Neues Video von M. Blaschzok
Silber könnte innerhalb von 10 Jahren auf 500 - 750 USD steigen.
Auf YouTube : ab Minute 31
17. Januar 2025, 23:33
Neues Video von M. Blaschzok
Silber könnte innerhalb von 10 Jahren auf 500 - 750 USD steigen.
Auf YouTube : ab Minute 31
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Silver Bull Markets Past & Future | Jeffrey Christian,
CPM Group
found by
04:01 the stimulativ activities for last year, will not appear this year
06:28 the explanation of the physical-inflows into the silver-ETF SLV…s-a-currency-manipulator/
im Kommentarbereich gefunden:
Although silver is extensively used in electronics, it is used in small quantities.
E.g. An Iphone uses only 2 grams of silver so it silver was at 100 dollars/ounce, the silver cost would be 6 dollars, not really material for a 1000 USD product.
Ein, wie ich finde, sehr gute Übersicht /Zusammenfassung zu Silberexplorern, Developern und Produzenten. Kopiert aus einem kanadischen Forum:
Best performers so far – $EXN Excellon $SCZ Santacruz have had the most upside ~torque lately as marginal producers that benefit the most from increase in metals pricing, but that may or may not continue) $BCM Bear Creek Mining had a nice initial move out of the May low, as an optionality play on a large Silver development project.— Typically $IPT Impact Silver has the best upside torque, and while it got off to a slower start this round, it has really started to move lately.>
Best odds of increasing #production – $USA Americas Silver has gold production coming online in 6 months from Relief Canyon to assist it’s overall PM metrics, alongside Silver/Lead/Zinc; $ASM Avino Silver and Gold has 4th circuit finally completed and will be adding throughput, and is getting closer to bringing on Bralorne in BC; $EXK Endeavour Silver has a 5th mine, Terronera, about to come online in the next year that will radically augment their production profile.
> Best cost profile $SVM Silvercorp has had this honor for years, and is still the lowest cost producer with base metals credits, $USAS Americas Silver second best cost profile due to their base metals credits and it will look even better once their Gold production starts, and lastly $MAG Mag Silver will have 3rd best costs if it ever gets into production>
Best #development plays – $AXU $AXR Alexco is my favorite high-grade near term producer; $BHS Bayhorse is expanding from development and trial mining into commercial production this year and very under-rated and under-followed; $SVB Silverbear is coming online into commercial production in Russian this year. Some would point out how $BCM Bear Creek has led the developers higher and has a wider following as a very large, lower grade optionality play on higher metals prices. Also, $SBB Sabina Gold & Silver is a very solid development-stage story, but I consider it mostly a Gold story so I don’t normally include it with the Silver stocks, but do own it, and feel it is a very likely takeover candidate for this bull run.>
Best #Exploration potential (very difficult to pick as is the nature of discovery) – $MMG Metallia Minerals [Alexco’s neighbors] has the best odds of finding new high-grade discoveries at the well-endowed Keno Hill; $IPT Impact Silver – has good Silver and Gold prospects and has regularly brough great exploration results to the market year after year; $SIL Silvercrest is leader in the pack for exploration with a number of truly bonanza grade drill results, but also has already moved very high in valuation as a result. It is the most likely silver explorer to get taken out).
Schönen Dienstag
2019 HiHo Silver Go
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wer es richtig Liebt zieht es sich 10min rein wie ich und beide wiedergaben gleichzeitig drücken
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Bei SIEBZEHN geht mal wieder ein Rit auf die 20 diese Woche
Angehört und mitgefeiert! Nun weiß ich auch schon, welchen tollen Film wir am Wochenende gucken werden.
und zu wenig gewürdigt - nur 1 Oscar für das Genie
Och, ich dachte der erklingt erst wieder bei >1 USD am Tag.
für die ganz harten 34min..................... Hans Zimmer-Silver
Och, ich dachte der erklingt erst wieder bei >1 USD am Tag.
schaf en wir heute auch noch
17,2126 $ | +4,65% | +0,7646 $ |
Drei weiße Soldaten bei Silber?
(Muahaaa wie rassistisch ist das heute?)…_three-white-soldiers.php
Wenn es klappt:
mein Ziel so um 21$ (+25%)
links 3 Soldaten: war gar nicht ideale Formation - danach ging es heftig hoch
rechts 3 Soldaten: schon fast ideale Formation
Dachte 140.-
Dachte 140.-
21$ war nur kurzfristig für "Drei weiße Soldaten"
Die andere Geschichte dauert länger...
Silver Moves Big, But Americans Don't See It... Silver Prices in OTHER Currencies!!
- Chart weekly silver
- 03:59 China will retaliate with tariffs
- 06:20 silver in australian Dollar
- 09:40 if you were Chinese and living in China
you would see the silver-price in Yuan as a bull market
and you as a Chinesee saw in the last two month, the silver-price in Yuan
went from 96 Yuan to 123 Yuan, do you qualify this as a bull-market
gold-price in chinese Yuan CNY
chart silver-price in China CNY