Nein, @Intruder, auch Bryan Slucharchuk selbst schiebt auf CEO.CA das gewaltig an, was mit kaum einem besseren Wort als "Goldgräberstimmung" bezeichnet werden kann:
Thanks for all the nice comments today by phone, email, etc. This was a really amazing day and all credit goes to Rex Motton. Victoria is the hottest area of the world right now for high grade gold but Fosterville South is benefitting from the fact that we got (through Rex) a 3-4 year head start acquiring ground in the region (before the modern day gold rush going on now). First mover status has great advantage! The drill results today shocked a lot of people. We are drilling (core/diamond) at Golden Mountain and should have results starting soon. The small percussion machine drilling at surface was mainly operating to get a better understanding of structure. To discover a new zone of high grade gold near surface is all of a sudden challenging the way people think about this region (evidenced by the huge number of calls by geologists today wanting to talk about the results!). Have a great weekend everybody.....and congrats to shareholders for owning this early. We appreciate, of course, early support (as noted in our presentation materials) from large shareholders such as Eric Sprott and Ross Beaty but also are equally appreciative of all retail investors for believing in Rex's team (which I am fortunate to be a part of). It was a great day today, but my belief is the best days are yet to come! Bryan
Die letzten Entwicklungen könnten sich natürlich nur als Vorschusslorbeeren herausstellen. Aber: Man hat die Claims immerhin schlüssig konsolidiert, hat Großinvestoren an Bord, kontrolliert ein sehr großes, sicher aussichtsreiches Gebiet, hat die Bohrer angeworfen und erwartet in Kürze Ergebnisse. Dazu werden aktuell Shorts eingedeckt.
Alles Kurstreiber...