compared to the containment in LWR, although next barriers of primary pressure boundary and containment (usually named as vented lower pressure containment) are also provided in modular HTGR to reduce the radioactive release as low as reasonably achievable.

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  • These safety phenomena and safety features of modular HTGR depend on the high quality of TRISO particle fuel, proper design of core geometry to disperse the residual heat, the selected power density in order to limit the maximum fuel temperature after accident, ceramic core structure and coolant which can withstand very high temperature, and all the measures required to mitigate the consequences of accident and to reduce the radioactive release as low as reasonably achievable. The research on the modular HTGR have many different features, compared to LWR, because of different fuel type (TRISO coated particle), different core structure (graphite), different coolant (helium), different type of components (such as helium circulator), different type of systems (such as fuel handling system for pebble fuel), different operation dynamic behavior, different accident scenario, different applications (such as process heat application and cogeneration), and so forth. This special issue provides some new information and recent progress. Understanding of the safety features of the HTGR has greatly increased especially after the design and construction of Chinese modular HTGR demonstration plant (High Temperature Reactor-Pebble-Bed Module, HTR-PM).
    There are a lot of academic achievements related to the safety features of HTGR emerging in the recent years, including, beyond design basis accident (BDBA), multiscale source term analysis, behavior of tritium in the primary and secondary circuit, and minimizing emergency response for the modular HTGR, which is essential for the future improvements in the design, operation, and maintenance of the modular HTGR. The recent progress in this field is addressed in the following:(1)performance of HTGR fuel(2)safety and accident analysis of HTGR (including reactor physics analysis, thermal-hydraulics analysis)(3)source term analysis of HTGR(4)control of multimodular HTGRs and related human factor analysis(5)optimizing radiation protection of HTGR
    The paper “Oxidation Behavior of Matrix Graphite and Its Effect on Compressive Strength” studies the oxidation behavior of newly developed A3-3 MG in the temperature range from 500 to 950°C in air and the effect of oxidation on the compressive strength of oxidized MG specimens. Microstructure images of SEM and porosity measurement indicate that the significant compressive strength loss of MG oxidized at 550°C may be attributed to both the uniform pore formation throughout the bulk and the preferential oxidation of the binder.
    The paper “Analysis of Precooling Injection Transient of Steam Generator for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor” simulates several postulated precooling injection transients and evaluates their effects, which will provide support for the precooling design. The analysis results show that enough precooling injection must be available to satisfy the precooling requirements, and larger mass flow rate of precooling water injection will accelerate the precooling process.
    The paper “Adsorption Behaviors of Cobalt on the Graphite and SiC Surface: A First-Principles Study” presents the adsorption behavior of the activation product cobalt (Co) on graphite and SiC surfaces which have been studied with first-principle calculations, including the adsorption energy, charge density difference, density of states, and adsorption ratios. The results show that the SiC layer in a fuel element could obstruct the diffusion of Co effectively in normal and accidental operation conditions, but the graphite may become a carrier of Co nuclide radioactivity in the primary circuit of HTR-PM.
    The paper “Dynamic Modeling and Control Characteristics of the Two-Modular HTR-PM Nuclear Plant” summarizes the study of the proposed power control system for a two-modular HTR-PM plant and gives the verification results based on numerical simulation. The simulation examines the cases of plant power steps and ramps and shows that the plant control characteristics are satisfactory.
    The paper “The Optimization of Radiation Protection in the Design of the High Temperature Reactor-Pebble-Bed Module” proposes a methodology that jointly optimizes the system design and radiation protection of the High Temperature Reactor-Pebble-Bed Module (HTR-PM) within the confines of the “as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)” principle. It demonstrates that the annual collective dose of HTR-PM is reduced from 0.490 man-Sv/a before optimization to 0.445 man-Sv/a after optimization, which complies with the requirements of the Chinese regulatory guide and proves the effectiveness of the proposed routine and framework.
    The paper “A New Method to Measure Crack Extension in Nuclear Graphite Based on Digital Image Correlation” introduces a new method based on digital image correlation (DIC) for measuring crack extension in brittle materials. Cross-correlation of the displacements measured by DIC with a step function is employed to identify the advancing crack tip in a graphite beam specimen under three-point bending. The load-crack extension curve, which is required for analyzing the R-curve and tension softening behavior, is obtained for this material. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis of the threshold value employed for the cross-correlation parameter in the crack identification process is conducted.
    The paper “Research on the Computed Tomography Pebble Flow Detecting System for HTR-PM” constructs a computed tomography pebble flow detecting (CT-PFD) system to study pebble dynamics in which a three-dimensional model is simulated, scaled to the ratio of 1 :  5 based on the core of HTR-PM. A multislice helical CT is utilized to acquire the reconstructed cross-sectional images of simulated pebbles, among which special tracer pebbles are used to indicate pebble flow. The proposed pebble-detecting and tracking technique described in this paper will be implemented in the near future.
    Overall, the main purpose of this special issue is to provide a platform for sharing the latest and significant research achievements on the safety features of the HTGR. We believe that this special issue will supply interesting information on the safety features of HTGR.
    We would like to express gratitude to all those who helped us during organizing this special issue and express heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Liguo Zhang, who supplied abundant materials about HTGRs for reference in the process of writing this editorial.

    bei interesse verlinke ich dir auch gern noch research von ca 2014, müsste ich aber erst suchen.

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  • mehr oder weniger führen bei triso fuel ist, so weit ich weiss tvel.

    aber auch sonst rege aktivität


    02 November 2021
    The preliminary design of X-energy's TRISO-X Fuel Fabrication Facility to produce tri-structural isotropic (TRISO) fuel on a commercial scale has now been completed, X-energy and Centrus Energy Corp announced today. The companies have also signed a contract for nuclear fuel and services provider Centrus to continue its work as the project enters its next phase.

    DOE selected X-energy to deliver a commercial TRISO fuel fabrication facility and a four-module version of its Xe-100 reactor, which the company plans to site at Energy Northwest's Columbia nuclear power plant in Washington State. DOE will invest about USD1.23 billion in X-energy's project over the seven-year period.


    bg bh

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  • https://www.reuters.com/market…power-project-2021-12-20/

    Qatar backs UK's Rolls-Royce in small nuclear power project

    LONDON, Dec 20 (Reuters) - Qatar on Monday joined Britain's Roll-Royce in developing small nuclear power plants capable of delivering low carbon energy to around 1 million homes each.
    The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) said it would invest 85 million pounds ($112.2 million) for a 10% stake in the project, joining existing shareholders Rolls-Royce, BNF Resources UK and Exelon Generation in the British government-backed project.
    QIA Chief Executive Mansoor bin Ebrahim Al-Mahmoud said Qatar, which is the world's largest producer of LNG (liquefied natural gas), was investing in the energy transition and funding the technologies that enabled low carbon electricity generation.
    Rolls-Royce Chief Executive Warren East said the company had now raised the capital needed to establish its SMR (small modular reactors) unit.
    Britain last month agreed to invest 210 million pounds in the project, alongside 195 million pounds from Rolls-Royce and its partners, in a drive to reach net zero carbon emissions and promote new technology with export potential.
    The SMRs will not be available until the early 2030s and all new nuclear power projects need approval from Britain's Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and its Generic Design Assessment, which can take around four years to complete for large plants.
    Rolls-Royce said it would ultimately own about 70% of the unit.



    Manchin, Barrasso Introduce Fission For The Future Act
    Bipartisan legislation supports the deployment of advanced nuclear reactors, revitalizes communities affected by the closure of coal and other fossil generating facilities

    Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV), Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and John Barrasso (R-WY), Ranking Member of the Committee, introduced the Fission for the Future Act, bipartisan legislation that would support the commercial deployment of advanced nuclear reactors.



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  • A team of Chinese researchers has developed an ultra-absorbent material capable of extracting uranium from seawater. Inspired by the blood vessels inside our anatomy, the group’s new method is reportedly 20 times more efficient than previous techniques.
    First criticality of the OL3 EPR plant unit was reached on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 3.22 a.m. OL3 EPR’s electricity production starts when the unit will be connected to the national grid at the end of January 2022.
    Vietnam poised to resume nuclear project a decade after Fukushima
    Hanoi greenlights building small research reactor, joining hands with Russia

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