B2Gold / BTO:TSX

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    Anglogold, Silvercrest, Silvercorp.

    Bilden zusammen mit BTG und First Majestic den EM (Produzenten)-Anteil eines Depots, dass ich glücklicherweise tatsächlich erst im Laufe diesen Jahres zusammengekauft habe.

    Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked, ‘Account overdrawn.’
    ("Atlas Shrugged", Ayn Rand)

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  • B2Gold Reports Q1 2024 Results; Cash Operating Costs and All-In Sustaining Costs Below 2024 Annual Guidance Ranges; Update on Goose Project Following Successful Completion of 2024 Winter Ice Road Campaign, by @GlobeNewswire
    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) (“B2Gold” or the…

    2024 First Quarter Highlights

    • Total gold production of 225,716 ounces in Q1 2024, in-line with expectations: Total gold production in the first quarter of 2024 was 225,716 ounces, including 11,377 ounces of attributable production from Calibre Mining Corp. (“Calibre”). All three B2Gold operations were in-line with expectations and the Company is on track to meet its consolidated annual production guidance range.
    • Total consolidated cash operating costs of $734 per gold ounce produced in Q1 2024: Total consolidated cash operating costs (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) (including estimated attributable results for Calibre) of $734 per gold ounce produced during the first quarter of 2024 with consolidated cash operating costs from the Company’s three operating mines of $718 per gold ounce produced.
    • Total consolidated all-in sustaining costs of $1,345 per gold ounce sold in Q1 2024: Total consolidated all-in sustaining costs (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) (including estimated attributable results for Calibre) of $1,345 per gold ounce sold with consolidated all-in sustaining costs from the Company’s three operating mines of $1,346 per gold ounce sold.
    • Attributable net income of $0.03 per share; Adjusted attributable net income of $0.06 per share in Q1 2024: Net income attributable to the shareholders of the Company in the first quarter of 2024 of $40 million ($0.03 per share); adjusted net income (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) attributable to the shareholders of the Company of $82 million ($0.06 per share).
    • Operating cash flow before working capital adjustments of $200 million in Q1 2024: Cash flow provided by operating activities before working capital adjustments and proceeds from prepaids financing was $200 million in the first quarter of 2024.
    • Strong financial position and liquidity: At March 31, 2024, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $568 million and working capital (defined as current assets less assets classified as held for sale and current liabilities) of $629 million.
    • Q2 2024 dividend of $0.04 per share declared: On May 7, 2024, B2Gold's Board of Directors declared a cash dividend for the second quarter of 2024 of $0.04 per common share (or an expected $0.16 per share on an annualized basis), payable on June 24, 2024, to shareholders of record as of June 11, 2024. As of March 31, 2024, the expected annual dividend rate represented an approximate 6.1% yield.
    • Goose Project 2024 winter ice road campaign successfully completed: Subsequent to quarter end, B2Gold successfully completed the 2024 winter ice road (“WIR”) campaign. Construction of the 162 kilometer (“km”) WIR began in December 2023 and the 2024 WIR campaign commenced in the first quarter of 2024. The 2024 WIR campaign was successfully completed on April 30, 2024, delivering all necessary materials from the Marine Laydown Area (“MLA”) to complete the construction of the Goose Project. Materials trucked from the MLA to the Goose Project site during the 2024 WIR campaign exceeded 2,100 total loads and included 400 loads of diesel fuel.
    • Goose Project mill construction remains on schedule: The mill construction remains on schedule with work ongoing on various facilities related to concrete, steel erection and building cladding. Additionally, installation of the ball mill continues to progress ahead of schedule with the installation of all shell sections, feed/discharge heads, trunnion, pinion and bearings having been completed.
    • Development of the open pit and underground is slightly behind schedule at the Goose Project; first gold production now expected in Q2 2025: Development of the open pit and underground is slightly behind schedule due to equipment availability (commissioning and availability of the open pit equipment), adverse weather conditions and prioritization of critical path construction activities. The current schedule indicates that an additional three months of mining must be added to the schedule to ensure that the Umwelt open pit, underground development, and crown pillar activities align and that there is sufficient tailings storage capacity in the Echo open pit. With the schedule change, the mill is now scheduled to produce first gold in the second quarter of 2025 with ramp up to full production in the third quarter of 2025 (one quarter later than previous estimates). As a result of the updated mining schedule, the Company now estimates that gold production in calendar year 2025 will be between 120,000 ounces and 150,000 ounces (previously estimated to be between 220,000 ounces and 260,000 ounces). The reduction in estimated gold production in 2025 is predominantly due to the deferral of an anticipated 100,000 ounces of quarterly gold production from the fourth quarter of 2025 into the first quarter of 2026. Importantly, the updated mining schedule does not impact the total number of gold ounces the Company expects to produce over the life of mine of the Goose Project. The updated production profile has resulted in the Company now estimating that average annual gold production from 2026 to 2030 will increase to be in excess of 310,000 ounces per year (previously estimated at 300,000 ounces per year).
    • Positive exploration results from the Antelope deposit at the Otjikoto Mine in Namibia indicate potential for possible underground development: On January 31, 2024, the Company announced positive exploration drilling results from the Antelope deposit, located approximately three km south of the Otjikoto open pit. The Antelope deposit has the potential to be developed as an underground mining operation, which could complement the expected processing of low-grade stockpiles at the Otjikoto mill from 2026 through 2031.
    • Fekola Complex technical report outlined the trucking of ore as the optimal option to maximize the value of Fekola Regional: The Fekola Complex technical report filed on March 14, 2024, outlined the trucking of ore from the Anaconda Area to be toll milled by the Fekola mill as the optimal option to maximize the value of Fekola Regional, and to extend the processing life of the Fekola mill. Trucking of selective higher-grade material from Fekola Regional to the Fekola mill will increase the ore processed and has the potential to generate approximately 80,000 to 100,000 ounces of initial gold production per year from Fekola Regional sources. Importantly, the haul road from Fekola Regional to the Fekola Mine is operational as construction of the haul roads and mining infrastructure (warehouse, workshop, fuel depot and offices) was completed on schedule in 2023.
    • Updated Gramalote Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) on track for Q2 2024: B2Gold's in-house projects team is progressing work on various smaller scale project development plans for the Gramalote Project, with the goal of identifying a higher-return project than the previously contemplated joint venture development plan. B2Gold has completed a detailed review of the Gramalote Project, including the facility size and location, power supply, mining and processing options, tailings design, resettlement, potential construction sequencing and camp design to identify potential cost savings to develop a smaller scale project. The results of the review allowed the Company to determine the optimal parameters and assumptions for a formal study, which commenced in the fourth quarter of 2023, with a PEA expected to be complete by the end of the second quarter of 2024.
    • Received an upfront payment of $500 million, to further enhance financial flexibility and provide additional cash liquidity: In January 2024, B2Gold entered into a series of prepaid gold sales (the “Gold Prepay”) with a number of existing lenders to further enhance financial flexibility and provide additional cash liquidity at attractive terms as the Company continues to fund sustaining, development and growth projects across the operating portfolio, and increase financial capacity for potential growth projects in Namibia and Colombia.
  • Und welche noch? Danke.

    Trotz, dass sie schon gut gelaufen sind, wäre CXB.TO dabei. Wenn sie den Marathon Asset zum Laufen bringen, dürfte das zu einer kompletten Neubewertung führen. Btw. m.E. eines der besten Managementteams im Minensektor.

  • Summary

    B2Gold's Q1 results came in as expected and actually slightly better than my expectations, with the one negative being that Goose has been pushed out by a quarter, which has a significant impact on FY2025 cash flow and free cash flow estimates. However, this is only a one quarter push, does not affect its net asset value in any material way and I continue to see a fair value for B2Gold of US$4.60, pointing to ~80% upside from current levels or ~86% on a total return basis with its industry-leading dividend yield.

    For value investors willing to be contrarian, B2Gold is now at its most attractive valuation since I highlighted the stock as a steal in Q1 2016 at US$1.30 per share, yet it has a much stronger portfolio, has added its first Tier-1 jurisdiction asset that should help to expand its multiple, and it's a far more de-risked story today. This is because Fekola is in production and optimized, it has a stronger pipeline with full ownership of Gramalote which it took for a song from AngloGold (AU) and if optimized, Goose could potentially be closer to a 400,000 ounce per annum asset with a second mill vs. the ~310,000 ounce per annum asset envisioned in its first five years today.

    In summary, I see this weakness in the stock truly being a gift and I would gladly add to my already overweight position if we see further weakness.


  • Ich persönlich kaufe solche Gold(Silber)produzenten nicht, deren Aktien-Kurse nicht mit den gestiegenen Gold(Silber)preisen mithalten bzw. outperformen können.

    Vllt. kann man diese am Ende der zyklischen Aufwärtsbewegung als Nachzykler eintauschen, wenn bei den Hyflyern zum Schluß eine art Erschöpfung einsetzen sollte und Aktienrotationen modern


    unten sei am Beispiel von Kinross/blau gezeigt, wie B2Gold/gelb als ebenfalls GROßER hinterherhinkt :

    07.06.2024 in EUR
     [Blockierte Grafik: https://charts.comdirect.de/charts/rebrush/design_big.chart?AVGTYPE=simple&AXIS_SCALE=lin&DATA_SCALE=rel&HEIGHT=655&LCOLORS=5F696E+147de6&LNOTATIONS=32217091+10884159&SHOWHL=1&TIME_SPAN=5Y&TO=1717791983&TYPE=MOUNTAIN&WIDTH=645&WITH_EARNINGS=1]

    selbst Barrick /gelb sieht da nicht gut aus :

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://charts.comdirect.de/charts/rebrush/design_big.chart?AVGTYPE=simple&AXIS_SCALE=lin&DATA_SCALE=rel&HEIGHT=655&LCOLORS=5F696E+147de6&LNOTATIONS=9385796+10884159&SHOWHL=1&TIME_SPAN=5Y&TO=1717791983&TYPE=MOUNTAIN&WIDTH=645&WITH_EARNINGS=1]

    anders sieht es z.B. bei K 92/gelb aus, obwohl sie erst 1 Jahr später die Kurve gekriegt haben :

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://charts.comdirect.de/charts/rebrush/design_big.chart?AVGTYPE=simple&AXIS_SCALE=lin&DATA_SCALE=rel&HEIGHT=655&LCOLORS=5F696E+147de6&LNOTATIONS=162547234+10884159&SHOWHL=1&TIME_SPAN=5Y&TO=1717791994&TYPE=MOUNTAIN&WIDTH=645&WITH_EARNINGS=1]

    Gold’s value is not determined by world events, political turmoil, or industrial demand. The only thing that you need to know in order to understand and appreciate gold for what it is, is to know and understand what is happening to the US dollar.
    Kelsey's Gold Facts

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Caldera ()

  • der Kursverlauf ist weiterhin sehr enttäuschend....ich war schon 2x drin in den letzten paar Jahren, insb weil die im Vergleich hohe Dividende lockt (von der aber dank kanadischer QSt eh nicht viel übrig bleibt) und bin mach kurzer Zeit enttäuscht wieder raus. Jetzt überlege ich nen dritten Versuch...um dann vermutlich im Herbst wieder enttäuscht auszusteigen...😂

  • silberkunta ,

    nimm immer die Outperformer, denn es gibt gute Gründe, warum sie (die B2Gold`s ) von den Anlegern gemieden werden ! Auch wenn wir manchmal nicht gleich dahinterkommen..., die

    Aktienkursentwicklung enthält auch DIE Informationen, die wir noch nicht kennen.

    Seit Herbst 2020 stimmt da etwas nicht mehr mit B2Gold (siehe Vergleich mit Gold/blau):

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://charts.comdirect.de/charts/rebrush/design_big.chart?AVGTYPE=simple&AXIS_SCALE=lin&DATA_SCALE=rel&FROM=1601503200&HEIGHT=655&LCOLORS=5F696E+147de6&LNOTATIONS=32217091+1326189&SHOWHL=1&TIME_SPAN=range&TO=1718834399&TYPE=MOUNTAIN&WIDTH=645&WITH_EARNINGS=1]

    Wir meinen, ein Schnäppchen zu machen.....wie im Supermarkt beim billigen Obst..., dann merken

    wir es auch erst nach dem Kauf beim Hineinbeißen.... :)

    Gold’s value is not determined by world events, political turmoil, or industrial demand. The only thing that you need to know in order to understand and appreciate gold for what it is, is to know and understand what is happening to the US dollar.
    Kelsey's Gold Facts

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Caldera ()

  • Das kommt nicht gut an.



    • Attributable net loss of $0.02 per share; adjusted attributable net income of $0.06 per share: Net loss attributable to the shareholders of the Company in the second quarter of 2024 of $24 million ($0.02 per share), primarily the result of a non-cash impairment of the Fekola Complex; adjusted net income (see “Non-IFRS Measures”) attributable to the shareholders of the Company of $78 million ($0.06 per share).

    B2Gold Reports Q2 2024 Results and Updated 2024 Guidance
    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) (“B2Gold” or the “Company”)...

    Ich habe eine erste Position gekauft.

    Gruß, Jones

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