Der großartige Richard Daughty, über den wir uns früher öfter amüsierten, seit langer Zeit mal wieder mit einer seiner klugen wie bissigen Betrachtungen.
Über die desaströse Finanzpolitik der USA, die in vollständigem Desaster ende, kommt er zum Schluß zu den „gigantischen schreienden Gelegenheiten“ bei den Marktpreisen von Gold und Silber gerade dank der „verachtenswerten Marktmanipulationen“ :
„The fact is, there should be at least – AT LEAST!!! Like that!!! – three exclamation points to provide the necessary head-exploding, screaming, hysterical outrage emphasis that this kind of monstrously insane fiscal stimulus, using money-out-of-thin-air created by the evil Federal Reserve, so richly, richly deserves....
Alas, being a particularly gutless guy who knows with absolute certainty that this idiotic Keynesian economic experiment will end in complete disaster, and one who sees a Gigantic Screaming Bargain (GSB) in the market prices of gold and silver thanks to the despicable market manipulations, I’m reminded of the old adage “The race is not always won by the swiftest, nor the battle always won by the strongest, but that’s the way to bet.”
And, since the odds are in your favor, in a long series of bets, you will win! You will always win over the long run!..“