Uran -- Märkte und Informationen

  • uranium mining als byproduct in der eu. schweden next?

    Finnish company plans to start extracting uranium, in a first for Europe

    The production process will allow for low concentrations of natural uranium found in locally mined ore to be used as a by-product. Terrafame has a ready-built uranium recovery plant and is now preparing it for operational use. In total, the launch will require an investment of approximately 20 million euros.
    After the start-up phase, the recovery plant is projected to operate at full capacity by 2026, producing approximately 200 tons per year, and employing about 40 people.
    The ore excavated by Terrafame at its Sotkamo mine has a small concentration of uranium, approximately 17 mg/kg, as reported by the company and cited by World Nuclear News. Such concentrations are also found in other parts of Finnish rock, meaning the concentration is not particularly high. Ore with an average uranium concentration of at least 1000 mg/kg is classified as uranium ore.
    The uranium recovered by Terrafame will be transported abroad for further processing, after which it will be used in nuclear energy production.


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    Die Signalwirkung ist sicher gut und sie müssen mit wesentlich höheren Uranpreisen rechnen bis 2026!

    Noch ist es nicht so wie beim letzten Uranboom, als bis zum dritt-hintersten Explorer in Kanada, USA und auch andernorts jeder ein bisschen Uran in seinm Vorgärtchen hatte... ^^


  • Noch ist es nicht so

    find ich klasse, ich baue bei gelegenheit meine positionen immer noch weiter aus. ich hatte viel zu wenig palladin aktien 2002-2007 [smilie_happy] - "passiert" mir kein zweites mal :hae: gesamtdepotanteil müsste ich derzeit nachrechnen aber sicherlich um die 25% ...

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    Das bist du gut dran - ich hatte gar keine Paladin! Obwohl sie mir empfohlen worden waren - schien mir damals zu riskant :rolleyes: - und ich kannte Rick Rule noch nicht gut...

    Damit mir das nicht noch einmal passiert, war ich ebenso wie du früh dran dieses Mal, und es hat sich gelohnt. Depot-Anteil, werde wieder einmal rechnen, heute nach Börsenschlus, grob überschlagen 30 % "gelb". (Uranverbindungen waren beliebt für farbige Keramikglasuren, bis sie verboten wurden...)


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    Sweden could buy nuclear reactors from France, its PM says

    für mich nur noch eine frage der zeit bis der mining ban in schweden fällt...

    Indonesia adopts regulation on uranium mining and prepares for possible NPP

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  • china hat den "5" jahres plan mit einem update versehen, geplant sind nun 120GW bis 2030 und nicht mehr 100gw.

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  • ich bin ja schon einmal auf die entwicklung in den wasserärmeren regionen chinas eingegangen.
    ich vermute nach wie vor stark das sie in diesen regionen in zukunft bedarf auch über tmsr abdecken werden.
    zb der tsmr-lf1 benötigt kein kühlwasser!

    Chinese molten-salt reactor cleared for start up

    The Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP) - part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - has been given approval by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to commission an experimental thorium-powered molten-salt reactor, construction of which started in Wuwei city, Gansu province, in September 2018.

    In January 2011, CAS launched a CNY3 billion (USD444 million) R&D programme on liquid fluoride thorium reactors (LFTRs), known there as the thorium-breeding molten-salt reactor (Th-MSR or TMSR), and claimed to have the world's largest national effort on it, hoping to obtain full intellectual property rights on the technology. This is also known as the fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactor (FHR). The TMSR Centre at SINAP at Jiading, Shanghai, is responsible.
    Construction of the 2 MWt TMSR-LF1 reactor began in September 2018 and was reportedly completed in August 2021. The prototype was scheduled to be completed in 2024, but work was accelerated.
    "According to the relevant provisions of the Nuclear Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Safety Supervision and Administration of Civilian Nuclear Facilities, our bureau has conducted a technical review of the application documents you submitted, and believes that your 2 MWt liquid fuel thorium-based molten salt experimental reactor commissioning plan (Version V1.3) is acceptable and is hereby approved," the Ministry of Ecology and Environment told SINAP on 2 August.
    It added: "During the commissioning process of your 2 MWt liquid fuel thorium-based molten salt experimental reactor, you should strictly implement this plan to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the plan and ensure the safety and quality of debugging. If any major abnormality occurs during the commissioning process, it should be reported to our bureau and the Northwest Nuclear and Radiation Safety Supervision Station in time."
    The TMSR-LF1 will use fuel enriched to under 20% U-235, have a thorium inventory of about 50 kg and conversion ratio of about 0.1. A fertile blanket of lithium-beryllium fluoride (FLiBe) with 99.95% Li-7 will be used, and fuel as UF4.
    The project is expected to start on a batch basis with some online refuelling and removal of gaseous fission products, but discharging all fuel salt after 5-8 years for reprocessing and separation of fission products and minor actinides for storage. It will proceed to a continuous process of recycling salt, uranium and thorium, with online separation of fission products and minor actinides. The reactor will work up from about 20% thorium fission to about 80%.
    If the TMSR-LF1 proves successful, China plans to build a reactor with a capacity of 373 MWt by 2030.
    As this type of reactor does not require water for cooling, it will be able to operate in desert regions. The Chinese government has plans to build more across the sparsely populated deserts and plains of western China, complementing wind and solar plants and reducing China's reliance on coal-fired power stations. The reactor may also be built outside China in Belt and Road Initiative nations.


    bg bh

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  • Sieht echt Interessant aus.

    edit: Statt Vollzitaten plus schriftliche Zustimmung doch bitte einfach beim Beitrag ein "like" abdrücken, ansonsten ist es 99.8 % Spam. Danke. LF

  • Japan, U.S. to step up cooperation in developing next-generation reactors

    Draft design for molten-salt research reactor plant in Russia

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  • ich bin ja schon einmal auf die entwicklung in den wasserärmeren regionen chinas eingegangen.
    ich vermute nach wie vor stark das sie in diesen regionen in zukunft bedarf auch über tmsr abdecken werden.
    zb der tsmr-lf1 benötigt kein kühlwasser!

    Vor allem schwenken die damit verstärkt auf das umweltfreundlichere Thorium hin, wenn ich das richtig lese. Sowas habe ich schon länger "befürchtet".

  • umweltfreundlichere Thorium

    das hängt aber mitunter am reaktortyp und hat die nächsten 10 jahre so gut wie keinerlei impact auf den uranmarkt.

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