Sehr eindrucksvolle Charts, die den dramatischen Einbruch der (bis vor kurzem euphorisch gefeierten) Schiefergasproduktion zeigen.
Der Grund, daß überhaupt noch gefördert wird, liege im Zwang, die immensen Schulden bedienen zu können....
-- "Prinzipiell ist die US Schiefergas Industrie nichts anderes als ein Ponzi Schema“.--
„The reason these companies continue to produce shale gas at a loss is to keep generating revenue and cash flow to service their debt. If they cut back significantly on drilling activity, their production would plummet. This would cause cash flow to drop like a rock, including their stock price, and they would go bankrupt as they couldn’t continue servicing their debt.
Basically, the U.S. Shale Gas Industry is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme....
A collapse in oil production will also mean a collapse of economic activity.
Thus, a collapse of economic activity means skyrocketing debt defaults, massive bankruptcies and plunging tax revenue. This will be a disaster for the U.S. Empire....“…gas-production-has-begun/