Leute, ich kriege Angst, so schnell geht das gerade.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.tradingview.com/x/bKI8aKYM/]
3. Februar 2025, 15:55
Leute, ich kriege Angst, so schnell geht das gerade.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.tradingview.com/x/bKI8aKYM/]
bin heute früh über zwei virtualisierungen gestolpert, eine möchte ich hier einstellen.
wohin gehen chinas ree exporte / top 5 bestimmungsorte
[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Tracking-Chinas-Rare-Earth-Exports-2-1.jpg]
bg bh
Ich hoffe Ihr seid mittlerweile in Northern Uranium investiert. Der Kurs ist ja schon angesprungrn in den letzten Tagen. Wenn alles klappt wir hier der erste schwere westliche REE Produzent entstehen. Aktuell sieht es gut aus.
Ich kann in Kanada nicht kaufen.
Der Handel ist beschränkt auf Closing-Only-Transaktionen !
Weiss jemand warum ?
Den Wert kaufst Du an der Heimatbörse ASX in Australien oder in Deutschland.
ASX für 10 euro bei cape Trader und Degiro. Von den Kosten bezüglich ASX mehr oder weniger gleich.
Desweiteren gibt es hier Infos zum Scandiummarkt und zu Scandium International
Rio Tinto hat jetzt eine erste Kleine Plant in Canada aufgebaut um Scandium zu Produzieren. Es sind Kleinstmengen.
BNP Pariba zum REE Markt
Hier geht es um den Graphite Markt
und das derAnteil in den Lithiumbatterien viel höher ist. Laut Artikel 10 mal so hoch wie der Lithiumbedarf. Allerdings gibt es ja noch die Feststoffbaterrien und Batterien mit Vanadium. Was sich am Ende wirklich durchsetzten wird weiß ich nicht.
Roskill - Rare earths: Neo Performance Materials and Energy Fuels announce USA-European production initiative
ZitatThe joint announcement made by Energy Fuels (EF) and Neo Performance Materials (NEO.TO), on 1 March 2021, outlined details of a new production initiative between the USA and Europe. EF will process monazite sands at their White Mesa facility in Utah, extracting uranium and producing a mixed rare earth carbonate product, before shipping it to Estonia, where Neo will undertake RE separation. Details surrounding the subsequent production of a RE metal/alloy or RE magnet master alloy are not disclosed in the announcement. Production of EF’s rare earth carbonate product is scheduled to begin in March or April 2021.
Following a sales agreement, announced in December 2020, USA based chemical supplier, Chemours (CC) is to supply EF with 2,500tpy monazite sand for processing to a mixed RE compound. Neo expects to purchase and process a minimum of 840tpy TREO from EF, representing approximately 80% of EF’s production from the current supplies. EF also announced plans to expand processing capacity to 15,000tpy and are investigating the possibility of establishing a rare earth separation facility either at the White Mesa facility, or nearby. Implementation of this new production initiative is subject to the successful execution of pilot-scale operations, finalising definitive agreements and further process optimisation.
Investitionen in Seltene Erden sind nichts für schwache Nerven
Ein kleiner Abriss über die jetzige Situation,
Gruss RS
[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.tradingview.com/x/pF5GPXFa/]
Ich hoffe Ihr seid mittlerweile in Northern Uranium investiert. Der Kurs ist ja schon angesprungrn in den letzten Tagen. Wenn alles klappt wir hier der erste schwere westliche REE Produzent entstehen. Aktuell sieht es gut aus.
Hallo @Alfons07,
bist du noch investiert in den Wert und kannst du was zu dem Wert sagen?
LG Mio
warum nicht[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.tradingview.com/x/RtcLnQhc/]
Northern Minerals
ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 13 September 2021
Ore sorter system commissioned and tested on Wolverine and Banshee
• Bulk sample test completed on 4,479 tonnes of ore from Wolverine, the largest orebody at Browns Range
• Tests results show a 45% grade increase to the mill and over 95% TREO recovery when feeding a 0.9% TREO Wolverine ore to the ore sorter circuit.
• Bulks sample tests have highlighted additional key factors to consider for ore sorting that are not apparent from small scale tests.
• Initial ore sorting tests on Banshee material shows amenability to sorting, with further testwork planned.
• Effective sorting of the lower grade Banshee material has potential to increase the Browns Range Mineral Ore Reserve estimate
Australian heavy rare earths producer, Northern Minerals Limited (ASX: NTU) (the Company) is pleased to announce that it has progressed its ore sorting project enhancement initiative with the commissioning and testing of the sorter system and is now producing ore sorted material and converting this to a 30% TREO concentrate in its’ Browns Range beneficiation plant. Northern Minerals’ CEO, Mark Tory, said “The construction, commissioning and testing of the ore
sorter circuit marks another milestone in the development of the Browns Range Project. “The positive bulk sample tests confirm the effectiveness of the ore sorting circuit on the Wolverine ore to significantly increase the head grade to the mill which is expected to result in higher production rates and lower operating costs for a full scale operation at Browns Range. “It’s also pleasing to see the initial ore sorting tests the Banshee ore showing promise which, if shown
to be effective in future tests, has potential to significantly increase the Browns Range Mineral Resource Estimate.
“Being able to test and operate the ore sorting circuit in conjunction with the pilot beneficiation plant is providing extremely valuable data that you just can’t get from small bench scale tests and this will feed into our feasibility study for a potential commercial scale heavy rare earth operation at Browns Range”.
The ore sorter system was constructed during 2020 and 2021 and commissioned in June 2021.The sorter that was installed is a 2m wide Steinert sorter that uses X-ray Transmission (XRT) and laser detectors to identify rare earth mineralisation. The sorter has been run over two test campaigns which included 41 test runs processing 5,300 tonnes of ore from the ROM stockpiles largely coming from Wolverine ore, and 5 test runs on Banshee ore that was bulk sampled from a surface costean that provided 285 tonnes of Banshee ore.
China consolidates rare earth entities into new super miner
China has merged three of its rare earth entities into one giant company, further consolidating its position as the dominant force in a market seen as crucial for the new generation of electronic devices.
China Rare Earths will report directly to the Chinese government and comprise about 70% of the country’s rare earth production.
Daan de Jonge, a consultant at CRU Group, told the Telegraph: “This will mean that the pricing power of key rare earths, such as dysprosium and terbium, will be in the hands of one supergroup.”
Dysprosium and terbium are classified as heavy rare earths and used in defence, technology and electric vehicle applications, while lighter rare metals such as neodymium and praseodymium are critical for the magnets used in many electrical devices.
Around 90% of rare earth production already comes from China, with Western governments expressing fears this stranglehold over supplies might be ‘weaponised’ in future though the government in Beijing has denied any such plans.
Early-stage rare earth projects developer and AIM-listed Mkango Resources, which has projects in Africa, ticked up 2% to 29.5p on the news.
ich kann es leider nicht finden wo wir die schon mal hatten...
imperial mining
[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.tradingview.com/x/gk6PcX2C/][Blockierte Grafik: https://www.tradingview.com/x/3I58YAdJ/]
schau einer an.
"Zweitgrößte Reserven der Welt": Russland belebt die Industrie für Seltenerdmetalle wieder
Sie sind wichtige und teure Bestandteile magnetischer, optischer und elektronischer Geräte, die in der Verteidigungs- und Raumfahrtindustrie hergestellt werden: Drohnen, Lenkraketen, lasergesteuerte Satellitenkommunikationsgeräte und vieles mehr. Wie RIA Nowosti anmerkt, "enthält der US-Kampfbomber F-35 beispielsweise 417 Kilogramm Seltenerdmetalle". Und Lutetium, eines der seltensten und teuersten Metalle, wird in Pulsraketenmotoren verwendet.
Aber nicht nur das: Bei der Herstellung von Elektroautos zum Beispiel gibt es einfach keinen Ersatz für Seltene Erden. Für einen Toyota Prius werden etwa vier Kilogramm Metalle benötigt: zweieinhalb Kilogramm Lanthan und eineinhalb Kilogramm Neodym. Die "Vitamine der Industrie" nennt man die Seltenerdmetalle.