A rise of 20% overall, comprising a 22% increase in investment and a 19% growth in jewellery.
The Chinese market continues with a strong demand, consumers investing in bars and coins as an inflation hedge.
tered with a 40% growth in bars and coins plus a 6% rise in jewellery – the first increase since Q3 2005...."
Die Frage bleibt, was die chinesische Regierung mittelfristig vorhat, ob es tatsächlich einen Plan gibt, den Yuan mit dem Hinweis auf die bis dann akkumulierten Goldbestände als eine internationale Reservewährung fit zu machhen. Immer wieder wird die Vermutung geäußert, dass die offiziellen chinesischen Zahlen zu den Goldreserven der chin. Zentralbank grobe Untertreibungen darstellten:
China continues to hoard gold en masse. In June, China imported 104.6 tonnes from Hong Kong. That would bring China's gold imports from Hong Kong to 1,160 tonnes since the beginning of this year. Officially, China reports its total gold holdings at around 1,000 tonnes. Yet speculation is widespread that it could be holding somewhere between 7,000 to 10,000 tonnes, surpassing the United States' 8,113 tonnes. China is apparently preparing to adopt an impending gold standard.
So it is not a surprise that China is building up its gold reserves in preparation for a big bang revolution of the global financial system.
We are now seeing a battle in the gold market, which reflects a broader currency war. The central planners are holding down the gold prices, while China, Russia, India and other central banks and funds are accumulating physical gold in preparation for a big change. This seesaw battle will continue until the great unravelling.…ld-standard-30212197.html