Uran -- Märkte und Informationen

  • Wobei das nicht gut für Uran-Investments ist, da aus diesen Mini-AKW keine zusätzliche Nachfrage entsteht, wenn lediglich Müll verwertet wird.
    In dieses Oklo müsste man investieren können, ist aber leider (noch) keine AG.


    von Dieser Art, ist "leider (noch) Keine AG", habe ich auch ein paar auf Dem Zettel.

    Manchmal werden es später Welche, manchmal nicht.

  • Manchmal werden es später Welche, manchmal nicht.

    Wo wir dabei sind: im Zusammenhang mit dem Dual-Fluid-Reaktor wurde in Kanada die Dual Fluid Energy Inc gegründet. Wobei ich nicht ganz durchblicke, wie die ihre Finanzierung sichern werden.

    Wenn sie in die Pötte kommen, dürfte das die "alternative" Reaktorlandschaft ziemlich umkrempeln.

  • Wo wir dabei sind: im Zusammenhang mit dem Dual-Fluid-Reaktor wurde in Kanada die Dual Fluid Energy Inc gegründet. Wobei ich nicht ganz durchblicke, wie die ihre Finanzierung sichern werden.
    Wenn sie in die Pötte kommen, dürfte das die "alternative" Reaktorlandschaft ziemlich umkrempeln.

    Tag Txl,

    Also zu "wie FInanzierung sichern", wie zu Der Gesamten Firma, kann ich Nichts sagen.

    Aber Meine Erfahrung grundsätzlich:

    Wenn Das/Was "Gute", Sinnvolle Projekte, "Ventures" sind, dann kommt Die Finanzierung IM REGELFALL AUCH, "einfach" wenn man so will.

    SoBALD "Geld auf Der Strasse" liegt, will es im Regelfall auch Wer aufheben.

    Frage, m.E., ist dann immer eher ob EIne Unternehmung sinnvoll/machbar ist, man "auch mit Geld verdienen" kann.

    Wie gesagt, in "nuclear Technology", Meine Wahl ist mit SILEX und LIGHTBRIDGE.
    Aber bin da "grds auch offen für Weiteres".
    NuScale Power würde mich z.B. auch interessieren, WENN DIe handelbar wären.

    DANKE auf jeden Fall für Hinweis auf Diese Firma !

  • h2 aus nuclear ist ein globaler trend... siehe auch das cad research paper dazu.

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  • ...heute offiziell beschlossen:

    Uranium Participation Announces Shareholder Approval of the Arrangement to Form the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust

    TORONTO, July 7, 2021 /CNW/ - Uranium Participation Corporation ("UPC") is pleased to announce that, at today's special meeting of the shareholders of UPC, shareholders approved the proposed plan of arrangement among UPC, the shareholders of UPC, Sprott Asset Management LP ("SAM LP"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sprott Inc. (NYSE/TSX: SII), Sprott Physical Uranium Trust (the "Trust"), a newly formed trust to be managed by SAM LP, and 2834819 Ontario Inc., a newly formed Ontario subsidiary of the Trust (the "Transaction")

    Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked, ‘Account overdrawn.’
    ("Atlas Shrugged", Ayn Rand)

  • ...heute offiziell beschlossen:

    Uranium Participation Announces Shareholder Approval of the Arrangement to Form the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust

    TORONTO, July 7, 2021 /CNW/ - Uranium Participation Corporation ("UPC") is pleased to announce that, at today's special meeting of the shareholders of UPC, shareholders approved the proposed plan of arrangement among UPC, the shareholders of UPC, Sprott Asset Management LP ("SAM LP"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sprott Inc. (NYSE/TSX: SII), Sprott Physical Uranium Trust (the "Trust"), a newly formed trust to be managed by SAM LP, and 2834819 Ontario Inc., a newly formed Ontario subsidiary of the Trust (the "Transaction")
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E5uGWNJXIAUsIgD?format=png&name=small]

  • den "The Nuclear Fuel Report: Expanded SummaryGlobal Scenarios for Demand and Supply Availability 2019-2040"
    kann ich leider als pdf nicht einstellen da 600 pfund und copyright. allerdings gibt es einen teil kostenfrei als pdf.


    auch wenn manches outdated ist, vllt für den ein oder anderen noch etwas interresantes dabei..

    bg bh

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  • Europe / Members Of EU Parliament Call On Commission To Include Nuclear In Green Taxonomy

    A group of 87 members of European Parliament (MEPs) signed a letter sent this morning to European commissioners calling on Brussels policy makers to include nuclear energy in the European Union’s sustainable finance taxonomy.

    The letter said that reports by the EU’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and two other expert groups “with expertise in environmental science” have shown that nuclear qualified as sustainable and does no more harm to human health or to the environment than other energy production sources already included in the bloc’s taxonomy.

    The sustainable finance taxonomy is a package of regulations that governs investment in activities that the EU says are environmentally friendly.
    “If we, and the EU as a whole, are serious about facing the climate crisis with powerful tools, then we cannot reasonably discriminate against any fossil-free technology with as much potential as nuclear power objectively has”, said the letter.
    According to the MEPs, “there are obvious political wills from member states without nuclear power or with nuclear power currently being phased out” – referring to a group of anti-nuclear countries led by Germany – “to persuade the European Commission to ignore scientific conclusions and actively oppose nuclear power”.
    “We urge the Commission to be brave enough to disregard these calls and to choose the path that their scientific experts have now advised them to take, namely to include nuclear power in the taxonomy”, the MEPs said.
    The letter was organised by Swedish MEP Sara Skyttedal, member of the Swedish Christian Democrats and the European People’s Party, and signed by MEPs from 18 countries and across the political spectrum.
    The EC decided not to include nuclear energy in the sustainable finance taxonomy, which entered into force last summer, and said it would include it under a complementary delegated act in 2021. The act would carry the technical screening criteria for determining the conditions under which nuclear could qualify as contributing to sustainability and climate change mitigation.
    The Commission first asked the JRC, its scientific expert arm, to assess nuclear power against the taxonomy’s “do no significant harm” criteria. When the report was ready in April, the EC asked two other expert groups – the Euratom Article 31 expert group on radiation protection and the scientific committee on health, environmental and emerging risks (SCHEER) – to review the JRC’s report and provide additional opinions on the matter.
    The EC said it would now need to take into account the three reports – by JRC, Article 31 group, and SCHEER – to make its decision about the inclusion of nuclear in the delegated acts to the taxonomy regulation.
    Earlier this month, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg, and Spain sent a letter to the Commissionexpressing their opposition to the possibility to include nuclear power in the taxonomy, voicing criticism of the JRC report.


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  • Mihama-3 ist nun der 10 japanische reaktor der wieder, wie angekündigt, hochgefahren wurde! dazu mit statement "Unit could become first in country to operate beyond 40 years".

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  • Advanced Reactors: Turning the Corner

    The next generation of nuclear reactors, collectively called “advanced reactors,” are making substantial progress towards commercialization and are poised to offer new tools to provide clean energy. These advanced reactors are an evolution of either today’s dominant reactor technology, light water reactors (LWRs), or non-LWR designs that have operated on an experimental and limited commercial basis since the 1960s but were never widely deployed.1
    Today is a watershed moment in the advanced reactor space, with more than 30 commercial scale demonstrations of different designs in progress across the globe. These designs cut across technologies, sizes, and target applications. The timelines for these projects show that advanced nuclear energy can be operational in time to address the climate challenge, with commercial demonstrations in the 2020s, and then cost-reduction and large-scale rollout in the 2030s. These reactors are designed for mass production and to reduce construction risk through modularity, simplification of design, and a high-level of manufactured content. With shorter construction timeframes and lower construction risk, advanced reactors could quickly achieve cost reductions through technological learning.
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploa…ced%20Reactor%20Table.png]
    The interactive map below shows the technology types, locations, and estimated completion dates of projects underway globally. Details can also be viewed in this chart.
    United States
    Last year marked monumental progress for advanced reactors across the United States. In May 2020, the Department of Energy (DOE) launched its Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) which as of FY2021 has awarded $480 million in appropriated funding for advanced reactor projects. The program has three different development and demonstration pathways:

    The Advanced Reactor Concepts 2020 (ARC 20) awards are an additional pathway supported by DOE to advance designs with potential to commercialize in the mid-2030s. The awardees are ARC Clean Energy which is developing a seismically isolated advanced sodium-cooled reactor; General Atomics for its 50 MWe fast modular reactor conceptual design; and a Massachusetts Institute of Technology group working on a horizontal HTGR concept. DOE is expected to invest $56 million over four years.
    Congress also passed the Energy Act of 2020, tucked in the end-of-year omnibus bill, which included a monumental $6.6 billion in authorized funding for advanced nuclear energy. The bill authorized not only ARDP funding for the next five years, but also a program to support the commercial availability of domestic High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU), which is used in the composition of fuel for most advanced reactors and is necessary for large-scale deployment. Furthermore, the Energy Act of 2020 authorized programs focused on nuclear integrated energy systems, which are important to demonstrate nuclear technologies for non-electric applications such as hydrogen production, process heat, or desalination. While Congress will still need to appropriate funds toward these programs, the authorizations provide useful direction for DOE and a strong signal that advanced reactors are a bipartisan priority on Capitol Hill.
    Key elements of the funding authorized for advanced nuclear in the Energy Act of 2020 are summarized below:
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploa…ear%20Funding%20Table.png]
    So far, multiple ARDP awardees have announced demonstration sites in Richland, Washington; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; at a retiring coal plant in Wyoming; and at the Idaho National Laboratory.
    In parallel to commercial demonstrations, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is pursuing Project Pele, which has the objective to design, build, and demonstrate a prototype mobile nuclear reactor by 2024. In March 2021, DoD announced it had selected BWX Technologies, Inc. and X-energy to complete the final design for their mobile nuclear reactor prototypes. After completing their final design in 2022, DoD may select one company to build their prototype and anticipates full power testing of the reactor by the end of 2023, and outdoor mobile testing at a DOE installation in 2024.
    There were also significant advanced reactor licensing milestones in 2020. NuScale is working with the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) on the Carbon Free Power Project (CFPP) and received the first design certification for a small modular reactor (SMR) from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in August 2020. The CFPP will be located at the Idaho National Lab (INL) and is expected to start operation in 2029. In 2020, DOE awarded up to $1.4 billion to support development of the project.
    Oklo also submitted the first combined license application for an advanced reactor to the NRC. Oklo’s Aurora Powerhouse, a microreactor non-LWR design, is also to be constructed at the INL site and is expected to come online between 2023 and 2025.

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  • Canada
    In December 2020, the Government of Canada, together with key stakeholders across the country, launched Canada’s SMR Action Plan. The Action Plan builds on the 2018 SMR Roadmap effort led by the Department of Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) and was informed through engagement with Canadian territories, provinces, indigenous peoples and communities, utilities, vendors, and national laboratories. Canada’s SMR Action Plan puts forth over 50 recommendations in areas key to SMR development, demonstration, and deployment and seeks to establish concrete targets based on stakeholder concerns.
    Canada’s first advanced reactor project is Global First Power’s 15 MWt commercial demonstration of the Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation Micro Modular Reactor, an HTGR microreactor at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ (CNL) Chalk River site. The project is part of CNL’s program for the construction and operation of SMRs at CNL-managed sites, with four companies engaged in various stages of that program. The lead developer, Global First Power, is a joint venture between Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and developer Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation. Global First Power has engaged in licensing and environmental assessment processes with commercial deployment planned in 2025.
    OPG is also seeking to build a grid-size SMR at its Darlington site for which it already holds a Site Preparation License, granted by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). OPG is advancing engineering and design work with three developers: the GE-Hitachi BWRX-300, the Terrestrial Energy iMSR, and the X-energy Xe-100. OPG aims for connecting the first unit to the grid as early as 2028.
    New Brunswick Power (NBP) is another Canadian utility seeking to advance a new generation of reactors. NBP is working with two developers – Moltex and ARC Nuclear Canada Inc. – to license and construct advanced reactors at its Point Lepreau site by the late 2020s.
    In the province of Manitoba, the remote community of Pinawa has agreed to demonstrate the benefits of SMRs to an off-grid community and/or mining organization. Pinawa hosts the CNL-managed Whiteshell Laboratories, a nuclear research and development site that is currently being decommissioned.
    United Kingdom
    In the UK, advanced nuclear was included in the Prime Minister’s ten point plan for a green industrial revolution released in November 2020. Specifically, the UK Government will invest £215 million (~$300 million) into SMRs through the Low Cost Nuclear (LCN) program from 2021 onwards. The investment will be made into the UK SMR design, a 440 MWe modular Pressurized Water Reactor designed with factory-manufactured components that will be transported to site for assembly and installation. The design is being developed and deployed by the UK SMR consortium, which is led by Rolls Royce and includes Assystem, Atkins, BAM Nuttall, Jacobs, Laing O’Rourke, the National Nuclear Laboratory, the Nuclear AMRC, and TWI.
    In December 2019, the Akademik Lomonosov, the world’s first floating commercial SMR, was connected to the grid. The two 35 MWe KLT-40C reactors aboard are based on technology used on Russian icebreakers and are supplying power to the remote Chaun-Bilibino network in Russia’s Far East. Rosatom announced in December 2020 that the first commercial RITM-200 50 MWe reactor, an evolution of the KLC-40C and currently used in Russia’s newest icebreakers, will be constructed in the Republic of Sakha (also known as Yakutia) in Siberia. Site work will begin this year and operation is targeted for 2028.
    Russia also has significant experience with fast reactor deployment, with two operating commercial scale fast reactors at Beloyarsk NPP ‒ the BN-600 sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor (in operation since 1980) and the BN-800 with a different fuel composition (in operation since 2016). Rosatom increasingly sees fast reactors as the future of the Russian nuclear industry with one of its key priorities being the Proryv (Breakthrough) project, which seeks to demonstrate a closed fuel cycle with improved uranium efficiency and reduced waste accumulation.
    A key component of the Proryv project is the MBIR, a 150 MWt multi-loop sodium-cooled fast reactor capable of testing lead, lead-bismuth, and gas coolants that will run on mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel. The reactor is under construction at the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (RIAR) site in Dimitrovgrad and is scheduled for operation in late 2021. RIAR will construct a pyrochemical reprocessing facility at the same site to close the fuel cycle, and the overall project aligns with the International Atomic Energy Agency's International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles and will be open to foreign collaboration.
    Another component of the Proryv project is the BREST OD-300, a fast neutron lead-cooled reactor sited in Seversk, Tomsk region. Site preparation work began in 2020, and the reactor is scheduled to come online in 2026.
    Finally, the SVBR-100, a lead-bismuth reactor design based on reactors that were used on Russian submarines, is planned for demonstration at the Dimitrovgrad site. AKME-engineering, a 50/50 joint venture between Rosatom and Siberian energy company Irkutskenergo, obtained a site license for the project.

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  • China
    The speedy development of fourth generation reactors has been a key part of China’s last two five-year plans and is likely to remain a top strategic priority.
    China’s progress in demonstrating advanced reactor technologies is best marked by the HTR-PM, featuring two 100 MWe high temperature pebble bed reactors under construction at the Shidao Bay NPP. The HTR-PM began hot functional testing in January 2021 and is scheduled to come online later in 2021. The plant is a scaled-up version of the HTR-10, a 10 MWt prototype reactor at Tsinghua University which has been in operation since 2003. Eighteen additional HTR-PM units are proposed for the Shidao Bay site. China is also proposing a scaled-up version of the plant, the HTR-PM600, with a single large turbine rated at 650 MWe driven by six HTR-PM reactor units.
    China is also in the process of demonstrating small LWRs and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is building the ACP-100, a 125 MWe SMR, at the Changjiang NPP which is targeted for operation in 2026. The ACP-100 is designed for a variety of applications such as thermal unit replacement, urban district heating, marine applications, and on military bases. The 200 MWe NHR-II is another LWR SMR in development and is being sited in the Hebei province in northern China to provide district heating as well as industrial steam.
    Finally, CNNC is constructing the Xiapu fast reactor demonstration project in the Fujian province. The two-reactor project is comprised of CFP-600 sodium-cooled pool-type fast neutron reactors, with operations planned for 2023-2025. Research conducted at these reactors aims to support China’s plan to achieve a closed nuclear fuel cycle.
    Argentina has previously exported research reactors to Australia, Peru, Algeria, and Egypt and is leveraging those successes to demonstrate and commercialize an SMR. The CAREM-25 is a small PWR that is under construction at the Atucha Nuclear Power Plant with operation planned for 2024. The reactor is intended to be a prototype with scaled-up units targeted for export.
    In 2019, Ukraine’s national nuclear operator, NAEK Energoatom, Ukraine’s State Scientific and Technology Center (SSTC), and Holtec International entered into a consortium partnership to deploy Holtec’s SMR-160 in Ukraine and establish a manufacturing hub for the modules in the country. Six SMR-160 units are planned to be operational by 2030 at the country’s Rivne nuclear site and Energoatom is considering deploying additional SMR-160 units to complement renewables. Holtec has a long-standing relationship with Energoatom; the company has worked since 2005 to design, license, construct, and commission a central spent fuel storage facility in Ukraine and also provides spent fuel storage and transportation services to Energoatom.
    Saudi Arabia
    The use of SMRs for power, desalination, and thermal applications is part of the Saudi National Atomic Energy Project (SNAEP), approved by the government in 2017. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (K.A.CARE) has focused on two technologies, the Korean 100 MWe SMART reactor, an integral-type LWR, and the Chinese HTGR. Saudi Arabia is looking to not only build SMRs in the Kingdom, but also to own the IP for the technologies for export to the global market. K.A.CARE and its potential Korean partners have cooperated since 2015 on the SMART reactor and in 2019, an organization led by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) completed engineering works and produced a Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) for the design. In 2020, K.A.CARE and South Korea’s Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) signed a contract to establish a joint entity to commercialize and construct the SMART in Saudi Arabia, with the first unit planned for 2026.
    With multiple countries considering nuclear reactors as a method of providing low-carbon energy, it is important to understand the broader global landscape of advanced reactor development. End-user countries will be interested in the suite of technologies that can address their specific needs, and supplier countries that can provide a competitive product will have a significant market advantage. Specifically for the U.S., it is important to note that advanced reactor RD&D efforts are not occurring in a vacuum, and that progress in advanced reactor development in other countries should elicit commensurate increases in funding, policy support, and programs that have facilitated significant achievements by the American advanced nuclear industry so far.


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  • Press release14 July 2021Brussels
    European Green Deal: Commission proposes transformation of EU economy and society to meet climate ambitions



    Nuclear answers the open questions of Fit for 55, says Foratom

    Foratom has welcomed the European Commission's proposed Fit for 55 to make the EU's climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies 'fit' for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, but says the target leaves open key questions. How will be this transition financed? Will we have enough low-carbon energy to meet our needs? How can we ensure that industries are able to decarbonise their manufacturing processes whilst remaining competitive? And how can we mitigate potential social impacts (e.g. job losses and energy poverty)?

    Unveiling the package of proposals yesterday, the Commission said achieving these emission reductions in the next decade is crucial to Europe becoming the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and making the European Green Deal a reality. The proposals represent the legislative tools to deliver on the targets agreed in the European Climate Law and fundamentally transform the EU economy and society for "a fair, green and prosperous future".
    Foratom says it "fully supports" all proposals which aim to reduce CO2 emissions in line with the Climate Law and Paris Agreement, adding that "the bar has been set very high" as it will apply to a broad range of sectors including industry, buildings and transport.
    Yves Desbazeille, Foratom Director General said: "Achieving this target will not be easy - many aspects need to be taken into consideration to ensure that, in the race to decarbonisation, other problems do not arise."
    Together with other low-carbon technologies, nuclear power has an important role to play in this transition, he added. "Nuclear is also affordable and available 24/7, which are two key attributes when it comes to finding competitive solutions for energy-intensive industries in Europe."
    Foratom said the nuclear sector "remains committed" to working with the EU and supporting technology neutral policies which will help achieve the clean energy goals. Foratom highlighted the finding of the recent International Energy Agency and OECD Nuclear Energy Agency joint report - Projected Costs of Generating Electricity 2020 - that the long-term operation of nuclear power plants remains the cheapest source of electricity "across the board". Therefore, prolonging the existing fleet of nuclear power units would be the best way of achieving the 2030 targets in an affordable manner, it added.
    The proposals are "connected and complementary", the Commission said, and include, among others, a new 'carbon border adjustment mechanism', a lower overall emission cap in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, and 'effort sharing regulation' that assigns strengthened emissions reduction targets to each Member State.
    President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said: "The fossil fuel economy has reached its limits. We want to leave the next generation a healthy planet as well as good jobs and growth that does not hurt our nature. The European Green Deal is our growth strategy that is moving towards a decarbonised economy. Europe was the first continent to declare to be climate neutral in 2050, and now we are the very first ones to put a concrete roadmap on the table. Europe walks the talk on climate policies through innovation, investment and social compensation."


    Unlocking the UK’s Nuclear Hydrogen Economy to Support Net Zero:A Cross-Sector Action Plan for Considerationby the Nuclear Industry Council


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  • UK / Government ‘Close To Finalising Legislation’ For New Nuclear Financing Model

    Ministers in the UK are in the process of drawing up legislation that will allow the construction of two EPR units at Sizewell C nuclear power station in Suffolk, southeast England through the use of a regulated asset base (RAB) financing scheme, the Financial Times reported.

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    An Egyptian official said the country plans to build “several nuclear plants in various regions” as it looks for ways of generating reliable baseload power to meet development and economic needs.

    Hesham Hegazy, head of the nuclear fuel sector at the Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA), said the country is seeking to have a nuclear share of 8% by 2030. He made the comments during a panel discussion held by Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom on the role of nuclear energy in sustainable development.

    Rosatom is helping Egypt build four Generation III+ VVER-1200 reactors at the El Dabaa nuclear site, about 300 km northwest of the capital Cairo on the Mediterranean coast.
    El Dabaa will be Egypt’s first commercial nuclear facility. The first unit is scheduled to begin commercial operation in 2026.
    Russia has agreed to lend Egypt $25bn for the construction of the project, earlier reports said, adding that 85% of the project will be financed through a Russian loan with an interest rate of 3%.

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