First Majestic Silver Corp./ FR,AG (TSX,NYSE)

  • Zu was First Majestic taugt ist Traden, weil so volatil, zu mehr aber letztlich nicht. Als buy and hold Anlage, taugt die Aktie nicht, ist zumindest mein Fazit nach 10+ Jahren FM.

    Motto: Carpe diem et noctem.

    „Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher.“ (Albert Einstein)

    „Wer grundlegende Freiheiten aufgibt, um vorübergehend ein wenig Sicherheit zu gewinnen, verdient weder Freiheit noch Sicherheit.“ (Benjamin Franklin)

    Rechtlicher Hinweis: Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Währungshüter ()

  • geht mir genauso. Sie sind alle nur Menschen und kochen mit Wasser.

    ja und nein, aber der gas deal von ihm war große klasse, werdet ihr in den nächsten jahren brutal an den aisc bemerken.

    In June 2020, we locked-in a 5 year natural gas contract @ US$1.60/MMBtu to provide clean low-cost power to Santa Elena. Natural gas prices have since risen to ~$6.00/MMBtu!!

    anmerkung, der kommentar von fm war vom 21.10.2021
    aktuell front month(ng1) 7,899$ / mmbtu

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

    Alle Mitteilungen in diesem Forum sind als
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    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Blue Horseshoe ()

  • Q2 Zahlen sind draußen:


    • Total production of 7.7 million silver equivalent ("AgEq") ounces, up 20% compared to Q2 2021. Total production consisted of 2.8 million ounces of silver and 59,391 ounces of gold
    • Quarterly revenues totalled $159.4 million, an increase of 3% compared to Q2 2021. The Company withheld approximately 0.2 million ounces of silver in inventory at the end of the quarter. Had the Company sold the withheld inventory, the Company would have generated approximately $5.2 million in additional revenue
    • Mine operating earnings of $11.6 million, or a decrease of 61% compared to Q2 2021
    • Operating cash flows before movements in working capital and taxes totalled $33.0 million, a decrease of 36% compared to Q2 2021
    • Cash costs were $14.12 per AgEq ounce and All-in sustaining costs ("AISC") (see "Non-GAAP Financial Measures", below) were $19.91 per AgEq ounce
    • Adjusted earnings of ($5.7) million (adjusted EPS of ($0.02)) (see "Non-GAAP Financial Measures", below) after excluding non-cash and non-recuring items
    • As of June 30, 2022, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $117.7 million and restricted cash of $141.6 million totalling $259.3 million. Restricted cash is inclusive of $44.1 million which is expected to be converted to cash and cash equivalents in the third quarter
    • Declared a cash dividend payment of $0.0061 per common share for the second quarter of 2022 for shareholders of record as of the close of business on August 16, 2022, and will be distributed on or about August 31, 2022
    • Subsequent to quarter end, the Company repurchased 100,000 common shares at an average price of C$8.52 per share as part of its share repurchase program

    Für die aktuelle Situation sehe ich das als sehr solide Zahlen an.

    Hier mal der Vergleich AISC Q2/22 = 19,91$ --> Q2/21 = 19,42 $

    --> hier zeigt sich doch schon der Gas-Deal ...

    Auch das nicht alles auf krampf verkauft wird und noch 200k oz Silber im Inventar finde ich gut ...

    Wenn der Silberpreis wieder dreht gehts hier steil bergauf ...

    Bin natürlich wie immer auf Vassagos Zusammenfassung gespannt :)


  • Jo Jeritt Canyon geht gar nicht ...

    Verstehe den Mist mit einem Aktien-Rückkauf auch nicht .. gibts sicherlich besseres das Geld einzusetzen ...

    Wenn Silber nicht dreht kanns hier auch schnell nochmal tiefer gehen ... Also aktuell nix neues bei den Silberlingen außer warten ...

    Hecla hat hier klar die Nase vorn bezügliche Ihrer AISC ... aber alles nicht die Welt im Silberbereich ...

  • Die Diversifizierung der mittleren Silberminen Hecla, First Maj. und Fortuna ins Gold sollte ihnen eigentlich die

    Rettung bringen und zu dauerndem Cash-flow verhelfen !

    Nun ist die Goldsparte bei Hecla und First M. aber zum Klotz am Bein geworden. Wir werden sehen, ob es Fortuna

    besser macht. Lindero ist eine Bank und die höhergradigen Roxgoldminen sollten auch bald ordentl.Gewinne abwerfen.

    Da wäre noch EDR als mittlere Silbermine, die ebenfalls einen hohen Silberpreis benötigt...

    Hecla und First M. brauchen eigentlich stattdessen einen hohen Goldpreis !

    Von den 4 Minen setze ich auf Fortuna, die haben schon gezeigt wie es geht mit Lindero und im 1.Qu.2022 FCF
    generiert und sind mit 2,7 EU nicht zu teuer ! (Am 27.7. und gestern gekauft)

    Gold’s value is not determined by world events, political turmoil, or industrial demand. The only thing that you need to know in order to understand and appreciate gold for what it is, is to know and understand what is happening to the US dollar.
    Kelsey's Gold Facts

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Caldera ()

  • Ich sehe in den Zahlen auch mehr Schatten als Licht... ehrlich gesagt, fehlt mir das Licht komplett... Gas-Deal - ok. Den Kauf der Geldgrab-Goldmine habe ich bis heute nicht verstanden, passt weder ins Portfolio, noch sehe ich da wirtschaftliche Phantasien drin... Von der lächerlichen Dividende ganz zu schweigen, das kostet wahrscheinlich mehr Bürokratie, als beim Anleger ankommt... Ich hielt Neumeyer lange Zeit für einen der genialsten Minenlenker überhaupt, aber seit ner Weile bin ich davon nicht mehr wirklich überzeugt... ‍
    Ich habe hier zwar noch eine kleine Position, aber die werde ich bei passender Gelegenheit tauschen in eine andere Mine, wo ich die Entscheidungen des Manegenents besser verstehe...

  • Es ist schon erstaunlich,da liefert First M. grottenschlechte Zahlen/Quartalsverlust und was macht der Markt draus?

    Er geht zur Tagesordnung über/es interessiert ihn nicht...

    er macht planmäßig das, was nach Elliott dran ist und spult Welle 5 nach oben ab [smilie_happy]
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    was lernen wir daraus ? Zum richtigen Zeitpunkt tritt die Bedeutung der Fundamentals zurück !

    Das wird den Markt nicht daran hindern, die schlechten Fundamentals später (wenns besser paßt) nochmal
    hervor zu kramen (in der Korrekturwelle)

    Gold’s value is not determined by world events, political turmoil, or industrial demand. The only thing that you need to know in order to understand and appreciate gold for what it is, is to know and understand what is happening to the US dollar.
    Kelsey's Gold Facts

  • Ich habe den heutigen Kursanstieg zum Ausstieg genutzt...
    Ich fand den Denkanstoß von @Caldera interessant und habe ein Teil in Fortuna umgeschichtet... mal schauen, ob das ne gute Idee war, Bauchgefühl sagt "langfristig ja"... Fortuna ist schon lange auf der WL und ich dachte, sie bei ca 2,30€ zu bekommen, aber auch bei 2,80€ erscheinen die mir ausgesprochen fair bewertet... :thumbup:

  • Zitat von Taylor Dart


    • First Majestic Silver released its Q2 results this week, reporting quarterly production of ~2.78 million ounces of silver and ~59,400 ounces of gold, or ~7.7 million silver-equivalent ounces.
    • This was driven by strong production increases at Santa Elena due to mining beginning at Ermitano, offset by a softer quarter at Jerritt Canyon.
    • While costs were up sharply which pinched margin in the period, costs should decline meaningfully in H2, and I'd expect them to improve further in 2024 assuming successful reserve replacement...…ure-but-better-days-ahead

  • First Majestic Intersects 19.35 g/t Au over 23.2m in Potential New High-Grade Gold Zone at Jerritt Canyon; Follow-up Drilling Confirms Presence of High-Grade Gold Pod near Active Underground Mining in Smith Mine

    Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 23, 2022) - First Majestic Silver Corp. (NYSE: AG) (TSX: FR) (the "Company" or "First Majestic") is pleased to announce additional positive drill results from its ongoing exploration program at the Jerritt Canyon Gold Mine ("Jerritt Canyon") located in Elko County, Nevada.
    "Today's exploration results continue to validate our thesis that the area between the operating SSX and Smith mines is favourable for new, near-mine gold discoveries," stated Keith Neumeyer, President and CEO of First Majestic. "Hole-1102 intersected what looks like a new high-grade area on the north side of the SSX/Smith connection drift. Nine follow up drill holes are being planned to further define this potential new zone. In addition, follow up drilling at Zone 10 in the Smith mine has confirmed the presence of a high-grade pod of gold mineralization approximately 90 metres southeast from the connection drift. Over the past few months, we advanced the mine development towards this high-grade pod in anticipation of initial ore extraction in early October. Furthermore, ore production from the West Gen mine is also planned to begin in October and expected to increase the amount of fresh ore production at Jerritt to over 3,000 tonnes per day by the end of 2022."
    Highlights from the Company's ongoing exploration program include the following summary of gold intercepts:
    Drilling at Smith Zone 10 (Figure 2):
    ● Follow up drilling to hole SMI-LX-1112 (8.39 grams of gold per tonne (g/t Au) over 29.7m, reported May 2022) delineated a new gold mineral zone located above the water table, approximately 90m southeast of the new connection drift between the SSX and Smith mines. Geologic interpretation and modeling of the drilling results determined that the gold zone is flat-lying, similar to nearby deposits. Results from Smith Zone 10 include:

    • SMI-LX-1067: 6.98 g/t Au over 17.6m
    • SMI-LX-1068: 8.61 g/t Au over 12.8m
    • SMI-LX-1069: 8.61 g/t Au over 24.4m
    • SMI-LX-1071: 14.60 g/t Au over 13.2m

    Drilling from the SSX/Smith Mine connection drift (Figure 3):
    ●SMI-LX-1102: 19.35 g/t Au over 23.2m: the intercept is approximately 75m north and 40m above the connection drift (above the current water table). The geometry of the mineralization appears to be sub-horizontal with the drilling intersecting at a low angle.
    ●SSX-SR-612: 10.27 g/t Au over 14.7m and 9.53 g/t Au over 13.7m: the intercepts are approximately 300m SE and 75m below the connection drift. The drill hole likely intercepted the mineralization at a low angle and may be correlated to results from hole SSX-SR-608 reported in May 2022.
    Drilling at Smith (Figure 4):
    ●SMI-LX-799: 32 g/t Au over 13.7m: identified gold mineralization approximately 150m north and 15m below active mine workings. Geologic interpretation suggests that this intercept is stratigraphically controlled (sub-horizontal) and drilling has intersected it at a low angle.
    Drilling at SSX Zone 5 (Figure 5):

    • Intersected mineralization approximately 100m from active mining and above the water table. The geometry of the mineralization is not yet known, a combination of sub horizontal controls along stratigraphy (for low angle intersects) and vertical controls are under investigation.

    • SSX-SR-486: 6.53 g/t Au over 11.3m

    • SSX-SR-490: 11.22 g/t over 35.3m


    bg bh

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Bin gespannt ob Jeritt Canyon nach diversen Bruchlandungen der Vorbesitzer nun endlich mal einer Firma Mehrwert schafft.
    Bislang war davon leider nichts zu sehen sondern eher Klotz am Bein von FR.

    Tretminen reissen ein Bein ab, Wasserminen versenken Schiffe, Goldminen vernichten viele Anleger. :!:

  • First Majestic Produces a New Record of 8.8 Million AgEq Ounces in the Third Quarter Consisting of 2.7 Million Silver Ounces and 67,072 Gold Ounces…ces-and-67072-gold-ounces

    Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 18, 2022) - First Majestic Silver Corp. (NYSE: AG) (TSX: FR) (FSE: FMV) ("First Majestic" or the "Company") announces that total production in the third quarter of 2022 from the Company's four producing operations, the San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine, the Jerritt Canyon Gold Mine, the Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine and the La Encantada Silver Mine, reached a new Company record of 8.8 million silver equivalent ("AgEq") ounces consisting of 2.7 million ounces of silver and 67,072 ounces of gold. In the first nine months of 2022, the Company has produced 8.1 million ounces of silver and 185,355 ounces of gold for total production of 23.7 million AgEq ounces, or approximately 71% of the Company's 2022 guidance midpoint of producing 32.6 to 34.6 million ounces. The Company's financial results for the third quarter of 2022 are scheduled to be released on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.

    • Total Production Increased by 14% Q/Q: The Company produced a record 8.8 million AgEq ounces representing a 14% increase when compared to the previous quarter primarily due to higher gold production at San Dimas and Santa Elena.
    • Another Production Record at Santa Elena - up 22% Q/Q: Strong metal production from the Ermitaño mine enabled Santa Elena to set another all-time new quarterly production record of 2.7 million AgEq ounces in the third quarter, representing a 22% increase compared to the prior quarter.
    • Increasing Mine Production at Jerritt Canyon: Underground development activities continued during the quarter at the West Generator and Saval II mines in order to prepare for higher ore deliveries starting in November. These two new sources of ore feed, along with improved ore grades from the Smith Zone 10 area, are anticipated to increase gold grades and increase the amount of fresh ore feed to the plant by approximately 50% in the fourth quarter.
    • Ermitaño Operating on 100% Liquefied Natural Gas ("LNG"): The Company successfully completed the transmission powerline connection from Ermitaño to Santa Elena's LNG powerplant in September enabling the mine to operate on 100% LNG power for the first time. In addition, the Company has begun pre-commissioning activities for expanding the LNG powerplant to 24 MW which will provide additional power for the dual-circuit processing plant at Santa Elena. The expanded powerplant is expected to be fully operational in the fourth quarter following the installation of four 2.5 MW LNG generators.
    • 23 Drill Rigs Active: The Company completed a total of 80,370 metres of drilling across the Company's mines during the quarter. Throughout the quarter a total of 23 drill rigs were active consisting of seven rigs at San Dimas, nine rigs at Jerritt Canyon, five rigs at Santa Elena and two rigs at La Encantada. In August, the Company released exploration results (link to news release) from Jerritt Canyon's recently discovered Smith Zone 10, a high-grade mineralized area near active underground infrastructure, which is scheduled to begin mining in the fourth quarter.

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • First Majestic Reports Continued Exploration Success Intersecting 19.97 g/t Au over 20.9m Near Active Underground Mining at Jerritt Canyon

    Highlights from the Company's ongoing exploration program include the following summaries of new drill hole gold intercepts located near the Smith to SSX Mine connection drift (Figure 2):

    • Follow up drilling to the previously reported drill hole, SMI-LX-1102 at the Smith Mine (19.35 g/t over 23.2m), returned multiple high-grade gold intersections in two drill holes (Figure 3). Drill holes SMI-D10-EXP22-1076 and SMI-D10-EXP22-1078 appear to extend the potential of the previously intersected gold mineral zone to approximately 200m along a shallow dipping stratigraphic contact, the holes are interpreted to cut the mineralization at a low angle for an unknown true thickness at this time. The new gold intersections are located approximately 80m to 200m northwest of the connection drift and above the water table.

      • SMI-D10-EXP22-1076:

        • 19.97 g/t Au over 20.9m, including
        • 5.12 g/t Au over 7.6m;
        • 4.25 g/t Au over 13.3m
      • SMI-D10-EXP22-1078:

        • 7.14g/t Au over 8.2m and
        • 3.75g/t Au over 7.6m

    • Drill hole SSX-D01-EXP22-0615 was completed at the SSX mine below and to the southwest of gold intersections from two drill holes previously reported in May and August 2022 (SSX-SR-608 and SSX-SR-612). The new hole cut four gold intersections located approximately 170m to 300m from existing mine development and from the connection drift, respectively. The geometry of the gold mineralization appears to be sub-horizontal controlled by more than one stratigraphic horizon, and the drilling generally intersected the gold zones at a low angle (Figure 4).

      • SSX-D01-EXP22-0615:

        • 6.95 g/t Au over 17.7m;
        • 5.74 g/t Au over 15.2m;
        • 4.58 g/t Au over 10.1m; and
        • 4.64 g/t Au over 7.7


    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

    Alle Mitteilungen in diesem Forum sind als
    reine private Meinungsäußerung zu sehen und keinesfalls als
    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • 19.97 g/t Au over 20.9m

    Diese Kurzangaben klingen gut, bei genauem Hinsehen stiften sie aber eher Verwirrung als Aufklärung. Bei den Kurzangaben ist entweder das "including" fälschlich stehengeblieben, oder die folgenden Werte einfach abhanden gekommen :hae:

    Klärung bringt daher die Bohrlochtabelle aus der Presse-Meldung (gibt es auch auf Deutsch:…s-bei-Jerritt-Canyon.html).

    ...und siehe da, aus


    • 19.97 g/t Au over 20.9m, including
    • 5.12 g/t Au over 7.6m;
    • 4.25 g/t Au over 13.3m

    wird dann ganz offensichtlich:

    DrillholeFrom (m)To (m)Length (m)Au (g/t)

    Also auch noch schnell den Rest der Tabelle hier:

    DrillholeFrom (m)To (m)Length (m)Au (g/t)

    Trotzdem, das sind schicke Löcher :thumbup:

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