Auffallend die hohe Absenkung der AISC...
Ein Chartvergleich GPL vs EXK zeigt , wie angeschlagen GPR immer noch ist. Es besteht eine Menge Luft nach oben...
„Highlights of the second quarter 2016 compared to second quarter 2015, unless otherwise noted:
-- Metal production decreased 5% to 1,037,728 Ag eq oz;
-- Silver production decreased 17% to 536,726 silver ounces;
-- Gold production increased 13% to 6,010 gold ounces;
-- Cash cost decreased 74% to US$1.72 per payable silver ounce;
-- AISC decreased 43% to US$7.19 per payable silver ounce;
-- Revenue increased 33% to $25.6 million...
Notwithstanding the strong mine operating earnings, the Company reported a net loss of $1.7 million for the second quarter of 2016, mainly due to unrealized (non-cash) foreign exchange losses of $6.4 million on inter-company loans and advances by the Company to its Mexican subsidiaries and a $2.2 million (non-cash) impairment charge associated with the termination of the option agreement for the Coricancha project. Adjusted EBITDA increased by 134% to $9.8 million....“…cial-Results/default.aspx